Gender Equity in Education: Are We There Yet? Barbara Bitters AAUW Meeting Feb 21, 2013 FVTC, Appleton, WI 1954 1964 1971 1976 1972 1973 1977 1978 1984 1985-96 1997-2005 2006-2012 1974 1979 1975 TITLE IX No person shall on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational programs or activity receiving federal financial assistance. Discuss What was it like for students, staff, and employers before Title IX? K-12 schools 2 Year Colleges 4 Year Colleges Graduate Schools Key Dates Title IX signed by Richard Nixon, July 1972 Regulations Issued June 4, 1975 and became effective on July 21, 1975. (Renumbered and re-issued May 9, 1980) Self Evaluation by July 21, 1976 Single-Sex Regulations Issued effective on November 24, 2006. Athletics Key Dates September 1975 Letter to Recipients with guidance re: athletics Three Year Transition Period for Athletics expired on July 21, 1978. Intercollegiate Athletics: Sex Discrimination “Policy Interpretation” December 11, 1979 January 1996-3 part test clarification July 11, 2003-Further Clarification March 17, 2005 “User’s Guide to Student Interest Surveys under Title IX” . (User’s Guide) and related technical report, that were issued by the Department March 27, 2008 Title IX Athletics Three-Part Test affirmed for high school. September 17, 2008 "Dear Colleague" letter which athletic activities count. "Dear Colleague" letter (April 20, 2010) part 3 of the 3 part test. With this letter, the Department is withdrawing the “Additional Clarification of Intercollegiate Athletics Policy: Three Part Test – Part Three” (2005 Additional Clarification) and all related documents accompanying it, including the “User’s Guide to Student Interest Surveys under Title IX” (User’s Guide) and related technical report, that were issued by the Department on March 17, 2005. Three Part Test provides the following three compliance options: 1. Whether intercollegiate level participation opportunities for male and female students are provided in numbers substantially proportionate to their respective enrollments; or 2. Where the members of one sex have been and are underrepresented among intercollegiate athletes, whether the institution can show a history and continuing practice of program expansion which is demonstrably responsive to the developing interests and abilities of the members of that sex; or 3. Where the members of one sex are underrepresented among intercollegiate athletes, and the institution cannot show a history and continuing practice of program expansion, as described above, whether it can be demonstrated that the interests and abilities of the members of that sex have been fully and effectively accommodated by the present program. If an institution has met any part of the three-part test, OCR will determine that the institution is meeting this requirement.” Sexual Harassment Key Dates March 13, 1997, “Sexual Harassment Guidance: Harassment of Students by School Employees, Other Students, or Third Parties,” January, 2001 REVISED Sexual Harassment Guidance: Harassment of Students by School Employees, Other Students, or Third Parties Oct 26, 2006, Dear Colleague Letter on obligations to protect students from student-on-student harassment April 4, 2011, Dear Colleague Letter-prevent sexual harassment and sexual violence. Single Sex Key Dates January 31, 2007 Notification of New Single-Sex Regulations. "Dear Colleague" letter from Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Stephanie Monroe, notifying recipients of the new single-sex regulations, October 25, 2006, revised Title IX regulations provide additional flexibility to recipients to offer non-vocational elementary and secondary education on a singlesex basis while ensuring that non-vocational single-sex education is provided consistent with the nondiscrimination requirements of Title