1 Texas Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators Officers 2010-2011 President Joseph Pettibon TASFAA Board Meeting May 17-18, 2011 Hilton Arlington Arlington, TX (Draft) Vice President Shannon Crossland President Elect Harold Whitis Past President Carolyn J. Jones Treasurer Tia Clary Becky Wilson (elect) Secretary Iroghama Omere Board Members Stephen Brower Mike Carranza Mari Chapa Laurie Coulter Enrique Garcia Debra LaGrone MeletLeafgreen Dana Mingo Ed Turney Members and Committee Chairs Present: Joe Pettibon, Harold Whitis, Shannon Crossland, Carolyn Jones, Tia Clary, Becky Wilson, Stephen Brower, Mike Carranza, Enrique Garcia, Karen Krause, Debra LaGrone, Melet Leafgreen, Dana Mingo, Ed Turney, Lynn Barnes, Jason Young, Erin Porter, and Rick Renshaw Guests: Kim Alexander, Jane Caldwell, Kevin Campbell, and Gary Rodgers Not Present: Christina Quintanilla, Alan Ahmad, Beth Reid, Terry Bazan, and JimAnn BatenHorst, Iro Omere, Laurie Coulter Joe called the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m. President’s Report Joe Pettibon Joe thanked and appreciated everyone being here. Financial Aid Summit – Joe reported overall went very well. Good turnout of about 50 people. Ed stated the ideas were helpful to bounce fears off of each other and allowed for the ability to go back to office and come up with a game plan. Karen indicated that it was hard to make time during office hours for regulatory issues – it was nice to have a day to do that. Shannon commented that the summit should continue on an annual basis. Joe asked if this was something that we want to try to put into what we do for TASFAA as it is a very low cost option for us to cost and an opportunity for the leadership of aid officers to have conversation. Joe stated possibly adding this responsibility to duties of past president. Harold commented that the community college group got rolling this way. Karen stated that many years ago this is what spring conference was aimed at specific topics. Debra commented that is was helpful to see what other schools are doing. Harold suggested that communication be published on the TASFAA website for membership following the summit. Kim Alexander from TG indicated that School Advisory Committee members would like it to include directors who are not members of TASFAA. Joe and Karen both stated to keep it within TASFAA or pay membership. There is a benefit to being a member of TASFAA. Jane Caldwell of THECB stated that Lyn thought it was 2 very meaningful and THECB would like to attend in the future. Joe stated that negotiated rule making is about to start again. Ed stated a shift at the FSA Conference will be visible as it is very clear that they were going to start looking at crediting as well. Shannon made a motion to make the financial aid summit planning as part of the past president duties. Harold seconded. Motion passes. Shannon will add the duties of financial aid summit planning as part of past president duties to the TASFAA Policies and Procedures manual. TASFAA Unclaimed Items – items turned over to the state – mostly checks. Very old. Joe drafted a letter for Tia to act on behalf. Added up to about $500. Tia is working with the state and has sent the paperwork. SWASFAA Meeting Update. FaceBook page – is that something that TASFAA should consider? Carolyn asked the following questions: Who is going to be in charge, who is going to keep it up, and who is going to take responsibility? Harold stated that this could possibly come out of communication chair and provide a means for all of the committees know what is going on. Harold indicated this would be a good tool to let people know that TASFAA is doing something. Rick indicated it was a private controlled culture which would require monitoring and control. Harold stated we could study it and see how we want to set it up. Joe stated that possibly Newsletter/Communication and Past President work together and explore the social networking and work towards a July meeting agenda. Credit card with airline miles. – Rewards. Use the airline miles to offset board member costs for meetings, etc. Joe stated this would be something worth looking into and we might also be able to put more things on the card. Karen indicated that some of the cards have generic airline miles. Tia will research. Kim suggested looking closely at the fine print on the card – if card set up as reward would we have to include it as income? SWASFAA Meeting – SWASFAA is starting to host annual conferences on college campus as it is most cost effective. OK and AR are doing this. We might want to consider exploring costs. Vice President’s Report Shannon Crossland Agenda, Rooms, and Scheduling: Tuesday, May 17th o Snacks and drinks will be provided for break. o NAOW Dinner will be in the Capitol Ballroom from 6:15-9:00. Wednesday, May 18th o Continental breakfast provided at Hilton/Arlington – Waldorf Meeting Room o The following rooms are on the master bill at the Hilton/Arlington: Lynn Barnes, Tia Clary (Becky Wilson), Shannon Crossland, Carolyn Jones, Harold Whitis, Ed Turney, Debra LaGrone, Laurie Coulter, Dana Mingo and Enrique Garcia. 