Curriculum Vitae Andrew J. Coia, M.A. Department of Psychology/MSS 416 University of Nevada Reno, NV 89557 Lab Phone: 775-662-8668 Research Statement I am interested in color vision and how the visual system attributes color and brightness to objects in our environment. I have been combining psychophysical and electrophysiological techniques to investigate the effects of how color can spread from the edges/boundaries of a surface. Present Position Graduate Student Psychology Department, University of Nevada, Reno Cognitive Brain Sciences Lab Manager Crognale Electrophysiological Vision Lab Academic Training 2011-2014 Master’s Degree, University of Nevada, Reno 2003-2007 B.A. Psychology/Physics University of San Francisco Honors and Awards 2015 Bilinski Fellowship Award 2013 International Color Vision Society Travel Bursary 2013 UNR Graduate Student Association Student Travel Award 2012 UNR Graduate Student Association Student Travel Award 2012 AmeriCorps Volunteer Education Award 2008 AmeriCorps Volunteer Education Award 2006 Inducted Member of Psi Chi Psychological Society Teaching Experience Spring 2015 Instructor, Cognitive Psychology 416, University of Nevada, Reno Spring 2015 Teacher’s Assistant, Statistics 210, Dr. Strother Fall 2014 Instructor, Statistical Methods, 210, University of Nevada, Reno Fall 2014 Teacher’s Assistant, Statistical Methods 210, Dr. Caplovitz Summer 2014 Instructor, Physiological Psychology 403, University of Nevada, Reno Spring 2014 Instructor, Statistical Methods 210, University of Nevada, Reno Spring 2014 Teacher’s Assistant, Cognitive Psychology 416, Dr. Berryhill Fall 2013 Instructor, Psychology 101 Fall 2013 Teacher’s Assistant Experimental Psychology 301, Dr. Strother Spring 2013 Teacher’s Assistant Experimental Psychology 301, Dr. Duncan Fall 2012 Teacher’s Assistant Experimental Psychology 301, Dr. Caplovitz Spring 2012 Teacher’s Assistant Experimental Psychology 301, Dr. Hutsler Fall 2011 Teacher’s Assistant Physiological Psychology 403, Dr. Crognale Summer 2011 Summer High School AmeriCorps Volunteer Assistant-Reno, NV 2007-2008 Youth Counselor AmeriCorps Volunteer- San Francisco, CA 2006-2008 Private tutor The Buddy System and Math Works, Inc. 2004-2006 Lab/Teacher’s Assistant University of San Francisco Physics Department Peer Reviewed Publications 1. Coia, A. J., & Crognale, M. A. (2014). Asymmetric effects of luminance and chrominance in the watercolor illusion. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 8. 2. Coia, A. J., Jones, C., Duncan, C. S., & Crognale, M. A. (2014). Physiological correlates of watercolor effect. JOSA A, 31(4), A15-A22. Invited Talks ‘Disambiguating Real and Illusory Surface Colors’, 6th Annual Research Symposium, The Sierra Nevada Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience, University of Nevada, Reno, 2014 Guest Lecture on Neural Development, Dr. Berryhill’s Cognitive Psychology Course, Spring 2014 Conference Poster Presentations 1. Coia, A.J., Crognale, M.A. (2015) Cortical Responses to Real and Illusory Surface Colors Journal of Vision Abstract. Presented at VSS Conference, May, 2015, as wells as UC Berkley’s 23rd Bay Area Vision Research Day, September 2015. 2. Coia, A.J., Crognale, M.A. (2015) The Effects of Contour Adaptation on the Watercolor Illusion International Color Vision Society Abstract , Poster presentation in Sendai, Japan, July, 2015. 3. Coia, A.J., Flake, K, Arn, S, Amsrala, G., Crognale, M.A. (2014) Chromatic and Luminance Asymmetries in the watercolor effect. Journal of Vision Abstract. Vision Science Society Poster Presentation, St. Pete’s Beach, Florida. (also presented at UC Berkeley’s Bay Area Vision Research Day and UNR’s 5th Society for Neuroscience symposium) 4. Coia, A.J., Jones, C., Duncan, C., Crognale, M.A. (2013). Objective quantification of contributions of luminance and hue in the watercolor effect. International Color Vision Society Abstract , Poster presentation in Winchester, United Kingdom. (also presented at UC Berkeley’s Bay Area Vision Research Day and UNR’s 4th Society for Neuroscience symposium) 5. Coia, A. J., Duncan, C., Jones, C., Crognale, M.A. (2012). Quantifying the watercolor effect with cortical responses. Journal of Vision Abstract. Vision Science Society Poster Presentation, Naples, Florida. (also presented at UC Berkeley’s Bay Area Vision Research Day) 6. Crognale, M.A., Chipman, M, Hartung, A., Duncan, C., Jones, C., McDermott, K., Coia, A. (2011). Quantification of the Synesthetic experience with the visual evoked potential. Journal of Vision Abstract. Vision Science Society Poster Presentation, Naples, Florida.