CRCT P - Mr. Rogers' 8th Grade SS Class

Begin w/ slide #39
1. From the information on the map, which statement
BEST describes Georgia’s relative location?
A. Georgia is a northeastern state.
B. Georgia is located north of Florida.
C. Georgia is located along the Gulf of Mexico.
D. Georgia is located in the southwestern United States.
2. The five states that border Georgia are
A. Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, South
Carolina, and Florida.
B. Mississippi, Florida, Alabama,
Tennessee, and South Carolina.
C. Alabama, South Carolina, Florida,
Tennessee, and North Carolina.
D. Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina,
Florida, and North Carolina.
3. How many physiographic regions does
Georgia have?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
4. In which region is Atlanta located?
A. Appalachian Plateau
B. Blue Ridge
C. Piedmont Plateau
D. Ridge & Valley
5. Through which geographic regions do
the Appalachian Mountains run?
A. Blue Ridge, Ridge & Valley, Appalachian
B. Ridge & Valley, Appalachian Plateau,
C. Blue Ridge, Appalachian Plateau,
Coastal Plain
D. Coastal Plain, Blue Ridge, Ridge & Valley
6. Which statement does NOT describe a
characteristic of the barrier islands?
A. They attract tourists each year.
B. They serve as a wilderness sanctuary.
C. They protect the beaches from erosion.
D. They are frequently a target of tornadoes.
7. What two regions are separated by the
Fall Line?
A. Coastal Plain and Blue Ridge
B. Blue Ridge and Piedmont Plateau
C. Coastal Plain and Piedmont Plateau
D. Appalachian Plateau and Blue Ridge
8. Which statement describes the
Okefenokee Swamp?
A. It has the highest amount of recorded
precipitation in Georgia.
B. It has the potential to produce
hydroelectric power.
C. It is the largest swamp in North America.
D. It is located in the Piedmont region.
Use the map of ocean currents to answer Question 9.
9. According to
the map,
ships to the
New World
were pushed
back home to
Europe by the
A. Labrador
B. Gulf Stream
C. East
D. North
10. Which statement is NOT true about
Georgia’s climate?
A. The overall climate is mild.
B. Snow only falls in the mountains.
C. The state has four distinct seasons.
D. Generally, Georgia summers are hot and
11. Georgia’s climate attracts business
and industry because the state
A. has a consistently mild climate.
B. seldom receives much snow.
C. does not have hurricanes.
D. does not have tornadoes.
12. What was the oldest prehistoric
Indian civilization found in Georgia?
A. Archaic
B. Mississippian
C. Paleo
D. Woodland
13. Prehistoric Indians made permanent
settlements in order to
A. cultivate plants.
B. search for large game.
C. band together for protection.
D. follow herds of large animals.
Use the map of mound sites to answer Question 14.
14. What does the
information on the
map tell you about
the mound-builders?
A. The moundbuilders
mostly settled along
the coast.
B. The moundbuilders
settled in western
C. The moundbuilders
built cone-shaped
D. The moundbuilders
believed in an afterlife.
15. European nations did NOT explore the
New World to search for
A. trade routes.
C. riches.
B. homes.
D. food.
16. Who was the FIRST European explorer
to enter present-day Georgia?
A. Ponce de Leon
C. Ferdinand Magellan
B. Hernando de Soto D. Francisco Pizarro
17. The MAIN purpose of the Spanish
missions on the barrier islands was to
A. provide protection for the area’s
European settlers.
B. convert the Indians to Catholicism.
C. establish trade with Spain.
D. claim land for Spain.
18. The two largest Indian nations living
in Georgia during the colonial period
were the
A. Cherokee & Chickasaw.
B. Cherokee & Creek.
C. Mississippian & Creek.
D. Seminole & Cherokee.
Use the
to answer
19. What does the illustration tell about the settlement of the Cherokee?
• A. The Cherokee settled in the mountains of Georgia.
• B. The Cherokee settled near larger villages.
• C. The Cherokee settled along waterways.
• D. The Cherokee settled along the ocean.
20. Which country was NOT a major
colonizer of the New World?
A. Great Britain
C. Italy
B. France
D. Spain
21. Which was NOT a benefit of the exploration
and settlement in the New World?
A. The interaction between the Old World and the
New World brought about the exchange of food
B. The introduction of some European animals
caused the extinction of some North American
C. The European nations were able to spread their
religious beliefs.
D. The European nations established markets in
the New World.
22. Near what present-day city was Georgia’s
first settlement made?
A. Athens
C. Macon
B. Atlanta
D. Savannah
23. Why did James Oglethorpe suggest
forming a colony for debtors?
A. Debtors were mostly well-educated people who
had fallen on hard times.
B. Oglethorpe had a friend who died in a debtors’
C. Debtors would readily come to the New World.
D. Great Britain wanted to rid its jails of debtors.
24. Who served as an interpreter for James
A. William Bull
C. Samuel Nunes
B. Mary Musgrove
D. Tomochichi
25. What items that Great Britain was importing
from France, Russia, and Spain did James
Oglethorpe promise to produce in Georgia?