3 o The following rooms are self-pay: Joe Pettibon, Mike Carranza, and Stephen Brower. Administrative and Miscellaneous: Updated TASFAA Policies and Procedures Section 3.4 to include Time Capsule responsibility and duties under the Past President. Removed this update from Secretary duties in Section 3.6 d. TASFAA Policies and Procedures – Section 4.3 – TRAIN Network. o Put a note for archive that the TRAIN Network had been dissolved effected with the 2010-11 year. Updated TASFAA Constitution and Bylaws Article 3, Section 3 to reflect four members elected of the board instead of five in correlation with the reduction of representatives from ten to eight (Article 3, Section 1a. - amended at October 2010 business meeting). Reminders: July Board of Director’s Meeting o July 26-27, 2011 – Location to be determined. Conference Calls o Contact Shannon Crossland if you need to set up a conference call at any time. THECB Jane Caldwell TEOG may not be cut. The Conference Committee has been set for the budget – wide gap to bridge. No idea what’s going to come out on the other side. There are 13 days until end of session. Dan Weaver updates - allocations depend on FAIDS report. Two schools still completing the report. It has been a nightmare. Expanded to include non-need based aid recipients. Matching to residency and Double 01 reports was also an issue. Manuals should be out last week or very soon on the FAIDS. Estimated time to submit records – June or July 15th??? The manual is drafted and ready to go out. It will indicate when you can start submitting. Ed commented that it would be key to submit earlier. Jane indicated the intent is to be able for schools to start submitting mid-summer. Hazelwood is another report this is outgrowing a report in the part. Flag on Double 01 to indicate Hazelwood students. We are working on a new report. It will be student by student. One school is acting as a test school. Veterans and Admissions will be involved and possibly financial aid. Trying to have one up and running and due in November. The format is designed. They are just waiting on data to test. Carolyn indicated she could prepare a lessons learned. Jane to send draft of plan. HANDOUT – Attachment titled, Getting a Handle on State Issues. Rodger’s Capital Gary Rodgers HANDOUT – Attachment titled, Rodgers Capital Presentation to TASFAA All seems to be doing well. Companies that pay dividends tend to do better. Fidelity Contrafund continues to be a good fund. Harold indicated that last meeting TASFAA moved some funds 4 back to Rodgers Capital, would this be the same place these are going? Gary responded that these would be two new funds. Tia stated that if our budget is good we would still have about $40,000 in cash, $20,000 is easily accessible in money market, and any of the funds we can sell and have within four days. Joe stated he would like to have a discussion on budget and finance before making a motion. TGSLC Kim Alexander HANDOUT – Attachment titled, TG Guarantor Update Kim stated that is TASFAA was looking to hold another summit and during the spring time frame in conjunction with the TG conference, TG would be more than happy to accommodate that. Kim stated that there was an interest in TG (suggestion/recommendation) that TG contribute money to offset some of the expected state grant cuts that could occur. TG has a strong desire to do anything they can to offset, but the state legislature cannot mandate TG to do that. This would have to come from the suggestion of the board of directors. TG has good intentions above reserve requirement and how that is distributed is completely up to the TG Board of Directors. It’s not the state’s responsibility to dictate/mandate where it goes. Ed inquired about for fee activities, can TG share? Kim stated that TG has to as it is one of those enhanced/above and beyond default management services that TG is working. There is a subsidiary of TG called EAS – collection organization (for fee for profit). They offer call center services, verification services, etc. These are services schools through many venues that have indicated that are a high value for them. There is also Higher Edge DAS – Default Aversion Services (7 school have contracted with TG) 15 more in the pipeline that will bring in. President Elect Report Harold Whitis Focus: Trying to be prepared to assist in whatever capacity is needed. March 2, 2011 – I testified before the Texas House Higher Education Committee to represent the interests of TASFAA members regarding the THECB proposed Texas Grant program and budget. The text of that testimony is attached. I think it went pretty well but by the time I testified there were only three House members still there. Dan Weaver, Sue McMillan, Commissioner Paredes, and about 25 people were still in the gallery. The theme of the whole day was the priority model with a lot of people in support. Chairman Branch spoke highly of getting funds to those most likely to graduate as opposed to funding those who apply first. He mentioned that several times. 5 Representative Johnson introduced the idea of setting an income based selection criteria within the group of priority students which Chairman Branch seemed interested in. After the hearing was over I visited with Dan Weaver. He wanted me to know that the THECB still had some things in their back pocket and really didn't want to put forward the fixed amounts for TEXAS Grant. He feels there is a lot of support for getting more TEXAS Grant funding. There were only two comments from the committee. Representative Howard commented that even now we are not able to fund all students and Representative Castro indicated that the priority approach might help at some institutions but conceded that at others there may be no impact at all. I thank you all for your support and review of the testimony. It made it much more credible and after sitting through the four hours of testimony I think I know more about everyone's perspective on the TEXAS Grant. Attended the NASFAA Leadership Conference March 6-8, 2011 in Washington, D.C. along with Liza Blazer (representing SWASFAA) and Shannon Crossland (our Vice-President). Roughly fifty financial aid leaders from across the country attended the conference. It was a very diverse group. The hi-light of the conference