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© 2012 Ch. Muhammad Hanif Chief Librarian Punjab University Library, Lahore
PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore.
Punjab University Library is provi ding an indexing service “Newspaper’s index”. This is a monthly publication of newspaper articles published in famous local and foreign newspapers. Since January 2005 library is also providing this index on internet. Library is offering the current index as well as the archives and a cumulative index on our website http://www.pulibrary.edu.pk
, In addition to that, hard and soft copies of the indices are also available in the Serials section of the Library.
Contents are divided in two categories, Pakistan and the other World. Furthermore both of the categories have their sub-contents arranged alphabetically under various subjects. Indexed entries are further arranged under author alphabetically within their relevant subjects. Indexed entries provide bibliographic information about the articles. The scope, arrangement, format and abbreviations used in the index are as under.
This Index covers seven major English newspapers "Khaleej Times, Dawn, The Nation, The News,
Business Recorder, Financial Times and Daily Times".
Bibliographical Information:
It is a subject index; Entries in each subject have been arranged alphabetically by author.
Sample entry:
Ijaz Ahmad Rao . “Techtrix: agricultural biotechnology leads to prosperity.” The Nation, 1 Jan. 2010, p.19
Author: Only Christian author ’s names are inverted in their family name e.g. Roy C. Macridis will be inverted as Macridis, Roy C.
Title: Complete title of the article is in double quotes “Title: subtitle” while sub-title (if any) is separated with colon ( : ).
Publisher: Name of the news paper e.g. The Nation
Date of Publication: Abbreviated month and year of publication are printed in the
Format ”1Jan. 2012,”
Page No: Regular pages are indicated as p.7, while pages having a specific category name are indexed as, “Business & Economics Review. IV”
Ch. Muhammad Hanif
Chief Librarian
PunjabUniversity Librar y
PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore.
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1 Agriculture
2 Arts & Sports – Pakistan
3 Arts & Sports – World
4 Banking, Finance and Stock ExchangeBiographies
5 Biographies
6 Business, Economics and Industry
7 Crimes
8 Current Issues – Pakistan
9 Current Issues – World
10 Defense/ Military
11 Education –Pakistan
12 Geography and Travel
13 Governance / Policies – Pakistan
14 Governance / Policies – World
15 Health and Environment
16 History and Archaeology – Pakistan
17 Human Rights-Pakistan
18 Human Rights – World
19 India Politics, Policies and Relations
20 Indo-Pak Relations
21 Internationl Relations
22 Islam
23 Kashmir and Kashmir Issue
24 Language and Literature
25 Law and Legislation
26 Media – Pakistan
27 Media – World
28 Miscellaneous
29 Other Religion
30 Organizations
31 Pakistan Foreign Relations
32 Peace and war / After effects
33 Politics – Pakistan
34 Politics – World
35 Power Resources ( Gas, Oil, Dam, etc)
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36 Science and Information Technology
37 Social Problems
38 Society and Culture – Pakistan
39 Society and Culture – World
40 Terrorism
42 World Conflicts
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Mahmood Ahmad. "Competitive agriculture." Business Recorder, 1 February, 2012, p.20
Rashid Mohammad. "UAE's farming reforms ." Khaleej Times, 22 Feb, 2012, p.11
Ahmed Qurashi. "Sharmeen or politicians?." The News, 29 Februay, 2012, p.7
Akbar Zaidi, S.. "Locating South Asia." Dawn, 8 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Andleeb Abbas. "A symbol of what can be." Daily Times, 12 February, 2012, p.A7
Bhurgri, A.K. "All that is needed to know." Business Recorder, 11 February, 2012, Weekend. IV
Bhurgri, A.K. "Attack is the best defence." Business Recorder, 18 February, 2012, Weekend. IV
Bhurgri, A.K. "Dead end." Business Recorder, 25 February, 2012, Weekend. IV
Bhurgri, A.K. "Not blindly but logically." Business Recorder, 4 February, 2012, Weekend. IV
Cork, Chris. "Karachi gigs." The News, 27 Februay, 2012, p.7
Jackson, Rev Jesse L.. "Hollywood and race." The News, 25 Februay, 2012, p.7
Kamila Hyat. "We need a movement to revive basant." The News, 2 Februay, 2012, p.7
Nadeem Zuberi. "Innovative and creative Revelations." Business Recorder, 11 February, 2012, Weekend. II
Nadeem Zuberi. "Jimmy Engineer's journey." Business Recorder, 4 February, 2012, Weekend. II
Nadeem Zuberi. "Pulsating vibrant colours of life." Business Recorder, 18 February, 2012, Weekend. II
Nadeem Zuberi. "Spiritual and physical expositions." Business Recorder, 25 February, 2012, Weekend. II
Naeem Tahir. "When Faiz was remembered." Daily Times, 11 February, 2012, p.A6
Rahimullah Yusufzai. "Cricket for better Af-Pak ties." The News, 21 Februay, 2012, p.6
Shafqat Mahmood. "A question of leadership." The News, 2 Februay, 2012, p.6
Singh, Rahul . "India's sporting icon." Khaleej Times, 8 Feb, 2012, p.11
Berry, Neil. "In the land of the brand." Khaleej Times, 21 Feb, 2012, p.10
Crooks, Ed . "Back in the game." Financial Times, 11/12 February, 2012, p.7
Kay, John. "Basketball proves that high banker pay is not a slam dunk." Financial Times, 15 February, 2012, p.9
A.B.Shahid. "Odd fiscal priorities." Business Recorder, 28 February, 2012, p.20
Abdul Basit. "The sorry tale." Business Recorder, 5 February, 2012, p.16
Adnan Mufti. "Tax swap for undocumented sectors: An alternative of SRO 821(I)/2011." Business
Recorder, 10 February, 2012, p.22
Ali Khizar. "MPS - Safety first!." Business Recorder, 13 February, 2012, p.18
Anjumm Ibrahim. "Eurozone debt crisis and Pakistan." Business Recorder, 13 February, 2012, p.18
Braithwaite, Tom. "Manhattan transfer." Financial Times, 6 February, 2012, p.5
Carnegy, Hugh. "At the centre of the storm." Financial Times, 18/19 February, 2012, p.7
Dickson, Martin. "The burn a banker frenzy is tempting but wrong." Financial Times, 4/5 February, 2012, p.7
Faisal Fari. "The market for medicines." Dawn, 3 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Gapper, John. "Don't put venture capital at risk." Financial Times, 9 February, 2012, p.9
Goff, Sharlene. "A pestered hester." Financial Times, 9 February, 2012, p.7
Hausmann, Ricardo. "Ireland can show Greece a way out of the crisis." Financial Times, 9 February, 2012, p.9
Hill, Andrew. "Bonuses of contention." Financial Times, 4/5 February, 2012, p.5
Huzaima Bukhari. "FBR's shenanigans." Business Recorder, 24 February, 2012, p.22
Huzaima Bukhari. "Fiscal deficit." Business Recorder, 3 February, 2012, p.22
Huzaima Bukhari. "Recouping tax losses." Business Recorder, 10 February, 2012, p.22
Jones, Sam. "The self effacing outsider who has run foul of the fsa." Financial Times, 28/29 January, 2012, p.7
Kolodko, Gregorz. "The ecb must rescue greece: or pay more later." Financial Times, 22 February, 2012, p.9
Mallaby, Sebastian. "The quiet revolutionary who saved the world bank." Financial Times, 17 February, 2012, p.9
Moyo, Dambisa. "Africa can remind the world of the capitalist way." Financial Times, 7 February, 2012, p.9
Mulheirn, Ian. "A blueprint for shifting our sterile debate on fiscal policy." Financial Times, 20 February, 2012, p.7
Munchau, Wolfgang. "Why Greece and Portugal ought to go bankrupt." Financial Times, 13 February, 2012, p.9
Myners, Paul. "How to free RBS from the shackles of state ownership." Financial Times, 24 February, 2012, p.9
Peel, Quentin. "A very federal formula." Financial Times, 10 February, 2012, p.7
Rachman, Gideon. "Germany faces a machine from hell." Financial Times, 14 February, 2012, p.9
Rattner, Steven. "Don't just blame capitalism: blame the regulators." Financial Times, 10 February, 2012, p.9
Sanderson, Rachel. "Venerable but vulnerable." Financial Times, 20 February, 2012, p.5
Stephens, Philip. "The way to cut bonuses: scrap public subsidies for the banks." Financial Times, 7 February, 2012, p.9
Volcker, Paul. "Foreign critics should not worry about my rule." Financial Times, 14 February, 2012, p.9
PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore.
