Robotics Investigation Task

April 11
Veronica Lai
Table of Contents
What is a Robot? ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Robots in Our Lives ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Robots in the World .................................................................................................................................................... 5
Timeline of Robots/Robotics ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Features of Different Robots ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Robots in the Future.................................................................................................................................................. 16
Works Cited ............................................................................................................................................................... 17
What is a Robot?
There are actually many different definitions of the word robot, all based on different information. In this report,
a definition for the word robot will be built by comparing and contrasting four different definitions of the term
robot. On another note, there is also a famous set of laws for robots by Isaac Asimov called Asimov’s Three Laws
of Robotics. These are:
1. A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
These laws were based off a science fiction story, but it is also a kind of starting point of the development of
robots and robotics.
Definitions of the word robot from four different sources:
Encyclopedia Britannica
Any automatically
operated machine that
replaces human effort,
though it may not
resemble human beings
in appearance or
perform functions in a
humanlike manner. By
extension, robotics is
the engineering
discipline dealing with
the design, construction,
and operation of robots.
A robot is a machine
designed to execute one
or more tasks repeatedly,
with speed and precision.
There are as many
different types of robots
as there are tasks for
them to perform.
A robot can be controlled
by a human operator,
sometimes from a great
distance. But most robots
are controlled by
computer, and fall into
either of two categories:
autonomous robots and
insect robots. An
autonomous robot acts as
a stand-alone system,
complete with its own
computer (called the
controller). Insect robots
work in fleets ranging in
number from a few to
thousands, with all fleet
members under the
supervision of a single
controller. The term
insect arises from the
similarity of the system to
a colony of insects, where
the individuals are simple
but the fleet as a whole
can be sophisticated.
Is a system that contains
sensors, control systems,
manipulators, power
supplies and software all
working together to
perform a task.
Designing, building,
programming and testing
a robots is a combination
of physics, mechanical
engineering, electrical
engineering, structural
mathematics and
computing. In some
cases biology, medicine,
chemistry might also be
Vex Robotics
A robot is a
mechanical device that
can perform tasks and
interact with its
environment, without
the aid of human
interaction. Robotics is
the science and
technology behind the
design, manufacturing
and application of
There are a lot of similarities and differences amongst the four definitions of robot above. What can be seen in all
the definitions is that the function of a robot is supposed to either replicate, aid, or work for humans. Robots are
used by humans and are both designed and programmed by humans, and do not have to have a humanoid figure.
All the sources mention that robots perform tasks, but some also mention how they have sensors, and is able to
control or manipulate itself according to its surroundings; it does not or should not need the aid of humans
further than providing the power supply and software. Robots have been defined as machines, and though there
are sensors, the definitions provided above do not mention emotions, even though they may be able to function
without human instruction when active. With all the information provided and all the points that either overlap
and/or are similar, it is possible to provide description, rather than a definition, of a robot.
A robot is mechanical, and has an intricate system that uses sensors to feedback and process external information
for the robot to either respond or perform an action or operation. Not all robots require sensors, but they are
programmed by man to perform tasks with speed and precision by alone without human involvement.
Something not explained in detail in the definitions above is that there are different ways to categorize robots.
One way of categorizing robots is that they would fall into any of these three categories:
Industrial Robots
Robots in Research
Robots in Education
They can also be grouped or categorized by the time frame in which they were first widely used as well:
First-generation: since the 1970s, mainly stationary, nonprogrammable, electromechanical devices
without sensors.
Second-generation: developed in the 1980s, can contain sensors and programmable controllers
Third-generation: developed between the 1990s and the present, may be stationary or mobile, many
advanced features, including speech recognition and or synthesis.
Fourth-generation: are in the research and development phase, include artificial intelligence, selfreplication, self-assembly, may be on a Nano scale size.
Taking the information presented above, we can conclude that robots are very versatile and are slowly becoming
more and more involved in the world that we live in today. Robots and robotics is now becoming more useful,
and is a sector that is growing ever since the word robot was coined by Karel Capek in Rossum's Universal Robots,
a Czech play write written in 1921. Due to science fiction, sci-fi, there are fears that robots may one day take over
and rule mankind. Today, this is debatable, and so is the question of whether robots are or may be capable of
truly thinking for themselves and experiencing emotions. These are fascinating subjects to go into, but would
require further studying of robots and of robots in the future.