was the opportunity to visit with members of Senator’s Hutchison (Dana Barbieri) and Cornyn’s staff (Megan Moore) to discuss the importance of maintaining funding levels for federal aid programs. The NASFAA recommended approach was to not ask for increases but to try to at least maintain current funding. We met in Senator Hutchison’s office. Justin Draeger described it as horse-trading or seeing what gets traded on the way to passing a budget. At the time the 2012 budget conversation had not started in earnest. We were instructed to go into detail on one or two issues. We chose Pell and FSEOG funding. o There were a number of interesting presentations. One in particular on generational issues encouraged leaders to find a way to let all generations be listened to. House Education Committee Hearing H.B. 10 March 2, 2011 Mr. Chairman and members of the House Education Committee. Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you today. My name is Harold Whitis and I am here representing the Texas Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators. On behalf of TASFAA I want you to know we recognize and appreciate the difficult task you have this biennium regarding the budget. As financial aid administrators the members of this association are the closest to the students we serve and have the task of following the regulations that are passed by both houses. Our request is simple. Use the states resources to serve the most students so that their lives are positively impacted and benefit their families and the great state for generations to come. 6 With regards to H.B. 10 and the administration of the TEXAS Grant program TASFAA makes the following comments: 1. Keep the TEXAS Grant program the state's premier financial aid program, but modify it so grant amounts are fixed rather than indexed to average tuition and fees. TEXAS Grants have proven remarkably successful in encouraging needy Texas students to earn high school diplomas under the state’s recommended and distinguished curriculums. But the terms and conditions of TEXAS Grant eligibility must remain consistent so needy students know the circumstances under which they can count on financial support from their state. To help the state continue making progress toward the goals of the Closing the Gaps initiative, TASFAA recommends that the program remain true to its original enabling statute. The THECB has recognized in its most recent progress reports that the enrollment of minority students is not currently sufficient to meet the goals of enrollment and persistence of minorities. The Texas State Demographer just published an article where he stated that the Hispanic population has eclipsed the White population in Texas. This means that the resources to assist them in attaining their educational goals will be even more important. For this reason we ask that the TEXAS Grant program remain largely unchanged, both in process and funding. This investment will surely pay off many times over for the citizens of Texas if the gaps are indeed closed. To achieve these goals the eligibility for community college students should be maintained. We understand the rationale that giving the funds to the group most likely to graduate may be fiscally smart but we aren’t sure that it will advance the overall enrollment goals of Closing the Gaps or best serve the entire student population. Eliminating access to the TEXAS Grant for community college students may increase their need to borrow. When this happens we have greater risk of a rise in default rates. Would you rather have a student who is not successful leave college with loan debt or no debt? It is a tough decision to make. Another adverse impact of eliminating community college student eligibility is related to a TEOG regulation. Currently the TEOG regulations in Sec 56.404 (6)(e) states that “A person may not receive a grant under this subchapter if the person is eligible for a TEXAS grant”. This puts TEXAS Grant eligible students who may not receive funding based on the priority model at risk of not being eligible for the TEOG also. We recommend that Section 56.404(6)(e) be removed from the TEOG statutes. TASFAA further believes the Texas Grant program should be modified so grants are awarded in fixed amounts rather than being re-computed annually to rise with the statewide average of tuition and fees for full-time public college and university undergraduates. It is probably safe to assume that such institutions will find it necessary to continue raising tuition and fees in future years – perhaps at a faster rate if their support from general revenue continues to be reduced. So absent massive increases in TEXAS Grant appropriations, fixed award amounts would appear the only way to maximize the number of TEXAS Grant recipients. 7 2. If the state wants to recognize merit, it should use the new Top 10% Scholarship program to do so. TASFAA recognizes that merit-based aid is increasingly popular among public policy makers. However, we urge the legislature not to take too narrow a view of merit. Large numbers of Texas students come from low-income families that cannot afford the advantages of tutors, test preparation coaches, and summer academic camps. Even so, many such students work hard to maximize their performance while in high school and college, and significant numbers work hard enough to graduate in the top 10% of their high school classes, thus gaining admission to the Texas public college or university of their choice. The Top 10% Scholarship program, which provides tuition discounts of $2,000 per fall semester for such students, got off to an outstanding start in 2009, when more than 11,000 freshmen qualified for it. Still, large numbers of