CONTENTS Welcome 2 Admission Requirements to the Nurse Aide Training Program 4 Attendance Policy 14 Grading and Evaluation Policy 16 Grievance Policy 20 Grievance Form 21 Honor Philosophy 12 Instructions for Obtaining Background Check Reports (CHRI) 26 Mission Statement 3 Non-Discrimination Policy 25 Nurse Aide Resident Abuse Prevention Training Act 14 (P.L. 169) 28 Nurse Aide Program Policies & Regulations 7 Policy Writing & Program Evaluation 23 Probation & Termination Policy 18 Program Objectives 3 Signature Form 29 Standards of Conduct and Behavior Policy 13 Tuition Payment, Cancellation, Refund Policy 6 1 SCHUYLKILL TECHNOLOGY CENTERS NURSE AIDE TRAINING PROGRAM WELCOME Welcome to the Schuylkill Technology Centers (STC) Nurse Aide Training Program. The program is approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Upon successful completion of the Nurse Aide Training program, you will receive a Certificate of Completion, an itemized Competency Task List, and will be eligible to take the Pennsylvania Nurse Aide Competency Examination. We recognize the ever-changing nature of the healthcare profession and strive to develop a thirst for lifelong learning in our students. It is to this end that we feel you will experience the greatest satisfaction as you pursue your career goal. This handbook has been prepared as a guide to the program, policies, rules and regulations. It is strongly recommended that you retain this handbook for ready reference during your enrollment. The Administration and Faculty are eager to assist you in any way to make your educational experience at STC meaningful and productive. Developed 6/95 kfr Reviewed 2/97, 3/02 2 Revised 4/98, 1/06jmk Adult NA Revisions 10/2010, 3/12 SCHUYLKILL TECHNOLOGY CENTERS NURSE AIDE TRAINING PROGRAM MISSION STATEMENT & PROGRAM OBJECTIVES MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of the Schuylkill Technology Center is to enable the student to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to become a lifelong learner and a productive citizen by developing an educational pathway for excellence driven by a partnership with education, business, industry, government, and the community. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: It is the goal of the STC Nurse Aide Program to prepare individuals to be able to: Demonstrate sensitivity to the client’s emotional and social needs through skillful, directed interactions. Exhibit behaviors that are abuse free in the clinical setting. Assist clients in attaining and maintaining functional independence. Exhibit personal behavior that supports and promotes individual rights. Demonstrate observational and documentation skills needed in the assessment of client’s health, physical condition, and well-being. Successfully pass the written and clinical competency exam. Become productive, employable members of society. Developed 6/95 kfr 3 Reviewed 5/96, 3/03, 1/06 jmk Revised 2/97, 3/12 SCHUYLKILL TECHNOLOGY CENTERS NURSE AIDE TRAINING PROGRAM ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS TO THE NURSE AIDE TRAINING PROGRAM 1. Individuals seeking to enroll in the Nurse Aide Training Program will call the STC at 874-1034 ext. 4885, or send a written request for an application to: Schuylkill Technology Centers Postsecondary Programs Specialist 101 Technology Drive Frackville, PA 17931 2. Schuylkill Technology Center requires adult students applying for enrollment in daytime programs to submit the following three background checks: Pennsylvania State Police Criminal History Record (PA CHRI) Department of Public Welfare Child Abuse Clearance Federal Criminal History Record Information (FBI CHRI) in a manner prescribed by the Department of Education. The CHRI reports cannot be more than one (1) year old at the time of the start of training. Schuylkill Technology Center will not enroll any applicant whose CHRI report(s) include a Prohibitive Offense contained in Act 14 of 1997. Refer to page 27, “Nurse Aide Resident Abuse Prevention Training Act 14 (P.L. 169)”, for a list of the prohibited offenses. Refer to page 26 for instructions for obtaining background check reports (CHRI). 3. Applicants must complete a Verification of PA Residency form and provide two forms of official, signature-bearing identification (one of which must be a current photo identification document). If the applicant has not lived in Pennsylvania for at least the past two years, the applicant must follow the FBI CHRI process for this situation listed on pages 26-27 of this handbook. 4. Applicants are required to submit documentation of a physical exam (on the physical form provided by the Nurse Aide Training Program) that is dated within a year of the start of training. The physical exam form must be completely filled out and signed by a licensed physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner of the applicant’s choice. The physical must include documentation that the applicant is: Free of communicable diseases Has full use of their hands Has the ability to stand for extensive periods of time Has the ability to perform bending, pushing, pulling, and lifting a minimum of 40 pounds without restrictions 4 5. Applicants are required to submit documentation of a negative Two-Step Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) that is dated within a year of the start of training. If a TST is documented as positive, a negative chest x-ray, less than 5 years old, must be submitted. 6. Applicants are required to submit to a pre-entrance urine drug screening. The cost of this screening is the student’s responsibility and if it is determined that further testing is required the student is responsible for any additional costs. Admittance to the Nurse Aide Training Program is contingent upon a negative drug screening. 7. Applicants must submit their applications, along with the non-refundable application fee, to the Postsecondary Programs Specialist. Tuition is due, in full, to the Postsecondary Programs Specialist prior to the start of class. Personal check, cashier’s check, money order, or credit card are preferred methods of payment. 