Hameed Nizami: An eminent Journalist." The Nation, 25 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Aijaz Zaka Syed. "Let Dr. Chishty go home." The News, 8 Februay, 2012, p.6
Chauburji. "Monkey business." The Nation, 23 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Davis, Mick. "Mining's bruiser in chief builds a global behemoth." Financial Times, 11/12 February, 2012, p.9
Durray Sadaf. "Wind beneath my wings." Business Recorder, 18 February, 2012, Weekend. III
Haider Shah. "Ghalib: the poet of rationalist humanism." Daily Times, 18 February, 2012, p.A7
Hwan, Ko Yong. "Whither North Korea?." Khaleej Times, 15 Feb, 2012, p.10
Jaleel Bin Hamid Zubairi. "An era of merit and distinction." Business Recorder, 18 February, 2012, Weekend. III
Zubeida Mustafa. "Letter from Haripur Jail." Dawn, 29 Feburary, 2011, p.6
Pak-Iran economic relations." The Nation, 18 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Abbas Nasir. "The longest night." Dawn, 25 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Ahmad Zaman Khan. "FTAs and PTAs." Business Recorder, 26 February, 2012, p.16
Akbar Zaidi, S.. "A new strategy, please." Dawn, 27 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Akram Khatoon. "Growing middle class consumers." Business Recorder, 14 February, 2012, p.20
Andleeb Abbas. "In search of money." Daily Times, 5 February, 2012, p.A7
Anum Mushtaq. "Free and fair trade." Business Recorder, 25 February, 2012, p.20
Ashfaque H. Khan. "Painful developments." The News, 21 Februay, 2012, p.6
Ashfaque H. Khan. "The exchange rate." The News, 28 Februay, 2012, p.6
Ashfaque H. Khan. "The IMF report." The News, 14 Februay, 2012, p.6
Bakhtiyar Kazmi. "State for profit." Business Recorder, 7 February, 2012, p.20
Brittan, Samuel. "Why the world economy is still spluttering away." Financial Times, 10 February, 2012, p.9
Dr. Kamal Monnoo. "Competitiveness and investment." The Nation, 8 Faburary, 2012, p.6
Dr. kamal Monnoo. "The debate on the state of economy!." The Nation, 29 Faburary, 2012, p.6
Dr. Kamal Monnoo. "WTO corner - latest." The Nation, 1 Faburary, 2012, p.6
Durdana Najam. "A gnawing gap." Daily Times, 1 February, 2012, p.A7
ELF Habib. "The Thunder, thirst and hunger." Daily Times, 21 February, 2012, p.A7
Gapper, John. "Wynn raises the stakes in Las Vegas." Financial Times, 23 February, 2012, p.9
Giles, Chris. "Britain's best new export: lessons in intelligent fiscal policy." Financial Times, 2 February, 2012, p.9
Grafilo, John. "Australian mining plant in Malaysia faces resistance." Business Recorder, 27 February, 2012, p.16
Groom, Brian. "United kingdom." Financial Times, 28/29 January, 2012, p.5
Huzaima Bukhari and Dr. Ikramul Haq. "Immunity to all kinds of 'investors'." The News, 1 Februay, 2012, p.6
Huzaima Bukhari. "Combating tax evasion and money laundering." Business Recorder, 17 February, 2012, p.22
Jamil Nasir. "The poor do matter." The News, 19 Februay, 2012, p.6
Jamil Nasir. "The poverty of a system." The News, 4 Februay, 2012, p.6
Jin, Keyu. "Why capital flows uphill." Khaleej Times, 30 Jan, 2012, p.12
Kay, John. "The pound is a poison pill for an independent Scotland." Financial Times, 1 February, 2012, p.9
Khalid Aziz. "Political economy of state failure." Dawn, 17 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Lal Khan. "Souls devoured without measure." Daily Times, 5 February, 2012, p.A7
Lee, John. "China's gold rush reveals a loss of faith in its growth miracle." Financial Times, 17 February, 2012, p.9
Maleeha Lodhi. "Hazards of election economics." The News, 28 Februay, 2012, p.7
Mirf Moatasim. "Behind the disaster." The News, 4 Februay, 2012, p.6
Mohammad Jamil. "Strong economy begets strong defence." The Nation, 17 Faburary, 2012, p.6
Muhammad Yaqub. "Is the government in a debt trap?." The News, 8 Februay, 2012, p.6
Munchau, Wolfgang. "Germany is stuck between a bric and a volte face." Financial Times, 6 February, 2012, p.7
Osborne, George. "The tough challenges to revive the global economy." Financial Times, 23 February, 2012, p.9
Papahelas, Alexis. "Do not humiliate the Greek." Khaleej Times, 19 Feb, 2012, p.11
Pilling, David. "The trials of a reluctant superpower." Financial Times, 2 February, 2012, p.9
Rameeza Majid Nizami. "Dormant demands." The Nation, 5 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Roach, Stephen. "A veteran wall streeter confronts the occupy movement." Financial Times, 30 January, 2012, p.9
Rogoff, Kenneth. "Our ignorance will yield more crises in capitalism." Financial Times, 2 February, 2012, p.9
Rothkopf, David. "Free market evangelists face a sad and lonely fate." Financial Times, 1 February, 2012, p.9
Saida Fazal. "Defiance sans moral justification." Business Recorder, 16 February, 2012, p.20
Sakib Sherani. "Voodoo economics." Dawn, 24 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Shabir Ahmed. "What's in a name?." Business Recorder, 18 February, 2012, p.22
Sonali Ranade. "Azadi for Mumbai." Daily Times, 27 February, 2012, p.A7
Sonali Ranade. "fighting inflation the wrong way." Daily Times, 13 February, 2012, p.A7
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Sonali Ranade. "India's gold fetish." Daily Times, 20 February, 2012, p.A7
Stephens, Philip. "Europe says goodbye to solidarity." Financial Times, 24 February, 2012, p.9
Tasker, Peter. "Europe can learn from Japan's austerity endgame." Financial Times, 13 February, 2012, p.9
Wolf, Martin. "Europe is stuck on life support." Financial Times, 1 February, 2012, p.9
Wolf, Martin. "Much too much ado about Greece." Financial Times, 15 February, 2012, p.9
Zafar Altaf. "Incredible inertness." Business Recorder, 4 February, 2012, p.22
Cohen, Joel. "A seismic crime." Khaleej Times, 5 Feb, 2012, p.11
Masood Hasan. "Abject cruelty." The News, 5 Februay, 2012, p.7
Mehboob Qadir. "Criminality of dogma and power." Daily Times, 1 February, 2012, p.A7
Minder, Raphael. "Crime in a bastion of civility." Khaleej Times, 7 Feb, 2012, p.11
Pel , Minxin. "Beijing vetoisation." Khaleej Times, 9 Feb, 2012, p.12
Taimur Shaique Hussain. "Victims of intolerance - or all hunky dory." The Nation, 7 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Abbas Nasir. "When words won't work." Dawn, 18 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Abbas Zaidi. "Adiala angels, Baloch bodies and punjabi conscience." Daily Times, 25 February, 2012, p.A7
Afiya Shehrbano. "A city of three tale." The News, 14 Februay, 2012, p.6
Amber Darr. "An unfulfilled mandate." Dawn, 22 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Anleeb Abbas. "Whose business is it anyway?." Daily Times, 26 February, 2012, p.A7
Asha'ar Rehman. "Comfort of a foreign hand." Dawn, 21 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Aziz Ali Dad. "Baseless and indiscreet." The News, 4 Februay, 2012, p.6
Farrukh Saleem. "No military solution." The News, 26 Februay, 2012, p.6
Fazl e Haider. "Of sardars and sarkars." Dawn, 26 Feburary, 2011, p.6
Golia, Maria. "The real battle in Egypt." Khaleej Times, 11 Feb, 2012, p.7
Haider Nizamani. "The federation debate." Dawn, 13 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Huma Yusuf. "The path of isolation." Dawn, 13 Feburary, 2011, p.6
Ishtiaq Ahmad. "The Baloch national question." Daily Times, 26 February, 2012, p.A6
Kamila Hyat. "Creatures of the world of nightmares." The News, 16 Februay, 2012, p.7
Kamila Hyat. "Dealing with the anger syndrome." The News, 23 Februay, 2012, p.7
Khalid Aziz. "A question of motive." Dawn, 24 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Lubna Jerar Naqvi. "Happy slapping." The News, 28 Februay, 2012, p.7
Lubna Jerar Naqvi. "Our dreamer." The News, 15 Februay, 2012, p.7
Mansoor Hussain. "A tisket, a tasket." Daily Times, 13 February, 2012, p.A6
Marvi Sirmed. "The 'anti-state'Sarmachars of Balochistan." Daily Times, 27 February, 2012, p.A6
Mohammad Malick. "Saving Balochistan." The News, 17 Februay, 2012, p.7
Mushfiq Ahmad . "Piety without morality." The News, 9 Februay, 2012, p.6
Najmuddin A. Shaikh. "Rohrabacher and Balochistan." Dawn, 29 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Rameeza Majid Nizami. "The hits keep on coming." The Nation, 27 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Rehman, I.A.. "Balochistans agony." Dawn, 16 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Saulat NAgi. "Any change is a change in the topic." Daily Times, 29 February, 2012, p.A6
Shada Islam. "Interest in Pakistan." Dawn, 4 Feburary, 2011, p.6
Tahir Ali. "Sell-offs?." The News, 1 Februay, 2012, p.6
Yasser Latif. "Balochistan: alternatives to secession." Daily Times, 27 February, 2012, p.A7
Zafar Hilaly. "Balochistan is not beyond hope." The News, 26 Februay, 2012, p.6
S. Iftikhar Murshed. "The ultimate achievement of wisdom." The News, 27 Februay, 2012, p.6
Tanvir Ahmad Khan. "Many faces of Arab Spring." Dawn, 14 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Zafar Hilaly. "Taking baby steps towards peace." The News, 9 Februay, 2012, p.6
A R Siddiqi. "Army and the birth of an insecure state." Daily Times, 7 February, 2012, p.A7