hard-working students who will benefit from going to college do not necessarily end up appearing to be “meritorious” under the traditional outcomes-based definitions of that term. TASFAA therefore recommends that the legislature resist the temptation to add additional merit criteria to other state financial aid programs. The overall Impact of H.B. 10 to our schools is just as diverse as the student populations at those institutions are. Professional schools with little or no undergraduate students may be hardly impacted. Others with a significant low income population may be severely impacted. One state institution has accessed it this way: Although schools will continue to receive their percentage of the total allocation based on current awarding criteria some schools estimate that 22% of new students awarded in 20092010 would not be eligible based on this new criteria. This means that at current funding levels, we would have some additional funds to award to students outside of the new criteria established in this priority model. As long as we can keep our funding levels current, we would still be able to award the same number of students. A priority deadline must be established that is early and in comparison with what institutions currently require so that we can have a set deadline to stop awarding under the new merit criteria and begin awarding other students if funds are available. To simply state our position: Keep the TEXAS Grant program the state's premier financial aid program, but modify it so grant amounts are fixed rather than indexed to average tuition and fees. If the state wants to recognize merit, it should use the new Top 10% Scholarship program to do so. 8 TASFAA thanks you for the opportunity to deliver our position from the association’s viewpoint. I am hopeful that you will hear more relevant testimony from some of my colleagues today so you will better understand how each institution is affected. Thank you…… Fall Conference Report Jason Young HANDOUT, Attachment titled Fall Conference Committee Report Jason stated there was lots of positive response on smart phone use at TG conference. Cut down on paper significantly. Entertainment ideas – Wii stations. “In it to win it.” Stephen made a motion to keep the conference fee for 2011 the same as 2010 in the amount of $295 and late registration $395. Carolyn seconded. Motion passes. Early Awareness Committee Report Lynn Barnes HANDOUT, Attachment titled Early Awareness Committee Report Karen stated planning to go back to sites. Site had issues engaging local communities, marketing. Greater coverage in major metropolitan areas. Possible webinar training in rural areas. 9 Past President Report Carolyn Jones HANDOUT, Attachment titled Past President Report Two items for silent auction left over from fall conference. Time capsule information – put conference fees on history information. Kim reminded the groups that the TASFAA Archives are located in TG. If anything that needs to be stored or retrieved let Kim Alexander know. The prior contact is no longer available. Vision and Strategic Plan – assigned committees to various sections to assist. Possibly, this could become Harold’s project as president. A lot of the duties fall to the board. Karen suggested following the NASFAA model for example a type of long range planning committee to review and maintain the plan and ensure committees are on track. Harold stated that is the annual report is done well you should be able to look at the plan and go off of that. Harold suggested instruct committees to address strategic plan to see if they meeting their goals. Joe suggested taking some time at the next board meeting and structure 3-4 hours in a planning session by spending that time looking at – assign responsibility to each board member to look at each committee. Harold asked if we needed to start over or take this and go with it, a one-shot assessment. Karen suggested looking at other association websites. Mike suggested everyone take a section and review. The group agreed. Karen stated that if you take what you have - the document is not the starting point. We regurgitate the same document. Melet asked 1.) do we look at committee work that we already have or do we want to say what we want the association to be? or 2.) look within the historical structure but come up with what our vision should be? Carolyn stated it’s a combination of the two. Joe stated that our Constitution has eight statements of purpose. Assign and do for July and adopt plan at October business meeting. What should we be doing as an association? What are the committees doing? PURPOSES The Association is organized for education and research purposes of its membership and shall not be operated for profit. In furthering these general purposes, the Association shall be dedicated to: Section 1. Encouraging qualified students to pursue a higher education and assisting them to obtain the financial aid they need to achieve this goal. Mike Carranza Section 2. The success of the students who pursue their higher education in Texas. Henry Garcia Section 3. Promoting the effectiveness of the student financial aid programs in the post secondary institutions of the state. 