The TeV Gamma-ray Universe Trevor C. Weekes Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Motivation/Techniques The TeV Sky Future Prospects A Lonely TeV Cosmic Ray Nu Vus of the Universe weekes Nu Vus of the Universe weekes The Lonely TeV Proton takes a mate and produces a family; many of the off spring go astray but dutiful gamma rays carry on the family tradition and relay its message. Nu Vus of the Universe weekes The Relativistic Universe The Relativistic Universe is defined by the presence of high energy particles, the sites where the particles are accelerated, the mechanisms by which they are accelerated, and the regions through which they propagate. Their presence is indicated by the emission of TeV gamma rays. Nu Vus of the Universe weekes EGRET Nu Vus of the Universe weekes Collection Area = Size of Football Field Nu Vus of the Universe Simple Technique, Simple Detectors, Low Budget weekes Development of GeV-TeV First Generation Systems 1960 – 1985 Weak or no discrimination Lebedev, Glencullen, Whipple, Narrabri, Crimea New Technology Atmospheric Cherenkov Imaging Telescopes Whipple, Crimea, CAT, HEGRA, Durham, CANGAROO …… Increase in Scale Third Generation Systems 2004 – 2010 Arrays of Large ACITs MAGIC, HESS, CANGAROO-III, VERITAS, MACE New Technology? Zero Second Generation Systems 1985 – 2004 TeV Sources Fourth Generation Systems 2010 TBD Nu Vus of the Universe weekes ~ 12 > 100 1000? Development of MeV-GeV First Generation Systems 1960 – 1972 Spark Chambers Small Satellites SAS-II, COS-B Increase in Size One 30 (15) Third Generation Systems 1991-2007 New Technology Second Generation Systems 1972-1991 Spark Chambers Balloons Controversy 100 MeV Sources Spark Chamber Bigger EGRET on CGRO New Technology 270 Fourth Generation Systems 2007-2012+ New Technology: Solid State AGILE, GLAST 10,000? What? Nu Vus of the Universe weekes Early Expectations of TeV Gamma-ray Astronomy Find the Origin of the Cosmic Radiation: * Single source or class of sources * Unambiguous detection of the 70 MeV bump in the spectrum * Source(s) would be in the Galaxy Locate the “Smoking Gun” of Cosmic Ray Origins! The reality has been quite different! * Many different sources (too many!) * No unambiguous proton source detection * Many sources are Extragalactic Atmospheric Cherenkov Imaging Technique (ACIT) Proposed in 1977 *Imaging systems came into operation 1984 (Whipple, Crimea) *First TeV Source detected (Crab Nebula/ Whipple Observatory) 1989 Standard Candle for TeV Gamma-ray Astronomy Strongest Steady Source in TeV Sky Nu Vus of the Universe weekes TeV Image of Crab (not resolved) Synchrotron Compton Synchrotron Model for TeV Gamma-ray emission (first proposed by Gould, 1964) Electron Progenitor Prototype Model for most TeV gamma-ray sources Nu Vus of the Universe weekes Compton Detection of TeV Gamma-ray AGN Markarian 421 Markarian 421 Cross = X-ray source Dotted line : EGRET error circle Contours: TeV source intensity (29 sigma) Weak Source in EGRET but strong at TeV energies Variation in Nightly Rates from Markarian 421 Hours-days-months TeV Catalog of AGN Catalog Name Source Date/Group Type Redshift TeV 1104+3813 Mrk 421 1992/Whipple HBL 0.031 TeV 1429+4240 H1426+428 2002/Whipple HBL 0.129 TeV 1654+3946 Mrk 501 1995/Whipple HBL 0.033 TeV 2000+6509 1ES1959+650 1999/TA HBL 0.048 TeV 2159-3014 PKS2155-304 1999/Durham HBL 0.116 TeV 2347+5142 1ES2344+514 1997/Whipple HBL = High frequency BL Lac HBL 0.044 Horan, Weekes, 2003 All confirmed sources Spectra measured Light-curves determined Multi-wavelength Correlations Only two in EGRET Catalog Nu Vus of the Universe weekes Multiwavelength Results: Power Spectra Mrk 501 Synchrotron Compton Similar double peaked Power Spectra seen in other AGN AGN Jet Emission Mechanisms Electron Progenitors: Synchrotron Self Compton External Compton Proton Progenitors: Proton Cascades Proton Synchrotron Electron Synchrotron Self Compton Models most consistent with TeV AGN…..but observations are complex and require more sophisticated Modelling of Jets. Limitations of ACIT Telescopes Second Generation Telescopes successful but…. Limited Flux Sensitivity Hitting the “Muon Wall” Need Lower Energy for GLAST Overlap Array Concept demonstrated by