A R Siddiqi. "Army and the birth of an insecure state." Daily Times, 8 February, 2012, p.A7
Abbas Nasir. "Now for some home truths." Dawn, 11 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Abdul Quayyum Khan Kundi. "Who is next?." Daily Times, 23 February, 2012, p.A7
Aqil Shah. "Role of security establishement." Dawn, 23 Feburary, 2011, p.7
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Babar Ayaz. "Question of national interest vs interest of humanity." Daily Times, 14 February, 2012, p.A6
Binnendijk, Hans. "Carving a new NATO." Khaleej Times, 6 Feb, 2012, p.10
Bruton, Bronwyn. "The divisive Somalia." Khaleej Times, 25 Feb, 2012, p.7
Dempsey, Judy. "Of EU US strained ties ." Khaleej Times, 8 Feb, 2012, p.11
Dr. Haider Mehdi. "In defence of the pak Army!." The Nation, 14 Faburary, 2012, p.6
Farhat Taj. "Dr Shakil Afridi." Daily Times, 18 February, 2012, p.A7
Farhat Taj. "Voices from FATA and the panic." Daily Times, 4 February, 2012, p.A7
Ian Harris. "Drones and security." The News, 1 Februay, 2012, p.6
Ikram Sehgal. "Guarding the guards." The News, 23 Februay, 2012, p.6
Kamran Hashmi. "Are we safe?." Daily Times, 17 February, 2012, p.A7
Michael, Krepon. "Pakistan and the FMCT." Dawn, 15 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Moeed Yusuf. "Beyond a game of chess." Dawn, 13 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Mohammad Jamil. "Cost of Nato's adventurism." The Nation, 3 Faburary, 2012, p.6
Muhammad Amir Rana. "Jihadi inspiration." Dawn, 26 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Salman Tarik Kureshi. "Military restraint." Daily Times, 4 February, 2012, p.A6
Sana Bucha . "Dear Mr. Brigadier . . .." The News, 26 Februay, 2012, p.6
Vohra, Bikram. "Did the general win?." Khaleej Times, 16 Feb, 2012, p.10
Aadarsh Ayaz Laghari. "Halting education." The News, 29 Februay, 2012, p.6
Cork, Chris. "The good news." The News, 13 Februay, 2012, p.7
Esther Dyson. "Do we have a choice?." The Nation, 22 Faburary, 2012, p.6
Farooq Sulehria. "Aristocratising discourse." The News, 16 Februay, 2012, p.6
Farooq Sulehria. "Educational hegemony." The News, 10 Februay, 2012, p.6
Fazl e Haider. "Worst statistics for education." Dawn, 9 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Javaid R. Laghari. "Revolution in higher education." The News, 15 Februay, 2012, p.6
Kandaswamy, Deepa. "English as she is spoken." Khaleej Times, 17 Feb, 2012, p.6
Kasim Kasuri. "Who needs private schools anyway?." Daily Times, 13 February, 2012, p.A7
Kasim Kasuri. "Who needs private Schools anyway?." Daily Times, 14 February, 2012, p.A7
Masood Hasan. "Dr. Who?." The News, 20 Februay, 2012, p.6
Nargis Khanum. "St. Joseph's Convent School's 150th year." Business Recorder, 18 February, 2012, Weekend. I
Rehman, I.A.. "The biggest crisis." Dawn, 23 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Sartaj Kahn. "What the teachers seek." The News, 29 Februay, 2012, p.6
Zirgham Afridi. "A vision for education." The News, 21 Februay, 2012, p.6
Zubeida Mustafa. "Teachers who cannot teach." Dawn, 1 Feburary, 2011, p.6
Adiah Afraz. "Stuck in the parking lot." The News, 2 Februay, 2012, p.6
M. H. Rehman. "Balochistan's non-roads." The News, 7 Februay, 2012, p.6
Raana Shah. "Sleepwalking in Pakistan." The News, 10 Februay, 2012, p.6
Syed Umair Javed. "Restructuring the railways." The News, 16 Februay, 2012, p.6
Zarina Patel. "Flowers speak the language of love." Business Recorder, 11 February, 2012, Weekend. III
A R Siddiqi. "Aitzaz's recipe for a welfare state." Daily Times, 27 February, 2012, p.A7
Anwar Syed. "A workaholic." Daily Times, 14 February, 2012, p.A6
Anwar Syed. "Whither Mr Gilani?." Daily Times, 28 February, 2012, p.A6
Asif Ezdi. "Towards a nominated upper chamber." The News, 19 Februay, 2012, p.7
Ayaz Amir . "The first stone." The News, 17 Februay, 2012, p.6
Babar Ayaz. "Is Pakistan really a hard country?." Daily Times, 21 February, 2012, p.A7
By Shahid Asad. "Eroding government's credibility." The Nation, 29 Faburary, 2012, p.6
Dr. Kamal Monnoo. "WTO: EU package of duty concessions." The Nation, 15 Faburary, 2012, p.6
Dr. Muhammed Iqbal Wahla. "The myth of Reko Diq." The Nation, 3 Faburary, 2012, p.7
ELF Habib. "Faiz and the fight we face." Daily Times, 29 February, 2012, p.A7
Gulmina Bilal Ahmad. "Protecting venom." Daily Times, 17 February, 2012, p.A6
Harris Khalique. "Maturing, a bit." The News, 17 Februay, 2012, p.7
Hina Hafeezullah. "Imagine...." Daily Times, 10 February, 2012, p.A7
Inayatullah. "Performance and image abroad." The Nation, 11 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Inayatullah. "Playing with fire." The Nation, 18 Faburary, 2012, p.7
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Ishtiaq Ali Mehkri. "Inside a puzzled pakistan ." Khaleej Times, 16 Feb, 2012, p.11
Jalees Hazir. "Stoking the Balochistan fire." The Nation, 12 Faburary, 2012, p.6
Kasim Kasuri. "Our 'Desi Day' in Davos." Daily Times, 3 February, 2012, p.A7
Khalid Iqbal. "The Balochistan squeeze." The Nation, 27 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Kochhar, Kalpana. "Significance of three Es." Business Recorder, 3 February, 2012, p.22
Lal Khan. "What is the 'establishment'?." Daily Times, 26 February, 2012, p.A7
M.A Niazi. "Trouble in Balochistan." The Nation, 24 Faburary, 2012, p.6
Malik Muhammad Ashraf. "Need to do more for Balochistan." The Nation, 21 Faburary, 2012, p.6
Mehr Tarar. "The other side." Daily Times, 9 February, 2012, p.A7
Midhat Kazim. "A 'Pakistan Spring' is nigh." Daily Times, 22 February, 2012, p.A7
Mohamamd Malick. "No more political martyers please." The News, 10 Februay, 2012, p.7
Mohammad Jamil. "Balochistan in focus." The Nation, 25 Faburary, 2012, p.6
Momin Iftikhar. "US and undercurrents of Baloch Unrest." The Nation, 29 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Muhammad Amir Rana. "Return of the narrative." Dawn, 12 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Parvez Hasan. "Remarks at PSDE conference." Business Recorder, 1 February, 2012, p.20
Raana Shah. "Energy and the 18the amendment." The News, 25 Februay, 2012, p.6
Riaz-ul- Hassan. "Restructuring of PSEs." Business Recorder, 24 February, 2012, p.22
S.M. Hali. "The armed forces and Balochis' uplift." The Nation, 15 Faburary, 2012, p.6
S.M. Hali. "US sullying Pak affairs." The Nation, 22 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Saida Fazal. "Fresh focus on Balochistan." Business Recorder, 23 February, 2012, p.22
Sakib Sherani. "System of spoils." Dawn, 10 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Tallat Azim. "Bang! It's out again." The Nation, 25 Faburary, 2012, p.6
Zafar Altaf. "Give capitalism a chance in Balochistan." Business Recorder, 25 February, 2012, p.20
Zahrah Nasir. "The conveyor belt to hell!." The Nation, 20 Faburary, 2012, p.6
Ayesha Haroon. "So what good is a government?." The News, 15 Februay, 2012, p.6
Fahd Ali. "How to win freedom and be independent." Daily Times, 21 February, 2012, p.A6
Gresser,Edward. "Much ado about China." Khaleej Times, 19 Feb, 2012, p.10
Pozen, Robert. "How to tax foreign profits of US companies." Financial Times, 23 February, 2012, p.9
Adiah Afraz. "Who is afraid of the PIC?." The News, 5 Februay, 2012, p.6
Akbar, M.J.. "The joy of trash." Dawn, 26 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Amin A. Gadit. "Professional jealousy among medicos." Business Recorder, 18 February, 2012, Weekend.II
Atle Hetland. "Controlling aid." The Nation, 9 Faburary, 2012, p.6
Chaffin, Joshua. "Cheap and dirty." Financial Times, 14 February, 2012, p.7
Chauburji. "More animal tales." The Nation, 9 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Cork, Chris. "Café culture." The News, 19 Februay, 2012, p.7
Dr. Sania Chaudhry. "The mystery univeils." The Nation, 4 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Haider Shah. "The doctor's dilemma." Daily Times, 4 February, 2012, p.A7
Kenneth Rogoff. "Coronary capitalism." The Nation, 3 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Khurshid Akhtar Khan. "The cost of our living." The Nation, 12 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Kumar , Asha . "Fighting to fit in ." Khaleej Times, 11 Feb, 2012, p.6
Kumar,Asha Lyer . "Fighting to fit in." Khaleej Times, 11 Feb, 2012, p.6
Najmul Hasan Rizvi. "Saving life with poison." Khaleej Times, 14 Feb, 2012, p.10
Nargis Khanum. "Birds in the urban jungle." Business Recorder, 11 February, 2012, Weekend. I
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Huma Yusuf. "Imran Khan security state." Dawn, 20 Feburary, 2011, p.6
Hussain H. Zaidi. "Fluctuating fortunes." The News, 13 Februay, 2012, p.6
Hussain H. Zaidi. "Pakistan's mock epic." The News, 19 Februay, 2012, p.6
Hussain H. Zaidi. "Towards credible elections?." The News, 27 Februay, 2012, p.6
Huzaima Bukhari
Ikram Ullah. "From crisis to solution." The Nation, 26 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Jalees Hazir. "The missing spirit of democracy." The Nation, 19 Faburary, 2012, p.6
Jalees Hazir. "The taming of democracy." The Nation, 26 Faburary, 2012, p.