10 Carolyn Jones & Iro Omere Section 4. Uniting and facilitating communication among all persons, agencies, organizations, and institutions involved or interested in any phase of student financial aid administration in the state. Melet Leafgreen & Stephen Brower Section 5. Sponsoring those activities and services, which will serve its members and society and provide them a means of exchanging and distributing professional information and ideas. Dana Mingo & Chris Murr Section 6. Promoting the professional development and competency of its members and others who support financial aid administration in the state. Karen Krause & Becky Wilson Section 7. Maintaining and improving professional standards in the field of student financial aid administration. Harold Whitis Section 8. Stimulating creative and experimental activities in the financial aid field. Shannon Crossland & Ed Turney Treasurer’s Report Tia Clary & Becky Wilson HANDOUT, Attached titled Treasurer Report All Fall Conference outstanding balances have been paid up as far as Tia knows. Carolyn stated that we were quite a bit behind on membership dues and asked if this was about normal? At the May meeting last year we were at 35K on membership. Joe stated that the conference is 30 k lower than what is budgeting and we are going to want to make a lot of adjustments. Joe stated the only two he recommended adjusting now is trailblazer and audit. Move money now – Joe recommended taking it out of president’s money. Karen asked if there was more insurance money to be paid and Tia indicated yes, the general liability is up soon but nothing is material at this point. Karen stated we could do one of Rodgers recommendation and not the other or reduce the amounts. Tia stated there are no penalties and recommended that we do not need to do anything at the budget at this time because there is nothing material and 11 wait until July meeting when everything is confirmed and we have better information. Joe asked if our cash was more than sufficient at this point and Tia stated yes. Harold made a motion to buy $8,500 of Pimco Funds Low Duration Class A (PTLAX) – Short-Term Bond and buy $8,500 of Pimco Commodity Real Return Strategy A (PCRAX) – Commodities Broad Basket. Ed seconded. Motion passes. Tia will contact Gary Training Committee Report Erin Porter Handout – Attachment titled, Training Committee Report Erin stated the final numbers as of Friday. Some people have paid on site so should be pretty close to amount total. Rick suggested that Erin be prepared to address the board for what would be needed for ABC workshop. Erin indicated they had the ability to go cheaper but needed to meet the 40K contract. Currently about 31K at the most. Erin asked the following questions of the board: o Where we would have it next year? Hilton has been great to work out; however, it is always more expensive. o Move back to a college campus? Harold suggested JimAnn to contact Hilton about negotiating a contract. Look into some other way to do it cheaper? Erin stated that for it to be feasible to have it at the Hilton, we would need to expect similar attendance. Karen asked what we could we negotiate if it were a standalone event? Joe stated we saved ourselves 7k because of contract obligations. Moving to a college campus – Karen asked about attendance and Joe reminded the group of institution budget cuts. All of this is factored into attendance. We should be able to negotiate a better contract. Harold will get with Jim Ann to see if any information on contract. Erin suggested a location easy to fly into and an event on Wednesday could easily be cut if a new contract could be negotiated. Karen stated a hotel is a little more professional. Harold suggested Erin contact JimAnn with suggestions. Karen made a motion to go to Executive Session. Harold seconded. Motion passes. 12 Mike made a motion to adjourn Executive Session. Harold seconded. Motion passes. Meeting adjourned for the evening at 4:55 p.m. Meeting resumed on Wednesday morning, May 18th, at 8:30 a.m. Finance Committee Report Harold stated that the committee did not meet. There was not much activity. Membership Committee Report Terry Bazan No report. Awards and Scholarship Report Harold Whitis Christina Quintanilla No report. Communication Network Report Alan Ahmad TASFAA.ORG Website Activity - Complete: o Regional Training: Current o NAOW: Information, Registration, Presentations on website o TASFAA Times: Spring Issue o Updated Hall of Fame, Trailblazer Awards and Star Awards data o Officer Nomination Form: Open – close in May Employment o Seventeen (17) new posts submitted/approved 02/01/11 through 05/01/11 Status: Current In-Process: o Fall Conference: Logo complete and approved by Conference Committee Session proposal form: submitted to Conference Committee for approval. Anticipate live end of May. 13 Mini-site in development: Anticipate ready for test May/early June. Three Year Data: TASFAA.ORG Activity: January through April 3-Year Comparison 2009 2010 2011 145 99 107 55 55 31 25 22 52 7 Job Post Listserv Post No. Website Visits (Rounded to Nearest Thousand) 8 9 No. Unique Visitors (Rounded to Nearest Thousand) Percentage Change from Prior Year Jan-Apr Job Post Listserv Post Website Hits Website Visits Unique Visitors 2010 13.6% 8.0% .6%* - 6.0%* 13.4%* 2011 24.0% 35.5% 15.3% 5.2% 15.2% *Estimate based on partial year data. Current number listed in membership directory: 2,132 Number subscribing to Listserv: 1,728 Unique visitors: Count of each individual IP address that accesses the website Website hits: Count of everything accessed on website – script, graphics, page, etc. Due to volume of stats, most visitor data not retained further back than 3 years TASFAA List Serve Policy Notes and Correspondence From: Ahmad, Alan D. [mailto:Ahmad@tamhsc.edu] Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 8:07 AM To: Pettibon, Joseph P; Whitis, Harold; Carolyn Jones; Crossland, Shannon; egarcia@delmar.edu; mcarranz@southtexascollege.edu; ed.turney@unt.edu; lcoulter@austincollege.edu; dmingo@dcccd.edu; sbrower@hsutx.edu; mari.f.chapa@utb.edu; dlagrone@tamut.edu; Leafgreen, Melet Subject: TASFAA Listserv Usage - Board Response Requested 14 Greetings: USA Funds has asked