A. wheat, rice, and wine
B. cotton dyes, wine, and silk
C. white potatoes, yams, and corn
D. tropical fruit, mulberry trees, and spices
26. Where did the Highland Scots settle in GA?
A. Augusta
C. New Ebenezer
B. Darien
D. Savannah
27. Georgia’s trustees showed their unselfish
intentions for the colony by
A. donating their own money to provide food for
the colonists.
B. not serving as trustees for more than one year.
C. breaking off all ties with Great Britain.
D. not permitting trustees to hold office.
28. Who was the first royal governor of
A. Robert Castell
C. James Oglethorpe
B. Robert Montgomery D. John Reynolds
29. What was the economic base of the
Southern Colonies during the colonial
A. wheat, rye, tobacco, and rice
B. mining, manufacturing, textiles, and rice
C. shipbuilding, naval stores, and wood
D. rice, silk, indigo, tobacco, and forest
30. Prior to the Revolutionary War, which
British policy had the greatest effect on
A. The British passed the Sugar Act placing a tax
on sugar and molasses imported from the West
B. The British passed the Stamp Act requiring a
tax on newspapers, legal documents, and
C. The British required the colonies to ship their
goods only on British ships.
D. The British increased the tax on wine and
imported goods.
31. Which statement BEST explains why anti-British
sentiment was less in Georgia than in the other
colonies during the Revolutionary period?
A. Georgia had a much smaller population than the
other colonies, and it did not have enough men
for an army to fight the British.
B. Georgia was far younger as a colony than the
other colonies, and it still needed much support
from Great Britain.
C. Georgia was not as successful as the other
colonies, and it could not afford to raise funds to
fight the British.
D. Georgia had more British settlers than the other
colonies so it was more loyal to the British.
32. Who were the three Georgians who
signed the Declaration of
A. George Walton, Henry Ellis, and James
B. George Walton, Lyman Hall, and Button
C. Lyman Hall, Button Gwinnett, and James
D. Lyman Hall, George Walton, and Noble
Wimberly Jones
33. Which condition did NOT exist in
Georgia after the Revolutionary War?
A. Food was limited.
B. The war divided families.
C. The state’s economy was ruined.
D. Georgia became a manufacturing area.
34. The writers of Georgia’s first constitution
wanted to limit the power of the governor
A. they believed the legislature was closer to the
people and therefore should have the most
B. in the past the governor showed too much
loyalty to the king.
C. they feared the governor would become a
D. there were no good candidates for governor.
35. Which statement about Georgia’s
ratification of the U.S. Constitution is
A. Georgia did not ratify the U.S.
Constitution until after the Civil War.
B. Georgia was the first southern state to
ratify the U.S. Constitution.
C. Georgia was the last state to ratify the
U.S. Constitution.
D. Georgia’s ratification of the U.S.
Constitution was illegal.
36. The Yazoo land fraud occurred
because land companies
A. bribed members of the General Assembly
to permit them to buy cheap land.
B. made illegal treaties with the Native
C. took land from the Native Americans by
D. claimed land that had been acquired
37. The removal of the Cherokee from
Georgia is remembered as the
A. Long Journey Home.
B. Overland Trail.
C. Trail to Nowhere.
D. Trail of Tears.
38. Which was NOT a characteristic of
the South in the antebellum period?
A. few formal educational institutions
B. mobile class structure
C. favored low tariffs
D. supported slavery
39. How did the cotton gin and reaper
affect Georgia farmers?
A. The inventions decreased the need for
B. The inventions allowed the farmers to
work larger farms.
C. The inventions gave the farmers more
leisure time.
D. The inventions increased the cost of farm
40. How did Eli Whitney’s invention
influence the growth of slavery in the
A. It made it easier for slaves to pick cotton.
B. It increased the profits from growing
C. It made it easier to produce cloth from
D. It replenished the soil so more cotton
could be grown.
41. Sectionalism may BEST be defined as
A. belief that one region is better or more
important than another.
B. desire to split two or more regions into
smaller areas.
C. differences among states based on
states’ “rights.”
D. allocation of resources based on need.
42. What were the two major campaigns
fought in Georgia during the Civil War?
A. Atlanta campaign and Savannah
B. Chickamauga campaign and Jonesboro
C. Fort Pulaski campaign and Chickamauga
D. Northern Georgia campaign and Atlanta
43. According to President Lincoln’s
Reconstruction plan, which group of
Southerners would be pardoned after
taking an oath of allegiance to the
A. former soldiers
B. government officials
C. Confederate generals
D. high-ranking civil and military leaders
44. The Freedmen’s Bureau was formed
to help
A. former slaves.
B. all free southerners.
C. all poor southerners.
D. former slaves and poor whites.
45. How were tenant farmers different
from sharecroppers?
A. Tenant farmers usually made a small
B. Tenant farmers owned all their
C. Tenant farmers bought their seed from
the owner.