8. An applicant will be accepted into the program when all admission/program requirements are met. A letter and class schedule will be sent to notify the applicant of acceptance. (Please note that class schedule is subject to change). 9. Applicants will be accepted in the order in which they complete and meet the admission/program requirements. If the individual fails to fulfill the health screening requirements and clearances prior to the first day of class, he or she will not be allowed to enter the class. Developed 6/95 kfr Reviewed 5/96, 2/97, 12/99, 3/03, 1/06 Adult Handbook rev. 11/2010, 3/12 5 SCHUYLKILL TECHNOLOGY CENTERS NURSE AIDE TRAINING PROGRAM TUITION PAYMENT, CANCELLATION, AND REFUND Schuylkill Technology Centers reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any Nurse Aide Training Course. Students will be notified in the event of cancellation or rescheduling. Any scheduled Nurse Aide Training Course cancelled by the school will entitle students to a full tuition refund. The tuition for the Nurse Aide Training Program is published with the course description in the Prospective Student Packet, which is given to each individual requesting information about the Nurse Aide Training Program. Tuition must be paid in full prior to the first scheduled class. Tuition can be paid by the following preferred forms of payment: check, money order or by certain credit cards for the full amount. WITHDRAWAL FROM A COURSE - REFUND POLICY An individual may withdraw from a Nurse Aide Training Course at any time. Tuition refund for withdrawal is as follows: Withdrawal prior to the start date- 100% refund minus a $30.00 processing fee. Withdrawal anytime prior to the start of the fifth class session-100% refund minus a $30.00 processing fee. Withdrawal anytime after the start of the fifth class session-NO REFUND. Termination of a student by the administration as outlined in the Nurse Aide Handbook (refer to pages 17-18) - NO REFUND. The $30.00 application fee is non-refundable. **** Please allow a minimum of six (6) weeks for processing of tuition refunds. Developed 6/95 kfr Revised 6/96, 12/97, 6/98, 3/03, 1/06, 3/12 6 SCHUYLKILL TECHNOLOGY CENTERS NURSE AIDE TRAINING PROGRAM POLICIES & REGULATIONS Nurse Aide Trainees will follow all policies of the Schuylkill Technology Center. In addition, students will comply with the following rules and regulations of the Nurse Aide Training Program. STANDARDS OF CONDUCT Nurse Aide Trainees are representatives of Schuylkill Technology Center and the Nurse Aide Training Program. Students are expected to abide by the rules, regulations, and policies of STC, the Nurse Aide Training Program, and all Cooperating Agencies at all times. Nurse Aide Trainees may not be utilized in any clinical facility for services for which they have not been supervised and passed as competent by an instructor. ATTENDANCE: Attendance is a critical component for success in the Nurse Aide Training Program. Any absence due to illness or unforeseen circumstances will be handled as outlined in the Nurse Aide Handbook (refer to pages 13-14). Students who withdraw due to health problems will have an opportunity to return to the next scheduled training course and not forfeit tuition. A physician’s certificate of clearance to return to the program will be required for re-entry. Students must notify the Postsecondary Program Specialist and complete the Student Personal Leave of Absence Request form. DRESS AND UNIFORMS Good grooming is expected of all students. Student appearance reflects the total atmosphere of the school. Instructor-specified dress requirements are comparable to those found in industry. Program clothing/uniform costs are the responsibility of the student. Street Clothes will be worn on class days and at other times when specified. Nurse Aide Trainees will obey the dress code of the building when attending class at STC. Administration will make any necessary decision on any question regarding student dress. No shorts are to be worn when high school students are attending classes. No halter tops, midriff shirts, low cut tops, ripped jeans or offensive clothing are permitted. Summer Dress Code – May be followed on class days at STC when high school students are not in the building. Summer dress is as follows: No halter tops, midriffs, low cut tops, or ripped jeans. Shorts are allowed but must be no more than 2-3 inches above the knee. No suggestive or offensive clothing is permitted. 7 Full Nurse Aide Trainee Uniforms, solid maroon/burgundy in color, will be worn on clinical days and at other times when specified. A maroon/burgundy warm-up jacket may be worn with the uniform. Nurse Aide Trainees will be identified as Trainees at all times by displaying in full view the Nurse Aide Trainee Name Pin. (If student loses the original student name pin a replacement will be furnished at the student’s expense. Approximately $3.00 each). A Wrist Watch with a sweep second hand must be worn to class and on each clinical day. White nurse’s shoes/sneakers are an important part of a nurse aide uniform. Shoes should provide good firm support for feet and back because of the extensive work load on one’s back, legs and feet. They should also protect the feet from contamination from spills and injury by accidental needle or other instruments dropped or wheelchairs, stretchers, etc. running over one’s feet. Because of the health effects and professional appearance, shoes must be: - Firm and supportive - White (minimal pastel color accents will be accepted) - Leather or simulated material (no soft canvas) - Sneaker type shoes will be accepted if all other standards are met. - Clogs, slingbacks, boots, and hightop sneakers are not permitted. White socks are permitted with uniform pants. These must be neat, clean, and well-kept at all times. All jewelry or ornaments are forbidden when in uniform, except a wristwatch, wedding band, and medical identifications. Earrings may be worn but must be gold, silver, or white pierced studs. They must be small and never hoops (which present a safety hazard). Only 2 studs per earlobe may be worn on multi-pierced ears. No open gauges allowed in the earlobe. Other visible body pierced jewelry (i.e. nose, eyebrow, lip, tongue) is PROHIBITED. Offensive tattoos must be covered. Toiletries should be used in moderation. Health care clients may be allergic to these items. Do not chew gum while in uniform. Hair must be clean, well groomed and off the uniform collar at all times. Beards must be shaped and neatly trimmed and off the uniform. Hair may be confined with white, clear, brown or burgundy/maroon accessories which are neat, moderate size, and safe as well as functional. Hair must be away from the face. Fingernails must be clean, short, and without nail polish in the clinical area. “Artificial nails” are not permitted. This is necessary for patient safety and infection prevention. An instructor may refuse to allow a student to report to a clinical unit until total appearance is satisfactory. Time lost will be added to accumulated absenteeism. 