if they may use the TASFAA Listserv to share information on their upcoming Spring Financial Aid Training workshops. The workshops are open to everyone and there is no cost associated with attending. The 2003 TASFAA Board passed the current Listserv policy. Among the policy statements, there is: TasfaaL is not to be used for business purposes. Implicit in this statement is advertising. For-profit, nonprofit, and government entities are not permitted to use TasfaaL as a vehicle or advertising their products or services. This includes products and services for which there is no cost. Service and operational announcements by these entities can be made if they are open to all members of TASFAA and do not promote the entity or its products. Job change announcements should be for informational purposes (i.e. new company, title, phone numbers, address) and not include any promotion of the institution or company. Exceptions to this policy can only be approved by the TASFAA Board. In my time with the Communication Committee, I have not been asked if listserv is available for nonschool entities to use in this manner. But in reflection, there has been a history of these type of posts (TG and others). I ask the Board for clarity: Given that an institution (corporation in this case) is a TASFAA member, opens their service to all TASFAA members and does not promote the entity or products, may we assume Listserv usage is intrinsic to membership notwithstanding the policy statement “not permitted to use TasfaaL as a vehicle or advertising their products or services. This includes products and services for which there is no cost”? Thank you in advance for you prompt response. Regards, Alan 15 Alan David Ahmad, AFC From: Leafgreen, Melet [mailto:m.leafgreen@tcu.edu] Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 8:13 AM To: Ahmad, Alan D.; Pettibon, Joseph P; Whitis, Harold; Carolyn Jones; Crossland, Shannon; egarcia@delmar.edu; mcarranz@southtexascollege.edu; ed.turney@unt.edu; Laurie Coulter; dmingo@dcccd.edu; sbrower@hsutx.edu; mari.f.chapa@utb.edu; dlagrone@tamut.edu Subject: RE: TASFAA Listserv Usage - Board Response Requested Alan, My reading of the policy below seems very clear. The fact that the training is free is addressed in the policy – it doesn’t matter. I have attended many training sessions offered at no cost by non-profits, and without exception there is a plug at the end for the entity providing the data. No crime there, but the policy passed by the 2003 Board is clear. “Service and operational announcements” are things like notifying the community that a commonly used system will be down for maintenance, or that a certain lender code is now inactive. Advertising trainings is clearly not operational in nature. The newsletter makes a significant effort in each issue to include training opportunities coming up from all sources. USAF is one of the ones we always try to include, since they are free. In my opinion, TASFAA-L should not be used in the manner USAF is suggesting. My two cents, Melet Leafgreen Assistant Director, Loan Programs 16 Texas Christian University Yep – it is not a close call. The information should not be made available. “TasfaaL is not to be used for business purposes” is applicable to all businesses and their purposes, both for profit and those that are not-for-profit. Stephen M. Brower, MBA | Associate Dir. Financial Aid On Mar 9, 2011, at 2:05 PM, "Joseph P Pettibon II" <jpp2@tamu.edu> wrote: While the policy may be clear, our practice has not been. By allowing TG (and THECB) to post these invitations, we are not in a position to then treat USA Funds differently. I would also argue that a no-cost professional development opportunity for our members by one of our members is or should be appropriate to post on the listserv. The posting is what the policy is addressing with regard to the promotion of their products/services. The training program announcement should not promote anything other than the training program. This would seem to me to not be a violation of the policy as currently written - "Service and operational announcements by these entities can be made if they are open to all members of TASFAA and do not promote the entity or its products." The promotion at the training itself is not addressed in the listserv policy and anyone attending would expect some level of promotion anyway. The difference is the whole listserv is not subjected to it. We could be explicit in the policy with an exception. We could leave as is. But, if we deny USA Funds, then we must also deny TG, THECB, and any others. My inclination is to approve the posting of it if the content is indeed professional development. 17 Joe On Mar 9, 2011, at 1:03 PM, "Turney, Ed" <turney@unt.edu> wrote: All, Alan made me re-think my response. I looked in my inbox and found this email: ____________________________________________ Subject: TG Default Aversion Workshops List: tasfaaL Date: January 21, 2011 From: Cynthia Mayberry cynthia.mayberry@tgslc.org ------------------------Join us for upcoming Default Aversion Workshops in locations across the state. Our trainers will present informative sessions including Expectations and Opportunities, Transitioning to a 3-year Cohort Default Rate, eCDR Appeals, WII-FM (What’s in it for Me?), Know Who You Owe? &#8480;: Helping Borrowers Manage Split-Loan Servicing, and Open Discussion and Next Steps. For more details, visit: http://www.tgslc.org/training/default/locations.cfm Is there a difference? Do we give special consideration to TG, just because they are TG? Should we review the USA Funds Workshop agenda? If they are covering topics such as SAP, Gainful Employment, Default Aversion, etc., what grounds do we have to deny them the use of the listserv? I have attended their workshops before and they have provided excellent reference materials. (If the agenda is centered around their product offerings, then we might object.) Training is one of our primary missions. I would have regrets if any of our membership missed out on free workshops because they did not receive the invitation. Any thoughts? Et I believe we would be doing a disservice to the TASFAA Membership if we did not allow these type of training postings to be put out through the listserve. 