Writing an Analytical Essay

Writing A Critical
Writing A Critical Analysis
• Makes an argument:
– You are arguing that your perspective—an
interpretation, judgment, evaluation of the
literature—is a valid one.
• Proves a thesis:
– You must have a specific, detailed thesis
statement that reveals your perspective, and
like any good argument, must be one which is
Taken from http://www.owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/general/gl_lit.html
The Format of
A Critical Analysis
I. Introduction
II. Body Paragraphs
III. Conclusion
The Function
of an Introduction
An introduction:
captures your audience's attention.
gives background on your topic.
develops interest in your topic.
guides your reader to your thesis statement.
(Taken from http://leo.stcloudstate.edu/acadwrite/intro.html)
Developing a Thesis Statement…
A thesis statement must be:
• An opinion—not a fact
• Significant—worth spending the time developing
into an essay
• Provable—able to be supported with quotes from
the text
• Focused on one idea—must be a single idea
…Developing a Thesis Statement
A thesis statement must be:
• Valid/logical—be sure you have interpreted the
piece of literature correctly
• Clear—your readers should have no doubt what
you are proving
• Specific—focus on a particular aspect of your
• A declarative sentence written in the active voice
• Usually the last sentence of the introduction.
Writing a Thesis Statement
Sample thesis statements:
1) Shakespeare uses character foils to emphasize important
qualities in his hero.
2) Fairy tales send young girls the wrong message because in
these stories the woman always needs rescuing by the man.
3) The characters of The Great Gatsby distort the American
Dream through the means they use to obtain it. Myrtle
Wilson, Jay Gatsby, and the Buchanans corrupt the American
Dream through the extreme and immoral measures they
employ to achieve their goals.
Writing a Thesis Statement
What’s wrong with these thesis statements?
To Kill a Mockingbird takes place in Maycomb, Alabama.
Shakespeare’s Hamlet is a play about a young man who seeks
Scout changes from a child to a young girl and Jem begins to
grow up, too.
Harry Potter has the qualities to conquer his enemies and he
does and then he goes on to find something else to do.
Deciding How to Prove
the Thesis Statement
• The thesis statement may include your subtopics.
• The thesis statement may be followed by a
sentence which contains your subtopics.
Deciding How to Prove
the Thesis Statement
Thesis statement + subtopics in the final sentence of introduction:
Shakespeare uses character foils to emphasize important
qualities in his hero. To provide a clear picture of the hero,
Romeo, Shakespeare effectively uses three different foils,
Mercutio, Friar Lawrence, and Tybalt.
Thesis statement + subtopics in the same sentence:
Although John Smith’s and William Bradford’s firsthand
accounts of early colonization are similar, they differ
significantly in purpose, content, and tone.
The Format
of the Introduction
• The introduction begins with a broad statement
about the main idea. This statement might
suggest background or the general category to
which the thesis idea belongs.
• The next sentences are more specific, moving
closer to the actual thesis of the essay.
• The final sentence of an introduction often
contains a fairly specific version of the main idea;
it is the thesis statement.
(Adapted from http://leo.stcloudstate.edu/acadwrite/intro.html)
The introductory
paragraph must include:
• A general statement brief summary
of the story
• A brief summary of the story
• A clear thesis statement
The Introduction
(Adapted from http://leo.stcloudstate.edu/acadwrite/intro.html)
Writing the Introduction
• Sentence 1: The general statement
– Is a general topic sentence
– Introduces the topic of the essay
• Sentences 2-4: The summary sentences
– Brief summary and relevant background information of
novel or short story
• Sentences 5(-6)
– Contains the thesis statement and subtopics
Sample Introduction
Richard Connell keeps his readers on the edge of their seats
in his famous short story “The Most Dangerous Game” by posing the
question of whether hunting is a civilized pastime. In the story,
Rainsford, a famous hunter finds himself marooned on ShipTrap-Island where he soon discovers that, as a hobby, the
owner of the island hunts men instead of animals. Rainsford
must outsmart his opponent in order to stay alive, and so he
experiences all the fears that an animal feels when it is
hunted. By putting a hunter in the role of prey, Connell
uses irony and suspense to demonstrate that hunting is a
cruel sport.
Writing the Body Paragraphs
Each body paragraph:
• Contains a clear topic sentence which identifies
the connection between your
examples/explanation and your thesis .
• Demonstrates that the topic sentence is true by
giving evidence.
– Includes quotes from the short story or novel or
paraphrases to show that you didn’t make up the
• Reminds the reader of the connection between
your evidence and the thesis.
Sample Outline
of a Critical Analysis Essay
A. Opening sentence(s):
B. Brief summary:
C. Thesis statement/Subtopics:
Body Paragraph #1
A. Topic sentence:
B. Evidence (with citations)
C. Commentary
Body Paragraph #2
A. Topic sentence:
B. Evidence (with citations)
C. Commentary
Body Paragraph #3
A. Topic sentence:
B. Evidence (with citations)
C. Commentary
A. Restate Thesis
Fairy Tales: Enduring Lessons
or Wrong Messages?
A. Topic sentence: Fairy tales are some of the oldest
and time-honored pieces of literature in the world.
B. Brief summary:
1. Found in almost every culture.
2. Read by or to young children.
3. Simple stories—easy to remember
4. Children impressed by moral or lesson.
C. Thesis statement: Popular fairy tales like Cinderella
and Snow White send young girls the wrong message
because in these stories the woman always needs
rescuing by the man.
Fairy Tales: Enduring Lessons
or Wrong Messages?
Body Paragraph #1
A. Topic sentence: Poor Cinderella is a
helpless victim of her cruel stepmother
and stepsisters until the prince arrives to
take her away.
B. Evidence:
Fairy Tales: Enduring Lessons
or Wrong Messages?
III. Body Paragraph #2
A. Topic sentence: Snow White, hated for
her beauty by her own mother, is poisoned
and made comatose until a handsome prince
falls in love with her and breaks the spell.
B. Evidence:
Fairy Tales: Enduring Lessons
or Wrong Messages?
A. Topic sentence:
B. Restatement or summary of thesis
C. Evaluation of topic
D. Closing statement
Maplewood Writing Center
Concepts of Critical Analysis
Writing a Thesis Statement
Writing Effective Introductions
Writing Effective Conclusions
Evaluating a Paragraph