8 MEDICATIONS: If a student is required to take any medication at any time while enrolled in the Nurse Aide Training Program, he/she must notify the instructor immediately, the medication must be carried in the original container. It is the responsibility of the student to secure this medication on their person. TOBACCO USE POLICY: For purposes of this policy, tobacco use shall be defined as use and/or possession of lighted or unlighted cigarettes, cigars, pipes, other lighted smoking products and smokeless tobacco in any form. Tobacco use and possession is prohibited by postsecondary students at any time in a school building and property housing elementary and secondary students and on any property this is owned, leased, or controlled by STC. STC may initiate prosecution of a postsecondary student who possesses or used tobacco in violation of this policy. Violations of this policy will result in dismissal. Incidents of possession, use and sale of tobacco in violation of this policy by any person on school property shall reported to the Office of Safe Schools on the required form at least once each year, if required. Cooperating Agency policies on smoking must be followed by STC staff and students. DRUGS AND ALCOHOL POLICY Do not consume alcoholic beverages within 8 hours prior to class/clinical or while in uniform. Students are not permitted to possess or consume drugs or alcohol on school property. Any student suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol and considered unsafe may be removed from the clinical area or classroom at the discretion of the instructor. Violations of this policy will result in dismissal. HOUSEKEEPING: Housekeeping of our facility is part of the training program and is a cooperative effort of the faculty and students. Student chairs should be aligned before students disband. Teaching areas should be kept clean and tidy. MEALS: Meals may be purchased at the school/Culinary dining room or the coin canteen at the clinical site. Students may also bring their lunch to the school and clinical site. Students are to eat in the designated cafeteria area at the school and the staff’s break room at the clinical site. Students are allowed to leave the building during lunch period only at Schuylkill Technology Center. Students may not leave the clinical site during lunch period. (Note: Any late returns from lunch will be documented and this time will be added to accumulated absenteeism.) Eating and drinking outside the designated areas is prohibited. PARKING: Students are required to park in the rear of the building. 9 TELEPHONE: School and clinical facility telephones are official business phones and are not to be used for personal calls. Pay phones are located at the lobby of STC and in the main entrance areas of the cooperating agencies. Students must obtain permission to leave their assigned area to use the telephone when necessary. If it is necessary for a student to be called while at school or at the clinical facility, calls must be directed to the Coordinator/Instructor at 874-1034 Ext. 4889 on class days, or the Instructor at the clinical facility on clinical days. Students may not be paged in the clinical facilities. The instructor will locate the student and convey the information. It is the responsibility of the student to notify child care givers/significant others of their clinical schedule so that the student can be contacted in an expedient manner. The use of cell phones during class time it prohibited. Phones must be turned off during class time. Cell phones may be used outside of the school building. Cell phones may not be used while on clinical except outside of the facility. FRATERNIZATION: Adult students are strictly forbidden from attempting to fraternize with high school students. Such action may result in dismissal and forfeiture of fees. 1st offense – Administrative conference with Director of Postsecondary Programs. A written warning will be issued to the student and a copy placed in the student file. Further Violation – Student will be dismissed. HIPAA-Health Information Portability and Accountability Act Federal legislation mandates that all patient information be confidential. This applies to the clinical facility with which Schuylkill Technology has affiliations. Students should not take any identifying information about the patients from the clinical area. This includes, but is not limited to, the patient’s name, birth date or medical record number. Patient information should be given only to those persons who are directly involved with the patient’s care. Failure to comply with this will result in disciplinary action for the student, which could include dismissal from the program. PATIENT VISITING: The Nurse Aide Trainee shall function in the assigned areas of the clinical facility only. No visiting in other units or offices of the facility without permission. All visits to members of family who might be patients should be approved by the Coordinator/Instructor and may only be done after scheduled hours. Emergency situations shall be handled individually. SCHOOL INJURY: Injuries, regardless of how minor they appear should be reported to the instructor. Emergency first aid is provided in the school. More serious injuries will be dealt with at 10 the discretion of the school director. Medical costs incurred are the student’s responsibility. An incident report must be filled out. CLINICAL INJURY: A hospital or physician of the student’s choice will provide emergency treatment for accidents and/or injuries occurring while in the clinical area. Costs incurred are the student’s responsibility. An incident report must be filled out. