Slides - Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate Meeting
February 20, 2014
Call to Order and Roll Call
- Melanie Mormile, Secretary
Approval of January 23, 2014 meeting minutes
III. Campus Reports and Responses
IV. Betsy Rodriguez (Vice President Human
Resources, UM System)
Reports of Standing and Special Committees
VI. Old Business
VII. New Business and Announcements
VIII. Adjourn
Call to Order and Roll Call
- Melanie Mormile, Secretary
Approval of January 24, 2014 meeting minutes
Campus Reports and Responses
Betsy Rodriquez (Vice President Human
Resources, UM System)
Reports of Standing and Special Committees
VI. Old Business
VII. New Business and Announcements
VIII. Adjourn
Call to Order and Roll Call
- Melanie Mormile, Secretary
Approval of January 24, 2014 meeting minutes
III. Campus Reports and Responses
IV. Betsy Rodriguez (Vice President Human
Resources, UM System)
Reports of Standing and Special Committees
VI. Old Business
VII. New Business and Announcements
VIII. Adjourn
Campus Reports and Responses
A. President’s Report
B. Administrative Reports
C. Staff Council Report
D. Student Council
E. Council of Graduate Students
M. Fitch
C. Schrader
K. Wray
N. Weaver
A. Koesterer
K. Limmer
Faculty Senate Report
February 20, 2014
President’s Report
February 20, 2014
Faculty Senate Report
February 20, 2014
Intercampus Faculty Council:
• IFC Task Force on workload policy draft report to Faculty
Senate soon
• 7-yr grade book retention moving to implementation, FS rep
requested by Provost
• FAS to remain ‘live’ until at least end of July
• Enrollment growth. Feb 15 data: up 12% vs 2/15/2013
• Deans: Administrative Planning Committee FS representation
• See Provost’s web site!
• Academic Planning Subcommittee, Mark Fitch
• Non-Academic Planning Subcommittee, Tom Schuman
• Open forum 5 March
• Deans: Tenure (Policy) Committee asked to consider P&T
process with Deans
Campus Reports and Responses
A. President’s Report
B. Administrative Reports
C. Staff Council Report
D. Student Council
E. Council of Graduate Students
M. Fitch
C. Schrader
K. Wray
N. Weaver
A. Koesterer
K. Limmer
Campus Reports and Responses
A. President’s Report
B. Administrative Reports
C. Staff Council Report
D. Student Council
E. Council of Graduate Students
M. Fitch
C. Schrader
K. Wray
N. Weaver
A. Koesterer
K. Limmer
Office of Undergraduate Studies
Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol
• Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol – March 4th, 16
students and 14 projects that will be showcased from campus
• 2014-2015 OURE applications due April 1
• 2014-2015 OURE Fellows application & proposal due March 14
Undergraduate Research Conference
• Undergraduate Research Conference is April 16 – Registration
Deadline is April 1
Office of Sponsored Programs
• Summary of FY14 activities through the end of December
– Proposals awarded in total dollars: $16.8M (down 57.7%)
– Number of proposals awarded and amendments: 158 (up
– Proposals submitted in total dollars: $62.6M (down 19.9%)
– Number of proposals submitted: 265 (up 6.4%)
– Total expenditures: $22.9M (up 14.7%)
– Net grant and contract expenditures: $19.3M (up 16.4%)
– F&A recovered: $4.0M (up 21.5%)
– Number of active awards: 613 (up 9.1%)
Congratulations to …
Yiyu Shi, “CAREER: Opportunistic
Through-Silicon-Via Utilization: Device,
Circuit, System and Design Automation
Perspectives,” National Science
Foundation, $400,000.