IX. No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, ESEA Reauthorization Enforcement Complaint Triggered Compliance Review Litigation Office for Civil Rights, US Department of Education. Significant Challenges OCR Must Enforce-(Adams v. Califano 19701987) Title IX Coverage of Employment (North Haven v. Bell (6-3) 1979) Title IX Program Specificity or Institution Wide (Grove City College vs. Bell, 1984 ) Many Athletic Cases and Administrative Challenges-most recent the Athletic Commission June 6, 2005 Supreme Court denied certiorari today in National Wrestling Coaches Association v. United States Department of Education. Significant Challenges Sexual Harassment is unlawful sex discrimination under Title IX (Franklin v. Gwinnett (County Public Schools) Athletics 3-part test challenges and the controversial guidance on email surveys to determine interest. March 2005 Retaliation for a complaint is not lawful (Jackson, 2005) 2006 Regulation Revision-Single Sex Education What Does Title IX Cover? Admissions Access to Courses or Programs Includes Physical Education, career and technical education, etc. Counseling Student Rules and Policies Treatment of Students Pregnant or Parenting Students Title IX Covers cont. Financial Assistance Student Housing Athletics Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular Activities Employment Practices Sexual Harassment of Students and Employees Title IX PROCEDURAL Requirements: Notification of Policy and Assurance Self-Evaluation Appointment of a Responsible Person Title IX Coordinator Record Keeping Development and Dissemination of Policy -Operational Guidelines Grievance Procedure Role of the Title IX Coordinator Preventative Promotional Advocating the Elimination of Bias Ongoing Procedural Process Discuss What changes and accomplishments in the last 35 years do you attribute to Title IX? Data Suggests Changes, Accomplishments, and Challenges (some old, some new, and some returning) NCWGE-Title IX at 25 and Title IX at 30. Subject 2002 (at 30) 1997 (at 25) Access to Higher Education Athletics Career Education Employment B C+ D C- BC C C- Learning Environment Math and Science Sexual Harassment Standardized Testing Technology CBC C D+ CC+ D+ C Not graded Treatment of Pregnant and Parenting Teens C+ C+ Staff Employment Chief State School Officers in States or Territories 1972 1985 1991 2007 2012 2012-CCSSO web Female 2 (4%) 5 (10%) 9 (18%) 20 (40%) 21 (36%) Male 48 45 41 30 37 Local School Boards Percentage of School Board position held by women: 1974 11.9% 1983 37.1% 1990 33.7% 2007 38.9% 2011 44.0% Higher Education Faculty Female 1870 1970 1990 2004 2011 12% 23% 33% 39% 48% Male 88% 2011-Table 263 Digest of Ed Stats 77% 67% 61% 52% Education Administration Degrees Year 1955 Male 87% Female 13% 1971 91% 08% Table 290, 2011 Digest Table 269, 2004 Digest 1982 60% 40% 2004 34% 66% 2010 38% 62% Principals by Sex 80 70 60 50 female male 40 30 20 10 0 1988 2004 2008 Principals Salary 100,000 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 Females Males 1988 2000 2008 Table 83, 2005 Digest Percent of K-12 Teachers by Sex 80 70 60 50 40 Females 30 Males 20 10 0 1971 1986 2004 2008 Average PK-12 Salaries, 2008 Base Ext.Contract Merit/bonus Summer Outside Job OJ-summer Table 80, 2012 Digest of Ed Stats. Males $50,630 3,920 2,360 3,140 6,540 5,170 Females $49,300 1,940 1,940 2,300 4,530 3,940 Education Achievement SAT Score Averages by Sex 1972 Male Female Verbal 454 452 1990 Male Female 429 419 499 455 2005 Male Female 513 505 538 504 500 531 482 495 500 496 2011 Male Female Table 127 Digest 2005 Table 154 Digest 2011 Math Writing 505 461 Table 130 Digest 2005, and Table 157 Digest 2012 ACT Score Averages by Sex Composite English Reading Math Social Studies Natural Science 1970 Male 20.3 17.6 ND 21.1 20.3 21.6 1970 Female 19.4 19.4 ND 18.8 19.0 20.0 1989 Male 