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY: Students are responsible for costs incurred for the requirements for admission, including, but not limited to, the physical, tuberculin skin tests, background checks and drug-screen. It is strongly recommended that students carry some form of medical insurance. It is the student’s responsibility to seek medical intervention for health problems occurring outside the classroom or clinical area. Students are required to keep the Nurse Aide office informed of ANY changes of address and/or telephone number while enrolled in the program. Do not bring money, wallet, purse, etc. to clinical or the classroom; Instructors and the clinical agency are not responsible for personal items. APPLICATION FOR COMPETENCY EXAM: The instructor will assist the student in completion of the test registration form. However, it is the student’s responsibility to submit the completed registration form, a copy of the student’s certificate of completion, and payment for exam fees to the American Red Cross Nurse Aide Testing Center. Payment must be in the form of a certified check or money order. No personal checks or cash are accepted. Payment and mailing instructions are included on the registration form. Students will be notified by mail of testing dates scheduled by the American Red Cross. Adopted Revised 6/95 kfr 2/97, 12/97, 12/99, 3/02, 1/06, 3/12 11 SCHUYLKILL TECHNOLOGY CENTERS NURSE AIDE TRAINING PROGRAM HONOR PHILOSOPHY Academic integrity is the pursuit of scholarly activity free from fraud and deception and is an educational objective of this institution. Students have the responsibility to create an atmosphere of trust and support through academic integrity. It is within this atmosphere that students are empowered to make decisions, develop regard for the system through which they learn and achieve a sense of personal and professional integrity. Students have the responsibility to adhere to this Honor Code. Violation of the Honor Code includes but is not limited to: - Cheating - Plagiarism - Fabrication of information - Facilitating acts of academic dishonesty by others - Unauthorized possession of examinations and/or contents - Submission of another person’s work - Submission of work previously used without authorization by the instructor - Tampering with academic works of other students A student charged with an Honor Code violation will be given notice of the charge by the instructor. The procedures for probation and termination will then be initiated as outlined in the student handbook. Adopted 6/95 kfr Revised 5/97, 2/98,12/99, 3/02, 1/06 12 SCHUYLKILL TECHNOLOGY CENTERS NURSE AIDE TRAINING PROGRAM STANDARDS OF CONDUCT AND BEHAVIOR POLICY 1. Academic honesty is expected of all nurse aide students. Dishonesty (cheating) will not be tolerated. 2. All students MUST wear an identification tag at all times. The tag will clearly identify you as a “Trainee” or “Student”. 3. Professional and safe behavior is expected of all nurse aide students. 4. It is imperative to demonstrate care that is legally sound and to be held to highethical standards to ensure abuse-free communication and care delivery. 5. NO student shall perform any tasks in which they have not been deemed competent by their instructor. 6. Violation of these standards of conduct will result in disciplinary action, which may include dismissal from the program. Adopted 1/06 Adult Handbook Rev. 10/2010, 3/12 13 SCHUYLKILL TECHNOLOGY CENTERS NURSE AIDE TRAINING PROGRAM ATTENDANCE PROGRAM CALENDAR: Each student receives a copy of the program calendar indicating all scheduled classroom and clinical training sessions. Attendance and punctuality are stressed as qualities of an effective health care provider. ATTENDANCE: All students must complete the entire amount of approved program hours. This includes all classroom, laboratory, and clinical time. All time missed will be recorded and make-up time will be scheduled with the instructor immediately upon return to school. A student who misses 3 days or 18 hours of the program will be terminated. The Administration will determine if you will be permitted to attend a future class. Additionally, (*see important information below) anyone who misses more than 6 hours of the first 16 hours of instruction will be terminated from the program. *In compliance with Regulation Section 483.152 of OBRA and Section 3 of Act 14, a student must complete a minimum of 16 hours of instruction in the following 5 content areas before any resident contact. o Communication and interpersonal skills o Infection control o Safety/emergency procedures, including abdominal thrust o Promotion of resident’s independence o Respecting resident’s rights Therefore, if you are tardy or absent on a day when this content is taught, you have one opportunity to make-up the time as outlined below. Failure to do so will result in termination from the class. The Administration will determine if you will be permitted to attend a future class. o One classroom day (6 hours) is available, before any resident contact, to make-up time missed in the 5 areas listed above. o If the student misses more than 6 hours of instruction in these areas, is not available, or does not attend the hours required on that one day of make-up time, he/she will be terminated from the program. If a student is absent for a quiz, test or skills demonstration, the student is expected to obtain work missed from the instructor and prepare to make up that work on a time schedule that is arranged by both parties. If a student misses a clinical day, the student must contact the instructor at the clinical site 2 hours prior to the beginning of the clinical session. The instructor will modify clinical assignments as needed. 