K. Hussain Zia. "The question of nationhood." The News, 25 Februay, 2012, p.6
Kahar Zalmay. "Khakis should learn their lesson." Daily Times, 21 February, 2012, p.A7
Khurshid Akhtar Khan. "Our divided society." The Nation, 20 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Lubna Jerar Naqvi. "The 'real' picture." The News, 8 Februay, 2012, p.7
M.A Niazi. "Talking the talk." The Nation, 3 Faburary, 2012, p.6
Masood Hasan. "Theatre of the absurd." The News, 26 Februay, 2012, p.7
Mir Adnan Aziz. "PM's 'unblemished' democracy." The News, 19 Februay, 2012, p.6
Mohammad Ahsan YATU. "Thank God for the politicians." Daily Times, 3 February, 2012, p.A7
Mohammad El Dahshan. "Tough task ahead ." Khaleej Times, 10 Feb, 2012, p.6
Mohammad Malick. "Dirty sherwanis and uniforms." The News, 3 Februay, 2012, p.7
Mohammad Taqi. "Kurram: children of a lesser god." Daily Times, 23 February, 2012, p.A6
Mohammad Taqi. "Not worth the paper." Daily Times, 2 February, 2012, p.A6
Mowahid Hussain Shah. "Soft separation." The Nation, 16 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Muhammad Yaqub. "Economic decisions ahead of general election." Business Recorder, 24 February, 2012, p.22
Nargis Khanum. "Jobless youth." Business Recorder, 4 February, 2012, Weekend. I
Naseem, S.M.. "Welfare state and democracy." Dawn, 21 Feburary, 2011, p.6
Nazish Brohi. "Crises within the crisis." Dawn, 20 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Raja Arslan Khan. "Why should I vote for Imran?." The Nation, 26 Faburary, 2012, p.6
Roberts, Paul Craig. "Democracy?." The News, 16 Februay, 2012, p.7
Roedad Khan. "The revolt of the middle class." The News, 15 Februay, 2012, p.6
Rufin, Clarence. "On the contempt path ." Khaleej Times, 21 Feb, 2012, p.11
Rustam Shah Mohmand. "The dangers of new provinces." The News, 9 Februay, 2012, p.7
S P Seth. "Imran Khan: a revolutionary?." Daily Times, 15 February, 2012, p.A7
S.Tariq. "Election ramblings." The Nation, 21 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Salman Tarik. "The resistible rise of the PTI." Daily Times, 18 February, 2012, p.A6
Sami ur Rahman. "Go Zardari go. Yes, but where to?." The Nation, 4 Faburary, 2012, p.6
Sana Bucha. "Pakistan: A to Z for dummies." The News, 12 Februay, 2012, p.6
Shahab USTO. "A case study of power." Daily Times, 10 February, 2012, p.A6
Shahid Ilyas. "junta waning." Daily Times, 23 February, 2012, p.A7
Syed Mansoor Hussain. "More of the same?." Daily Times, 20 February, 2012, p.A6
Syed Mansoor Hussain. "Some thoughts about the Oscars." Daily Times, 27 February, 2012, p.A6
Tanvir Ahmad Khan. "The Syrian stalemate." Dawn, 28 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Wajid Naeemuddin. " Back-and-forth of election-eve alliances!: Difa-e-Pakistan Council means business, discordant notes notwithstanding!." Business Recorder, 7 February, 2012, p.20
Wajid Naeemuddin. "Bondage to US to continue but at a higher wage?: Difa-e-Pakistan Council and
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Farrukh Saleem. "Isolatopm." The News, 5 Februay, 2012, p.6
Fuller, Thomas. "An unconvinced diaspora." Khaleej Times, 24 Feb, 2012, p.7
Gelb, Leslie. "Going slow in Syria." Khaleej Times, 14 Feb, 2012, p.10
Giraud, Pierre Noel. "Brussels to Beijing." Khaleej Times, 31 Feb, 2012, p.10
Harlan Ullman. "Afghanistan : endgame or no game?." Daily Times, 9 February, 2012, p.A7
Harlan Ullman. "Revolutions ahoy?." Daily Times, 2 February, 2012, p.A7
Heller, Mark. "Old feuds test a new state." Khaleej Times, 1 Feb, 2012, p.15
Hun, Choe Sang. "Kim grips the throne ." Khaleej Times, 22 Feb, 2012, p.10
Ikram Sehgal. "Drawdown in Afghanistan." The News, 9 Februay, 2012, p.6
Kay, John. "Why lashing governments to the mast will always prove futile." Financial Times, 22 February, 2012, p.9
Lamont, James. "A dogfight over delhi." Financial Times, 7 February, 2012, p.7
Maleeha Lodhi. "Winding down the Afghan war." The News, 15 Februay, 2012, p.7
Mallaby, Sebastian. "Romney can turn private equity into political capital." Financial Times, 3 February, 2012, p.9
Margolis, Eric. "The new hype in the mideast ." Khaleej Times, 12 Feb, 2012, p.8
Midhat Kazim. "End the occupation." The News, 2 Februay, 2012, p.6
Mir, Haroun. "Kabul risks meltdown." Khaleej Times, 15 Feb, 2012, p.11
Motahari, Farshid. "Iran readies for the worst but still trying diplomacy." Business Recorder, 22 February, 2012, p.22
Munchau, Wolfgang. "Greece will have to default if it wants democracy." Financial Times, 20 February, 2012, p.7
Nakhleh, Emile. "Helping Syria's rebels is a matter of when not if." Financial Times, 24 February, 2012, p.9
Pilling, David. "China cannot ignore the will of hongkong." Financial Times, 23 February, 2012, p.9
Plate, Tom. "Exiled and restless." Khaleej Times, 14 Feb, 2012, p.11
Rachiln, Samuel. "Putin skewered and seared." Khaleej Times, 20 Feb, 2012, p.10
Rachman, Gideon. "The ice is cracking under putin." Financial Times, 7 February, 2012, p.9
Rahimullah Yusufzai. "The Taliban have come a long way." The News, 7 Februay, 2012, p.6
Rashid Ahmad Khan. "Coup attempt in Bangladesh." Daily Times, 2 February, 2012, p.A7
Renaudin, Alain. "Past the point of protectionism." Khaleej Times, 1 Feb, 2012, p.14
Rifkind, Malcolm. "It's time to support the opposition in the syrian civil war." Financial Times, 6 February, 2012, p.7
Rustam Shah Mohmand. "The Qatar route." The News, 2 Februay, 2012, p.7
S. Iftikhar Murshed. "The Doha process." The News, 12 Februay, 2012, p.7
Sebastian , Tim. "Empty talk on Tahrir." Khaleej Times, 21 Feb, 2012, p.10
Shaid Javed Burki. "Demilitarising politics." Khaleej Times, 29 Jan, 2012, p.11
Simonsson, Lennart. "Norway's King Harald turns 75 but not slowing down." Business Recorder, 19 February, 2012, p.16
Smith Diwan, Kristin. "Bahrain's unfinished revolution holds lessons for the west." Financial Times, 14 February, 2012, p.9
Stephens, Philip. "A telling tale of two mitterrands." Financial Times, 3 February, 2012, p.9
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Stephens, Philip. "A veto worthy of the brezhnev era." Financial Times, 10 February, 2012, p.9
Stephens, Philip. "Gotcha: the sun sinks murdoch." Financial Times, 17 February, 2012, p.9
Talat Farooq. "A bend in the road." The News, 13 Februay, 2012, p.6
Tammy Swofford. "Bashar al -Assad's xiphos." Daily Times, 10 February, 2012, p.A7
Zafar Hilaly. "Supporting Iran." The News, 1 Februay, 2012, p.7
Akhtar Ali. "Petroleum Policy 2012.." Business Recorder, 22 February, 2012, p.22
Akhtar Ali. "Unreasonable increase in POL products' prices." Business Recorder, 4 February, 2012, p.22
B.A.Malik. "Regional integration: Gas transmission lines." Business Recorder, 27 February, 2012, p.16
Clover, Charles. "A kremlin of crude calculations." Financial Times, 24 February, 2012, p.7
Donhauser, Michael. "BP's Deepwater Horizon spill comes to court." Business Recorder, 25 February, 2012, p.20
Farrukh Saleem. "Population bomb." The News, 12 Februay, 2012, p.6
Khalil Ahmed. "Amnesty is justified!." Business Recorder, 11 February, 2012, p.20
Lubna Jerar Naqvi. "The electricity pledge." The News, 23 Februay, 2012, p.6
