Objectives & Resources

Social Science Resources
SSC105 – Intro to Sociology
Objective (as stated on web and
in catalog)
Explain how sociologists seek to
explain human behavior
Discuss the origins of sociology as
a discipline and the major
theories that are influential
Describe how sociologists do
Identify the major elements of
culture and the influence of
culture on human behavior.
Describe how society is
structured and organized.
Discuss the process of
socialization and the major agents
of socialization
Define and explain the concept of
deviance, including the major
theories of deviant behavior.
Describe how society is stratified
and the impact of stratification on
life chances.
Discuss issues of race and
Describe how the family should
function as an agent of
Describe how the institution of
education functions as an agent
of socialization.
Define and discuss the major
theories of social change
SSC 110 –Sociology of the Family
Objective (as stated on web and
in catalog)
Identify the current sociological
trends and issues in marriages
and families.
Describe the viewpoints of the
major theoretical approaches to
marriages and families.
Discuss the cultural variations and
influences on marriages and
Explain influences and issues in
parenting and child socialization.
Analyze the concerns associated
with developmental stages of
Discuss trends and issues in
divorce and re-marriage.
Explore the trends and issues in
family abuse.
Identify community, child and
family services.
SSC115 – Leadership in Schools and Community
Objective (as stated on web and
in catalog)
To identify and discuss current
theories of leadership
To examine leadership styles and
attempt to place themselves in
one of the approaches
To observe leadership
opportunities in schools and
community agencies and evaluate
techniques, styles,
communication and
responsibilities of working
professionals in leadership
To review the characteristics and
behaviors of a successful leader
and problem-solve “real-life”
leadership issues referencing
what they have discovered.
SSC125 – Intro to Human Services
Objective (as stated on web and
in catalog)
Students will demonstrate a basic
foundation in counseling skills.
To enhance their own career
paths through the principles,
skills, knowledge, and application
of concepts learned in the
To apply students the appropriate
tools to be more effective in
SSC 130 – Child, Family, and Community
Objective (as stated on web and
in catalog)
Identify and analyze factors that
influence the growth,
development, and socialization of
the child – including parenting,
media, peer groups, religion, and
Develop strategies for building
partnerships that include
Early Childhood agencies for all
children and families of diverse
backgrounds and developmental
Describe the possible
environmental hindrances of
optimum child development and
to devise strategies of
Design, develop, implement, and
evaluate an innovative program
to meet an authentic, current
community need
Identify, compile, and evaluate
community resources and
agencies providing health,
education, and services to all
families and early childhood
SSC 205 – Deviant Behavior
Objective (as stated on web and
in catalog)
Identify and explain the leading
theories and sociological
orientations of deviant behavior.
Interpret the meaning of deviant
behavior in the context of the
acquisition of all behavior.
Recognize the issues of social
control that are of great
contemporary concerns, such as
drugs and violence, both personal
and family.
Recognize some of the “newer”
forms of deviance, including
eating disorders such as anorexia
and bulimia.
To assess the impact of
technology on both deviant
behavior and its control.
SSC 210 – Social Problems
Objective (as stated on web and
in catalog)
Explain what constitutes a social
problem and examine existing
attitudes toward social problems.
Examine the structuralfunctionalist, conflict, and
symbolic interactionist theoretical
perspectives, explain the
fundamental concepts of each of
these perspectives, and use these
concepts to help explain and
solve social problems.
Analyze the nature of special
interest groups, causes of crime,
and treatment of criminal
offenders, criminal activities, and
family problems.
Examine poverty and economic
inequality, issues of
unemployment, and problems in
Examine race, ethnicity,
immigration and gender
inequality and discuss sexual
orientation and issues of
Identify health and medical care
problems and solutions.
Explain how social class and
family background affect
American educational
performance and attainment.
Explain from the conflict
perspective, how wealth, power,
and the pursuit of profit underlie
many environmental problems.
Describe the impact of the
computer revolution and the
Internet on U.S. society and the
global community
Examine war and the aftermath
of world conflict; define terrorism
and tactics used by terrorists.
SSC 225 – Sport in American Society
Objective (as stated on web and
in catalog)
Outline the history of sports
Discuss sports and children,
gender and sports, sports and
money, and power in sports
Explain the importance of sport
and its impact on society, racially
and ethnically as a whole.
Recognize why the media needs
sport and sport needs the media
in our social structure.
SSC 235 – Cultural Anthropology
Objective (as stated on web and
in catalog)
Explore the impulse to find out
who we are and where we came
Explain how and why the
discipline emerged and
Recognize the fallacies of racial
and cultural superiority and to
shed more light
on human nature
To identify the subfields of
anthropology and understand
their purpose and practice
To appraise how anthropologists
conduct their research and the
limits on such research
To recognize anthropology’s
relationship to the “hard
sciences” and to humanities
To explain some of the ethical
issues that confronts
anthropologists today
SSC 260 – Race and Ethnic Relations
Objective (as stated on web and
in catalog)
Recognize how social dynamics,
such as prejudice and
discrimination, have affected the
participation of ethnic minorities
in American society.
Demonstrate an understanding of
the nature, possible causes and
effects of prejudice, the dangers
of stereotyping and the different
aspects of institutionalized
Appraise current ethical and
moral issues relevant to interracial/inter-ethnic interactions in
the context of recent history.
Recognize the theories of ethnic
relations in order to have a
coherent framework within
which to examine specific ethnic
groups in America
Examine how past and present
discrimination can account for
inequality in the distribution of
resources among various ethnic