A PowerPoint for Finley!!

A PowerPoint for
*photo of young person*
In the 1940’s a very clever man called
Leo Kanner
became really interested in how
children learned.
• Leo Kanner
He was fascinated to discover that some
children were very clever at doing certain
things. Things like working out how to use
computers and other technology very quickly.
They were often able to play very
complicated computer games very well!
A lot of these children had a fantastic memory for
things they had seen and done. Most of the children
were excellent at talking about things which
interested them.
Leo Kanner also noticed that although these children
found some things easy, they also found some things
very hard to do and understand.
The children often found it hard to understand how
people were feeling and why they felt that way.
Sometimes they weren’t sure how to behave in a way
people liked. They often felt that they didn’t have
many GOOD friends.
A lot of children found it difficult to put their
thoughts into the right words so that other people
could understand them.
Sometimes the children said things which might
seem rude or unkind even when they didn’t mean to
That is not very
Nice. I feel upset
Now. I am not your
breath smells
really bad!!!
Other children found that they got angry or upset
very easily and needed help to calm down. A lot of
children worried about lots of things and sometimes
behaved badly.
Sometimes I might get told
Most of the children got worried when familiar
things had to change.
Leo Kanner thought that these children were so
interesting that he wanted to give their amazing
characteristics a name. Children who showed these
characteristics had AUTISM or an AUTISTIC
SPECTRUM CONDITION. This meant that their
brains worked in a different way from other people’s
Having a brain which works differently means that
people with an Autistic Spectrum Condition:
• Behave differently sometimes
• Think differently
• Learn things in a different way
MY STORY…….so far anyway!
• This is me!!!
*add photo*
A little while ago, my Mum and Dad and teachers
realised that I seemed to be very good at some
things but I found other things really hard. I was
similar to the children that Leo Kanner met.
A Doctor said that I had an Autistic Spectrum
Condition too. This means that I share some of the
things in common with the children Leo Kanner
worked with.
These are the things I am
good at!
• I am very clever at understanding and using
technical stuff like computers!
• I have a very good memory for things I am
interested in!
• I am excellent at riding my bike!
*add photos*
More things that I am good
• I am very good at riding horses
• I know lots about Star Wars
• I enjoy being with animals
*add photos*
Even more things I am good
• I am kind and affectionate
• I like to do the right thing and
get things correct
• I can be organised and tidy
I find some things more tricky!
I really don’t like it when people shout.
• If I am worried or angry, I can sometimes
do things which can hurt other people. I
need help sometimes to calm myself down.
Another thing I find a bit difficult
• Although I like reading, I find it quite difficult to
remember and learn how to read harder words. I
sometimes can’t remember maths problems very
well either.
• Sometimes I get extra help to do these better at
Tricky things!
• I like doing what I want to do but sometimes I
find it difficult to understand that I can’t always
do what I want to do. My friends, parents and
teachers need me to do things too. Sometimes this
makes me cross. Sometimes I try to get out of
doing them!
• I need to learn how to do things I don’t want to do
in a polite and co-operative way!
Autism is not an illness or disease so I can’t become
poorly or die from it. There are no medicines to cure it
yet and I will not grow out of it BUT the good things is
I can learn lots of things to help me cope with the
things I find more tricky!
• Having Autism DOESN’T mean that I
can’t have a try at doing things!
True : “I have Autism so I might find a
few things tricky. Please help me”.
False : “ I have Autism so I can’t do that!”
Every person is different. Some people have
conditions which affect how they look. You can see
these things from the outside like having a wheel
• My Autism is part of my inside so other people
don’t always know that I have it. This can be good
because I can choose whether I tell people or not.
BUT it can also mean that sometimes people might
not understand why I do certain things or behave in
the way I do.
What is *****
• I might need some help sometimes in explaining to
people what I am doing or thinking. I might also
need help to understand what other people are
thinking too.
My friends can try to help me behave in the right
• My friends are:
A lot of children who have an Autistic Spectrum
Condition sometimes have special help in school.
These people are usually called Learning Support
• The Learning Support Assistants who usually help
in my class are :
Please add their names in here!
Other people who help me in school are:
My teachers and Learning Support Assistants try to
understand my Autistic Spectrum Condition. They
can encourage me to use my talents. I can do well in
• Jen Maltby is from the Autism Outreach Service.
She can also help me, my family and my school
understand my Autism better. I might see her in
my classroom every now and then!
A very dodgy
Just as everyone without an Autistic Spectrum
Condition is different, no 2 people with autism are
the same either!
• I am UNIQUE. Nobody has quite the same
strengths, interests and personality as me!
*add photos*
Lots of people like me because I am a little bit
different and think in different ways.
I am a fantastic person!
My family think I am brilliant too!
*add photos*
Famous People who may have
had autism
• Albert Einstein born 1879
He was a famous
Mathematician who
was exceptionally
clever with numbers.
Isaac Newton born 1642
• He was a scientist who worked out
what gravity was and that white light
can be split into colours!
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
born 1756
• Mozart was a genius at music. He had
composed his first piece of music by
the time he was only 5 years old!!