Majed Akhter. "Indus and the territorial trap." Dawn, 14 Feburary, 2011, p.6
Mondeser, Anne-Laure. "Iconic London power station faces uncertain future." Business Recorder, 20 February, 2012, p.16
Rameeza Majid Nizami. "Where's the water?." The Nation, 19 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Wolf, Martin. "Prepare for a golden age of gas." Financial Times, 22 February, 2012, p.9
Asif Ezdi. "Nuclear bluff." The News, 27 Februay, 2012, p.7
Atta ur Rahman and S T. K. Naim. "Science and technlogy parks." The News, 11 Februay, 2012, p.6
Averesch, Dirk. "A is for antivirus; Z is for zip." Business Recorder, 4 February, 2012, Weekend. II
Averesch, Dirk. "Streaming makes music available anywhere." Business Recorder, 11 February, 2012, Weekend. IV
Bakhtiyar Kazmi. "The profit-makers." Business Recorder, 22 February, 2012, p.22
Ching, Frank. "China's hard soft power." Khaleej Times, 12 Feb, 2012, p.9
Dembosky, April. "A social networked executive finds the perfect company." Financial Times, 4/5 February, 2012, p.7
Gapper, John. "Facebook ought to ditch its initial public offering." Financial Times, 3 February, 2012, p.9
Grimming, Renate. "Glass fibre cable: your ticket to fast internet." Business Recorder, 4 February, 2012, Weekend. III
Hanraths, Tobias. "An online notepad? Your smartphone as a notebook." Business Recorder, 18
February, 2012, Weekend. II
Hoon, Shim Jae. "N. Korea's hunger test." Khaleej Times, 8 Feb, 2012, p.10
Jonardhan, N. "The Gcc - Iran row." Khaleej Times, 30 Jan, 2012, p.13
Joos, Thomas. "Getting rid of data the right way: Gone for good." Business Recorder, 11 February, 2012, Weekend. III
Joos, Thomas. "Tiles and extra security: Windows 8 is coming." Business Recorder, 11 February, 2012, Weekend. II
Jurgen, Frank. "Shafts of sunlight." Khaleej Times, 10 Feb, 2012, p.8
Karamat Chughtai. "Success cellular story." Business Recorder, 8 February, 2012, p.20
Maleeha Lodhi. "The nuclear impasse." Khaleej Times, 13 Feb, 2012, p.11
Masood Khan. "Dr. Salam vs us." The News, 12 Februay, 2012, p.7
Mierke, Marco. "US marks 50th anniversary of its first orbit of Earth." Business Recorder, 18 February, 2012, p.22
Naeem Zamindar. "Going wireless." Business Recorder, 10 February, 2012, p.22
Smith, Sebastian. "Vinyl records make the world go around again." Business Recorder, 4 February, 2012, Weekend. IV
Zschunke, Peter. "Getting your website to the top: Google searches." Business Recorder, 25
February, 2012, Weekend. III
Akif Abdulamir. "What really counts?." The Nation, 20 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Gates, Bill. "Truth about aid ." Khaleej Times, 29 Jan, 2012, p.10
Hague, William. "Time to help somalia." Khaleej Times, 12 Feb, 2012, p.8
Logan, Michael. "New Kenyan initiative aims to tackle endemic graft." Business Recorder, 19 February, 2012, p.16
Maleeha Lodhi. "Looming economic storm?." Khaleej Times, 28 Jan, 2012, p.7
Miriam Habib. "Rise of four letter words." The Nation, 1 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Nargis Khanum. "Indeed a profoundly shocking moral crisis." Business Recorder, 25 February, 2012, Weekend.I
Power, Jonathan. "Nigeria's uneasy equations." Khaleej Times, 23 Feb, 2012, p.12
Rafia Zakaria. "Public spaces private lives." Dawn, 1 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Zahrah Nasir. "The revolution is happening now!." The Nation, 8 Faburary, 2012, p.6
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Asha ar Rehman. "One rupee well spent." Dawn, 14 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Chauburji. "Extinct and unforgettable." The Nation, 16 Faburary, 2012, p.6
D Asghar. "The not so juicy details." Daily Times, 23 February, 2012, p.A6
Farhat Taj. "Pushing Kurram to invite foreign intervention." Daily Times, 25 February, 2012, p.A7
Gulmina Bilal Ahmad. "Thinking twice." Daily Times, 10 February, 2012, p.A6
Haider Shah. "Culture: the sacrificial animal?." Daily Times, 11 February, 2012, p.A6
Kahar Zalmay. "Cultural entrenchment or deft manoeuvring ." Daily Times, 14 February, 2012, p.A7
Mariam Habib. "To live or not to live!." The Nation, 22 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Marvi Sirmed. "Extremism: a tool or a problem?." Daily Times, 20 February, 2012, p.A6
Mehboob Qadir. "Criminality of dogma and power." Daily Times, 8 February, 2012, p.A7
Mehboob Qadir. "Our social lepers." Daily Times, 22 February, 2012, p.A7
Mehboob Qadir. "Our social lepers." Daily Times, 29 February, 2012, p.A7
Mehboob Qadir. "Please let my sunlight in." Daily Times, 15 February, 2012, p.A7
Mehboob Qadir. "Please let my sunlight." Daily Times, 16 February, 2012, p.A7
Naeem Tahir. "'Tea House', coffee house and 'Food Sreet'." Daily Times, 25 February, 2012, p.A6
Naeem Tahir. "'Tea House', coffee house and 'Food Street'." Daily Times, 18 February, 2012, p.A6
Navid Shahzad. "Human culture without music." Daily Times, 8 February, 2012, p.A7
Navid Shahzad. "Human culture without music." Daily Times, 9 February, 2012, p.A7
Rehman, I.A.. "New culture for women." Dawn, 9 Feburary, 2011, p.7
S. Tariq. "Daur-e-Junoon." The Nation, 11 Faburary, 2012, p.7
S.Tariq. "To serve and protect." The Nation, 28 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Uchtmann, Johanna. "Advice on buying high heels." Business Recorder, 4 February, 2012, Weekend. IV
Vohra, Bikram . "The charm of coincidences." Khaleej Times, 28 Jan, 2012, p.7
Zahrah Nasir. "Learning from bitter experience." The Nation, 14 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Kirchner, Julia. "When a pet dies it's best to tell children the truth." Business Recorder, 18 February, 2012, Weekend. III
Kit, Zarianna. "Designers save a few fashion surprises for Oscars." Business Recorder, 25 February, 2012, Weekend. III
Razi Azmi. "Pride, prejudice and parenting." Daily Times, 29 February, 2012, p.A7
S. Tariq. "Why indeed?." The Nation, 15 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Shahab USTO. "An ode to bias." Daily Times, 2 February, 2012, p.A7
Sibbel, Lea. "Parents don't always have to agree on child-rearing." Business Recorder, 25 February, 2012, Weekend. II
Tammy Swofford. "The gift of contemplation." Daily Times, 17 February, 2012, p.A7
Terfruechte, Janne. "West way to start planning a closet is to look into the old one." Business
Recorder, 11 February, 2012, Weekend. II
Thieme, Andreas. "Lunch breaks can be about more than just lunch." Business Recorder, 11
February, 2012, Weekend. II
Ballen, Ken. "Drones can't fight terrorism." Khaleej Times, 3 Feb, 2012, p.7
Chellaney, Brahma. "The Empire's graveyard." Khaleej Times, 2 Feb, 2012, p.14
Henning, Job. "Day of the drones." Khaleej Times, 22 Feb, 2012, p.10
Jalees Hazir. "Peace prize and war crimes." The Nation, 5 Faburary, 2012, p.6
Kamila Hyat. "Genocides without a distinct label." The News, 9 Februay, 2012, p.7
Khalid Iqbal. "A 'stunt' hearing on Balochistan." The Nation, 13 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Khalid Iqbal. "The drone dilemma." The Nation, 10 Faburary, 2012, p.6
Lal Khan. "Orchestrated anarchy." Daily Times, 12 February, 2012, p.A7
