google - Homework Market

Google Inc overview
Google Inc company overview
Course Title:
Google overview
In this paper, I chose to focus my discussion or presentation on Google Inc. in the
presentation, the discussion is broken down into the company, competitors and financial
overviews, so as to give a conclusive presentation on the company.
Google is an American multinational company, that can be categorized under the
technological companies of the world, that has specialized on internet related services and
products. The online services and products that Google provides include online advertising
approaches, search capabilities, cloud computing as well as software stores. These services are
utilized by corporate companies all over to do businesses, host websites, search for online
information as well as hosting their data and accessing cloud data and information. When it
comes to how it operates and generates its finances, it is seen that most of the operations
capital for the international company comes from the online advertisements. It is through the
advertisements that the company generates the capital for operations. Companies pay to the
Google international and multinational company to have their products hosted on an
international platform. The company ownership and founder ship is also under company
review. In consideration to this, the company was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brim. They
form a big ownership of the company up to today, and they pose the super voting rights of the
company. In the year 1998, they incorporated Google as a privately owned company, and a
public initial offer was made in the year 2004. Since then, it is a company that has been in
operation, developing mission and vision statements such as “to organize the world’s
information and make it universally accessible and useful”
As mentioned above, the company offers a variety of products and services all over the
world, which can be listed or given as follows. In the section of online services, the company
offers Gmail services, cloud storage services, an office suite and also social networking services
such as Google plus. In the section of desktop products, Google offers applications for website
browsing, applications for editing and organizing photos as well as instant messaging services.
In the world of software’s, the company is a leading organization that plays a major role when it
comes to the design and development of android operating systems that are being used in
mobile technology, all over the world.
In its operations and partnerships, Google partners with other companies, to deliver services
unto them. It is a company that partners with major companies, such as the electronics
companies and electronics manufacturers to come up with high quality devices, that are of low
cost and can be used all over the world. Some of these devices that are as a result of the said
partnerships include nexus devices as well as fiber optic infrastructure that are used to facilitate
Google fiber broadband services. It is a company that is changing the world as we speak. In
addition to this, it is a company that is estimated to have millions of servers in various data
centers in the world, making it a company next to impossible to live without.
In discussing a company’s competitors, we consider mostly companies that can be found
within the same line of operation, delivering similar services and products, as the mentioned
company, or considering companies that deliver compliment services and products to those of
the other company. In relation to the competitive review of Google international, we are going
to consider companies that are involved in offering online services, social medial platforms, e-
mail options as well as communication solutions. Some of such companies that pose as a
competition threat to Google include search innovators Yahoo, Internet pioneer and media
company AOL, Microsoft, LinkedIn and several other companies in the world. All the above
mentioned companies also provide services that are similar to those provided by Google. It is
therefore a challenge to Google that it steps up its operations to ensure that it fights favorably
in the already competitive world. It can do this by increasing its services, making them available
all over the world as well as increasing its advertisement channels so as to capture a larger
customer base.
The financial report can be seen from the below images, as researched. The below is the
financial statements.
Information source: (
Information source: (
Definition of terms
Profit margin: this is an accounts measure, designed to show the financial health of any given
Operating margin: it is a ratio that is used to Measure Company pricing strategy and operating
Return on assets: it’s a ratio that shows the rate of return for both creditors and investors in a
Returns on equity: it is the product of the operating performance, asset turnover and debt
equity management of a given firm.
From the gathered statics of Google Company, it can be seen that the operating margins and
rations are within a good limit, and that it’s on the right track, since it does not face lots of
losses in its operations.
Yahoo financial statements Information source: (; for Yahoo financial statements.
Microsoft financial statements
Information source: ( From the above statistics, it can be seen that Google Inc is operating
on profit basis, making profits over the years shown in the above statistics. It is also evident
that its margins are better compared to the two sampled companies.
Microsoft corporation ratios and probabilities
Yahoo corporation ratios and probabilities
Google annual report