14 PUNCTUALITY: Punctuality is stressed as an important quality of health care providers. Late arrivals and early departures will be calculated in minutes. This time will be added to the total absent time and must be made up during scheduled make-up days. After three occurrences of tardiness, students will be referred for counseling. Should tardiness continue, students will be dismissed from the program. NOTIFICATION OF ABSENCE: All students must report their absence and reason for the absence by notifying the instructor prior to the beginning of the scheduled class/clinical day. Failure to do so will result in the student’s referral to administration. Reports of absences on a class day must be called to the school at 874-1034, extension 4889. Reports of absences on a clinical day must be called to the instructor two hours prior to starting time. The phone number for the instructor will be given to each student on the first day of class. It is the student’s responsibility to record and keep that number ready for easy access. EMERGENCY SCHOOL CLOSING: In the event of a snow emergency or any other disaster, announcements will be made on local radio stations by 7:00 AM (WPPA, WPAM, WMBT, WNEP, WYOU). When STC is closed, the Nurse Aide Training Program is closed. When STC delays the start of a day beyond the scheduled starting time for the Nurse Aide Training Program, students are expected to start at the same time as other STC classes for that day. A faculty/student telephone chain may also be used in cases of emergency. Time lost because of school closure/delay will be rescheduled in order for all students to meet the mandated time requirement of the program (122 total hours). Adopted 6/95 kfr Revised 12/97, 6/98, 1/06 Adult Handbook Rev. 11/2010, 3/12, 1/13 15 SCHUYLKILL TECHNOLOGY CENTERS NURSE AIDE TRAINING PROGRAM GRADING & EVALUATION (This policy is subject to change at the instructor’s request.) GRADING POLICIES: Theory Grade: Final course grades are calculated in the following way: - An average of the six (6) quizzes = 70% of theory grade - Final exam = 30% of theory grade Lab Grade: Requirement A checklist has been established for all skills required by PDE. Level of Achievement All procedures must be at a Satisfactory level. Each procedure must be satisfactorily Each procedure will be evaluated demonstrated before it is performed as Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory. on a resident. Instructor will sign each satisfactorily performed procedure checklist. Clinical Grade: 100% 32 97% 31 94% 30 91% 29 88% 28 27 84% 81% 26 78% 25 75% 24 72% 23 69% 22 66% 21 63% 20 19 59% 18 56% A A A A B B B C C C D D D F F Parameters A satisfactory level “S” of achievement is attained if no more than 2 noncritical steps are missed. Missing more than 2 non-critical steps is unsatisfactory “U”. Missing a critical step will result in a failure of the Procedure. There are 8 Days of Clinical Students can earn 4 points per day for a total of 32 points Take actual points earned for clinical and divide it by 32 This will give the average clinical grade for the marking period Outstanding Very Good Average Poor Unsatisfactory 16 4 3 2 1 0 SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF THE PROGRAM Upon completion of the program, each student will receive a Final Grade Report and a Final Clinical Performance Evaluation. *Satisfactory theory grades of 80% or better, satisfactory performance of skills in the lab component and a satisfactory clinical grade of 81% or better are necessary for the student to receive a Certificate of Completion. Students who have not achieved this level of performance in either the clinical, lab, or theory components of the program will NOT be eligible to take the Competency Examination. * All records are confidential. Developed 6/95 kfr Revised 5/96, 12/97, /98, 1/06 Reviewed 12/99, 3/02 Adult Handbook revised: 10/2010, 3/12 17 SCHUYLKILL TECHNOLOGY CENTERS NURSE AIDE TRAINING PROGRAM PROBATION and TERMINATION PROBATION Probation is a period of time during enrollment during which the student is assisted via counseling and remediation to correct the deficiencies that led to probation. Students must exhibit extra effort and satisfactorily remediate the deficiency in the time frame established during the counseling session (not to exceed 3 weeks) in order to receive a program certificate of completion. Any indication that the student is not willing to remediate the deficiency may lead to the termination of the student from the program. Students may be placed on probation for, but not limited to: - Theory grades less than 80% at mid-point Unsatisfactory clinical performance at any time Unsafe practice Negligence Endangering the physical and/or mental well being of a resident Unethical conduct Inability to adapt to stressful situations Consistent lack of self-confidence which prohibits effective nursing care and interpersonal relationships Inability to maintain appropriate personal appearance Uncooperative or defiant behavior Failure or refusal to seek professional help when necessary Disregard for the rules and regulations of the cooperating agencies, STC, and/or the Nurse Aide Training Program Theft Excessive absenteeism or tardiness Performing tasks which they have not been deemed competent to perform by the instructor An individual counseling session is scheduled with the student at the time that probation is imposed. The purpose of this session is to identify deficiencies and to recommend remediation. If the conditions that caused the probation have not been corrected, the student will be terminated from the program. 