3.1 Define Mercantilism

3.1 Define Mercantilism
• an economic policy used by European nations during the
17th and 18th centuries
• acquire colonies and control them thru policy for economic
- control raw materials and markets
• gold and silver
• maintain a favorable balance of trade
exports > imports = $$$
• maintain a strong navy
* Navigation Acts 1651 (p68)
* Andros and the Dominion of NE 1685
3.1 Define “Salutary Neglect”; How did it
impact England and the colonies
• lax enforcement of mercantilistic regulations
- 1688 revolution in England (Andros out)
- GB and European conflict
- more tolerant in Mass. (but in 1691…-a Royal
- economic progress and political loyalty was
• successful self rule encouraged more of it
- colonists gained experience and created
gov’t structures
3.2 ID important features of the 13 colonies
• individually
• regionally
- first 3: NE, Middle, South
- blending into 2: Northern, Southern
• Map - P 67
• Videos, overheads. handout
3.2 Describe the plantation economy of the
• rural, agricultural
• cash crop economy
- indigo, rice, tobacco (cotton)
• LABOR: Indentured servitude
 Slave Labor
- first NA, then AA
** ID: the term “Middle Passage” and the Triangular
Trade pattern
3.3 Describe features of the northern
colonies (NE + Middle)
• urban, coastal
• diverse population with diverse cultural
• commercial
• diversified economy
- different occupations
* The Enlightenment (Age of Reason) and The
Great Awakening (Puritan Revival) encouraged and
emphasized Individualism, especially in the northern
colonies and encouraged the questioning of traditional
3.4 ID: Causes and Results of the French
and Indian War 1754-1763
• background: handout
• Mercantilist competition worldwide
• the Ohio Valley
• relations with N.A.’s
• GB gains control of French N. America
• N.A. tribes are divided due their loyalties (GB or Fr.)
• Colonists gain military experience
- from GB, F, and N.A.
• GB’s war debt causes an ^ of taxes and a change of
policy towards the colonies
* the end of “Salutary Neglect”:
- George Greenville – Sugar Act (1764)
- Prosecution: writs of assistance, military courts
- the Proclamation Act of 1763
4.1 ID Mercantilist Legislation that caused colonial
• Navigation Acts 1651 (p68)
- created monopolistic conditions between E-colonies
• Sugar Act 1764 (p89)
- writs of assistance for search, special courts
• Stamp Act 1765
- direct tax on legal papers
• Declaratory Act 1766
- colonists must comply with Parliament (w/out rep.)
• Townshend acts 1767
- indirect tax on imported goods, increased British troop
• Tea Act 1773
- favored British company
• Stamp Act Congress
- 9 colonies -NYC
- Dec’l of R & G
“no taxation w/out rep.”
- Non-Importation
- Sons of Liberty
organized protests
- Comm. of Corres.
- Boston tea Party
First CC (9/1774)
- Est. “Minutemen”
• Stamp Act Repealed
- Declaratory Act
• “Boston Massacre” 1770
• “Coercive” or “Intolerable” Acts
4.1 Describe the “Intolerable Acts”
• 1774 after the “Tea Party”
• Imposes Martial Law upon Boston
- closes port
- Quartering Act
- unlimited search
- increased power of Royal governor and reduced local
gov’tal power
-“extraterritoriality” in capital cases
- Quebec Act
- Mass
- Ohio Valley
4.2 How was the second CC (5/75) different
from the first (9/74) ?
• 8 months apart
• Fighting has already started at:
- Lexington / Concord (4/75)
- Breed’s Hill
The 2nd CC:
creates, funds an official army; names G Washington commander
Est. a Navy
intense debate between Loyalists (Tories) and Rebels (Patriots)
sends “Olive Branch Petition” and approves drafting a
“ Dec’l of Ind.”
- outlined a plan for governing ( Articles of Confederation)
4.2 What was “Common Sense”
• pamphlet
• Thomas Paine
• Great impact on
public opinion in
support of
4.2 ID the contents of the D of I
*** READ IT !!!!!! (+ handout)
• Preamble
• Statement of Rights
- “natural rights”
• Statement of Beliefs / Philosophy in relation to the
purpose of Gov’t
- “social contract”: gov’t gets its power from the people
• List of Grievances
• Final Resolution
4.3 WAR !!: ID the strengths and
weaknesses of both sides
• P115
• handout
4.3 ID strategies of both sides
defensive war
sustain an effort over
avoid major
gain foreign support
• divide and conquer
• blockade
• attrition
Summarize the War: Chapters:
• Early Hope 1775
- Lexington, Concord, Breed’s Hill, Ft Ticonderoga
- Siege of Boston
- attack British Canada
• 1776
- NY: Long Island, Brooklyn Heights, Staten Island
• NY to Philly
- Trenton, Princeton (W of 76)
• The NY Plan 1777
- Saratoga –French officially come in
- Philly, Valley Forge (W of 77)
• Southern Campaign 1778 - 1781
- Charleston, Camden, Kings Mt, Cowpens,
Guilford Courthouse, Yorktown
4.4 ID Results
• The Treaty of Paris 1783
J Adams, B Franklin, John Jay
- borders est. -map A26
- sovereignty recognized
- the Ohio Valley
• A New Nation
- consolidate and survive
- a future of “unfulfilled promises” for many
“Americans”- “….all men are created equal..”
* what about us?….what about them?
* an egalitarian society