Daily Agendas Student Verification Forms / Attendance Course Introductory Prezi: o Course Objectives o Important Skills in 9th Lit o What is Annolighting? (Example) o Practice Annolighting with excerpt from Sherlock Holmes Distribute Syllabus – your job: Annolight syllabus tonight! Notecards: What are 1 or 2 things I need to know about you as a person, student, learner? Writer’s Workshop: What is NARRATIVE? (2-3 minute quick write) o Overview of mini-narrative unit this week Syllabus Overview – what did you annolight? Key Element of Narrative (Today’s Lesson): VOICE o Pizza Quickwrite o Words to notice: Diction, Syntax, Imagery o Read Speaker 1’s description of pizza Writer’s Workshop: In your own words, what are DICTION, SYNTAX, IMAGERY? Best guess. Read pizza description by Speaker 1 as a class Work with a partner next to you to jot down ideas in the chart on Inference, Diction, Syntax, Imagery, and Tone based on Speaker 1’s Pizza Description o Share responses as a class Personal Literary Narrative: Read the excerpt from Speak silently, annolighting as you read I’ll read it this time – make notes in the margins on things you didn’t notice before Writer’s Workshop: Do you know the terms “memoir” and/ or “prose”? Write the definitions (or your best guess) in your own words. Read excerpt from Speak aloud (except 2nd period)– discuss observations Personal Nonfiction Narrative (Key terms: memoir, prose) As I read the excerpt “My Name” from The House on Mango Street, annolight the text– pay attention to her voice as evidenced by her DICTION, SYNTAX, and IMAGERY Narrative Experience Brainstorm: Think of 1-2 memorable events in your life (nothing too graphic). Make a chart and list key details of each experience – everything you can remember Select one experience (whatever you have the most details for) Begin describing the event in writing, telling the story of the event o Your task: Use a variety of sentences (long, short, complex, etc.) and SHOW me the experience, don’t just tell me (use lots of good adjectives and strong verbs – paint a picture with images) Your HOMEWORK: Finish writing your narrative (1 lengthy paragraph, about 10-15 good sentences) – we’ll go to the Media Center to type tomorrow Writer’s Workshop: Copy this excerpt, then tell me what “works” about it. Is it good, compelling, descriptive? Why? o “Calpurnia was something else…She was all angles and bones; she was nearsighted; she squinted; her hand was as wide as a bed slat and twice as hard…Our battles were epic and one-sided – Calpurnia always won. She had been with us ever since Jem was born, and I had felt her tyrannical presence as long as I could remember.” o – from To Kill a Mockingbird, p. 6 MLA format and USA Test Prep Info Cards Media Center – type narrative paragraphs (print when finished) Writer’s Workshop: Carefully read this sentence from Sherlock Holmes. Make an observation about 1) Diction 2) Syntax 3) Imagery and 4) Tone o Watson's response to Holmes's reasoning is like that of a man who's just had a magician's trick explained to him: it all seems so clear after an explanation… though otherwise you'd never be able to guess how it's done. Conan Doyle repeats this formula many times to remind the reader that Holmes is always many steps ahead of everyone around him. If you need to buy a vocab book, please bring $13 tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest Sherlock Holmes article analysis: “The Logical Sherlock of our Time” o Read the article together as a class, annolighting as we read o When we finish, write a short summary paragraph (5 sentences or so) Bring narrative paragraph, Sherlock Holmes book, and vocab $ or vocab book tomorrow! Writer’s Workshop: o P. 1 Share article summaries from yesterday/ steps to an effective summary • http://www.clarion.edu/70739.pdf o P. 2 What is involved in the exposition of a story? What are different types of Point of View? Sell Vocab Books / Turn in Narrative Paragraphs Begin reading “The Speckled Band” (Story VIII) Organizer: Expo and POV Writer’s Workshop: What are clues in stories to help us figure out who a character is? What types of characters exist in literature? What else to you know about characterization? Take a look at this passage from “The Speckled Band” – what do you notice? What is the EFFECT of the passage? What is your reaction? How do you think Conan Doyle achieves this? o “I should be very much obliged if you would slip your revolver into your pocket. An Eley’s No. 2 is an excellent argument with gentlemen who can twist steel pokers into knots. That and a