Ancient China
ABC Book
Marley Wisby
A is for acupuncture
Acupuncture is a
method for curing
diseases. It is
performed by
sticking needles into
a patient's skin.
B is for Bureaucracy
A bureaucracy is a
group of certain
chosen officials who
manage different
parts of
C is for Confucianism
Confucianism is a
religion founded by
Confucius. It teaches
it's followers to put
community and
family first.
D is for drills
During the Tang and
Song Dynasties the
Chinese invented
drill. They made them
using steel, which
had also just been
E is for exspensive
The trip along the Silk
road was very
expensive. It was
expensive because the
trip was long and hard
and you needed lots of
F is for First Rulers
The rulers from the
Xia Dynasty are not
very well known.
Although we do know
that they were some
of the first rulers of
G is for Golden Rule
In the teachings of
Confucius there was
something similar to the
Golden Rule. This is what
it says, "What you do not
want done to yourself, do
not do to others" Confucius.
H is for Huang He River
The Huang he river, also
known as the Yellow river
is over 2,900 miles long. It
was named the Yellow
river because of the yellow
soil it carries to the Pacific
ocean from Mongolia .
I is for Ideographs
An ideograph is a
symbol that joins two
or more pictographs
together to make a
word or phrase. The
Chinese used them to
write on oracle bones.
J is for Jade
Jade is very
important in Chinese
art. It is used to carve
things like vases,
statues, dishes, and
much more.
K is for known
There is very little
known about the Xia
dynasty. There are
not many records of
that time so we don't
L is for Liu Bang
Liu Bang founded the
Han Dynasty in 202B.C.
He was a peasant but
after becoming a military
leader, and defeating his
rivals he declared
himself ruler of China.
M is for Mandate of Heaven
The Mandate of
Heaven was a law
that gave Zhou rulers
the authority to rule.
The ruler was chosen
by his talent and
N is for Nomads
During the Han
Dynasty the Han
army drove back the
Xiongnu nomads to
help create peace
in China.
O is for Oracle Bones
Oracle bones were
used by Shang
rulers to write to
the gods. They
wrote about
everything from
weather to battle.
P is for Printing Press
The printing press was a
great invention in China.
it helped them print
books more cheaply than
before. They used
movable blocks with
words on them to create
words and stories.
Q is for Qin Shihuangdi
Qin Shihuangdi was the
First ruler of the Qin
Dynasty. He based his
rule on the idea of
Legalism. he made
changes that would last
R is for Rulers
There were only two
rulers of the Qin
Dynasty. They were
Qin Shihuang and
Qin Er Shi.
S is for Silk Road
The silk road was
very important in
Chinese trade. It was
used to transport
goods all over Asia.
T is for Taklamakan
The Taklamakan
desert is a desert in
North west China.
Here it is in Chinese
U is for Unbelievable
Many of the inventions
that were created in
ancient china were
extremely unbelievable.
Many of them such as
the paper press are still
used today.
V is for Vases
In the Shang dynasty
one of the art forms
was vases. The
vases were made of
jade and other stones
and carved by hand.
W is for Wu Wang
Wu Wang was the
founder of the Zhou
Dynasty. After
leading a rebellion
against the Shang.
X is for Xiongnu
The Xiongnu were a
nomad tribe that were
driven out of China to
create peace during
the Han Dynasty.
Y is for Yangtze River
The Yangtze river, also
known as the Chang
Jiang river flows east
across china for 3,400
miles. Where it
eventually empties out
into the Yellow sea.
Z is for Zhang Qian
Zhang Qian was a
Chinese explorer
was sent by Han
Wudi to find allies
but instead he
created the silk road.