Food Web

Rising Sea Levels
Rising Sea Levels
What is a food web?
 Several food chains connected
 Shows many different paths of
how plants and animals are
 Each level of animal represents a
different trophic level
 Which is an organisms position on
the food web
Parts of a food web
 Primary Producer: produces own food by
 Usually green plants
 Primary Consumer: animals that consume only
plant matter
 Aka herbivores-rabbits and cows
 Secondary Consumer: animals that eat primary
consumers (herbivores)
 Aka carnivore- owls and foxes
 Tertiary Consumer: animals that eat secondary
 Carnivores that eat other carnivores
Energy Pyramids
 Model of energy flowing in a
 They are measured from the bottom
trophic level to the top
Primary Producers
Primary Consumers
Secondary Consumers
Tertiary Consumers
Ten Percent Rule
 An average of only 10% of the
energy in one trophic level is
passed to the next trophic level
 90% is used by previous trophic
Why only 10%?
 Energy is used up for daily life activities
 Not all organisms that die are eaten by animals on the next trophic level
 Not all parts of organisms are eaten and digested for energy
Biomass Pyramids
 Amount of energy available in the form of organic matter
of organisms
 There is a gradual decrease in biomass from producers to
higher trophic levels
 2 common types
 Terrestrial
 Aquatic
Biomass Pyramids
Aquatic Pyramid
 Why is it inverted (upside down)?
 Smaller weight of producers are supporting consumers of a large weight
 Hunting
 Overfishing
 Deforestation
Human Impact
 • Destroys the environment in
which the organisms eat or make
their food
• Removes food source for other
• Could lead to extinction of