18 Carolyn From: Joseph P Pettibon II [mailto:jpp2@tamu.edu] Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2011 9:45 AM To: Brower, Steve; Carolyn Jones; Enrique Garcia; Harold' 'Whitis Cc: lcoulter@austincollege.edu; dmingo@dcccd.edu; mcarranz@southtexascollege.edu; Alan D. Ahmad; Debra La Grone; Melet Leafgreen; Crossland, Shannon; Ed Turney; mari.f.chapa@utb.edu Subject: RE: TASFAA Listserv Usage - Board Response Requested I’m still not convinced that this violates our policy. What is the intent of “Service and operational announcements by these entities can be made if they are open to all members of TASFAA and do not promote the entity or its products?" I read this to allow this type of post. Even if not allowed, there is a provision for the board to approve an exception which it sounds like we would have the votes to do that as well. Just trying to understand the policy which may be reason enough to amend it. I will add this to the board agenda for our next meeting, but I think we should allow the post. I do not see where we would need to amend the policy. Carolyn --------------------------------------------------- Harold stated that we haven’t been following that policy. THECB is the only partner who doesn’t have a product. Posting trainings – not a problem. Rick stated that over the years past, postings of training is fine just don’t put blurb on the bottom. Melet discussed editorial freedom and that our policy seemed to have been written out of sync with our practices and what we want to do. Karen stated policy was written many years ago - easier to loosen up than tighten up. Joe 19 stated that the ListServe should not be used for advertising non TASFAA functions. Job announcements and training event can be posted provided they do not promote products and services of any particular company. Karen suggested that we ask communications committee with proposed language to streamline and vote on next meeting. Joe will get with Alan. Legislative Issues Report Rick Renshaw STATE Thirteen days remain in the regular session of the 82nd Texas state legislature. Still lots of work left to do before we know how much is going to be cut from TEXAS Grant, TEOG, TEG, and other state programs. Here is the latest information on some bills of particular interest to TASFAA: SB 851 Zaffirini/Branch Relating to a uniform deadline for student financial assistance for public institutions of higher education other than public junior colleges. Notes: This bill has passed the Senate and reported favorably out of the House committee without amendments. Thanks to Lisa Blazer and Tom Melecki for testifying before the committee. SB 28 Zaffirini/ Branch et.al Relating to eligibility for a TEXAS grant and to administration of the TEXAS grant program. Notes: This bill has passed both the Senate and House with conference committee meeting to work out differences. HB 3577 Gonzales/ Zaffirini Relating to priority consideration and eligibility for Texas Educational Opportunity Grants, TEXAS grants, and other state financial aid. Notes: This bill has passed the House and reported favorably out of the Senate Committee as substituted. The substitution appears to have combined the changes contained in SB851 with the original House bill. Federal FY11 spending bill was passed by Congress and signed into law by the President on April 15. The bill provided for continuing the maximum Pell award of $5550 for the 11-12 award year. The bill also eliminated the Two Pells in a Single Award Year provision in the Pell regulations effective for 11-12. The bill also included prescriptive language that removed the requirement that schools compare Pell awards for crossover periods for Summer 2011. Even though the future treatment of Pell awards for summer crossover periods was not a part of this bill, NASFAA has indicated that ED signaled its intention to revise its guidance on requirement comparison of award amounts from both years of the crossover. Other important changes in recent months were the elimination of LEAP and SLEAP, ACG and SMART Grants, and Byrd Scholarships. ED is pushing ahead with its regulations on “gainful employment” despite continued efforts to delay or reverse its decisions. ED and NASFAA are providing training to help schools with this and other new regulations going into effect on July 1, 2011. 20 Rick stated that once the legislature is done will send out a more comprehensive report. Newsletter Committee Report Melet Leafgreen The excellent membership of the Newsletter Committee has come up with a great newsletter most recently issued in April 2011. We will begin working this month on the Annual Report to be ready for the TASFAA Conference in October. Respectfully Submitted, Melet Leafgreen, Chair TASFAA Newsletter Committee Melet stated that April was a longer newsletter – been a great year. We went through a lull with partners in community. Now we have more articles than can print. Still like to see more articles from TASFAA school members. Great committee with ideas. Interested in best practices and what is going on in other campuses. The annual report is under way. All electronic this year. Joe stated that the committee was doing a great job. Joe discussed for the annual report – possible a table illustrating three- year history of financial position on TASFAA. Similar to time capsule. Put into a trend for membership. What’s our budget how it has increased over time and where we come from. Tia can assist with this data. Regional Training Report April Gonzales Please accept the following minutes for the conference call meetings attended for Regional Training. 