Questions of Anthropologists, Psychologists and Sociologists Worksheet Q. # Question/Statement Answer (A, P, or S) 1. What causes a mother to suffer post-partum depression? P 2. Is the discipline of children the same across cultures? A - cultural 3. How does evolutionary history explain the nature of humans in current society? A - physical 4. A child living in poverty suffers memory and learning problems. P and/or S 5. Is the rehabilitation of criminals a successful way for the justice system to improve the S and/or P chances that those criminals will not re-offend in the future? 6. The family is the primary agent of socializing children. S 7. What rituals are important to a society? A - cultural 8. The long term use of drugs such as methamphetamines drastically alters an individual’s brain chemistry. P 9. Many young people are willing to conform to the actions of their peer groups so that they do not feel left out. S 10. Youth homelessness is on the rise. S 11. How are humans different from apes? A - physical 12. Do men and women think differently? If so, why? P 13. There is evidence to support that Serial Killers have a genetic abnormality in their brain. P 14. Autism disorders typically affect young boys more than girls. P and/or S 15. How is the family changing? S 16. The media negatively impacts the body image of young men and women. S Create 4 statements/questions of your own that would fall under the scope of Anthropology, Psychology, or Sociology. Be prepared to share them with the class to see if they will know the answers. Use your textbook as an aid.