Momin Iftikhar. "Grappling with terrorism." The Nation, 10 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Rafia Zakaria. "The banned outfit." Dawn, 8 Feburary, 2011, p.7
S.M. Hali. "The missing persons' imbroglio." The Nation, 8 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Saad Hafiz. "A licence to kill." Daily Times, 24 February, 2012, p.A7
Saida Fazal. "America and its drone strikes." Business Recorder, 9 February, 2012, p.20
Saleem Safi. "Terrorism: how we got here." The News, 17 Februay, 2012, p.6
Syed, Irfan Ashraf. "Hard times for journalists." Dawn, 1 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Tammy Swofford. "The 'flying' locusts." Daily Times, 24 February, 2012, p.A7
Zahrah Nasir. "The death of innocence." The Nation, 27 Faburary, 2012, p.6
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Adel Safty. "A window of opportunity!." The Nation, 28 Faburary, 2012, p.6
Asim Ali. "US 'democracy agenda' in ME." The News, 8 Februay, 2012, p.6
Ayesha Haroon. "State of the US economy." The News, 1 Februay, 2012, p.6
Berry, Nell. "Gordon Gekko's long g 'bye." Khaleej Times, 3 Feb, 2012, p.7
Bhagwati, Jagdish. "Shame on you Mr Obama for pandering on trade." Financial Times, 7 February, 2012, p.9
Cockburn, Patrick. "The lost war." The News, 11 Februay, 2012, p.7
Dr. Mujahid Kamran. "Will the US-Israel alliance attack Iran?." The Nation, 28 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Eric S. Margolis. "Obama does the right thing." The Nation, 7 Faburary, 2012, p.6
Fareed Zakaria. "America isnot on the decline ." Khaleej Times, 6 Feb, 2012, p.11
General Mirza Aslam Beg. "America's Pacific Century!." The Nation, 7 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Harlan Ullman. "BHO equals W on steroids!." Daily Times, 16 February, 2012, p.A7
Hubbard, Glenn. "How to crank up the American economic dynamo." Financial Times, 15 February, 2012, p.9
Huma Yusuf. "Presumed guilty?." Dawn, 27 Feburary, 2011, p.6
Ian Buruma. "A loss of nerve." The Nation, 10 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Khalid Aziz. "US Pakistan divergences." Dawn, 3 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Khan, Muqtedar. "Overcoming religious pobias." Khaleej Times, 2 Feb, 2012, p.15
Luce, Edward. "Obama nears his nuclear moment." Financial Times, 20 February, 2012, p.7
Luce, Edward. "Recovery, but a cold and grey one." Financial Times, 13 February, 2012, p.9
Luce, Edward. "The mirage of obama's defence cuts." Financial Times, 30 January, 2012, p.9
Luce, Edward. "The reality of american decline." Financial Times, 6 February, 2012, p.7
McGregor, Richard. "The super pacs attack." Financial Times, 3 February, 2012, p.7
Mierke, Marco. "Battle for money escalates on road to White House." Business Recorder, 3 February, 2012, p.22
Mierke, Marco. "Mexican drug war pervades US popular culture." Business Recorder, 23 February, 2012, p.22
Momin Iftikhar. "Redefining Pak-US relations." The Nation, 13 Faburary, 2012, p.6
Munir Akram. "Empire strikes back." Dawn, 5 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Noorani, A.G.. "US Russia differences." Dawn, 4 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Qaiser Rashid. "Balochistan and the security state sickness." Daily Times, 29 February, 2012, p.A6
Rafia Zakaria. "Life after America." Dawn, 15 Feburary, 2011, p.7
Rustam Shah Mohmand. "Hurdles to peace." The News, 24 Februay, 2012, p.6
S P Seth. "Is US-China collision inevitable?." Daily Times, 7 February, 2012, p.A6
Shazia Kamal. "Muslim Americans and 2012 elections." The Nation, 12 Faburary, 2012, p.6
Syed, Amir. "New factors in US primaries." Dawn, 7 Feburary, 2011, p.6
Walters, Anne K. "Obama, Republicans in war of words over jobs." Business Recorder, 5 February, 2012, p.16
Abid Mustafa. "The UN: A colonial tool." The Nation, 19 Faburary, 2012, p.7
Adnan F. Sher. "How kingdoms survived Arab Spring?." The Nation, 24 Faburary, 2012, p.6
Buck, Tobias. "From exile to engagement." Financial Times, 15 February, 2012, p.7
Fareed Zakaria . "The looming threat ." Khaleej Times, 20 Feb, 2012, p.11
Kuttab, Daoud . "Uniting for a cause?." Khaleej Times, 23 Feb, 2012, p.12
Peel, Michael. "Where harsh realities meet." Financial Times, 22 February, 2012, p.7
Power, Jonathan. "A lack of proof for the bomb ." Khaleej Times, 4 Feb, 2012, p.7
Tarak Barkawi. "Militants and the West." The News, 22 Februay, 2012, p.7
Whitbeck, John. "Getting back impetus for palestine's cause." Khaleej Times, 24 Feb, 2012, p.6
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M 28
9. 595.715 P 74 I
10. Staemmler, Frank-M.
Aggression, time, and understanding
S 67 A
Afghan frontier 958.1 S 23 A
Suri, Vaibhav.
13. Sharma, Premjit (ed.) Seed legislation
The curriculum bridge (3rd.)
343.076 S 27
S 94 M
S 61 C
The psychology of attitudes and attitude change
153.8 M 28 P
Feedback amplifiers 621.381535
P 14 F
Consumer behavior 658.83 H 86 C
Bradley, Teresa.
Essential mathematics for economics and business
Ziauddin Sardar. How do you know?
B 77 E3
Z 6 H
20. Chaparro, Luis F. Signals and systems using MATLAB 003 S 30 S
21. Browne, Ken. An introduction to sociology (4th.)
Merchants of culture
B 92 A
T 38 M
The Routledge companion to religion and film
R 91
Ali Mazidi, Muhammad The 8051 Microcontroller and embedded systems (2nd.)
004.165 A 35 E
Ali Mazidi, Muhammad
The x86 PC (5th.) 005.265 A 35 X
Abraham Silberschatz
Applied operating system concepts 005.43 A 15 A
658.4 L 27 M6
Programmable logic controllers (3rd.) 629.895 P 45 P
29. Ackerman, Steven A.
Meteorology (3rd.) 551.5 A 18 M
30. Ferraro, Jack. The strategic project leader
F 35 S
Renard, John. Islam and christianity
Intercultural communication
Knight, Jack. The proority of democracy
Sharma, Pankaj. Working with artificial intelligence
297.283 R 37 I
303.482 S 11 I
321.8 K 87 P
006.3 S 32 W
Maiwald, Eric. Fundamentals of network security 005.8 M 28 F
Introduction to radar systems (3rd.)
S 50 I
Garcia-Martinez, Javier (ed.)
The chemical element 546 C 33
38. Lippens, Ronnie (ed.) Existentialist criminology 364.01 E 96
39. Aldohni, Abdul Karim The legal and regulatory aspects of Islamic banking
A 30 L
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Sr. # Author Title
Class # Cutter #
Insidious workplace behavior
42. Bhalla, Prem P. 7 Steps to success
149.2 M 32 P2
G 76 I
158.1 B 51 S
Applied entomology
632.7 A 25 A
Akseli, N. Orkun. International secured transaction law 346.074 A 28 I
Cooper, Mathew (ed.)
615.19 L 11
The imperatives of urban and regional planning
A 61 I
Thompson, Edwina A.
Trust in the coin of the realm 364.168 T 37 T
48. Farouqui, Ather (ed.)
49. Ferrell, O. C.
Redefining urdu politics in India
Strategic marketing
491.439 R 27
658.802 F 34 S
Jain, Subhash C. Marketing strategy
O'Leary, Zina.
The essential guide to doing your research project
Waldron, Lamar. Ultimate sacrifice
T 54 V
658.8 J 20 M
300.72 O 35 E
W 12 U
Statistics in practice
Heywood, Phil. Community planning
310 B 59 S
307.12 H 61 C
Justice and remembrance
57. Mahmood Mamdahi
Good Muslim, Bad Muslim
S 31 Ja
M 27 G
Young, Gary C.