18 TERMINATION: Termination is the permanent separation of the student from the Nurse Aide Training Program. Termination is recommended for: 1. Conditions causing probation have not been corrected 2. Persistent unsatisfactory clinical performance 3. Disregard for rules and regulations of STC, the Nurse Aide Training Program, or cooperating agencies 4. Evidence of possession, sale and/or use of harmful drugs (ex. Alcohol, Barbiturates, Amphetamines, Narcotics, Hallucinogenic drugs, etc.) 5. Health restrictions as indicated by physician 6. Conviction of a felony while a student 7. Non-compliance with attendance as outlined on pages 13-14. Termination may be recommended without prior probation. Recommendation for termination is made by the Program Coordinator. A conference will be scheduled for involved parties, followed by notice of termination in writing. Developed 6/95 kfr Reviewed 5/96, 12/99, 3/02 Revised 6/98; 1/06, 3/12 19 SCHUYLKILL TECHNOLOGY CENTERS NURSE AIDE TRAINING PROGRAM GRIEVANCE POLICY Step One Student submits the grievance/complaint written or oral manner to the Primary Instructor Primary Instructor reviews and responds to the grievance within three days The primary instructor documents in writing the grievance, the review and the resolution Primary Instructor meets with the student to share the resolution to the grievance (A copy of this is documented and kept on file.) It is a facility/school decision to share a copy of the document with the student. Note: The student is entitled to private and confidential counseling, however, another instructor or staff member may be asked to witness the counseling If the student and instructor are unable to resolve the issue, or the grievance is against the instructor, the grievance should be brought to the attention of the Program Coordinator within 72 hours. Proceed to step two. Step Two If the student and instructor are unable to resolve the grievance, a meeting between the Program Coordinator and student will take place within three days of the receipt of the complaint. (The student should place the grievance in writing if it has not to this point been required). The Program Coordinator will review the documentation submitted by the Primary Instructor and student and conduct an investigation, as needed. The Program Coordinator documents the review process and the resolution of the grievance. A meeting is scheduled with the Program Coordinator, Primary Instructor, and student to disclose the resolution. If the decision rendered by the Program Coordinator is not brought to a satisfactory conclusion, the student may appeal to the Director of Postsecondary Education within 48 hours. Step Three All documentation is submitted to the Director of Postsecondary Education for his/her review and consideration. Notification of the Director’s decision will be given in writing to involved parties within 72 hours of his/her review. The decision of the Director of Postsecondary Education will be final. Adopted 6/95 kfr Reviewed 5/96, 6/98, 1/06 jmk Revised 2/97, 3/02 Adult Handbook Rev.10/2010, 3/12 20 SCHUYLKILL TECHNOLOGY CENTERS GRIEVANCE FORM Grievance Initiated by: _____________________________________________________ Date filed: _______________________________________________________________ Instructor(s) involved: _____________________________________________________ Date and Nature of Alleged Grievance: ________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Action desired: ___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Student Signature_____________________________________Date________________ Date Reviewed with Instructor: ______________________________________________ Disposition by Instructor: __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Instructor Signature: __________________________________Date________________ Position of Grievant: ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Student Signature_____________________________________Date________________ 21 Grievance Form (con’t) Step II: (If grievance is not resolved.) Date received by Program Coordinator or Designee: _____________________________ Date Disposition of Program Coordinator: _________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Program Coordinator Signature: _____________________________Date: ___________ Position of Grievant: ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Student Signature: ____________________________________Date:_______________ Step III: (If grievance is not resolved.) Date received by Director of Postsecondary Education or Designee: ________________ Disposition and Final action by Director of Postsecondary Education or Designee: Date: ________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Director Signature: ______________________________________Date:_____________ Position of Grievant: ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Student Signature: _____________________________________Date:______________ 22 SCHUYLKILL TECHNOLOGY CENTERS NURSE AIDE TRAINING PROGRAM POLICY WRITING & PROGRAM EVALUATION POLICY 1. The policies in this handbook are developed by the faculty and administration of the Nurse Aide Training Program at the Schuylkill Technology Centers. 2. The policies will be reviewed twice per year. 3. The policies will be reviewed by the Nurse Aide Instructors and STC Administration. Input regarding STC policy and Cooperating Agency policy will be requested from a representative of the institutions by the Nurse Aide Instructor and STC Administration. 4. Policies will be written and revised to remain in keeping with the policies of the Sponsoring Agency (STC), as well as all Cooperating Agencies. 5. A student policy handbook will be given to all Nurse Aide faculty as well as each Nurse Aide applicant prior to the first class session. The policy handbook shall be reviewed by the applicant at that time, and time will be allotted for questions and clarification of policies. Each applicant will be required to sign the signature form at the back of the handbook, attesting to the fact that they were given the opportunity to review and clarify the policies. The applicant must return the signature sheet to the Postsecondary Program Specialist prior to acceptance to class. PROGRAM EVALUATION There is an established Occupational Advisory Committee (OAC) at STC consisting of community and school representation. The Occupational Advisory Committee is convened twice per year (fall and spring). Major Topics include: 1. Provide recommendations to update, modify, expand, and improve the quality of the Nurse Aide Training Program. 2. Support and strengthen the relationship between business, industry, the community and education. 3. Make recommendations to strengthen and expand the curriculum and provide assistance in implementing these recommendations. 