Curtis Laws Wilson Library
Progress in Learning Commons
• Some reference
materials re-located
and stacks cleared
• Open space created
for sample furniture
Curtis Laws Wilson Library
Technology Upgrades
• iPads for circulation (anticipated arrival in
• 10 Old Laptops for circulation replaced
• Conference rooms: 202 and 203 being
outfitted with projectors and displays
(anticipated completion in February)
Curtis Laws Wilson Library
collection additions
• Springer engineering e-books (2005 –
2013) added to the collection
• Historical newspapers
– Chicago Defender
– Chicago Tribune
– Guardian & Observer
– New York Times Index
Enrollment Management
• FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition
of Science and Technology) Robotics
Regional Championship competition at
Student Rec Center on March 1.
• Switch to 4-digit course numbers
scheduled for mid-August. Crosswalk
available on the web.
Office of Graduate Studies
• Graduate Learning Outcomes Rubric Retreat held on
January 17th
– Grad Studies staff met with academic graduate staff to
review current Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO)
rubrics and submission processes in order to streamline
and improve the current system.
• Completed the review of 3 new graduate certificates on “Big
• Course Renumbering efforts in coordination with the
Graduate Faculty President, Registrar’s Office, and Curricula
Committee Rep are well under way.
• The first official meeting with the students selected for the
Graduate Professional Development program held on
February 3rd.
• New Graduate Student Orientation held on February 5th
Global Learning
Off-campus distance enrollment continues to grow with 2nd
week numbers increasing from 879 to 943 including FLW
and MSU programs.
Two courses are currently being delivered from the
Engineering Education Center (EEC) in St. Louis using
adjunct faculty selected and approved by their respective
The 21 courses taught from the EEC serve 368 students in
the following areas:
– Missouri State University
– Distance throughout US
– Rolla campus
Global Learning
• Video Communication Center course production has
increased 6% to an all time high with 115 courses being
produced for Fall Semester 2014.
• FS 2014 is the first time that a standard classroom ( Harris
Hall Room 107 ) has been used to receive courses taught
by an adjunct faculty member from the Engineering
Education Center in St. Louis. This process frees up a
video classroom to be used for distance class production.
Campus Reports and Responses
A. President’s Report
B. Administrative Reports
C. Staff Council Report
D. Student Council
E. Council of Graduate Students
M. Fitch
C. Schrader
K. Wray
N. Weaver
A. Koesterer
K. Limmer
Campus Reports and Responses
A. President’s Report
B. Administrative Reports
C. Staff Council Report
D. Student Council
E. Council of Graduate Students
M. Fitch
C. Schrader
K. Wray
N. Weaver
A. Koesterer
K. Limmer
Student Council
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Student Council
WHEREAS, gender non-conforming students often face a hostile and unwelcoming campus climate;
WHEREAS, transgender and gender non-conforming students are often unsure as to whether or not
their identities are affirmed by Missouri University of Science and Technology institutionally; and
WHEREAS, Missouri University of Science and Technology is a welcoming community dedicated
to ensuring the safety and well-being of all students; and
WHEREAS, the Missouri University of Science and Technology non-discrimination policy
currently includes sexual orientation; and
WHEREAS, the language in the non-discrimination policy does not explicitly prohibit
discrimination based on gender identity or gender expression; and
WHEREAS, gender identity is defined as the gender with which an individual person identifies,
which may or may not be at odds with their sex-assigned-at-birth; and
WHEREAS, gender expression is defined as the outward presentation of one’s gender which may be
perceived by others to be at odds with an individual’s sex-assigned-at-birth; and
WHEREAS, 623 United States colleges have non-discrimination policies covering “gender identity
and expression” including Rockhurst University; and
WHEREAS, Missouri University of Science and Technology has shown its commitment to the
inclusion of the LGBT community by its creation and funding of an LGBTQIA Programs and