Municipal solid waste to energy conversion processes
662.87 Y 7 M
Chenoy, Anuradha M.
Militarism and women in South Asia
C 33 M
60. Sonn, Tamara. Islam (2nd.) 297.09 S 62 I
Reza, Pahlavi, Mohammad
The Shah's story
The politics of climate change
B R 41 S
947 S 48 R
G 33 P
Inter-Faith essays and other articles 371.077 A 13 I
Murata, Kumiko (ed.)
Global englishes in Asian contexts
427.009 G 43
621.39 A 88 P
Dictators and dictatorships 321.9 E 99 D
68. Aminullah Chaudry.
Musharraf, Nawaz and hijacking from the ground
A 46 M
Thuraisingham, Bhavani
Database and applications security
To live or to perish forever
005.8 T 48 D
S 21 T
71. Krasner, Stephen D.
Power, the state, and sovereignty
72. Ben-Dor, Oren (ed.)
Law and art
73. Gilat, Amos. MATLAB
K 96 P
L 30
G 34 M
74. Osman Nuri Topbas.
Journey to the holy land
O 76 S
A 29 J
Patil, R. T.
Postharvest management of horticultural produce
635.046 P 22 P
Political hypocrisy 320.101 R 97 P
Edwards, Beverly Milton
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Tariq Rahman. From Hindi to Urdu
956.04 E 31 I
491.439 T 16 F
Detection and quantification of antibodies to biopharmaceuticals
D 37
PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore.
Sr. # Author Title
Class # Cutter #
Raju, A. J. Solomon (ed.)
82. Narsis, I. Fundamentals of cost accounting 657.42
B 61
N 25 F
Peacock, A. C. S.
Saira Khan.
Staub, Ervin.
Mediaeval Islamic historiography and political legitimacy
Nuclear weapons and conflict transformation
Overcoming evil
907.2 P 29 M
S 11 N
303.69 S 67 O
86. Ranke, Leopold Von.
The theory and Practice of History
87. Stewart, Jules. On Afghanistan's Plains
R 17 T
S 79 A
P 69
JR, James F. Hoge (ed.)
American forign policy
90. Misdaq, Nabi. Afghanistan
A 46 f
M 66 A
Unaiza Niaz.
303.625 U 3 W
Kapur, Nandini Sinha (ed.)
Environmental history of early India 363.700954
E 76
Shukla, M. C. Advanced accounts 657 S 41 A
Hwang, Kai.
004.22 H 98 A
Wildi, Theodore.
Electrical machines, drives, and power systems (6th.)
W 48 E
Kay, Steven M.
K 14 F
Page, Michael. Organic and bio-organic mechanisms 547.139 P 12 O
Faulkenberry, Luces M.
Electrical power distribution and transmission
621.319 F 21 E
99. Murthy, C. Siva Ram.
Ad Hoc wireless networks 004.65 M 92 A
100. Boikess, R. S.
How to solve general chemistry problems (8th.)
540 B 66 H8
150 P 91 101.
Misra, Girishwar (ed.)
Psychology in India
A University grammar of English
103. Solso, Robert L. Experimental psychology (7th.)
Q 9 U
S 61 E7
Business logistics/supply chain management (with,CD)(5th.)
658.78 B 18 B
How to think straight about psychology (7th.)
150 S 70 H7
106. Dessler, Gary.
A framework for human resource management (6th.)
658.3 D 37 F
Kumar S. Ramesh (ed.)
The wheel of fire
C 25
822.33 K 85 W
Blunt, Wilfred S. The future of Islam
Khaled Ahmed. Word for word
297 B 99 Fa
410 K 55 W
Crime in an insecure world
113. Blanchard, Ken. The heart of a leader
Partition and locality
B 60 H
H 77 G
E 77 C
I 2
B A 44 M 115. Altaf Hussain. My life's Journey
Banerjee, Preeta
M. (ed.)
117. Gupta, Pankaj. Studies in economics of microfinance
658.408 S 61
118. Kirwan, James. The aesthetic in Kant
119. Gussenhoven, Carlos
120. Groves, R. H.
Weed risk assessment
330 G 96 S
K 78 A
G 96 U
632.5 G 92 W
PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore.
Sr. # Author Title
Class # Cutter #
121. Jiang, Yuan.
122. Norman, David.
Farming systems development nad soil conservation
N 74 F
Eisenman, Stephen F.
The Abu Ghraib effect
E 42 A
Essay writing
Wanted cultured ladies only!
J 46 P
S 40 E
M 28 W
126. Ramesh G. (ed.) Public private partnerships 336.01 P 92
World history 909 S 71 W
128. Hodes, Cyrus.
The search for security in post-Taliban Afghanistan
H 70 S
129. Clayton, Mike. Brilliant time management
133. Jones, Gillian. 30 top tools for coaching
650.1 C 42 B
130. Lionnet, Annie. Brilliant relationships 306.7 L 65 B
Batabyal, Somnath (ed.) Indian mass media and the politics of change 302.230954
I 3
Be all you can be 248.4 M 48 B
J 57 F
134. Krebs, Jocelyn E. Lewin's genes x
Microbial biotechnology
576.5 K 54 L
135. Ackoff, Russell L. Idealized design 658.401 A 18 I
Solid state electronic devices (6th.)
S 88 S6
660.62 M 59
Developing management skills (8th.) 658.4 W 39 D
The psychology of counter-terrorism 363.32516019
P 91
Brown, Robert C. (ed.)
662.88 T 31
Reynolds, Gabriel Said
The Quran in its historical context
Q 9
142. Carr, Alan. Positive psycholoyg (2nd.)
C 19 P
Bryant, Edwin F. (ed.)
The indo-aryan controversy
144. David, Pierre A.
Leadership principles
146. Hall, Graham. Exploring english language teaching
I 3
658 D 33 I
D 82 L
147. Ashfaq Rasheed. Art in Pakistan
Breakthroughs in technical analysis
149. Seidel, Peter. 2045: a story of our future
428.24 H 15 E
A 81 A
B 81
Glennon, Richard A. (ed.)
Drug discrimination
In the shadow of Shari'ah
813.6 S 27 T
615.19 D 79
N 40 I
152. Garg, Shubhra. Internet fund amentals and concepts 004.678 G 16 I
153. Newell, Benjamin R.
Straight choices 153.83 N 49 S
154. Tambe, Ashwini (ed.) The limits of british colonial control in South Asia 325.410954
L 61
Tuppekar, Rajendra (ed.)
Dimensions of rural poverty 362.580954
D 44
156. Randall, Scott.
333.790684 R 17 E
Questioning the authority of the past 320.55 Q 1 Q
Gupta, Ananda Das (ed.)
Ethcis, business and society
Total customer value management
658.408 E 80
658.812 M 27 T
Ciceck, Volkan . Corrosion chemistry
Gopi, Satheesh. Advanced surveying
C 37 C
623.893 G 52 A
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ربمن رٹک
ل 116 ا
ق 421 ا
فت 13 ا
ک 20 ا
ا 294 ا
س 307 ا
ھ 319 ا
د 325 ا
د 35 ا
ن 41 ا
قع 41 ا
س 41 ا
س 45 ا
د 523 ا
غ 579 ا
کم 595 ا
ص 605 ا
ب 68 ا
ی 68 ا
د 695 ا
شع 76 ا
د 76 ا
د 56 آ
یدنب ہجرد
892 ء 719
297 ء 992
297 ء 16
954 ء 17
891 ء 4315
891 ء 4315
891 ء 4332
297 ء 52
891 ء 4333
891 ء 4315
891 ء 4333
491 ء 493
611 ء 2
891 ء 4315
641 ء 3
184 ء 1
891 ء 4315
891 ء 4315
891 ء 4315
297 ء 5
891 ء 4332
891 ء 4315
327 ء 7305491
ںونجم ٰیلیل
ءایبنالا صصق
ریثک نبا ریسفت
یناہک یک یچارک
ہشیپ ںونج قشع ےا
ون ِرطس
یئاشامت دوخ ہک مہ
)حیرشت ، قیقحت( جات دورد
سوک ےلدنھد
ہنیدم راگن
عفان نب ہبقع
تایناسل ےتا نابز یکیئارس
ےمشرک ےک سناس
بآ راوید
تحص روا اذغ
نوطالفا تاملاکم
لابقا شوقن
زاوآ یک شراب
ںیہک ںیہی
ہنونسم تادابع یلفن ےک لاس نارود
یدازآ روا قشع
شیپ رد
رفاسم ےک ناولھڈ روا ھتاہ اک یتسود
یرصملا میہاربا دمحم میہاربا
نب لیعامسا،ریثک نبا
ریثک نب رمع
دمحا باتفآ
نیدلا دامع،ریثک نبا
لامک لمجا
زارف دمحا
دوعسم رونا
نیسح رظنم،رتخا
دمحا قالخا
دیس،یروپ ےئار بیدا
یلع نیسح
دمحا لاضفا
لاہچ دشرا
دمحم،قحلا راہظا
ملسا دمحم، ملسا
اغآ فرشا
یہار ملسا
لوسر ملسا
مالسا دجما، دجما
مالسا دجما، دجما
ںاخ یلع ریما
میا،یقیدص رونا
PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore.
