1 point each

Mi Familia Loca
Objective: How can I demonstrate my demonstrate knowledge of family
relationships and describe people in Spanish?
1. Choose a “family” to describe. The family is imaginary; use famous people, cartoon
characters, and any “people” of your choice. The sillier, the better!
2. Draw a family tree on a piece of poster board. The “tree” has to include at least you, two
siblings, two parents, one aunt, one uncle, two cousins, and four grandparents. Give your
family a name. Provide a picture for each “family” member (use photographs, drawings, or
pictures from magazines, and the Internet).
3. For each member of the imaginary family, do the following in Spanish:
A. Draw or attach the person’s picture.
B. Write the person’s name in marker, ink, or colored pencil.
C. For “yourself” write, “I am the daughter (or son) of _________.”
D. For “yourself,” then write one other relationship of your choice. For example: “I am
the granddaughter of Angelina Jolie. I am the nephew of President Bush.”
E. For all other members of the family, write how the person is related to you. For
example: “Barbara Bush is my aunt. Big Bird is my brother.”
F. For all other members of the family, write one other relationship of your choice.
For example: “Barbara Bush is Brad Pitt’s aunt. Homer Simpson is my cousin’s father.”
***Do not use the same relationship word more than twice!***
G. For each person, write a sentence using two descriptive adjectives. For example:
“Homer Simpson is fat and lazy. Barbara Bush is old and grey haired.”
4. On the back of your project write the following questions and answers about your
project in Spanish. Be certain that someone looking at your family tree would be able to
answer each question.
A. Who is ______’s aunt or uncle?
B. Who is _____’s male or female cousin?
C. Who is ______’s grandfather or grandmother?
D. Who is ______’s brother or sister?
E. Who is ________’s son or daughter?
5. Finally, you should prepare to present (not read!) your family tree to the class and be
prepared to answer questions about your family as well as ask questions of others about
their family.
Family tree:
1 point each:
Picture (3A)
Name (3B)
How person is
related to you
How person is
related to
another (3F)
sentence (3G)
Sibling 1
Sibling 2
Cousin 1
Cousin 2
Grandma 1
Grandpa 1
Grandma 2
Grandpa 2
Subtotal _______________/65
4 points each: 2 points for each question and 2 points for each answer.
4A______________ 4B______________ 4C______________ 4D______________ 4E______________
Writing total _____________/85
Overall neatness, accuracy of family tree construction/drawing, creativity, no
pencil! (Up to 10 extra points for exceptional creativity).
Work ethic total _______________/25