Services Coordinator and as well as LGBTQIA Resources; and
WHEREAS, including the phrase “gender identity and expression” in the non-discrimination policy
clarifies Missouri University of Science and Technology’s resolve to support all of its students; and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that all Student Organization Constitutions must include
Gender Identity and Gender Expression in their non-discrimination clause; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we, the Student Council of Missouri University of Science
and Technology, urge Chancellor Schrader as well as the Board of Curators to approve and update
the University and University System’s non-discrimination policy to include the language “gender
identity and expression”
Student Council
• Student Body Presidential Elections
– Open on Monday, February 24th at 8:00 AM
– Close on Friday, February 28th at 4:00 PM
– The new President will be announced once the
elections are closed
– It is through OrgSync this year
– Please spread the word to all students
Campus Reports and Responses
A. President’s Report
B. Administrative Reports
C. Staff Council Report
D. Student Council
E. Council of Graduate Students
M. Fitch
C. Schrader
K. Wray
N. Weaver
A. Koesterer
K. Limmer
• Wednesday Feb 26,
• St Pat’s Ballroom C
• Free event (limited to
100 attendees)
• Designed to engage the
S&T and Rolla
• Combination of 12 and
6 minute talks
– Students, staff, faculty,
and community
• Research, technology,
development, personal
and social topics
More information about the event at:
Call to Order and Roll Call
- Melanie Mormile, Secretary
Approval of January 23, 2014 meeting minutes
III. Campus Reports and Responses
IV. Betsy Rodriguez (Vice President Human
Resources, UM System)
Reports of Standing and Special Committees
VI. Old Business
VII. New Business and Announcements
VIII. Adjourn
Call to Order and Roll Call
- Melanie Mormile, Secretary
Approval of January 23, 2014 meeting minutes
III. Campus Reports and Responses
IV. Betsy Rodriguez (Vice President Human
Resources, UM System)
Reports of Standing and Special Committees
VI. Old Business
VII. New Business and Announcements
VIII. Adjourn
Reports of Standing and Special Committees
A. Rules, Procedures and Agenda
S. N. Balakrishnan
B. Curricula
D. Tauritz
T. Vojta
D. Personnel Committee – No report L. Acar
Faculty Senate Report
February 20, 2014
RP&A Report
February 20, 2014
Faculty Senate Report
Referral 1
RP&A refers to the Tenure committee consideration of
issues of propriety in the P&T process.
a) Should there be information provided to P&T
committees at all levels on best practices,
guidelines, or even training, and if so what
materials should be provided/used?
b) Should there be penalties and a process for faculty
who flagrantly violate confidentiality or otherwise
inappropriately attempt to affect the process?
Faculty Senate Report
Referral 2
Experiential learning (info shared by VPUS) to AF&S
asking their opinion about standards
Motion that the Academic Freedoms and Standards
(AF&S) Committee consider the CCC document that
describes the implementation-related issues on
experiential learning was passed.
Referral 3
Experiential learning (info shared by VPUS) to
AF&S asking their opinion about standards
Motion that the Academic Freedoms and
Standards (AF&S) Committee consider CCC
document that describes the implementationrelated issues on experiential learning was
Description of B.A., and B.S. standards
CCC will develop a draft set of standards
for the B.S. degrees and present to RP&A
for subsequent referral to the AF&S for
The RP&A committee formed an adhoc bylaws
committee consisting of Martin Bohner, Mark
Fitch, and Daniel Tauritz to review any
necessary changes to the bylaws regarding
bringing back deans and that all standing
committees are to report back to the ad hoc
committee on any implications of bringing back
the deans that they see in the purview of their
Reports of Standing and Special Committees
A. Rules, Procedures and Agenda
S. N. Balakrishnan
B. Curricula
D. Tauritz
T. Vojta
D. Personnel Committee – No report L. Acar
Campus Curricula Committee
Report February 20, 2014
» 26 Course Change (CC) forms
» 1 Experimental Course (EC) form (informational only)
The Campus Curricula Committee moves for the
approval of this report’s CC forms.