ش 217 ب
س 712 ب
ش 45 پ
ا 46 پ
س 29 ت
م 331 ج
ن 66 چ
ح 22 ب
ا 35 ح
ی 41 ح
ش 658 ح
ب 75 ا ح
ا 19 خ
خ 19 خ
ٹ 19 خ
ا 19 خ
د 355 د
گ 89 ر
ر 67 ر
ا 67 ر
ش 16 س
م 18 س
ع 27 س
ا 35 س
د 69 س
م 711 س
891 ء 4333 ےناریو دابآ، لاوزال رہش ہیسدق وناب
954 ء 71 ےزئاج یخیرات و یسایس ہاش نیدلا غیلب
891 ء 4333 ونش یمارگلب زیورپ
891 ء 43301 تارثا ےک بدا یسور رپ نشکف ودرا
891 ء 4315
297 ء 3
891 ء 4332
297 ء 692
891 ء 4315
891 ء 4333
891 ء 4332
070 ء 442
297 ء 9922
891 ء 4333
891 ء 4304
891 ء 4315
923 ء 8454
920 ء 5
954 ء 02
891 ء 4333
891 ء 433208
891 ء 4333
891 ء 4332
ولک نیورپ
اوہ بالگ رہش اراس دیشر،مسبت
۔۔۔ہیزجت یعرش اک تعرازم فسویدمحم،لیربج
رٹیڈیا این
یناطلس بقانم
نیسح ریما،نمچ
مالغ خیش نب دماح
ناہاش ہناسفا ریبک دمحم،ینایزح
ںیہ ےحمل راچ ود یہی زازعا نسح
باستحا بش قحلا میلع،یقح
ناسنا ےک فرب یٹھب ربکا دیمح
تافارخلا دمحا دلاخ
لمع و رادرک،نسح نیدشار ےئافلخ
خیشلا ،راطیبلا دلاخ
ابٹ دمحم حتف دلاخ
نگا میا۔ ےک،دلاخ
یناہک یک یناد نسح دمحا،یناد
ںیریزعت ہپ راتفگ یقیدص فؤر
ند ےک ویڈیر یدباع یلع اضر
ںیتار یک رابخا یدباع یلع اضر
ہسینک یناطیش لیعامسا قراط، رگاس
ںیم ناتسودنہ، تفاقث ملسم
اکھچ روا قشع
ےناسفا نیرتہب ارمحلا
وبشوخ یک قرشم
رہاط راتس
یراصن رحس
یھٹیس ہیدعس
نیرسن تداعس
PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore.
ا 4 ط
س 12 ع
ف 20 ع
ت 29 ع
د 295 ع
ادبع 63 ج
ب 56 ع
ن 62 ع
ےم 16 ع
ھ 79 ع
83 س
87 ش
ع 2885 ش
891 ء 4332
297 ء 04
ڈ 56 ش
پ 325 ص
915 ء 4914
954 ء 7
28 م
1 ذ
297 ء 9921
891 ء 4315
031 ء 351
965 ع
965 ع
297 ء 31
954 ء 18
297 ء 5
297 ء 16
320 ء 92
079 ء 54
327 ء 14
891 ء 4315
891 ء 437
297 ء 693
297 ء 61
891 ء 432
891 ء 432
ش 95 ع
لغ 52 م
297 ء 44
297 ء 9924
ےہ نوکس رپ ردنمس
تادومرف و تاظوفلم عم ینابر ریش تابطخ
۔ شخب ادخ ںایم ترضح ضایب زا ذوخام
بابش دہع
نژیوڈ ناتلم زرٹیزگ ٹکرٹسڈ
زئوک ناتسکاپ
یلو اک ںوبیرغ نیملاعلل ہتمحر
رکاذ شوقن
راک ہرئاد اک سا روا داتہجا
یہاوگ یک ادخ قلخ:ناتسچولب اتگلس
ںیترار یک تیلضف
ٰیدہلا ما ہحتافلا ۃروسریسفت
شناد ناتساد
؟ارام ےن سک وک مظعادئاق
رابخا ےک راہہب
دعب ےک ندال نب میگ ٹیرگوین
ںوہ ایآ لوھب ںیھکنآ ںیم
ےہ عنم انور انسنہ
ءایلوالا ۃرکذت
بوجحملا فشک
رصع حور
یئاہنت دیق
قوقح فیرعتب ءافشلا
۔ ۔۔ ﷺ ٰیفطصملا
رمع راونا
عیفر ناطلس
دیعس دمحم،داش
یوناریک بابش
ازرم ریونت تقفش
ٹب ہمئاص
نیدلا ردص
دیس،یرفعج ریمض
نیدلا ءایض
دمحم،یرداقلا رہاط
ریم دباع
یرقف ملاع
یدیشر قحلادبع
یضاق،قراط نامثع
قداص نافرع
یمساق قحلا ءاطع
نیدلا دیرف،راطع
نامثع نب یلع
نسحلاوبا، یریوجہلا
یروپلالج سابع یلع
دمحا ہریمع
ناخ دباع مالغ
دمحا ہریمع
PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore.
ال 38 ف
رف 862 ھب
ت 422 ف
ص 67 ف
ت 74 ف
د 347 ق
د 7 ق
د 13 م
گ 43 ک
ک 8551 ک
پ 556 ک
ا 9 ل
ا 193 م
ب 199 م
ن 29 م
ا 282 م
خم 29 ع
ڈ 647 م
ا 7035 م
ا 18 ن
ن 18 ن
ن 76 س
د 38 ن
ت 87 ش
ن 84 م
س 54 ن
320 ء 92
891 ء 4315
297 ء 9922
297 ء 462
891 ء 43101
891 ء 4333
891 ء 437
158 ء 4
303 ء 495491
297 ء 692
658 ء 31124
954 ء 5
297 ء 53
297 ء 7
891 ء 43092
891 ء 4333
891 ء 4315
891 ء 433208
923 ء 4
891 ء 4333
297 ء 64
891 ء 43101
320 ء 9547
کلھج کیا یک ہعلق لال
اوہ ےسیک لتق اک وٹھب یلع راقفلاوذ
مسوم اک دای یراھمت
ربکا قیدص
بلاغ ناوید
دہع یلو
لیٹپیک ساد
رازلگ و لک
۔۔۔ رثا رپ پش رڈیل یفسالف یک یگدنز بایماک
لبقتسم اک ناتسکاپ یپ نفیٹس،نہوک
نیدلا ریذن رصان،یولہد قارف
یدنئوگ لیہس خرف
یولانجا رمق
مجنا ہدنخرف
دیس،یوقن تردق
ٰیہلا لضف
میلح ہللادیبع،یلضف
یقوراف ٰیہلا مرک
رآ نفیٹس،ےووک
ردنلق یئاھڑا یدرورہس یلع تقایل
یبایماک ںیم ویورٹنا
ےس تسایر لاحشوخ روپ لواہب
کت نژیوڈ ہدنامسپ
ےک۔ ےا،ارتم
نیسسح دہاجم
عوشخ روا زامن
قوقح یداینب ںیم مالسا
قاحسا دمحم
نب دمحم
قحلادبع یولوم دمحا نیدلا راتخم
یہابت یسایس یک یج رنیب رٹکاڈ میرک ٰیفطصم
تموکح یرب روا یھچا فیج، نکلم
تافتلا یدیز رصان
ےناسفا شومارف لباقان یدیز رصان
ےنب تقیقح وج باوخ لابقا ہرصان
رایپ اک ند ود ینالیگ نسحلا میدن
۔ ینابر ریش ترضح تامارک و فشک تافرصت
یروپقرش،دمحا ریذن
یرعاش یک سا روا نموم رتخا نیرسن
یگدنامسپ یک ھدنس نمیم ریصن
PunjabUniversity Library, Lahore.
لد 758 ن
د 758 ن
ھ 885 ن
ن 90 ن
م 2 و
د 687 ھ
ج 741 ھ
ص 709 ی
891 ء 4333
891 ء 4333
891 ء 4315
891 ء 437
492 ء 76
305 ء 5234
915 ء 41
297 ء 04
ہتشر اک سا ےس لد
رارق ےب لد
ےہ یتہک ےس ےکیچ اوہ
ہللادبع تہگن
ءارعشلا تاحلطصم لم یٹوکلایس،ہتسراو
ہللادبع تہگن
ینالیگ یشون
نیسح لاہنون
لوصا ےتوھچا روا ناسآ ےک ےننب دنم تلود
ںیہ یترتا ںای رپ ںاہج لابقا امہ
ہماخ ریدص دمحم،یرہدوچ فسوی
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