Robots in Our Lives
There may be a lot of confusion between what machines and robot are, and the role they play in our lives. While
machines and other electronic devices may be more present and prominent in our everyday lives, robots are in
our daily lives, but we might not notice a lot. One example at UNIS Hanoi, would be the smoke detectors in the
rooms. They are installed on the ceiling, but most people don’t really pay much attention to them, perhaps
because they are small, they haven’t really been used before, or because nobody has really looked up at the
ceiling. But the fact is, that just by staying quite, all the smoke detectors, the many robots installed in our rooms
at the school, are working and constantly processing information until it does detect smoke. When this happens,
the smoke detector will then respond to this change by emitting a sound or the sprinkler system to neutralize the
smoke, which would be a result of fire.
Ionization Detectors
Looking at the smoke detectors at UNIS, it is likely that the ones installed are ionization detectors, which ‘senses’
when there is smoke when smoke enters the detector and neutralizes the current that is being produced by the
ionization due to radioactive decay. Smoke disrupts this current, and would signal to us humans, that there is a
fire. These kinds of detectors are not very complex, and are very simple to mass produce and cheap to buy. Of
course, UNIS Hanoi is not the only place in the world or the only build that has smoke detectors installed, but
UNIS is a good example of how robotics can be used at a local level.
On a slightly larger scale, in many certain resturaunts in Japan, robots are used as chefs. These robots are very
interesting, and though they do not seem to work all on their own due to sensors, they do respond to the
different commands and orders that customers ordered. The orders are inputted and the robot chefs would then
have to work according to the specific orders and the many different variations of the many dishes that can be
made would the be made accordingly.
Video of Japanese Robot Chefs
In a way, the robots are similar to humans in the way that the robot chefs can, in a way, interact with wach other
through careful planning and timing. The customers are able to watch the robots interact with each other and
make the food, but not all do, as robots have become quite a part of the Japanese culture. The robots are
autonomous, and are able to make a bowl of ramen valued at seven dollars in 1 minute and 40 seconds. The
particular robots in the picture and video are produced by an industrial robotics company by the name of AISEI,
where instead of working in an industrial environment, the robotic arms are used for cooking. This is an example
of repurposing a robotic arm and is an example of how robots can be used in a variety of ways.
Robots in the World
On a much larger scale, robots are used a lot more, and are very closely related to many feilds in science,
medicine, and technology. Since the first prosthetic arm, the technology has developed a lot and are now giving
new oppurtunitiues to many people. The human body itself is much like a machine, so it can be quite ironic to see
an actual robotic machine replace something that might have been taken away in an accident or disease.
Prosthetic limbs would be able to be attatched to where the amputated limb was and be able to restore lost
capabilities. With the technology that we have today, prosthetic limbs are no where near the real thing, but they
do provide significant changes, and with the advancements being made, it may be possible for these artificial
limbs to be equal to their original counterparts someday.
From the description above, it may not seem like prosthetic limbs are robots, but they are. While there is still
room for a lot of improvement, there are prosthetic limbs, and more specifically, prosthetic arms and hands, that
can be controlled by the brain indirectly throught sending electrical signials to other muscles, that then get
detected and casue the prosthetic arm or hand to react. There are also possibilities of implanting micro-scale
electrodes into the brain so that signals to where the limb was supposed to be can be picked up by the new
prosthetic limb so that it would be able to move. Also, while it is not fully developed yet, a lot of research is being
put in allowing patients to be able to sense, touch, through the use of prosthetic limbs. This is a particularly hard
feat to manage, but very recently at a lab at Duke University in a way using infrared light.
Next, another kind of robot that is used all over the world, and even outside of Earth, are robots that explore new
terrain. These robots are a lot like the Mars rovers and the robotic divers that go to places that are too dangerous
for humans to go, in order to retrived data. One day, other robots may be nanorobots, that actaully go into
humans to cure us of diseases and to ‘patrol’ humans and to look out for on coming dangers.
One of the most common exploration robotics often heard about bould be the rovers that NASA employs on
Mars. These rovers are definetly not the same as the toy remote controlled cars that are sold on Earth. The rovers
for Mars need to be specially designed and made with specific materials to be able to function and ‘survive’ the
weather and environment of Mars. This can be said about all exploration robots, such as robots that go to the
artic or go to great deapths of oceans.