19.3 17.8 ND 18.3 18.1 22.6 1989 Female 18.0 18.9 ND 16.1 16.4 20.0 2004 Male 21.0 19.9 21.1 21.3 ND 21.3 2004 Female 20.9 20.8 21,5 20.2 ND 20.5 2012 Male 21.2 20.2 21.2 21.7 ND 21.4 20.5 21.0 20.9 21.4 20.6 ND 20.5 Average scale scores in reading for students 300 250 9 yr old M 200 13 Yr old M 17 Yr old M 150 9 yr old F 100 13 yr old F 17 yr old F 50 0 1971 1990 page 18 Trends, Table 127, 2012 Digest 1996 2009 Average scale scores in writing 300 250 males 4th 200 males 8th males 11th 150 females 4th 100 females 8th females 11th 50 0 1984 1990 Page 18 Trends, Table 135, 2011 Digest 1996 2007 Average scale scores in mathematics for students 350 9 yr old males 300 13 yr old males 250 200 17 yr old males 150 9 yr old females 100 50 13 yr old females 0 17 yr old females 1973 1990 1996 Trends page 20, Table 141, 2011 Digest… 2008 Average scale scores in science 350 9 yr old males 300 13 yr old males 250 200 17 yr old males 150 9 yr old females 100 50 13 yr old females 0 17 yr old females 1973 Trends page 20 1990 1996 2009 Dropout Rate percentage of males and females who are drop outs Year 1972 1990 2004 2010 Male 14.1% 12.3% 11.6% 8.5% Female 15.3% 12.3% 9.0% 6.3% Trends page 34 , table 104-Digest 2005, Table 116, Digest 2010 Career and Technical Education Career Clusters NTO for Concentrator Males 90 80 70 60 Female Male PS Female PS Male 50 40 30 20 10 0 Education Health Hospitality Human and Training Sciences and Tourism Services Career Clusters NTO for Concentrator Females 100 90 80 70 60 Females Males PS Female PS Male 50 40 30 20 10 0 Transportation Architecture & Manufacturing and logistics Construction STEM Not NTO Post-Secondary Concentrators by Cluster 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 female male PS female PS male Overall Concentrator Enrollment Secondary Female Post-Secondary Female 46.1 56.4 Secondary Male Post-Secondary Male 53.9 43.6 Athletic Opportunities Athletic Opportunities K-12 Females 1972 250,000 7% 3.6 Million of all athletes Males Title IX at 40, page 9 2011 3.2 Million 41% 4.5 Million of all athletes Athletic Opportunities College Females Males 1972 29,977 2010 193,232 2% of schools’ athletic budgets 40% of total money spent on athletics 170,384 256,344 SOURCE: NCAA Sports Sponsorship and Participation Report, 1971-72–2010-11. Enrollment and Degrees Higher Education Student Enrollment Table 198 Digest Female 1870 1970 1990 2004 2011 21% 41% 54% 57% 57% Male 79% 59% 46% 43% 43% AA Degrees Female Male 1870 1970 1990 2004 2011 ND 43% 57% 62% 62% ND 57% 43% 38% 38% SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Earned Degrees Conferred, Chart 246 Table 297, 2012 Digest of Ed Stats BA Degrees Female Male 1870 1970 1990 2004 2011 15% 43% 53% 59% 57.4% 85% 57% 47% 41% 42.6% SOURCE: 2004 U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Earned Degrees Conferred, Chart 246 SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. (2012). The Condition of Education 2012 (NCES 2012-045), Table A-47-2. and Table 300. Masters Degrees Female Male 1870 1970 1990 2004 2010 ND 40% 52% 60% 62.6% ND 60% 48% 40% 37.4% SOURCE: 2004 U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Earned Degrees Conferred, Chart 246 SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. (2012). The Condition of Education 2012 (NCES 2012-045), Table A-47-2. and Table 303, U.S. Department of Education First Professional Degrees Female Male 1870 1970 1990 2004 2010 ND 5% 36% 51% 49% ND 95% 64% 49% 51% SOURCE: 2004 U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Earned Degrees Conferred, Chart 246 2010, Table 309, U.S. Department of Education Doctorate Degrees Female Male 1870 1970 1990 2004 2010 ND 13% 37% 48% 52% ND 87% 63% 52% 48% SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Earned Degrees Conferred, Chart 246 Table 306, 2012 U.S. Department of Education Percent Agriculture & Natural Resources BA 1978 M F 70 30 1988 M F 62 38 2004 M F 52 48 2010 M F 51 49 Bachelor's degrees conferred by degree-granting institutions, by sex, race/ethnicity, and field of study: 2009-10 Table 301, US Department of Education. Percent Business BA 1978 M F 65 35 1988 M F 55 45 2004 M F 50 50 2010 M F 51 49 Bachelor's degrees conferred by degree-granting institutions, by sex, race/ethnicity, and field of study: 2009-10 Table 301, US Department of Education. 