toothbrush are, I think, all that we need.” Vocab Book Preview and 1st Assignment (due next Wednesday/ Quiz) Continue reading “The Speckled Band” as a class through the end of the exposition Pause and work with a partner for 10 minutes to complete your exposition chart (complete with textual evidence) Continue reading the story, examining clues to help us determine the unique qualities of the characters Jared Crawford Mrs. Minich 9th Lit/ Comp 1st Period 13 August 2014 Writer’s Workshop: Take a look at this word from Unit 1 in our vocab books: (we’ll read the intro story together in a minute) o RELINQUISH: To let go; give up; surrender o Read the original sentence on page 16 of your book, then write your own original COMPOUND sentence using the word AND using a COLON – correctly Reminders: Do you need to buy a vocab book? MLA heading on all assignment (yellow turkeys can’t dance), Land of no-name papers Due Dates: Vocab unit 1 assignments (5 of them) on pages 17-21 in voc. book and QUIZ – Thursday, August 21 Take 10 minutes to complete the exposition chart for “The Speckled Band” / turn in or complete for HW Continue reading the story, focusing on character development Writer’s Workshop: Make 3 observations (any kind) about the following line from Sherlock Holmes: “To me at least there was a strange contrast between the sweet promise of the spring and this sinister quest upon which we were engaged.” Turn in your Exposition charts (if you didn’t turn them in yesterday) / Has everyone turned in a Personal Narrative Paragraph? Due Dates: Vocab unit 1 assignments (5 of them) on pages 17-21 in voc. book and QUIZ – Thursday, August 21 Continue reading “The Speckled Band” focusing on plot, characterization, vocabulary, and how writers build suspense Audio: http://www.listentogenius.com/author.php/188 Writer’s Workshop: Choose 1 word from Unit 1 vocab and use it to tell this man’s story in 3 sentences. Using your organizer, jot down important point about the three types of irony from the following videos o Situational: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqg6RO8c_W0 o Dramatic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZFYuX84n1U o Verbal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiR-bnCHIYo Class discussion / observations Continue reading “The Speckled Band” examining characterization and looking for examples of irony Due Dates: Vocab unit 1 assignments (5 of them) on pages 17-21 in voc. book and QUIZ – Thursday, August 21 Writer’s Workshop: Write this down: Parallel Structure is the repetition of the same pattern of words or phrases within a sentence or passage to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance. Here’s an example from Sherlock Holmes: o “A ventilator is made, a cord is hung, and a lady who sleeps in the bed dies.” o What is the PATTERN that makes this sentences parallel? o Now, try using parallel structure in a sentence of your own describing the things you are going to do today. Finish “The Speckled Band”/ Class Discussion Reminder about vocab work and quiz Thursday/ time to work on vocab Writer’s Workshop: Take your writer’s workshop notebook to the Media Center and take notes on the orientation video to use afterwards on a quiz. Media Center Orientation Video (15 minutes) Quiz (5-10 minutes) Sherlock Holmes characterization brainstorm o Sherlock Characterization Brainstorm.docx Due Dates: Vocab unit 1 assignments (5 of them) on pages 17-21 in voc. book and QUIZ – Thursday, August 21 No Writer’s Workshop today – review for 60 seconds for your vocab quiz Turn in Vocab Books / Unit 1 Quiz When you are finished, turn in your quiz and scantron on the front table and return pencils if you borrowed one Work QUIETLY on your Sherlock characterization sheet you started yesterday This is due, completed at the end of class! If you finish the characterization chart early, go ahead and start unit 2 – I have notecards if you need them Writer’s Workshop: Refresher – what are static and dynamic characters? What is indirect and direct characterization? Hand back graded papers Body biography examples: http://prezi.com/nre3uy8hoilh/body-biography-example/ Supplies: BB paper, markers, scissors, notecards, etc. Work in groups/ partners on body biographies You will have Monday in class also to work – due at the end of class Monday Sherlock Holmes test next Thursday! Continue reading the book to become as familiar as possible with the language. Sit with your group today No Writer’s Workshop Today ~ Hand out study guide for SH Test – THIS THURSDAY!! Continue working on Body Biographies – finish by the end of the period today: o 5 symbols/ body parts and corresponding quotations (p# and story) o SHERLOCK name acrostic o Example of direct and indirect characterization (p# and story) o Paragraph defending Sherlock as either static or dynamic 90-second presentations tomorrow Study guide for SH test is also on the blog if you would like to type responses 4th and 7th Period: Narrative Rewrites due Wednesday Writer’s Workshop: None today 90-second Body Bio presentations o Group Evaluation: Write your name and period in the top left hand corner of your notecard. Then, write down the names of your group members and give each a score from 1-5 (5 is the best). For anything less than a 3, please provide a brief explanation. Discuss Study Guide In-Class Review: Identifying SS elements in “The Speckled Band” – groups of 2 or 3 (add “foreshadowing/ foreboding” to the bottom) Sherlock Holmes\Identifying Short Story Elements in the speckled band.docx Due @ the end of the period on Wednesday Writer’s Workshop: Use your judgment and close reading skills to determine a possible meaning for the underlined words below based on the context of the sentence: o “In his singular character the dual nature alternately asserted itself, and his extreme exactness and astuteness represented, as I have often thought, the reaction against the poetic and contemplative mood which occasionally predominated in him.” o http://testprep.about.com/od/readingtesttips/a/Con_Clue_Types.h tm Work with your group to complete the test review chart Due at the end of the period Tomorrow: Bring a pencil and your vocab book so you can start unit 2 if you finish your test early No Writer’s Workshop Today ~ Look at the assignment board and make a note of important upcoming due dates Get out a pencil and your review chart from yesterday turn in On your scantron: o Your name, class period, Sherlock Holmes Test, date When you finish the test, turn in on the table and work on vocab unit 2 (I have notecards for you to make flashcards on the table) No talking or headphones after the test Test Correction Info o Dates and Times Next Week: • Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday after school from 3:30-4:15 • Wednesday morning from 7:45-8:10 o I will give you the answers, then you’ll work in groups to JUSTIFY/ EXPLAIN why the right answer is right. This will earn you half credit back on each question. Reminders for next week o Writer’s Workshop NB Check Wednesday (major grade) o Vocab unit 2 exercises due Friday/ Quiz Friday Writer’s Workshop: We’re watching a few scenes from the BBC series Sherlock today. As you watch, jot down observations in your notebook about similarities and differences from the book Writer’s Workshop: From your observations on Friday during class, write a paragraph (3-5 sentences) comparing and contrasting the TV show’s interpretation of Sherlock to Arthur Conan Doyle’s character. Provide at least a few specific examples. Bring your student ID tomorrow so we can check out books Begin reading Hunting article / annolighting Test Correction Times: Wednesday and Thursday 7:45 AM / Tues-Thurs 3:30 PM No WW – turn in WW NB for graded check (discuss rubric) Get individual lit books from bookroom (Julie / Kim) Finish annolighting Hunting article (turn in/ 25 pt. minor grade). You may need to do some re-reading. Include the following in your highlights and margin notes: (you may also ask questions or make personal connections to your highlights) o In Each Section: Look for main ideas (1-2) as well as details (1-2) in each section; in the margins label them appropriately and summarize them o Whole Article: Make sure to circle all unknown vocab and make a prediction about what the word means in the margin o Whole Article: Look for at least one example each of the persuasive techniques ETHOS (appeal to ethics), PATHOS (appeal to emotion), and LOGOS (appeal to logic). Highlight them then label them appropriately in the margin o Whole Article: Find 3 EUPHEMISMS (words that sugar-coat the truth) and write the actual meaning in the margin Remember, 4-5 highlights and margin notes per page; turn in to your class box when finished and work on VOCAB UNIT 2 Use the words dissolute, feint, and terse to describe what you would do to survive a zombie apocalypse Read the intro vocab story with Mrs. Minich Handouts for Today: o Important Lit Terms List o Reading Guide for “TMDG” Begin “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell (reading guide) As we read, jot down responses to questions on the reading guide No Writer’s