These exploration robots can collect data without humans always needing to be in control of the actions of the
robot and need to guide the robots 24/7. The robots are not able to explore the surace of Mars independently
with the current technology and sensors, but it is enough for us to gain a lot of important data without having to
sacrife a lot of time and work to manually operate the robot. The use of robot would also eliminate a lot of risk
that would be associated with humans for the certain job. Another example, would be using robots to explore
radioactive territory instead of humans, where there would be harsher consequence for the human compared to
the more easily disposable robot.
Mars Rover: Oppurtunity
The Mars rovers would be able to use external sensors to navigate certain small obsticles, but nothing too major.
It would be able to take many many pictures, as well as collect many samples and collect data on the weather on
Mars. For the rover shown above, it weighs around 170kg, and the camera and radio equipment, which may also
act as sensors for the rover are extremly high-tech and expensive; the cost for building a single rover is around
850 million dollars. Many new methods in science are also applied and made into actions that the rover is able to
perform to analyze rocks and soil on Mars.
The use and application of robots and robotics is crucial in the way that the Earth and humans are develp[ing and
adavancing. It doesnt take a genius to see that there are definelty some things that humans cannot do and that
we may need help. A step into robotics is the step that man kind is making for all the people on Earth, from the
domestic family, to the space exploration and medical fields.
Timeline of Robots/Robotics
1496: Leonardo da Vinci is believed to
have designed an anthrobot, a humanoid
1540: Italian inventor Gianello Torriano
creates a mandolin-playing lady.
1772: A robotic child was created and
could write messages as long as 40
characters. The child was called
L’Ecrivain, and the ‘brain’ of the robot
was a mechanical computer; at the same
time, a piano playing robot was also built.
1899: Nikolai Tesla, also known for his
invention of the radio, induction motors,
and Tesla coils, designs and
creates/demonstrates the first remote
controlled vehicle; a remote controlled
1921: The word robot is used for the first
time in the context of mechanical people
in Rossum's Universal Robots, a play by
Karel Capek from Czech. The word used
was robota in Czech, which means slave
and/or labor.
1938: A programmable paint-spraying
robot was designed for the DeVilbiss
1942: The term robotics was used in the
story Runaround, written by Isaac
Asimov; the story also contains the three
Laws of Robotics.
1946: The first computer is built at the
University of Pennsylvania, and the
second computer at M.I.T is the first
general purpose computer to be able to
solve a problem.
1947: The transistor is invented by
Shockley, Bardeen and Brattain.
1954: George Devol invents the first
programmable robotic arm, and will later
be used as part of the first industrial
1961: General Motors installs the first
industrial robot, UNIMATE.
1963: The first artificial robot arm that
can be controlled by a computer is
designed, much like a real human arm.
1969: The Stanford Arm is created; the
first electrical arm that was controlled by
a computer.
1970’s: The first mobile remote
controlled robot is invented. It is able to
use sensors and was able to problem
solve, how to navigate in its environment.
Many robotic arms are invented, and
there is the development of being able to
control robot arms through minicomputers; sensors were also added to
the robotic arms.
Hitachi develops the first intelligent robot
that is fully automatic and is able to
assemble objects and arrange blocks from
a visual plan.
1980: There is rapid growth in the
industrial robot industry. New robots and
companies are entering the market every
month now.
1981: The Canadarm, a remote
manipulator system (RMS), is released
and is made active in space. It is a robotic
arm that can lift very heavy loads
1989: A walking robot is unveiled by the
Mobile Robotics Group at MIT.
1997: In Nagoya Japan, the first RoboCup
football tournament is being held.
NASA’s Pathfinder mission lands on Mars,
and Sojourner, the robotic rover, is
activated and will roam the surface of
Mars for the next few months. While the
rover was on Mars, it was controlled by a
remote, but there were also cameras that
were hooked up so that the rover would
be able to go around minor obstacles
without needing to be remotely
controlled. The rover also sent back
chemical analysis of the rocks and soil, as
well as data on the weather and pictures.
1998: Campbell Aird is fitted with the first
bionic arm.
LEGO releases its robotics invention
1999: Sony builds and announces Aibo.
Aibo is a pet robotic dog that was
released for the consumer market and is
able to react to sounds and has a
programmed behavior.
2000: ASIMO is debuted by Honda.
ASIMO is a humanoid robot.