HEGRA ARRAYS (Third Generation) Arrays of Cherenkov telescopes viewing the same shower and improving the energy threshold, the angular resolution and the energy resolution; muon background removed. F Factor of 10-20 a improvement in flux c sensitivity Nu Vus of the Universe weekes The Big 5 TeV ACIT Observatories MACE (India) 2 tel. 2008 VERITAS, (Arizona) 4 tel. 2006 7 tel. 2008? HESS, (Namibia) 4 tel., 2003 5 tel., 2007 MAGIC (La Palma), 1 tel., 2004 2 tel., 2008 CANGAROO III, 4 tel., 2006 (Australia) VERITAS: Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System The VERITAS Collaboration Iowa State University Leeds University McGill University National University of Ireland, Dublin Purdue University Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory University of California, Los Angeles University of Chicago University of Utah Washington University, Saint Louis Adler Planetarium Barnard College DePauw University Grinnell College U.C. Santa Cruz U. Mass. N.U.I., Galway Cork I.T. Galway-Mayo I.T. First two 12 m telescopes of VERITAS now in operation at temporary site at Whipple Observatory Basecamp, December, 2005 Four telescopes in operation in 2006 Seven telescopes in 2008? Funding from NSF/DOE/Smithsonian/PPARC/SFI/NSERC Differential Flux Sensitivity D i 1 GeV 100 GeV VERITAS, HESS and MAGIC will overlap and complement GLAST Whipple 10 m (3s in 50 hrs) GLAST (2 Years) VERITAS-4 (3s in 50 hrs) Nu Vus of the Universe weekes HESS European Collaboration; M.P.I (Heidelberg) 4 x 12 m Telescopes Completed in Dec. 2003 Located in NAMIBIA First of the Big 5 to come on-line Direction ~ arc-min Energy Resolution ~ 10% Background ~ 0 Nu Vus of the Universe weekes The TeV Sky - 2005 Diverse Categories of TeV Gamma-ray 1ES 1218 H1426 sources: M87 Mrk501 AGN 1ES1959 SNR G0.9 Radio Galaxy Cas A 1ES 2344 PSR B1259 1ES 1101Shell) SNR (Plerion and RXJ 1713 Microquasar LS 5039 GC TeV 2032 Galactic Plane Binary Cygnus Diffuse PKS 2155 Extended Sources Galactic Center RXJ 0852 Vela X Crab HessJ1303 15-52 DarkMSH Sources H2356 PKS 2005 Pulsar Nebula AGN SNR Other, UNID Nu Vus of the Universe weekes R.A.Ong Aug 2005 Catalog of TeV AGN c. 2005 Name z Class Discovery Markarian 421 0.031 HBL Whipple (Punch, 1992) Markarian 501 0.034 HBL Whipple (Quinn, 1996) 1ES 2344+514 0.044 HBL Whipple (Catanese, 1998) 1ES 1959+650 0.048 HBL T. A. (Nishiyama, 2000) BL Lacertae 0.069 LBL Crimea (Neshpor, 2001) PKS 2005-489 0.071 HBL H.E.S.S. (Aharonian, 2005) PKS 2155-304 0.117 HBL Durham (Chadwick, 1999) H 1426+428 0.129 HBL Whipple (Horan, 2002) H 1256-309 0.165 HBL H.E.S.S. (Aharonian 2005) BL 1219+305 0.182 HBL MAGIC (MAGIC 2005) BL 1101-232 0.186 HBL H.E.S.S. (Aharonian 2005) 3C66A 0.444* LBL Crimea (Neshpor, 1998) Nu Vus of the Universe weekes Gamma-ray Meets IR-Photon Source: dN/dE ~ E-2 Absorption: exp(-t(E)) Spectrum at earth: E-2 exp(-t(E)) e+ g-ray IR-photon e- • Extragalactic Background Light (EBL) causes spectral distortion due to g + g e+ + e• Optical depth depends on integral over the EBL spectrum from the threshold for pair creation up to higher energies Nu Vus of the Universe weekes EBL Detections & Limits From Dwek & Krennrich 2004, ApJ Nu Vus of the Universe weekes HESS Survey: New Sources HESS J1834-087 Gal. Center HESS J1804-216 HESS J1825-137 HESS J1837-069 HESS J1813-178 G0.9+0.1 30° 0° LS 5039 HESS J1745-303 HESS J1713-381 HESS J1702-420 HESS J1708-410 HESS 1632-478 HESS J1634-472 330° 359° Sources > 6 sigma (9 new, 11 total) Sources > 4 sigma (7 new) RX J1713.7-3946 Nu Vus of the Universe HESS J1614-518 HESS J1640-485 HESS J1616-508 weekes Microquasar: LS 5039 7 sigma detection by HESS Identification based on position Consistent with EGRET Source No time variability Hard spectum Microblazar? Nu Vus of the Universe weekes Relativistic Jets and TeV Sources Nu Vus of the Universe weekes Galactic Center HESS and MAGIC Spectrum Hard spectrum G = 2.2. No evidence for variability on a variety of time scales. Unlikely to be dark matter because of energy spectrum. Nu Vus of the Universe Good agreement between HESS and MAGIC. weekes RX J1713-394 (1) CANGAROO detection ~7s. Shell Supernova Remnant HESS confirmation ~ 40s. Extended Bright Source Close Correlation with X-rays Spectrum