3 rd Quarter Project: The World Systems Model (190 Points)

Mrs. Knapp
AP Human Geography
3rd Quarter Project: The World Systems Model
(190 Points)
The third quarter project will be applying the World Systems Model to take a look at political organization,
agriculture, and industry/development. This project is a partner project.
You and your partner will select one MDC/core country and one LDC/periphery country (i.e. MDC versus LDC).
You will research these nations and create a booklet in which you compare and contrast the two countries.
Your booklet will include a table of contents, a political map of each country, and three chapters/units that
should address (define/explain) the following questions and issues.
Table of Contents with page numbers (10 points)
Political map of each nation (10 points)
Chapter One: Political Organization (40 points)
- Size and shape of each country (compact, prorupted, etc., landlocked, exclaves, microstate, etc.) (1
paragraph each)
- Boundaries (geometric, physical, cultural) (1 paragraph each)
- Boundary creation (subsequent, antecedent, superimposed, etc.) (1 Paragraph each + a physical
map of each country)
- Nation-state, multistate nation, or multination state? Are there conflicts because of this? (1 page
- Government Type (unitary or federal) (1 paragraph each)
- What regional and international organizations is the nation a member of? (list and describe)
- Brief colonial history (1/2 page each)
- Territorial disputes (1/2 page each)
Chapter Two: Agriculture (40 points)
- Specialty crops (list)
- Subsistence or commercial agriculture (identify the type of agriculture in MDCs – mixed crop and
livestock farming, dairy farming, grain farming, livestock ranching, Mediterranean farming,
commercial gardening and fruit farming) (Identify the type of farming in LDCs – shifting, pastoral
nomadism with type of animal, intensive subsistence agriculture with wet rice, intensive agriculture
without wet rice, plantations) (1 page each)
- % of labor force engaged in farming (list)
- Attempts/examples at sustainable agriculture (1 paragraph each)
- Drug crops? (1 paragraph each)
- Importer or exporter (in general and specific agriculture products) (1 paragraph each)
Chapter Three: Industry and Development (40 points)
- GDP and GNP per capita
- Human Development Index
- Gender Equity – GDI (gender related development index) and GEM (gender empowerment
- Life expectancy
- Literacy rate
- Infant mortality
Where in the Demographic Transition Model? (all of the above set up in a chart w/ ½ page overall
analysis each country)
Identify primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, and quinary activities (in general what they do
and specifics) (1/2 page each)
Slow world or fast world (1 paragraph)
Major industries and manufacturing (1/2 page each)
Valuable raw materials and natural resources (list-chart)
Globalization - evaluate and provide evidence of how well connected (1/2 page each)
In addition to the above requirements, somewhere in your booklet (at your choosing) you must include one
pie chart and one bar graph comparing some measure between your two countries. (10 points)
A works cited must also be included. (10 points)
You will be also be graded on spelling and grammar (10 points) and overall presentation which includes time
and effort, colorful, followed all directions, etc. (20 points)
Project due date: Thursday, March 14th or Friday, March 15th
(whichever day our class meets)
Sources to begin: textbook, CIA fact book
LDC: _________________________________
MDC: _________________________________