D. Tenant farmers paid a set amount of rent
for their house.
46. Which action led Congress to argue
that Georgia was not “adequately
reconstructed” in 1866?
A. the passage of Black Codes to restrict the
civil rights of freedmen in Georgia
B. the refusal of Georgia to ratify the 13th
Amendment to the Constitution
C. the limited number of Freedmen’s Bureau
schools opened in Georgia
D. the activities of the Ku Klux Klan
47. Which statement BEST explains why
northern businessmen invested money to
build GA’s textile industry after the Civil War?
A. Georgia had plenty of railroads and major
seaports for transporting cotton and textile
products when the Civil War ended.
B. Georgia had plenty of cotton, abundant land and
water, and inexpensive labor to supply and
operate textile mills.
C. Georgia was one of the few southern states to
retain capital (cash money and investments) after
the Civil War.
D. Georgia was one of the few southern states to
avoid violence and terrorism after the war ended.
48. The New South, as envisioned by
Henry W. Grady, would
A. rival the North economically.
B. maintain its southern heritage.
C. encourage and develop tourism.
D. provide separate facilities for races.
49. A positive aspect of the county unit
system was that it allowed
A. less populated areas to have the same
political power as larger areas.
B. people to be elected without a majority of
the popular vote.
C. corrupt politicians to win elections by
buying votes.
D. people from all parties to run for political
50. What Constitutional amendment
linked the New South to the
progressive movement?
A. 17th B. 18th C. 19th
D. 20th
51. According to the Supreme Court in
Plessy v. Ferguson, it became legal for
blacks and white to
A. have separate schools.
B. attend the same schools.
C. be admitted to the same hospital.
D. drink from the same water fountain.
52. Which restriction did NOT affect the
voting rights of African Americans in
Georgia in the early 1900s?
A. grandfather clause
B. eligibility clause
C. gerrymandering
D. poll tax
53. Why did many New Deal programs
NOT help African Americans in
A. Only whites were hired by the Works
Progress Administration.
B. Blacks did not qualify for benefits under
Social Security and Medicare.
C. Young blacks were not hired under the
National Youth Administration.
D. Subsidies under the Agricultural
Adjustment Act were paid to property
owners not the tenant farmers.
54. At which Georgia military installation
did infantry train in World War I?
A. Camp Augusta
C. Camp Gordon
B. Camp Benning
D. Camp McPherson
55. What racial issue, opposed by Booker
T. Washington, did W. E. B. DuBois
A. economic equality
C. religious equality
B. political equality
D. social equality
56. Where in Georgia were Liberty ships
built during World War II?
A. Atlanta & Augusta
B. Brunswick & Jekyll Island
C. Brunswick & Savannah
D. St. Simons Island & Augusta
57. In the Brown v. Board of Education
case, the Supreme Court ruled that
A. the “separate-but-equal ruling” of Plessy
v. Ferguson was unconstitutional.
B. blacks could only attend white schools if
there was space available.
C. black schools would get more money for
books and teachers.
D. all schools would be segregated.
58. To bring about social change, Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr., favored
A. compromise.
C. nonviolence.
B. democracy.
D. unity.
59. During the Three Governors Episode,
who set up an office at the Capitol’s
information counter when he was locked
out of his office?
A. Ellis Arnall
B. Marvin Griffin
C. Herman Talmadge D. Melvin Thompson
60. The Albany Movement in Georgia
favored the
A. implementation of a “first-come, firstserved” policy on Albany buses.
B. integration of interstate bus station
waiting rooms in Albany.
C. forced hiring of African Americans bus
drivers in Albany.
D. end of segregation in the Albany public
61. Which statement LEAST explains a
way that good transportation systems
benefit the public?
A. Good transportation results in increased
income from selling goods outside the
B. Good transportation results in an increase
in a variety of jobs.
C. Good transportation reduces the cost of
obtaining goods.
D. Good transportation makes automobiles
62. What change did NOT occur in
Georgia as a result of the end of the
county unit system?
A. More members of the General Assembly
were elected from the urban areas.
B. Greater political power went to the more
heavily populated areas.
C. More African Americans were elected to
state offices.
D. More women were elected to state office.
63. What are two ways the GA constitution
and the U.S. Constitution are similar?
A. They are the same length.
B. They both have a preamble and a bill of
C. They both focus on city and county
D. They have been amended the same
number of times.
64. What happens to a bill passed by the
legislature if the governor does not
veto it, but also does not sign it?
A. The bill is killed.
B. The bill becomes law.
C. The bill goes back to the senate.
D. The bill goes back to the house of
65. Why is the power to make appointments to
boards and executive offices important to the
governor of Georgia?
A. By appointing persons from the same political party,
the governor can help one party dominate state
B. Through appointments, a governor can spread his or
her influence far beyond the limited powers of the
governor’s office.
C. Through appointments to boards and executive
offices, a governor can control the actions of all state
agencies and boards.
D. By appointing political backers and campaign
contributors, the governor can repay supporters and
raise money for future
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