Click here for the paper options.

AP English Papers 2015- 2016
Lord of the Flies, Heart of Darkness and Secret Sharer
Due January 20th by 4:30.
Select only one of the following options.
Papers should use support from the text including quotations (e-version of the text is fine if needed).
You should not consult online sources for ideas, however (such as the themes page of Sparknotes or
something similar).
Do not use sources that find quotations for you.
Papers should be at least 4 pages long, in standard MLA format, including font.
Option 1
Heart of Darkness contains a great deal of black and white imagery. While traditionally white images
stand for “good” and black images stand for “bad,” this is not always the case in the novel. Trace the
use of black and white imagery in Heart of Darkness. Find and explain examples of both traditional
and non-traditional meanings of black and white images, and use documented examples from the text
in your response. Include a works cited entry for your paper so that I will know which publication of
the novel you used, and do not consult outside sources while completing this assignment, including
those that find quotations for you.
The highest grade you can receive on this paper is an A+.
Option 2
Comparison Contrast
Compare and contrast Lord of the Flies with Heart of Darkness. Give more than surface level
comparisons, however. Be sure to include supporting details and adequate explanation.
This is an easier topic and the highest grade you can receive on this paper is a B. (so an A+ on the
paper equates to a B here).
Option 3
Due Tuesday, December 16th
What do the novel/novellas say about the nature of madness? Who is truly mad in the novel and by
whose definition? How could a character/s in the novel be mad by one definition or point of view and
sane by another? What is the message regarding madness and society that we are to learn from this
novel? Include two of the three works in your response.
The highest grade you can receive on this paper is an A.
Option 4
AP Test Essay Question from 2004
Critic Roland Barthes has said, “Literature is the question minus the answer.” Chose a novel or play and,
considering Barthes’ observation, write an essay in which you analyze a central question the work raises
and the extent to which it offers any answers. Explain how the author’s treatment of this question
affects your understanding of the work as a whole. Avoid mere plot summary.
The highest grade you can receive on this paper is an A+.
Option 5
Select at least two of the three works and examine the theme of isolation in each. What effects does
isolation have? How does isolation relate to madness, sanity, state of civilization and happiness? What
conclusion can you draw about isolation and the state of man?
The highest grade you can receive on this paper is an A+.