American Dream Essay Exemplar 2 You may be asking what the American Dream is. Well if you are I am here to tell you. The American Dream is what each and every person wants in their life, whether it be to become famous or to become rich and have a successful life. A person’s American Dream is essentially their life goal, and the main thing they wish to accomplish in life. Everyone has a right to their own dream, as long as they set a goal and really work towards it throughout their life. Most or everyones American Dream has to do with helping others or making the world a better place, whether it be by creating a new car, or even creating a new type of video game you are impacting the world and slowly making America a better place. In order to make your American Dream come true you have to expect challenges and obstacles to get in your way while trying to achieve you Dream, You can't expect to go to bed and wake up a millionaire. You're going to have to make sacrifices to make your dream a reality. I know that everyones Dream is different, and some may take some more work to achieve than others, but if your American Dream is to easy to achieve is it truly your real American Dream? For example if you say your American Dream is to eat a sandwich for a lunch, this really isn’t a valid Dream. An American Dream is your life goal, and if your life goal is to make a sandwich, then go ahead I can’t stop you. Its your life after all. But in my opinion your American Dream should take some hard work and dedication, and should have a great reward. Like I said some goals are easier to achieve than others but that is no excuse to quit trying and working towards your goal. With hard work and dedication comes a good reward. I believe that everyone has the ability to make their American Dream come true, no matter how hard or easy it seems. Nothing is impossible. As long as you stay positive and you think positive it is possible so don't say it isn’t. Here is an inspirational quote from Martin Luther King Jr. “If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk then crawl. But whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” As you can see you should never give up, and that is one of the key factors that you will need to follow in order to achieve your American Dream. The reason I think any dream is possible to achieve is because take a look at what other people have done around us in the world. A few examples of people who prove that nothing is impossible are, Martin Luther King Jr, and Rosa Parks. These two individuals made their American Dream in life to help others and to change the world forever, and they did just that. They changed the world forever, by saying what was on their mind and working towards their goal and it ended up paying off. If Martin Luther King Jr. and other people like him hadn't of done the things they did, and made their dream to end segregation, the world today would be a lot different. So like I said before anything is possible. My American Dream is to have a family, and to play in the MLB. I understand how hard these goals will be to achieve, especially playing in the MLB. But I am willing to try my hardest to overcome obstacles and achieve my goal. I want to have a family with kids, and provide the best I can for them to give them and myself the best life possible. Whether it be by taking them to the park or making them dinner, I am willing to try to the best of my abilities to make their and my dream come true. I know how hard it is to get into the MLB and that a lot of people try and only a few get in, and i'm going to be one of those few people because I am willing to do whatever it takes to achieve my goal. I will practice everyday, and try my hardest. And even if I don't get into the MLB in 1 or 2 or even 3 years I will keep on trying and trying until my dream becomes a reality. My dream is similar to everyone elses dream because if you really think about it everyone wants the same thing. Which to have the best life possible. For example if someone wants to join the army and if someone wants to have a family, both of these people want the same thing. They both want to live their lives to the fullest and achieve their goals, whether that be by helping others like fighting in the army, or having a family and caring and loving for them. Everyone faces challenges while trying to achieve their American Dream no matter how hard or easy it is to achieve. In order to make my dream a reality I am going to have to face many challenges. One of the biggest challenges I will face while trying to get into the MLB is seeing people who are better than me at the sport, and also seeing people achieving their goals and not me. When I see these American Dream Essay Exemplar 2 things i'm not going to give up instead when I see these things it will inspire me to work harder so that I can reach my goal just like they did. No matter how big or small you dream is, work hard and you will achieve it. I do believe that anyone can achieve their goal and can live the American Dream as long as they expect challenges. Sometimes life is tough and you aren’t always going to get what you want, so you have to take life as it comes and face your challenges and fears in order to achieve you goal. One time in history where not everyone could have their own dream was when racism and segregation was going on. Only whites were allowed to have what they want. African Americans did have the right to education and other things but it was nowhere as good of quality as the other races like the whites had. For example a school for just whites back then would have all the expensive textbooks, better teachers, and even small things like the bathrooms would be a lot better quality. But if you were to go to a school for just African Americans the quality of the school would be a lot worst. For example they would get tore and ripped textbooks, and not as well educated teachers, and even the bathrooms or gym equipment would be in bad shape. Because of segregation african Americans were not able to live their own dream, but whites were. And many people who have helped shape what America is today said they thought this was wrong and stood up for what they believed in. One of the most well known people who helped stop segregation is Martin Luther King Jr. He is a very important person, and unlike fighting with guns and bombs, he fought with words. Martin Luther King Jr. accomplished his dream peacefully without fighting, even when other people wanted to fight he chose not to. One of most famous speeches which is his “I have a dream speech” helped end segregation, and helped other people realize that racism is wrong, and after a lot of struggles and obstacles racism and segregation was finally put to an end at least here in America. There are still some countries where people can't live out their dream. So it is important that we don't take what we have for granted, and that we try to help each other who aren’t as fortunate as we are. Like I said before the American Dream is a person’s main goal in life, or the main thing they want to accomplish in life no matter how big or small the dream may be. Everyone has the right to live their American Dream, and everyone’s dream is different but truly they are all the same. Two peoples dreams could be completely different but they could still both want the same thing in reality. For example if a person wanted to be a firefighter, and another person wanted to be a scientist. Both of these jobs help people in one way or another, so as you can see the American Dream usually has to do with helping others, or protecting others. I would say that people do have different perspectives on the American Dream. Some people might think that everyone’s dream is to become a millionaire, and that peoples American Dream’s only have to do with themselves. While other could believe that the everyone’s American Dream has to do with helping each other and making the world a better place, which is what my perspective on the American Dream is. Although I think that everyone knows that everyone has a right to their own dream, and that everyone’s dream in one way or another is different. I think that in order for a successful life you need to believe in the American Dream. If you have no goal in life, then when you grow up you will have nothing to look forward to or try to achieve, but if you do believe in the American Dream. Then when you grow up you will have a goal in life, and something you want to accomplish in your life. Without an American Dream I feel that your life would be pointless, because you wouldn't have anything you want to do or accomplish. But if you do have a dream, then you will have a point in life and something to look forward to in the future. This is just my opinion on my American Dream, and remember nothing is impossible! American Dream Essay Exemplar 2