Welcome to RNSG 1105 Nursing Skills I Instructor Jeanie Ward RN,MSN, CNE Office: Cypress Creek campus – room 1138 223 - 2221 Eastview campus – room 8243 223-5721 Email: jeanward@austincc.edu Roster Calendar Unit I Orientation to RNSG 1105 Nursing Skills I Course Description Study of concepts and principles essential for demonstrating competencies in the performance of nursing procedures. Topics include knowledge, judgment, skills, and professional values in a legal / ethical framework. Nursing Skills I – Course Objectives 1. Describe concepts and principles that are basic to the safe performance of nursing skills 2. Demonstrate competence in performance of nursing procedures 3. Communicate clearly the English language in speaking, reading, and writing during performance and evaluation of nursing procedures and simulated nursepatient interactions. 4. Demonstrate the values of the nursing profession. Course Requirements Come to class prepared to participate in class activities - practice all skills Attendance – mandatory!! If you must be absent– it is made up. Be responsible for all materials presented in each class. Use lab time for independent study / practice, small groups study / practice, and validating your learning. You are expected to identify your learning needs and take full advantage of the opportunities in the learning lab. Successful completion 1. Have a theory grade of 75% or above from the exams and final 2. Satisfactory pass all mastery skill demonstrations/ check-offs in compliance with specifications of passing ** Must pass each component—theory and skill check-off to obtain a grade. 3. Attend class and comply with requirements in the student handbook Grading Policy 60% grade comes from the exams Tests 1-3 count = 36% Final exam counts double 24 % 40% grade comes from check-offs Check-off 1-3 =24% Comprehensive mastery check-off = 16% Grading Policy This course follows grade policy as described in the ACC ADN student handbook. A= 91-100 B= 83-90 C=75-82 D=60-74 F=below 60 ** Note- this is different from other courses You must make a C in all nursing courses to continue in nursing. Textbooks and Supplements RNSG 1105 Syllabus Textbook: Fundamentals of Nursing Caring and Clinical Judgment by Helen Harkreader **Need to bring both to every class Unit 1 Introduction to RNSG 1105 Preparation Learning Objectives Learning Supplement Post Quiz Professionalism Nursing is not simply a collection of skills. Nursing is a Profession Professionalism Being Professional means being: Accountable Responsible for your Own Actions Professionalism Even though you will not be performing skills on actual patients, you are expected to be professional in you manner in performing the skills in this lab. Legal Standards As a nurse, your actions are guided by legal standards of nursing practice. Nurse Practice Acts legally define and regulate the scope of nursing practice. Each nurse is held legally responsible / accountable for meeting the standards of nursing practice. You should NEVER act beyond your “Scope of Practice” (we will continue to bring this up throughout the semester National Patient Safety Goals Ethical Standards All nurses must function within the nurses’ code of ethics. Nursing has a code of ethics and standards that define the principles by which nurses should function. The ultimate responsibility for professional practice/ performance of nursing skills lies with YOU / each individual nurse. Professionalism An organization can provide guidelines, but it is the individual nurse who must maintain the standards and take responsibility and be accountable for own nursing practice. Organizing Framework The individual who is a part of a family and or community is the center of the framework. Individual Goal Of Nursing Assist the Individual to meet his / her own Needs Summarize The Individual has Needs Nursing assists the individual to meet their needs Nurses perform certain skills to assist in meeting these needs. Three Main Types of Skills Cognitive / Intellectual Skills Interpersonal Skills Technical / Psychomotor Skills Cognitive / Intellectual Skills Involve nursing knowledge and critical thinking to provide safe, intelligent nursing care. Must be able to think critically in order to problem solve and find the best solution to meet a patient’s needs. Critical Thinking Process that challenges the nurse to interpret and evaluate information / data to derive judgments. Organizing information Picking out relevant information Judgments are made—based on reason and rationale rather than on prejudice, preference, self-interest, or fear. Overtime, nurses expertise increases, learning from successes and failures. Nursing Process Problem solving process that enables the nurse to organize and deliver nursing care to meet patient needs. Steps in the Nursing Process Assessment Evaluation • Collect Data • Validate Data • Organize Data •Goal achievement •Reassess / Revise •Terminate if goal met Implementation •Carrying out the plan/ perform the skills Diagnoses •Analyze Data •Formulate diagnosis Planning •Establish goals •Develop outcome criteria How do we know the Needs of each individual? Guide for Assessment P = Psychosocial Needs E = Elimination Needs R = Rest, Regulatory, Reproductive Needs S = Safety Needs O = Oxygenation Needs N = Nutrition Needs Assessment Collection of data, validation of data, organization of data. Kinds of data Subjective – something that the patient tells you about Objective – data detectable by the nurse ie. Hear, observe, smell, touch Assessment is a very important part of each skill that the nurse performs 2. Diagnosis Analyzing and interpreting the data to identify health needs and formulate nursing diagnoses. 3. Planning Establishing goals and developing outcomes Getting ready to implement the skill Gather necessary equipment and making preparations before beginning the skill 4. Implementation Carrying out the plan Performance of the skills and care of the patient 5. Evaluation The nurse evaluates: The goal– was it achieved / met? The patient’s response to the procedure What do you do with the information obtained? Document in the chart Tell the appropriate staff, persons INTERPERSONAL SKILLS Activities that people use when communicating with each other Nurse must communicate with the patient, family and members of the health care team. Assists the nurse to be perceptive to the needs of the patient TECHNICAL / PSYCHOMOTOR SKILLS Nursing Procedures that provide direct care to the patient. This will be our main focus this semester. Entering a Patient’s Room 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Confirm medical orders Obtain and check supplies for procedure Knocks on door and enters room Performs hand hygiene Greets and introduces self to patient by name and title such as: Name, ACC Nursing Student Identifies patient using 2 approved identifiers Explain procedure. Tells the patient the reason for being there. Provides privacy Exiting a Patients Room Tell Patient you are leaving Place call bell/call light within patients reach, even if sitting in chair at bedside Make sure bed is in position Side rails are Perform hand hygiene What’s Wrong with this Picture? You are leaving the room Answer Call bell within reach? Yes Side rails up NO! Bed in low Position? Yes Tips for Success Use Your Time Wisely You MUST PRACTICE Preparation Be Patient with Yourself Take a Break