Fetal Monitoring [PPT]

Fetal Monitoring
Dr. Anjoo Agarwal
Dept of Obs & gyn
KGMU, Lucknow
• Understand aims of fetal monitoring
• Understand methods of fetal monitoring
• Understand limitations of fetal monitoring
Aims of Fetal Monitoring
• Prevention of fetal death
• Avoidance of unnecessary interventions
ACOG, AAP 2012
• 23 yrs old woman G2P1+0 (1st FTND, A&H)
presents at 38 wks pregnancy with C/o
diminished fetal moments since 2 days.
Q. How significant do you think the problem is &
what should be your next step?
• Diminished fetal activity, may be a harbinger
of impending fetal death
Sadovsky, 1973
Low Risk vs High Risk
• Any pregnancy may become high risk any time
• C/o diminished fetal activity important in all
Role of Gestation ?
• Fetal activity starts at 7 wks
• General body movements become organised
20-30 wks
• Fetal movement maturation continues till 36
• Criteria for interpretation of tests varies with
• Fetal viability an important consideration
Methods of Assessment
Antepartum :
− Biophysical Profile
− Doppler Velocimetry
− External or Indirect
− Internal or Direct
− Fetal scalp blood sampling
• Cardiff “Count to 10”
• One hour after each meal
• FHR Acceleration in response to fetal
• Test of fetal condition
Normal – reactive
Abnormal – non reactive
Reactive NST
• ≥ 32 weeks – 2 accelerations ≥ 15 bpm ≥ 15
sec during 20 min
• < 32 wks – 2 accelerations ≥ 10 bpm ≥ 10 sec
during 20 min
Fetal Heart Rate Acceleration
Electronic Fetal Monitoring
• The mean FHR rounded to increments of 5 bpm during a 10 min segment, excluding
− Periodic & episodic changes
− Segment of baseline that differ by more than 25 bpm
• The baseline must be for a minimum 2 min in any 10 min segment or the baseline for that time
period is indeterminate. In this case, one may refer to the prior 10 min window to determine of
• Normal FHR baseline: 110 – 160 bpm
• Tachycardia: FHR baseline > 160 bpm
• Bradycardia: FHR baseline < 110 bpm
• Fluctuations in the baseline FHR that are irregular in amplitude & frequency
• Variability is visually quantified as the amplitude of peak-to-trough in bpm
− Absent – amplitude range undetectable
− Minimal – amplitude range detectable but ≤ 5 bpm or fewer
− Moderate – amplitude range 6-25 bpm
− Marked – amplitude range > 25 bpm
• A visually apparent abrupt increase (onset to peak in < 30 sec) in the FHR
• At 32 wks & beyond, an acceleration has a peak of 15 bpm or more have baseline, with a duration
or more but less than 2 min from onset to return
• Before 32 wks, an acceleration has a peak of 10 bpm or more above baseline, with a duration of
≥ 10 sec < 2 min from onset to return
• Prolonged acceleration lasts ≥ 2 min but < 10 min
• If an acceleration last 10 min, it is a baseline change
• Visually apparent usually symmetrical gradual decrease & return of the FHR associated with a
uterine contraction
No Variability
Minimal Variability
Moderate Variability
Increased Variability
Saltatory Pattern
• Tests uteroplacental function contraction
stimulated by oxytocin infusion
• Late decelerations indicate positive test
Biophysical Profile
Nonstress test
Fetal breathing
Fetal movement
Fetal tone
Amniotic fluid volume
Modified Biophysical Profile
• NST + AFI (cut off 5 cm)
Doppler Velocimetry
• Umbilical artery
• Ductus Venosus
Umbilical Artery Doppler
Abnormal if –
S/D > 95% percentile for GA
Absent end diastolic flow – 10% PM
Reversed end diastolic flow – 33% PM
Utility only in FGR
• Fetal Hypoxia → brain sparing → ↑ Cerebro
vascular resistance (RI)
• Also useful in fetal anaemia where ↑ PSV
Ductus Venosus
• Good correlation with perinatal outcome
• But by the time affected it is too late
• Still in experimental stage
Final Recommendations
• Start at 32-34 weeks in HR cases
• Severe complications may require testing at
26-28 weeks
• Repeat weekly/ every 7 days
• Most commonly used – modified biophysical
NST is used to test
1 uteroplacental bloodflow
2 fetal condition
3 response to uterine contractions
4 fetal anaemia
A 35 yr old G1 P0+0 presents at 34 wks with
GDM. It is recommended that she be
monitored by
1 weekly NST
3 Daily doppler
4 all of the above
The acceleration of FHR in NST should be of
1 at least 20 min duration
2 at least 20 sec duration
3 at least 15 sec duration
4 at least 15 min duration