The UN estimates that there are around
742,500 industrial robots being used in
the world; more than half are in Japan.
2002: The Roomba is released; it is a selfdirected vacuum that made a significant
difference in the consumer market.
2004: The world’s smallest flying robot is
released; the Micro Flying Robot.
(Attribution: yuhui)
Self-replicating blocks from Cornell University.mp4
2005: Researchers at Cornell University
claim to have created a self-replicating
2007: A robot has been used to perform
an endoscopic closed-chest robotic
coronary bypass surgery.
2008+: There have been a great number
of achievments and a great number of
ideas developed. With such a borad
period of time, especially now that
robotics has already taken the world by
storm, it is hard to know which
achivments to mark down, but one would
be the plan that NASA has to send a very
human like robot out into space with the
help of the public to program the robot.
Features of Different Robots
As society advances and as technology advances, so do robots and their feature.
First generation:
These robots are simple mechanical arms. They are able to move precisely at high speeds repetedly for a long
period of time and are industrially used frequently today. First generation robots are able to work in groups if
they are synchronized, however, they need to be constatly watched, because if there is a slight error in the
timing, then it could end up in a series of errors in the product.
They they first used before the 1980’s, and are as following: mechanical, stationary, have good precision, can
work at high speeds, are physically rugged, have servomechanisms (specialized feeddback-control devices) have
no external sensors or artificial intelligence.
Diagram of an industrial robot
Second generation:
Have ‘basic’ machanical intelligence. They may be equipped with external sensors, with a controller that is able to
process the data and adjust what the robot does accordingly. Second generation robots may also be synchronized
with each other, but do not have to be watched over by a human operator. They would need to be checked in
intervals of course, in case things do go wrong, because these are more advanced and complex systems, which
means that it could malfunction in more different ways.
They were first used in the 1980's, and are as following: include tactile, vision, position, and pressure sensors,
microcomputer control, and are programmable.
Chinese explosive removing robot
Third generation:
This is where we see the 2 catagories of robots, autonomous and insect robots. Autonomus robots are able to
function independently, as it acontains its own controller, and can do things without supervision from a human
operator or an outside computer. These robots seem to be like what many might imagine persobal robots will be
like in the future. Insect robots are like a fleet of insects, bing under the control of a single central computer.
These machines work like many insects, and while the individual machines lack artificial intelligence, the whole
group can definetly be seen as intelligent.
They were first used in the 1990's, and are as following: mobile, autonomous, insectlike, include artificial
intellifence, speech recognition and synthesis, include navigation systems, and are able to be teloperated.
An autonomous robot
2003 RoboCup humanoid robot
Fourth generation and later:
This catagory is more for what is in stored for us in a future, and are quite feasable and are seriously being
considered. These may be robots that are able to reproduce and evolve, or have both biological and mechanical
components to them. After this, it might be safe to say that a fifth generation robot is one that no one has yet to
think about in great detail and thought to be made feasible in the future.
Possible capabilities of fourth generation robots may include: reproduction, evolution, being artificially alive, be
as smart as humans, have emtions and a sense of humour, and other unknown capabilities.
A swarm of nanobots
Robots in the Future
There are many ideas and even fiction based thoughts for what robots can and may do in the future. But the
thing is, that we are slowly getting there. There have been a lot of creative advances and solutions created
though creative applications of robots. While we imagine the future to be a time where we will be able to
manipulate nanobots and be able to create robots for our on personal benefit, we already are doing that in
certain ways, and are just waiting to build on and on to reach a peak in robotics.
Many of the advances are quite major advances already, but many of these are research experiments or labs or
small scale advances or inventions. An example of this would be the advances in robotics that were made during
the Google Science Fairs. There have been projects in making robots understand english and projects about
prosthetic arms. Other small projects include using more ‘normal’ robotics technology, such as LEGO mindstorms,
to create a robot that is able to detect and sense dangerous chemicals. These already exist in real life on a larger
scale, but the thing is that these are not very affordable, especially where they might be needed in the industries
of some of the developing countries.
There are probably going to be an unlimited number of functions for robots in the future, especially with teh
creativity in which they are bing used presently in many different areas. The diversity of robots will play a large
role on why they are effective and why they are important, from the small future nanobots, to the giant
contruction workers. Robots may be a possible answer to many of the issues that we have today and be able to
propell us forward in the future.
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