4. Articulate long-term goals and objectives of the Nurse Aide Training Program to employers and the community. 5. Assist in identifying needs, determining priorities, and reviewing and evaluating curriculum. 6. Student recruitment/placement 23 7. Curriculum development 8. Facilities and equipment 9. Staff development 10. Public relations 11. Community needs 12. Legislative and financial involvement 13. Career and Technical Student Organization involvement 14. Developing and revising policies 15. Evaluation of data collected from, but not limited to, the following sources: o Number of classes including the number accepted and the number completed o Number of students that took the competency examination and the percentage that passed. o Areas of difficulty in the written skills component using the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program report. o Grades of completers and Instructors evaluations of students o Student evaluations of the program, instructor and clinical site o Feedback from clinical site staff o Department of Health survey of the clinical site as it relates to the nurse aide o Department of Education statement of findings and/or updates Documentation of the program evaluation and committee recommendations will be recorded as minutes of the meeting and maintained on-site at STC. The Instructor(s) of the Nurse Aide Training Program will be evaluated at least annually by his/her supervisor, incorporating OBRA and Act 14 in the evaluation process. The Pennsylvania Department of Education reviews the Schuylkill Technology Center Nurse Aide Training Program at least every two years. Developed 6/95 kfr Revised 6/97, 6/98, 12/99, 3/02, 1/06, 3/12 24 SCHUYLKILL TECHNOLOGY CENTERS NURSE AIDE TRAINING PROGRAM NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY: Schuylkill Technology Center will not discriminate in its educational programs, activities, or employment practices, based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, ancestry, union membership, or any other legally protected classification. Announcement of this policy is in accordance with state and federal laws, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and the Americans Disability Act of 1990. Schuylkill Technology Center’s commitment to non-discriminatory practices extends to prospective students and employees, current students and employees, parents of students, community members, and representatives of outside agencies. Schuylkill Technology Center employees, community members, and agency representatives who have a complaint of harassment or discrimination or who seek information about accommodations for individuals with disabilities should contact Dr. Diane M. Niederriter, Executive Director and Equal Rights and Opportunities Director, at Schuylkill Intermediate Unit 29, P.O. Box 130, 17 Maple Avenue, Mar-Lin, PA 17951; telephone number (570) 544-9131 or fax number (570) 544-6412. 25 INSTRUCTIONS FOR OBTAINING BACKGROUND CHECK REPORTS (CHRI) PA CHRI FROM THE STATE POLICE: A form titled SP4-164 can be obtained at a police station or on-line. A PA CHRI can also be processed electronically at The record check that is printed from the electronic system must have the seal of the Pennsylvania State Police. There is a $10.00 non-refundable fee for each request, regardless of outcome. A certified check/money order must be submitted when mailing the form. Payment is accepted by credit card for the electronic system. If the report indicates a record exists the response will be mailed to the address provided by the requestor within approximately two weeks. A RAP sheet will be attached to the request. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE CHILD ABUSE CLEARANCE: Obtain forms from the school or the Department of Public Welfare website You may not submit this request online. You must complete the form and submit the form with your payment by U.S. mail. Enclose a $10.00 money order for each application. No cash or personal checks accepted. FBI CHRI THROUGH COGENT SYSTEMS: REGISTRATION: You must register prior to going to the fingerprint site. Walk in service without prior registration will not be provided at any fingerprint location. Registration can be completed online or over the phone. Registration is available online 24 hours/day, seven days per week at Telephonic registration is available at 1-888-439-2486 Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM EST. Select the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) service. An FBI CHRI obtained through a department other than Department of Education is not valid for purposes of enrollment in the nurse aide training program. If you complete the process through another department you will be responsible for obtaining the correct FBI CHRI through the Department of Education process and the additional processing fees. Select any item listed for fingerprinting During the registration process all demographic data for the applicant is collected (name, address, SSN, etc.); there is no data entry required or allowed at the fingerprint collection site. Any corrections to this data must be made prior to being fingerprinted. You must retrieve your Registration ID number by returning to the Cogent registration website and selecting “Proof of Transaction (Receipts)”. Enter your personal information in the lower portion of that screen to obtain your receipt with the registration ID at the top. 26 PAYMENT: You will pay a fee of $28.75 (price is subject to change) for the fingerprint service and to secure an unofficial copy of the Criminal History Record. Applicants may make their payment online using a credit card or debit card during the registration process. Money orders or cashier’s checks made payable to Cogent Systems will be accepted at the fingerprint site for those who do not have the means to pay electronically. No cash transactions or personal checks are allowed. FINGERPRINT LOCATIONS: Go to a fingerprint location. The location of fingerprint sites and days and hours of operation for each site are posted on Cogent Systems’ website at *Schuylkill Technology Center is a fingerprint site Give your qualified State or Federal photo ID to the Applicant