21 There is a conference call tomorrow to complete a final run for Houston Regional Training scheduled from 9-10 am. Houston is scheduled to have 85 attendees and maybe more once the week finishes. It is the largest list of attendees thus far and we are looking forward to our training event. The evaluations from DFW, Austin and Corpus trainings have reflected positive feedback and we have been pleased with the comments. We did encounter fewer attendees at both Austin (29) and Corpus Christi (20), we are sure it is due to the time of year and perhaps we will reconsider that in our upcoming year. Please let me know if you require any additional information from me. I would be happy to submit. Site Selection Report No report. SWASFAA Report JimAnn BatenHorst Enrique Garcia HANDOUT – Attachment titled SWASFAA Report Conference registration fee – unsure. Similar to TASFAA New or Unfinished Business July Board Meeting o One day or two day? Location – Austin or Arlington Stipends Revisited o Budget – Joe stated the constitution amended to adjust for stipends. A lot of thought from the last board meeting – good. The Secretary/Historian – didn’t make sense. We have the ability to make that change now. Karen discussed the history of this position in that the secretary was actually a voting member of the board and elected. TASFAA added the stipend 15 years – with the addition duties of historian – additional time involved. Karen didn’t know of any other organization to pay their secretary. o Harold stated that the Treasurer stipend is totally worth it. Should it be an appointed position? o Tia suggested instead of a Treasurer have a Bookkeeper role. Karen made a motion effective 2011-12 eliminate stipend of secretary in light of historian position being eliminated. Melet seconded. Motion passes. 22 Joe will communicate with Secretary. DOE Update Kevin Campbell DOE undergoing some leadership changes. COO Bill Tagert has decided to leave. Jim Runsy Deputy COO will serve until position is filled. COO is an interesting position. COO is hired and has a contract for a number of years. School participation team – Kevin is no longer part of that. The new Cynthia Thornton is now the new case manager - Director of School Participation Team. Compliance arm in Region 6. Jesse Moya and Kim Heeler are new team leaders. New regulations – program integrity effective July 1. Verification applies to ISIRS coming in for 11-12 year. Program Integrity and Gainful Employment o Gainful Employment includes Teacher Certification and AA degrees with certificate o Webinars are scheduled on Gainful Employment 5/25 12:30 and 5/26 10 (repeat) Jeff Baker will be a presenter. IFAP has information and resources on gainful employment. DOE concluded a 2-day workshop training. Nationwide we conducted 60 workshops. We did 4 of these 6- in the State of Texas – Houston, Lubbock, Corpus Christi and Dallas. One 668.8 interesting regulation – requires some programs to be clock hour programs. It depends on how the state sees the program. Dear Colleague letter in the works regarding this particular issue. Dear Colleague letters are providing more insight into regulation published on Oct. 29. Gen 11-0-3 enhancement to FAFSA IRS data retrieval. Where we are going in the future? Strong pushes for applicants to use IRS data . We can strongly encourage but cannot force applicants. Strong language indicates if you choose not to use the tool heightens change to be selected for verification. Two Pells – Not in 11-12. Done by an act of Congress. Deal struck to sacrifice in exchange for keeping first year Pell at 10-11. Annual $35 Billon – means a huge target on the Pell grant program. ACG and Smart are done. The crossover payment period that is coming up – must contain both dates not either or – no requirement to do that. If you will pay with 11-12 funds, be aware you are reducing the student’s awards for 11-12. If the student receives 11-12 Pell funds - there is NO ACG/SMART – can only get ACG and smart with 10-11 funds. SAP – new policy attach cross over to 10-11 for payment periods. Policy can stay in place. Make sure policy makes that clear. R2T4 and cross over payment period. 668.22 apply to students who withdrawal. Payment period that spans that crossover could implement but not required to do so. 668.8 – clock to credit conversion – language. The preamble says for students who start after July 1. Perkins – no reimbursement for service cancellations FSA – Las Vegas, NV MGM Conference 11/29-12/2 23 Nominations and Elections Report Carolyn Jones A slate of nominees was approved by the Board. Harold accepted. Mike seconded. Motion passes. 2011-2012 Nominations President Elect 1 Name Institution Mingo, Dana Dallas County Community College District Board Name Institution Coulter, Laurie Austin College Gilliam, Janetta Prairie View A & M University 3 Young, Jason University of Texas at Arlington 4 Lerma, Raul El Paso Community College 1 2 Carranza, (Miguel) 5 Mike South Texas College 6 Brower, Stephen Hardin-Simmons University 7 Wright, Cathleen Texas Lutheran University 24 Jones, Cecelia 8 Texas College TG Council Report Dana Mingo HANDOUT - Attachment titled, TG Council Report Harold moved to have the meeting adjourned. Mike seconded. Motion passes. Meeting adjourned 10:20 a.m.