78 & 88 Business Management Table 262-Digest 2005 Percent Engineering BA 1978 M F 89 11 1988 M F 85 15 2004 M F 80 20 2010 M F 82 18 Table 262 Digest 2005 SWE notes a decline from the 1990’s Bachelor's degrees conferred by degree-granting institutions, by sex, race/ethnicity, and field of study: 2009-10 Table 301, US Department of Education. % Physical Sciences BA 1978 M F 77 23 1988 M F 71 29 2004 M F 58 42 2010 M F 59 41 Table 262 Digest 2005 Bachelor's degrees conferred by degree-granting institutions, by sex, race/ethnicity, and field of study: 2009-10 Table 301, US Department of Education. Veterinary 1978 M F 66 34 1988 2006 2010 M F M F M F 43 56 22 78 22 78 2006 Table 309, Degrees conferred by degree-granting institutions in selected professional fields, by sex, race/ethnicity, and field of study: 2009-10 US Department of Education. Percent Dentistry Degrees 1978 M F 86 14 1988 M F 69 31 2004 M F 58 42 2010 M F 54 46 Table 256 Digest 2005 Table 309 , Degrees conferred by degree-granting institutions in selected professional fields, by sex, race/ethnicity, and fiel d of study: 2009-10 US Department of Education. Percentage Law Degrees 1978 M F 70 30 1988 M F 58 42 2004 M F 51 49 2010 M F 53 47 2004 Table 256 Digest 2005 Table 309 , Degrees conferred by degree-granting institutions in selected professional fields, by sex, race/ethnicity, and field of study: 2009-10 US Department of Education. Percentage Medicine Degrees 1978 M F 77 23 1988 M F 65 35 2004 M F 54 46 2010 M F 52 48 2004 Table 256 Digest 2005 Table 309 Degrees conferred by degree-granting institutions in selected professional fields, by sex, race/ethnicity, and field of study: 2009-10 US Department of Education. In Summary Governmental Efforts Civil Rights Laws-OCR Program Laws Sex Equity Technical Assistance (EAC/ SEA/ LEA/ IHE) Women’s Educational Equity Act-Advisory Council, Resource Center, Grants Career and CTE-Career Education Incentive 1975 and VEA of 1976 to current Perkins IV Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Research-ED and NSF One Year of Gender Equity Funding in Wisconsin FY 92 Funding for Sex Equity Assistance is entirely federal (and always has been) $ 70,200 Title IV funding (down from $183,355 in FY 80) $241,636 Carl Perkins Vocational Equity For a total of $311,836, representing: $729 per district (428) $154 per school (2028) $0.38 per student (814,671) $5.19 per professional staff member (60,061) Resources Title IX at 40: Working to Ensure Gender Equity in Education Title IX at 30: Report Card on Gender Equity. A Report of the National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education, June 2002 Title IX at 25: A Report of the National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education, 1997. National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education (NCWGE) OCR Reading Room Title IX Legal Manual-DOJ Association for Gender Equity Leadership in Education (AGELE) National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity (NAPE) National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) 2526title-ix Equity Assistance Centers (EAC) EAC Grantees html Feminist Majority Foundations Digest of Education Statistics Women’s Sports Foundation American Association of University Women HANDBOOK FOR Achieving Gender Equity through Education http://www.feminist. org/education/hand book.asp