Cloning - Ms Perry Chemistry Uploads

Clones are organisms that have the
same genetic makeup
Each organism’s DNA is nearly identical
Single-celled organisms that use the
process of asexual reproduction create
Ex: some bacteria
Animals can clone when a fertilized egg
splits to create to create 2 or more
embryos that carry almost the exact
Ex: Identical twins
Artificial embryo twinning
Somatic cell nuclear transfer
Artificial embryo twinning is similar to natural
It is the same process but done manually
Egg cells can be flushed out of the genetic
mother and fertilized in a lab or..
Eggs can be fertilized and then flushed out
For example, if there is a cow with
desirable traits, she can be treated with
hormones to make her ovulate more
 The eggs are flushed out and then
artificially split
 Each split embryo is placed into a
different surrogate mother to create
identical clones
It is a laboratory technique for creating
an ovum with a donor nucleus
It can be used in stem cell research
It can be used in regenerative medicine
where it is called "therapeutic cloning"
The process requires 2 types of cells: a
somatic cell and an egg cell
Somatic cell- any cell of a living organism
other than the reproductive cells
Egg cell- female reproductive cell(gamete)
The nucleus is removed from an egg cell
2. The somatic cell from the desired donor
is then inserted in the egg cell
3. The two cells are then fused together
with electricity
4. The new egg cell then has the same
DNA as its donor
5. New egg can be stimulated to make it
After about a week, the new egg will
develop into a blastocyst
Blastocyst- an embryo in the development
stage prior to being implanted into host
The embryo can then be placed into a
surrogate mother
Mother will carry the animal for a full
pregnancy term and give birth as normal
New animal will be an exact replica of the
original donor
1885 was the first year cloning became
an idea to study
 Dreisch was the first to study
 He demonstrated artificial embryo
twinning with sea urchins, which could
regrow when pulled apart
First mammal ever cloned was Dolly the
 She was create by 2 men named Ian
Wilmut and Keith Campbell
 They used SCMT process
 The purpose of her cloning was to
research for medical purposes to
advance with stem cell research and
human cloning
Dolly was almost an exact replica of her
 Dolly mitochondria came from surrogate
 Dolly and her mother has the same DNA
and genetic makeup
 The success in creating the clone Dolly,
has opened up many doors for future
cloning studies
 Dolly lived for 6 years
• Actual
picture of
Dolly the
When creating Dolly,
• They tried 277 cell fusions
• They had 29 cell embryos develop and
implanted into 13 surrogate mothers
• Dolly was the only success
Cloning is creating an organism with the
same genetic makeup as a donor. There
are a few different ways cloning exists. The
study of cloning can help to create desired
animals or cells.