Workshop today Have out a pencil and locate your scantron from the unit 1 quiz (we’ll be using the back this time) Turn in vocabulary books/ turn in extra credit Vocab Unit 2 Quiz – make sure to write your name on the back of the scantron! After the quiz, continue reading “The Most Dangerous Game.” Complete the reading guide through number 13 by Monday (the story is on the blog for you to download) https://archive.org/stream/TheMostDangerousGame_129/dang er.txt The audio is available also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mfp04WjOv9A Writer’s Workshop: Write down the following sentence. What do you notice about the SYNTAX? Make at least 2 observations: Jumping in front of the frozen TV picture, he waves the remote in circles, like it’s a magic wand. What’s jumping in front of the TV? What’s modifying what? What happens if we do this? Jumping in front of the frozen TV picture, like it’s a magic wand, he waves the remote in circles. Now what about this one? Underestimating its value, breakfast is a meal many people skip. Who is doing the underestimating? How can we make the meaning of this sentence more clear? You need your literature book today!!!! Pass back graded work HW Check: Reading guide completed through #13 / Discuss as a class Continue reading “The Most Dangerous Game” and filling out reading guide (start at page 227) I won’t be here tomorrow, so be AMAZING, like you always are, for my sub No Writer’s Workshop today Finish reading “The Most Dangerous Game” and complete the reading guide (turn in when finished) When finished, pick up a copy of the “strong verbs” sheet on the front table. Work on this until the bell rings – we will finish it tomorrow in class. Finishing up “The Most Dangerous Game”: Complete “strong verb” / share/ turn in Writer’s Workshop: Choose 3 “Twain-isms” from your quotation sheet and re-write them in your WW notebook. For each quotation, explain what it means in your own words and tell what you think it says about Mark Twain Distribute sticky note graphic organizers / begin reading “The Undertaker’s Tale” Announcement: Bring your VOCAB BOOK on Monday when we return from September break! No Writer’s Workshop Today Announcements: o Tomorrow morning on your way into school, make sure to pick up a copy of the Lassiter Laureate (our school newspaper) for an activity we’re going to do in class. You need your own copy. o Bring your VOCAB BOOK on Monday when we return from September break! (9-22) Continue reading “The Undertaker’s Tale” – jot down notes on the sticky note graphic organizer as we read Writer’s Workshop: No WW today Lassiter Laureate Article Reviews: o Choose a total of two articles to review from today’s September issue of The Laureate. o One needs to be from either NEWS or FEATURES. The other can be from any section you choose. o If you choose one of Rachel Cohn’s articles, you only need to complete one review (these articles are longer) Complete the review sheet (front and back) for your articles / turn in when finished. Writer’s Workshop: Choose 5 vocab words from Unit 3 and use them in a fictitious story about something you did over your break. 1 paragraph. Whole Class: Read Vocab Unit 3 nonfiction essay on page 32 “Polar Controversy” – focus on context and pronunciation. Individual Work Session: Complete unit 3 exercises – if time allows, work on the “Writing: Words in Action” bonus section (+2 on quiz) Quiz and Exercises due Monday, 9-29 Announcements: Check out new pages on the blog: o Typing games and speed tests (many of us need to brush up on our typing skills!) o Reading for pleasure (in October we’ll start an independent reading project; go ahead and check out some of the book options on the blog) Writer’s Workshop: Think about the following questions and jot down some responses: o What does it mean to be “equal”? o Are all people actually created equally? o In your perfect world, would we all be equal? How so/ why? Begin reading the story “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut – annolight information related to 1) themes, 2) characters, 3) setting, 4) irony, 5) symbolism, 6) conflict Writer’s Workshop: Prior to finishing the story, make a prediction (a plausible one) about the resolution. Explain your prediction. Finish reading/ annolighting “Harrison Bergeron”/ discuss as a class. Work with a partner to answer the analysis questions at the end. Go back through story and create three annolights (highlight the text and make a note in the margin) about the following: o Themes o Characters o Setting o Conflict o Irony o Symbolism