Lesson_1_files/Field Hockey lesson 1


Field Hockey Lesson Plan

Lesson #: 1


Off the ball movement, passing, tap dribble

Equipment: balls,pinnies

Cones, sticks,

Learning outcomes: TSWBAT…

P: ability to cut into space

P: ability to pass to teammates and to space accurately

P:ability to move in effectively in relation to opponents.

C: understand when and where to pass the ball

C: understand when and where to move off ball to receive a pass

A: communicate passing options and time to teammates

Organization Movement Tasks and Management (including time)

Introductory Activities

Bubonic Plague

-Two people start out as “it.” The it people are identified by their pinnies. The “it” people spread the plague by tagging the “non-it” people with the ball. The “it” people can only move their feet when they don’t have the ball. The “non-it” people are required to stay within the defined space, and are trying to avoid being tagged. When tagged the newly “it” person grabs a pinnie. The game ends when there is only one person left who hasn’t been infected with the plague (or “not it.”

Skill and Concept Development

3 V 1

Aim to keep the ball away from defender by moving into open space to reveive a pass.

1. Five consecutive passes is one point. Defensive interception is one point.

2. Offense starts with ball on sideline and first pass is free.

3. No tackling, only interceptions.

Refinements/ Extension Simplifications


-remind “it” students that they have to move without the ball.

-to try to strategically move near students to cut off running lanes.

-to move the ball quickly.


-increase or decrease space.

-add another ball

-increase the amount of people it initially


Bent knees, low body position, head up, wide grip,

Receving=perpendicular stick angle.


-increase or decrease space

Square Drill

-intent: to work on passing and cutting to space.

-set up is four cones which the students will be passing and cutting too.

-there should always be people on each side of the ball

(never across the square).

-drill forces the students to be moving and pass the ball to space.

Circle Drill

-intent: to work on tap dribble and moving with the ball under control

-students get in a circle around four cones arranged in a square. They have a ball and there trying to go through the cones and come out through a diffent set of cones that they entered without touching the cones. From there they go and drop off the ball in front of one of their teammates.

-a couple circles competing at one time, its a race to see what group can get through a decided amount of times. (if touch cones doesn’t count).

Culminating Activity

3 V 1

Aim to keep the ball away from defender by moving into open space to reveive a pass.

1. Five consecutive passes is one point. Defensive interception is one point.

2. Offense starts with ball on sideline and first pass is free.

3. No tackling, only interceptions.


-have hands apart on stick to pass ball

-get low to pass and receive

-cut into open space to receive a pass

-pass into space for teammate to recieve the ball


-increase or decrease space


-Bent Knees

-Wide Grip

-Head Up


-increase or decrease the size of the square in the middle.

-add another ball.

-increase or decrease the size of the circle.


Bent knees, low body position, head up, wide grip,

Receving=perpendicular stick angle.


-increase or decrease space



-ask students questions about skills and concepts learned questions asked:

what were the main challenges faced by the offender in the 3 v 1? and for the defender?

-were your passing skills effective enough to get the ball to your teammate?

-what types of cuts were most useful for getting open?