Livescan Operator (ALO). A list of approved ID types may be found on the Cogent Systems’ website at Applicants will not be processed if they cannot produce an acceptable photo ID. After the identity of the applicant has been established, all ten fingers are scanned to complete the process. REPORT ACCESS: When you begin the registration process, you check a box to confirm that school entities are authorized to review your official report electronically. You must present your Registration ID to the nurse aide training program. The program designee will access the official report via the electronic system. School entities are not permitted to print a copy of your report for your personal reference. You will receive a paper copy of the report. The paper copy will not be regarded as the official report; but it will provide you with a copy of the information that the school will see when the report is reviewed. IF YOU HAVE NOT RESIDED IN THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA FOR THE LAST 2 YEARS: You must contact the Pennsylvania Department of Education and notify them that you have applied to a nurse aide training program and have completed the FBI fingerprint process through the Cogent System. Contact Arthur Richardson at or by telephone at (717) 772-0814. Based on the FBI finding, the Pennsylvania Department of Education will send you an official letter of approval or disapproval. The official letter must be given to the nurse aide training program. 27 Nurse Aide Resident Abuse Prevention Training Act 14 (P.L. 169) Prohibitive Offenses Contained in Public Law 169 and ensuing amendments Offense Code CC2500 CC2502A CC2502B CC2502C CC2503 CC2504 CC2505 CC2506 CC2702 CC2901 CC2902 CC3121 CC3122.1 CC3123 CC3124.1 CC3125 CC3126 CC3127 CC3301 CC3502 CC3701 CC3901 CC3921 CC3922 CC3923 CC3924 CC3925 CC3926 CC3927 CC3928 CC3929 CC3929.1 CC3929.2 CC3929.3 CC3930 CC3931 CC3932 CC3933 CC3934 CC4101 CC4114 CC4302 CC4303 CC4304 CC4305 CC4952 CC4953 CC5902B CC5903C CC5903D CC6301 CC6312 Prohibitive Offense Description Type/Grading of Conviction Criminal Homicide Murder I Murder II Murder III Voluntary Manslaughter Involuntary Manslaughter Causing or Aiding Suicide Drug Delivery Resulting in Death Aggravated Assault Kidnapping Unlawful Restraint Rape Statutory Sexual Assault Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse Sexual Assault Aggravated Indecent Assault Indecent Assault Indecent Exposure Arson and Related Offenses Burglary Robbery Theft Theft by Unlawful Taking Theft by Deception Theft by Extortion Theft by Property Lost Receiving Stolen Property Theft of Services Theft by Failure to Deposit Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle Retail Theft Library Theft Unlawful Possession of Retail or Library Theft Instruments Organized Retail Theft Theft of Trade Secrets Theft of Unpublished Dramas or Musicals Theft of Leased Properties Unlawful Use of a Computer Theft From a Motor Vehicle Forgery Securing Execution of Document by Deception Incest Concealing Death of a Child Endangering Welfare of a Child Dealing in Infant Children Intimidation of Witnesses or Victims Retaliation Against Witness or Victim Promoting Prostitution Obscene and Other Sexual Materials to Minors Obscene and Other Sexual Materials Corruption of Minors Sexual Abuse of Children Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any 1 Felony or 2 Misdemeanors 1 Felony or 2 Misdemeanors 1 Felony or 2 Misdemeanors 1 Felony or 2 Misdemeanors 1 Felony or 2 Misdemeanors 1 Felony or 2 Misdemeanors 1 Felony or 2 Misdemeanors 1 Felony or 2 Misdemeanors 1 Felony or 2 Misdemeanors 1 Felony or 2 Misdemeanors 1 Felony or 2 Misdemeanors ----------- *2 Misdemeanors 1 Felony or 2 Misdemeanors 1 Felony or 2 Misdemeanors 1 Felony or 2 Misdemeanors 1 Felony or 2 Misdemeanors 1 Felony or 2 Misdemeanors 1 Felony or 2 Misdemeanors Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Felony Any Any Any Any CS13A12 Acquisition of Controlled Substance by Fraud Felony CS13A14 Delivery by Practitioner Felony CS13A30 Possession with Intent to Deliver Felony CS13A35 (i), (ii), Illegal Sale of Non-Controlled Substance Felony (iii) CS13A36 Designer Drugs Felony CS13Axx* *ANY OTHER FELONY DRUG CONVICTION APPEARING ON PA RAP SHEET *At the time of publication of this list, section 3929.2 could not constitute a felony January 2011 For questions pertaining to codes, offenses, or convictions; contact PA Dept of Education at (717) 772-4868 or 28 SCHUYLKILL TECHNOLOGY CENTERS NURSE AIDE TRAINING PROGRAM Dear Student: The STC Nurse Aide Training Handbook will answer many of the questions you may have about the rules and activities here at the Schuylkill Technology Center. We hope that this will be helpful to you throughout the year. PLEASE KEEP YOUR COPY OF THE STUDENT HANDBOOK AT HOME FOR EASY REFERENCE AND ASSISTANCE. During your information session and again at orientation we will review the handbook. If necessary, we ask that you re-read the student handbook so you are familiar with the rules. Please give special attention to the following sections: “Policies and Regulations” on pages 7-11. Within this section you will find helpful information concerning our Tobacco, Drug and Alcohol Use Policy. You are also requested to review page 10, prohibiting fraternizing with secondary students and pages 14-15 regarding “Attendance” and “Punctuality”. Since curriculum delivery at the Technology Center greatly involves teacher demonstration and hands-on activities, your attendance and punctuality is very important. By signing this form, you are verifying the receipt of a handbook and acknowledging your understanding of our policies and procedures as outlined within the handbook. STUDENT NURSE AIDE TRAINING HANDBOOK SIGNATURE FORM 2014 NURSE AIDE TRAINING PROGRAM ________________________________________________________________________ Print Student Name Student Signature Date By signing below, I agree to allow STC to use photographs for marketing and recruitment and for any lawful purpose. ________________________________________________________________________ Student Signature Date Adopted 6/95 kfr Revised 12/97, 12/99, 3/02, 1/06, 3/12, 4/13, 11/13 29