Reports of Standing and Special Committees
A. Rules, Procedures and Agenda
S. N. Balakrishnan
B. Curricula
D. Tauritz
T. Vojta
D. Personnel Committee – No report L. Acar
ITCC Report to Faculty Senate, February 2014
• Personal Backups:
CrashPlan personal data backup solution (
Data on your desktop or laptop backed up to the cloud, unlimited storage
25 user proof of concept starting, no cost to user during POC
Update on data center consolidation:
Data centers within UM System will be consolidated into 2 large shared centers
Columbia Telecom data center will be one of these
Second campus will be selected soon (within this semester)
There should be minimal impacts on faculty and students
New Campus license for Adobe:
Acrobat Professional available to users at no cost
Creative Cloud (Dreamweaver, Illustrator, Photoshop, …) for $100 per year and user
Research Technology day (Sep 2014):
New and improved format focusing on (i) High-performance computing, (ii)
Visualization, (iii) Additive manufacturing (3D printing and more)
ITCC Report to Faculty Senate, February 2014
Increased storage space (file system):
user volumes / home directories 25GB, max 50GB
departmental volumes 200GB, max 1TB
research volumes 500GB, max 1TB
Google drive 30 GB per user (+unlimited Google docs)
Further IT updates:
Research support team now has 4 full-time staff
Library will get redundant 10G connection + 11 new AC wireless access points
Phase 2 of wireless update under way (increase coverage in classrooms)
Learning Management Systems / Blackboard:
Committee lead by Jeff Schramm is evaluating Blackboard + competing products
Decision possibly by end of semester. Get involved!!
Faculty Accomplishment System:
Product has been chosen: Faculty 180 by company Data 180
Wayne Huebner is campus champion for implementation. Get involved!!
Reports of Standing and Special Committees
A. Rules, Procedures and Agenda
S. N. Balakrishnan
B. Curricula
D. Tauritz
T. Vojta
D. Personnel Committee – No report L. Acar
Call to Order and Roll Call
- Melanie Mormile, Secretary
Approval of January 23, 2014 meeting minutes
III. Campus Reports and Responses
IV. Betsy Rodriguez (Vice President Human
Resources, UM System)
Reports of Standing and Special Committees
VI. Old Business
VII. New Business and Announcements
VIII. Adjourn
Old Business
A. Report on Current Referrals and Actionable Items
B. Common Exams Motion
Old Business
A. Report on Current Referrals and Actionable Items
B. Common Exams Motion
Old Business
Postponed motion from Student Affairs
“1. The period from 5:00 – 6:00 PM daily be
reserved for common exams.
2. If a class or other required academic
activity is scheduled during common exam
time, the instructor of the class that conflicts
with the common exam will provide
accommodations for the students taking the
common exam.”
1. The period from 5:00 – 6:00 PM daily be reserved for common exams.
2. If a class or other required academic activity is scheduled during
common exam time, the instructor of the class that conflicts with the
common exam will provide accommodations for the students taking the
common exam.
Common exams = listed in
schedule of classes
Classes may be scheduled 5-6
Accommodation not specified
LH Amendment:
The Rules, Procedures, and Agenda
committee shall monitor the enactment of this
motion and report to the Senate, in June and
November of 2014, the number of common
exams that are given during the proposed
common exam period. The Committee is also
to monitor and identify to the Senate those
classes that continue to give common exams at
times that conflict with other classes and the
manner, if any, in which students who face
such conflicts are accommodated.
Call to Order and Roll Call
- Melanie Mormile, Secretary
Approval of January 23, 2014 meeting minutes
III. Campus Reports and Responses
IV. Betsy Rodriguez (Vice President Human
Resources, UM System)
Reports of Standing and Special Committees
VI. Old Business
VII. New Business and Announcements
VIII. Adjourn
Call to Order and Roll Call
- Melanie Mormile, Secretary
Approval of January 23, 2014 meeting minutes
III. Campus Reports and Responses
IV. Betsy Rodriguez (Vice President Human
Resources, UM System)
Reports of Standing and Special Committees
VI. Old Business
VII. New Business and Announcements
VIII. Adjourn