CEE 626 MASONRY DESIGN SLIDES Slide Set 4 Reinforced Masonry Spring 2015 1 Reinforced Masonry Allowable (ASD) & Strength (SD) PLAN OVER THE NEXT FEW LECTURES LOOK AT ASD AND STRENGTH DESIGN (SD) FOR FLEXURE ONLY – BEAMS AND WALLS LOOK AT ASD & SD DESIGN FOR FLEXURE AND AXIAL LOAD – WALLS AND COLUMNS LOOK AT SOME DETAILS – Ld and limits SHEAR – SHEAR IN BEAMS AND SHEAR WALLS FOR ASD AND STRENGTH DESIGN DO EXAMPLES OF EACH IN PARALLEL As we go. Design of Reinforced Masonry – FYI unreinforced versus reinforced masonry unreinforced masonry : masonry resists flexural tension ; reinforcement is neglected reinforced masonry : masonry does not resist flexural tension ; reinforcement resists flexural tension In Both Cases Direct tension must be resisted by the reinforcement allowable – stress versus strength design allowable – stress design : stress is proportional to strain ; stresses from (service) loads are compared against allowable stresses strength design : factored actions are compared against design capacities Design of Reinforced walls for Out of Plane Loads Wall under out-ofplane Load Walls Bending out of plane [Drysdale et-al Masonry Design] Section Note bars usually In center of wall Allowable Stress Design Flexure Ch 9 MDG 7 OOP (IP similar) Flexural Tensile Reinforcement Only single layer of steel - Strain Distribution Assumptions Masonry in (net) flexural tension is cracked Reinforcing steel is needed to resist tension Linear elastic theory applies No minimum As (except seismic- later) required steel area and only one instance max steel area – (equations do provide cap) M d kd m s As Usually in middle Definition of Terms – In Code C7—C24 t for OOP ASD- Flexure Only OOP (IP similar) Look at internal Equil. M SFvert = 0 C = T d C = ½ x b x fm x kd T = Asx f s = C kd T mx Em = fm SM about C = T x d-1/3kd s x Es = fs C Let d-1/3kd = d j where j = 1-k/3 The Ms = As x fs x j d The Mm = ½ fm x b x k d x j x d As The Mm = ½ fm x b x k x j x d2 At the limit fs = Fs or fm = Fb fb = is the fm due to just flexure ASD - Flexure Only OOP (single layer Reinf) reinforced masonry Limits stresses in masonry And Limits Stresses in the Steel 2M f b 2 Fb bd kj k 2 2 nk 2 n 0 M fs Fs As jd Es n 2 Em k (n ) 2n n As bd ASD - Reinforced Walls for Flexure Allowable tensile stresses in reinforcement Allowable compressive stresses in masonry Grades 40 and 50 : Fs = 20,000 psi Grade 60 : Fs = 32,000 psi (was 24ksi) welded – wire fabric : Fs = 30,000 psi Fb = 0.45fm’ (used to be 1/3f’m) Allowable compressive stresses in Steel - Ignore unless tied – otherwise same as tension. ASD DESIGN Axial Compression in Bars Neglect unless tied – Not usual except columns - Later Lateral ties Lateral ties — Lateral ties shall conform to the following: (a) Longitudinal reinforcement shall be enclosed by lateral ties at least 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) in diameter. (b) Vertical spacing of lateral ties shall not exceed 16 longitudinal bar diameters, 48 lateral tie bar or wire diameters, or least cross-sectional dimension of the member. (c) Lateral ties shall be arranged such that every corner and alternate longitudinal bar shall have lateral support provided by the corner of a lateral tie with an included angle of not more than135 degrees. No bar shall be farther than 6 in. (152 mm) clear on each side along the lateral tie from such a laterally supported bar. Lateral ties shall be placed in either a mortar joint or in grout. Where longitudinal bars are located around the perimeter of a circle, a complete circular lateral tie is permitted. Lap length for circular ties shall be 48 tie diameters. d) Lateral ties shall be located vertically not more than one-half lateral tie spacing above the top of footing or slab in any story, and shall be spaced as provided herein to not more than one-half a lateral tie spacing below the lowest horizontal reinforcement in beam, girder, slab, or