03/25/2014 Waters of the US 1. ECT.COOP (National Rural Electric Cooperative Association) a. NRECA Opposes Draft of Clean Water Act i. Cathy Cash ii. http://www.ect.coop/regulatory-watch/environmental-regulation/nreca-opposesdraft-clean-water-act-expansion/68044 2. AGRI-VIEW a. The Ag Agenda: Administration to Publish Misguided Waters of the U.S. Proposal i. NA ii. http://www.agriview.com/news/regional/the-ag-agenda-administration-to-publishmisguided-waters-of-the/article_5afe1030-a5be-5a24-b82c-0d4c68618c4e.html 3. Bloomberg a. EPA Clarifies When Federal Water Permit are Required i. Mark Drajem ii. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-03-25/epa-clarifies-when-federal-waterpermit-are-required.html 4. eNews Park Forest a. EPA and Army Corps of Engineers Clarify Protection for Nation’s Streams and Wetlands: Agriculture’s Exemptions and Exclusions from Clean Water Act Expanded by Proposal i. NA ii. http://enewspf.com/latest-news/science/science-a-environmental/51333-epa-andarmy-corps-of-engineers-clarify-protection-for-nation-s-streams-and-wetlandsagriculture-s-exemptions-and-exclusions-from-clean-water-act-expanded-byproposal.html 5. National Journal a. Feds Stake Out Authority Over Streams and Wetlands i. Clare Foran ii. http://www.nationaljournal.com/energy/feds-stake-out-authority-over-streamsand-wetlands-20140325 6. The Wall Street Journal a. EPA, Army Corps Proposes New Rules Limiting Discharges i. Alicia Mundy ii. http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20140325-708241.html 7. Environmental News Network a. EPA and Army Corps Bring Clarity to Clean Water Act Expansion Proposal i. ENN Staff ii. http://www.enn.com/enn_original_news/article/47210 8. Politico a. EPA, Army Corps Release Proposed Water Jurisdiction Rule i. Erica Martinson 9. CQ Roll Call a. Obama Revises Clean Water Jurisdiction i. Philip Brasher 10. Bloomberg Businessweek a. Anglers Cheer EPA Water Rules Decried as Land Grab by Republican i. Mark Drajem ii. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2014-03-25/anglers-cheer-epa-water-rulesdecried-as-land-grab-by-republican 11. Live Science a. Closing Clean Water Act Loophole Will Protect Drinking Water and Benefit Bathers and Breweries Alike (Op-Ed) i. Peter Lehner ii. http://www.livescience.com/44356-closing-water-loophole.html 12. The Kansas City Star a. Fed Rule Proposed to Clarify Wetlands Protections i. John Flesher ii. http://www.kansascity.com/2014/03/25/4914889/fed-rule-proposed-to-clarifywetlands.html 13. The Daily Caller a. EPA Clean Water Rule Could Extend Agency’s Reach over Private Property i. Michael Bastasch ii. http://dailycaller.com/2014/03/25/epa-clean-water-rule-could-extend-agencysreach-over-private-property/ 14. The Washington Post a. EPA Proposes Greater Protections for Streams, Wetlands under Clean Water Act i. Juliet Eilperin and Darryl Fears ii. http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/epa-proposes-greaterprotections-for-streams-wetlands-under-clean-water-act/2014/03/25/4811cd36b42c-11e3-b899-20667de76985_story.html 15. Feedstuffs a. EPA Clarifies Clean Water Act Ag Exemptions i. Jacqui Fatka ii. http://feedstuffs.com/story-epa-clarifies-clean-water-act-ag-exemptions-45110411 16. PlanetSave.com a. EPA and Amy Corps Move Today to Safeguard Clean Water i. Sandy Dechert ii. http://planetsave.com/2014/03/25/epa-army-corps-move-safeguard-clean-water/ 17. On Earth a. More Than a Drop in the Bucket: Making Sure the Clean Water Act Covers Small Streams and Headwaters Would Protect the Drinking Water of Millions of Americans i. Jason Bittel ii. http://www.onearth.org/articles/2014/03/why-the-epa-protecting-small-streams-isactually-a-very-big-deal 18. E & E Publishing a. Obama Administration Proposes Broader Protection for Wetlands, Streams i. Annie Snider ii. http://www.eenews.net/stories/1059996699 19. Real Estate Rama a. Clean Water Act Expansion Not the Right Answer, NAHB Says i. NAHB ii. http://www.realestaterama.com/2014/03/25/clean-water-act-expansion-not-theright-answer-nahb-says-ID023931.html 20. The Huffington Post a. Let the Waters Flow—As Long as It Is Clean i. Chris Espinosa ii. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/chris-espinosa/let-the-waters-flow-aslo_b_5029001.html 21. Drovers CattleNetwork a. EPA, Corps Propose Expanded Clean Water Act Authority i. Mark Soukup ii. http://www.cattlenetwork.com/cattle-news/latest/EPA-Corps-propose-expandedClean-Water-Act-authority-252318221.html 22. Switchboard: Natural Resources Defense Council Staff Blog a. Everything You Wanted to Know about the EPA/ Army Corps Proposed Clean Water Rules but Were Afraid to Ask i. Jon Devine ii. http://switchboard.nrdc.org/blogs/jdevine/everything_you_wanted_to_know.html