The Physics of Baseball - University of Illinois at Urbana


Hitting Home Runs:

How a Physicist Thinks About Baseball

Alan M. Nathan

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

My day job…

 experimental nuclear/particle physics

 high-speed collisions between subatomic particles

 Nights and weekends...

 physics of baseball

 high-speed collision between baseball and bat

Jefferson Laboratory Science Series March 28, 2002 Page 1

Hitting the Baseball

“...the most difficult thing in sports”

--Ted Williams

BA: .344

SA: .634

HR: 521

OBP: .483

#521, last at-bat

September 28, 1960

Jefferson Laboratory Science Series March 28, 2002 Page 2

Here’s Why…..

90 mph fastball takes about 0.40 sec to reach batter

 ~ 0.20 sec needed to “observe, process, decide”

 ~ 0.15 sec needed for swing

 half of “break” occurs in last 0.10 sec if batter mis-estimates speed by

1.5 mph (0.007 sec)

 swing will be early/late by 1’

 elevation of ball misjudged by

 1”

 backspin/topspin makes ball fall less/more

 Warren Spahn (greatest lefthander?) said:

 “Hitting is timing. Pitching is upsetting timing.”

 30% success rate gets you in Hall of Fame!

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When Ash Meets Cowhide

 A violent collision!

 forces large (>8000 lbs!)

 time is short (<1/1000 sec!)

 ball compresses, stops, expands

 kinetic energy

 potential energy

 lots of energy dissipated

 distortion of ball and bat

 hands don’t matter!

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To Hit a Home Run….

 Large hit ball speed

 v hit

105 mph


400 ft

 each additional mph gives 4-5 ft

 Proper takeoff angle

 about 35 0

 Lots of backspin

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Speed of Hit Ball:

What does it depend on?

The basic stuff (“kinematics”)

 speed of pitched ball

 speed of bat

 weight and weight distribution of bat

The really interesting stuff (“dynamics”)

 “bounciness” of ball

 impact location on bat (“sweet spot”)

Jefferson Laboratory Science Series March 28, 2002 Page 6

Pitched Ball and Bat Speeds

 My only formula v hit

= 0.2 v


+ 1.2 v

bat example: 90 + 70 gives 102 mph (~400”)

 Bat speed matters much more!

 Each mph of bat speed worth 5 ft

 Each mph of pitch speed worth 1 ft

 Collision is very inefficient

 perfect efficiency: 0.2/1.2


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Weight and Weight Distribution of Bat

v hit

= 0.2 v ball

+ 1.2 v bat

CM recoil rotation

• For given bat speed, heavier bat is better



• But….

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The C oefficient O f R estitution:

Energy Dissipation in Ball

COR measures “bounciness” of ball

 Final speed/Initial speed

(from massive rigid surface)

 For baseball, COR


 h f

/h i

= 3/4

 3/4 energy lost!

Is the ball “juiced ”?

 10% change

 30’

Jefferson Laboratory Science Series March 28, 2002 Page 9

The Sweet Spot of the Bat

Bat Vibrations

 Collision excites bending vibrations in bat

 Ouch!! Thud!!

 Sometimes broken bat

 Energy lost

 lower COR

Jefferson Laboratory Science Series March 28, 2002 Page 10

Effect of Vibrations on Hit Ball Speed

nodes Center of mass

“sweet spot” zone

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Wood versus Aluminum

 thin shell & added mass

 mass, mass distribution, length independent

 lighter and CG closer to hands

 …easier to swing

 fatter barrel, thinner handle

 more forgiving on mis-hits

 “trampoline” effect

 golf drivers

 tennis rackets

 corked bats?

 Net result: higher batted ball speed

Jefferson Laboratory Science Series March 28, 2002 Page 12

Aerodynamics of Ball in Flight

Forces on Moving Baseball

Without Spin:

 Ball pushes air out of way

 Low-pressure wake


 Grows with square of velocity

With Spin:

 Ball deflects wake

 action/reaction

 “Magnus force”

 Force grows with rpm

 Force in direction front of ball is turning

Jefferson Laboratory Science Series March 28, 2002 Page 13

The Flight of the Ball

Real Baseball vs. Physics 101 Baseball

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Spin on the Hit Ball

Friction between ball and bat

 spin on ball

Bat undercuts ball

• ball goes up

• backspin

Jefferson Laboratory Science Series March 28, 2002 Page 15

Spin on the Hit Ball

Friction between ball and bat

 spin on ball

Bat overcuts ball

• ball goes down

• topspin

Jefferson Laboratory Science Series March 28, 2002 Page 16

Spin on the Hit Ball

Friction between ball and bat

 spin on ball

Swing early/late

• ball goes left/right

• sidespin

Jefferson Laboratory Science Series March 28, 2002 Page 17

Spin and the Magnus


 Balls hit to left/right break toward foul line

 Topspin gives tricky bounces in infield

 Pop fouls behind the plate curve back toward field

 Backspin keeps fly ball in air longer

Jefferson Laboratory Science Series March 28, 2002 Page 18

Spin and the Magnus


Backspin (RPM) optimum angle distance



36 0

35 0

355 ft

361 ft





34 0

32 0

31 0

29 0

368 ft

375 ft

382 ft

389 ft

Jefferson Laboratory Science Series March 28, 2002 Page 19

The Home Run Swing

• Ball arrives on 8.5

o downward trajectory

• Big Mac swings up at 8.5


• Undercuts ball by ~1”

• Ball takes off at 35 o with lots of backspin

The optimum home run swing!

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 Lots of physics in baseball

 Knowledge of physics helps understanding of game

And it’s fun too….

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