drop panel above. (e) Where beams or brackets frame into a column from four directions, lateral ties may be terminated not more than 3 in. (76.2 mm) below the lowest reinforcement in the shallowest of such beams or brackets. Basic Steps of ASD Design for Flexure (ONLY) OOP – Single layer Guess unit size and f’m – (8” cmu , 1500 psi) Assume that stress in reinforcement governs . Approximate j = .9 , compute required area of reinforcement . Check stress in masonry. If it is close to the allowable value , compute values of k and j , re – check stresses in reinforcement and masonry or get Ms &Mm. Reinforced Masonry ASD OOP – Single layer Limit tension or Compression (only if tied) stress in steel to allowable value Limit compression stresses due to bending to 0.45 f’m In ASD generally no deflection check unless supporting unreinforced Masonry on reinforced masonry beams Design Masonry Flexure 13.5 ft W = 33.33 psf Try a reinforced 8” CMU – on board problem Try 1 ft design width assume 0.6 D + 0.6 W governs Get max moment Mmax = (13.5ft)2(33.33psf) (0.6) (1ft)/8=455.6 lb.ft 5.2 –Masonry Beams (lintels) Some details span length equals clear span plus depth , but not more than distance between support centers minimum bearing distance = 4 in . lateral support on compression face required at a maximum spacing of 32 times the beam thickness ( nominal ) or 120b2/d must meet deflection limits of Code If supporting unreinforced masonry D+L delf<L/600 Look at code Provisions – Talk about Deep beams Design Masonry Flexure (ASD) Given A lintel – Over a door in a 8 CMU wall – Max moment = 370 kip.in V = 8 kips Assume by tests f’m = 2000 psi D + L governs As req = M/Fsjd = 370000/ (32000x0.9x27.8) = 0.462 in2 Try 2 - #5 rebar As =0.62 in2 Guess about 0.9 Design Masonry Flexure (ASD) Given A lintel – Over a door in a 8 CMU wall – Max moment = 370 kip.in V = 8 kips Assume by tests f’m = 2000 psi 32 ksi 499.0 kip.in .45 (2000) = 900 psi OR The Mm = ½ Fb x b x k x j x d2 Mm = ½ (0.45)2000 x 7.625 x 0.284 x 0.905 x (27.8)2 Mm = 681.6 kips.in - >>> 499 - Steel stress governs More on ASD Walls Loaded Out-of-Plane From Dan Abrams- Masonry Structures Class Notes More on ASD Walls Loaded Out-of-Plane From Dan Abrams- Masonry Structures Class Notes More on ASD Walls Loaded Out-of-Plane From Dan Abrams- Masonry Structures Class Notes More on ASD Walls Loaded Out-of-Plane From Dan Abrams- Masonry Structures Class Notes – next 10 slides More on ASD Walls Loaded Out-of-Plane .45 (f’m) More on ASD Walls Loaded Out-of-Plane More on ASD Walls Loaded Out-of-Plane Strength Design of Reinforced Masonry for Flexure Ch 10 MDG – OOP Single layer tensile strength of masonry is neglected continuity between reinforcement and grout , equilibrium , plane sections remain plane elasto – plastic stress – strain curve for reinforcement equivalent rectangular compressive stress block in masonry , with a height of 0.80 fm’ and a depth of 0.80 c mu = 0.0035 for clay masonry , 0.0025 for concrete masonry Single Reinforcing – Strength design No axial load M s y c mu = 0.0035 clay, 0.0025 concrete Reinforcement fy 0.80 f’m 1 = 0.80 where a =1 c a C Ti Locate neutral axis based on extreme fiber strains Calculate compressive force , C 0 = C - T = .8 f’m a b - As fy a = As fy/ (.8 f’m b) d M = As fy (d-a/2) Basic Steps of Strength Design for Flexure only Try 8” cmu or size section for no shear reinforcing (if possible) Assume that stress in reinforcement governs . Approximate internal lever arm as 0.9 d , compute required area of reinforcement . Re – check with exact location of neutral axis once As chosen Check Maximum Steel Area ASCE 7-10 ASD Load Combinations Note code references ASCE 7-10 or Bld. Code. IBC 2012 30 Design Masonry Flexure 13.5 ft W = 33.3 psf Try a reinforced 8” CMU – on board problem Try 1 ft design width - Assume it is all wind and .9D + W governs Get max moment Mmax = (13.5ft)2(33.3psf x)(1ft)/8=759. lb.ft