Bibliometrics – A Tool in the Evaluation of Science Håkan Carlsson Gothenburg University Library e Table of Contents • • • • • Introduction and definition Different applications of bibliometrics Bibliometric indicators Financial allocaton models based on bibliometrics Conclusions e What is bibliometrics? Definition: “"Bibliometrics can be defined as the quantification of bibliographic information for use in analysis “– Garfield Statistical bibliography e Metadata • Authors • Affiliation • Source (journal) • Title, Abstract, Keywords • Year e Metadata • Authors • Affiliation • Source (journal) • Title, Abstract, Keywords • Year • References e Major areas of bibliometric research • Fundamental statistical relationships • Citation analysis • Publication indicators for evaluation purposes e Statistical Metods Pioneer: Derek de Solla Price 1963: Little Science, Big Science ”We can say that 80 to 90 percent of all the scientists that have ever lived are alive now” e e Power-law e Lotka’s Law Antal författare med ett visst antal publikationer 16000 14000 Antal författare 12000 10000 8000 Serie1 6000 4000 2000 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Antal publikationer e e Rosvall M, CT, Maps of Information Flow Reveal Community Structure In Complex Networks e Why Publish? e Research evaluation indicators • Production (number of publications, number of collaborators, …) • Demand, Impact, Quality (number of citations, number of publications in quality channels, …) • Excellence (compared to the field, ratio top5% cited publications) • Collaboration (network properties estimated by co-authorships) • Internationalization (number of publications in international journals, number of international collaborators) • Interdisciplinarity (number of publications in channels in other fields or with co-authors from other fields) • … Changes over time or in comparison with the field or specific others e Producation-Based Indicators • Straight-forward and fast • Time, organisational and document-type limitations • Fractionalisation e Publications (fractionalized, source: VR) 2000 Lunds univ. Karolinska inst. Antal publikationer 1500 Uppsala univ. Göteborgs univ. 1000 Kungl. tekn. högsk. Stockholms univ. Linköpings univ. Umeå univ. SLU Chalmers Övriga 500 Luleå tekn. univ. 0 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 e Fractionalized publications Gothenburg University (research articles, chapters, books) GUP Februray 2010 1200,0 1000,0 2004 800,0 2005 2006 600,0 2007 2008 400,0 2009 200,0 0,0 si Bu , ss e n m no o Ec ics d an w La ty ul c Fa ts Ar f o IT Fi ne ty ul c Fa d lie p Ap d an r fo Pe rm g in ts Ar ty ul c Fa of e nc ic e S a sk n re lg h Sa m de a Ac lty cu a F y of cia So lS s ce n cie lty cu a F of n io at c u Ed e How do we publish? 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% Kapitel 50% Bok Artikel 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% NE Kultgeo Jur FEK EHIST GRI e Citation-based indicators Why cite? Paying homage to pioneers. Giving credit for related work (homage to peers). Identifying methodology, equipment, etc. Providing background reading. Correcting one's own work. Correcting the work of others. Criticizing previous work. Substantiating claims. Alerting to forthcoming work. Providing leads to poorly disseminated, poorly indexed, or uncited work. Identifying original publications in which an idea or concept was discussed. Identifying original publications or other work describing an eponymic concept or term. • Disclaiming work or ideas of others (negative claims). • Disputing priority claims of others (negative homage). • • • • • • • • • • • • e Average citation per publication type and year (Source: WoS analysis by VR) 30 25 Average citations 20 Article Letter 15 Meeting Abstract Review 10 5 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 e Citation rate of different fields (source: VR) Average citations to 5-year old original articles Architecture Art Mathematics Law Information Science & Library Science Nuclear Science & Technology Computer Science, Information Systems Mechanics Physics, Nuclear Physics, Multidisciplinary Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical Electrochemistry Chemistry, Multidisciplinary Allergy Microbiology Neurosciences Cell Biology 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 e Citation window Antal citeringar (% av summa) 20 15 Engineering Environmental studies Psychology, biological Sociology 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 År efter publicering e Field normalized citation (”crown indicator”) CPP (cites per publication) _____________ FCS (Field Citation Score) world average for a specific field, year and article type ’ e Field normalized citation (”crown indicator”) Endocrinology Letter 2003 CPP (cites per publication) _____________ 10 ________ FCS (Field Citation Score) world average for a specific field, year and article type CPP/FCS 10 1 e Field normalized citation (”crown indicator”) Endocrinology Letter 2003 CPP (cites per publication) _____________ FCS (Field Citation Score) world average for a specific field, year and article type CPP/FCS Oncology Review 2004 10 20 ________ ________ 10 40 1 0,5 e Field normalized citation score, 1986-2006 Source: Swedish production of highly cited scientific publikactions (VR, 2010) e Allocation Systems for University Funding e ”The Swedish Model” • Publications in the database Web of Science (WoS) are aggregated for each university • Number of publications and number of citations to the publications are normalized and multiplied together to form the publication indicator e Coverage GUP in WoS, Scopus and Scholar e ”The Norweigan Model” Publications (books, articles, book chapters) are registered in a national database by the researcher A quality indicator is added where extra credit is given to publications in certain publication channels (i.e. journal or publisher determines the extra credit) Publication type Article Book chapter Book Level 1 Level 2 1 3 0,7 1 5 8 e Local Developments • The university has decided to allocate part of its funding to the faculties based on publications in GUP and external funds. • Faculties have made similar decisions: - Humanities - Social sciences - Medicine - Science e What can we learn? • What have you learned from this session that you would bring back and tell a colleague? • How would you think strategically about your own publications? • Journal choice (target audience, indexing, Web of Science) • Visibility (access, promotion, personal webpage) e e Håkan Carlsson e