
American Pageant Chapter 12
On to Canada, Over Land and Lakes
1. What problems did America face as it entered the War of 1812?
2. Discuss the fighting in Canada.
Washington Burned and New Orleans Defended
3. What happened to Washington in the War of 1812?
4. What important song was written during this war?
5. What was important about the Battle of New Orleans?
The Treaty of Ghent
6. What was agreed on in the Treaty of Ghent?
Federalist Grievances and the Hartford Convention
7. How did New England benefit from the war?
8. Who were Blue Light Federalists?
9. What did the delegates at the Hartford Convention demand?
10. What happened when the delegates arrived in Washington with their demands?
The Second War for American Independence
11. What were some of the results of the War of 1812?
12. Why could the War of 1812 be called the Second War for American Independence?
13. What was the Rush-Bagot Treaty?
Nascent Nationalism
14. What is nationalism?
15. Cite three pieces of literary or artistic evidence that Americans were developing a national
The American System
16. What had prompted the Tariff of 1816?
17. Describe the three parts of the American System.
18. What is the goal of this system?
19. Which region wanted better transportation?
20. Which region opposed the federally funded roads and canals? Why?
The So-Called Era of Good Feelings
21. What party did Monroe belong to?
22. How was the election of 1816 significant for the Federalists?
Era of Good Feelings
23. What was the real significance of Monroe’s Goodwill Tour of New England?
24. How is the Era of Good Feelings misnamed?
Panic of 1819
25. What were the results or “backwash” of the Panic?
26. What factors contributed to the Panic of 1819?
27. What institution deserved most of the blame for the Panic?
Growing Pains of the West
28. Which nine states joined the Union from 1791 to 1819? (Use appendix A61)
29. What factors encouraged western expansion?
30. Why would the Cumberland Road by important to westward expansion?
31. Describe the Land Act of 1820.
Slavery and the Sectional Balance
32. Why was the Tallmadge Amendment so threatening to the South?
The Uneasy Missouri Compromise
33. What were the “bundle of three” agreements?
34. How did both North and South benefit from the Compromise?
35. Was the 36 30’ line considered harmful or restricting to the South at the time?
36. Why did a majority of southern congressmen vote against it anyway?
37. Should the compromise be considered an example of sectionalism or nationalism?
John Marshall and Judicial Nationalism
38. Explain how each of the decisions of the Marshall Court strengthened the power of the
national government over the power of the states:
a. McCullough v. Maryland
b. Gibbons v Ogden
c. Fletcher v Peck
d. Dartmouth v. Woodward
39. How would you summarize Marshall’s legacy?
Sharing Oregon and Acquiring Florida
40. Who was the Secretary of State under Monroe?
41. Describe the Treaty of 1818 w/ Britain.
42. Did Jackson follow his instructions from Washington
43. Describe the Florida Purchase Treaty more commonly known as Adams-Onis Treaty.
The Menace of Monarchy in America
44. What did Americans fear would happen if the European powers intervened in the New World?
Monroe and his Doctrine
45. Why did America need the British Navy?
46. What were the Monroe doctrine’s two basic features?
Monroe’s Doctrine Appraised
47. Describe the Russo-American Treaty of 1824.