Cosmic Ray Source? HESS Gamma: color ASCA X-ray: Lines Hard spectrum G ~ 2 Not a simple power-law. Nu Vus of the Universe weekes RX J1713-394 (2) Weak Radio CO Distributions: Target Material? Progenitors: Electrons or Protons “No decisive conclusions can yet be drawn regarding the parent population dominantly responsible for the gamma-ray emission from RX J1713.7-3946” Not the Smoking Gun! Nu Vus of the Universe weekes Future of GeV/TeV Gamma-ray Astronomy GLAST: the Next Generation Gamma-ray Space Telescope: 2007-2012 Also smaller version: AGILE (2006) Not clear what GeV space telescope might come after GLAST Future of GeV/TeV Gamma-ray Astronomy (ground-based) Third generation Observatories coming on-line (<2008) It is easy to extend/scale-up ground-based observatories HESS-2: Add 28m telescope: improved sensitivity at lower threshold (50 GeV) in coincidence mode (stereo) Fourth generation Observatories under discussion (>2010) e.g. HE-ASTRO proposed by Vladimir Vassiliev Nu Vus of the Universe weekes HE-ASTRO Because the size of the HE-ASTRO, ~1 km2, is much larger than the size of the Cherenkov light pool, ~108 cm2, the number of telescopes required is > 200 A Coupling distance: d=80m Nu Vus of the Universe weekes HE-ASTRO (specifications) Array of 217 telescopes Elevation 3.5km Telescopes’ coupling distance 80m Area ~1.0km2 (~1.6km2) o Single Telescope Field of View ~15 FoV area ~177 deg2 Reflector Diameter ~7m Reflector Area ~40 m2 QE 50% (200-400 nm) Trigger sensor pixel size 0.146o Trigger Sensor Size ~31.2cm NSB rate per Trigger pixel ~3.2 pe per 20 ns Single Telescope NSB Trigger Rate 1KHz Energy Range 20–200 GeV Differential Detection Rate Peak ~30 GeV Single Telescope CR trigger rate ~30 kHz Nu Vus of the Universe Image pixel size – 0.0146o Readout image – 128 x 128 pixels Readout Image size – 1.875o x 1.875o NSB per pixel – 0.032 (20 nsec gate) ADC – 8 bit (S/N improved, 10– >8) Pixel dimension 12mm x 12mm Sensor area – 12.3 mm x 12.3 mm Shutter exposure – a few msec Image integration time - 20 ns Optical system TBD Array trigger protocol TBD Data Rates ~80 Mb/secper node Online data processing TBD TeV Astrophysics Workshop, Palaiseau, April, 2005 (Vassiliev) weekes Science coming soon (from a TeV Source near you) Astronomy and Astrophysics > 300 sources Old: SNR, AGN, Microquasars, Binaries, Dark Sources New: Clusters, Starburst, Pulsars, Others Cosmological Questions EBL Measured Distant Transients detected Magnetic Fields Lorentz Invariance Sources (ACIT Observatories) Distribution (EAS Arrays) UHE Sources Galactic Plane Dark Matter?? GRBs ?? Prompt: ( Arrays EAS) Delayed: (ACIT Observatories) PBHs Origin of Cosmic Rays Physics Nu Vus of the Universe weekes Summary (1): The TeV Sky (present) Diverse Categories of TeV Gamma-ray sources: AGN Radio Galaxies Galactic Plane Extended Sources Galactic Center SNR (Plerions and Shell) Microquasar Binary Dark Sources but no confirmed detections (yet!) of: Pulsars GRBs Clusters of Galaxies Starburst Galaxies UHE Sources No Smoking Gun for Origin of the Cosmic Radiation …but Cosmic Particle Acceleration is Ubiquitous Summary (2): The TeV Sky (future) Within a few years there will be five major ground-based gamma-ray observatories using the ACIT in operation. These will be complemented by: Space Telescopes: AGILE, GLAST (lower E, wide field) Air Shower Arrays: Milagro, Tibet(high E, wide fields) Neutrino Telescopes: IceCube, KM3 The Next Generation of TeV Gamma-ray Observatories using the ACIT are now under discussion: (lower energy, wider fields, large collection area) Watch this space! Why study TeV Gamma-rays? Why are Elephants the most popular animals in the zoo? They are easy to see and they tell us much! Nu Vus of the Universe weekes Cosmological studies of High Energy Transient Phenomena to determine: Redshift evolution of these objects Population properties of AGN and GRBs Redshift evolution of EBL (z=0-6) Major contributors to EBL (stars, dust, AGN, Population III objects, relic particles, SFR, GFR, IMF, BH accretion histories, supernovae feedback, merger history) Cosmological magnetic fields and their evolution High energy properties of space-time Nu Vus of the Universe weekes Nu Vus of the Universe weekes