Morgan Conder Overview Target Audience: Grades 9-12 This lesson plan/ activity contains: • • • • • Visual aids Lecture notes Power points Individual work Introduction to each lesson Objectives • Pig Breeds: Given a picture or description of a pig students will be able to identify the specific breed of pig with 100% accuracy. • Ear Notching: Given any ear notch students can I.D. a pig by how the notches are positioned on the ear with 100% accuracy. Objectives Meat I.D. : Given a picture or an actual cut of pork students will be able to identify the specific cuts of meat with 100% accuracy. Processing of a Pig from Start to Finish: Students will be able to explain the process that a pig goes through from the time they are born until they are slaughtered with 100% accuracy. Students will also be able to correctly order the process a pig goes through from the time it is born until it goes to slaughter Things to consider • Teaching / reaching students that have never been in an Agricultural class • Reaching students that have never been around pigs or who don’t know anything about them • New students in Agricultural or an Animal Science class Challenges • Develop materials and teaching aids that all variety of students can understand • Not every student is going to be an Agricultural Student, so the biggest challenge is to make the material revenant so that every student can relate and understand what you’re teaching them. Finished product • This lesson is for students to gain information about the swine industry. After they have been through this lesson the can use this information if they ever want to work with pigs, raise them, show them, or even if they want to just work in the swine industry. • They can also carry this information on to other classes such as: Biology, Animal Science, or a Life Science class. Around the Barn bedbugspray/barn.htm Activity 1: Pig Breeds Directions Part 1: Click on each picture and review the information about each breed of pigs. Part 2: After you are done with part 1 answer some questions about each pig breed Part 1 Part 2 Pig Breeds Pig Breeds cont. Berkshire • • • • • First brought to America in 1823 On February 25, 1875 Berkshire were the first breed of pig to have it’s own registry One of the oldest identify breed Slow growing pig All black pig with white points on their nose, tail, and legs nt_id=5352 Hereford • First Hereford cross was said to have appeared around 1902 • In order to be registered with the National Hereford Registry the pig must have a white face, four white legs, and white on the underside of their belly • The darker red the pig is the better Yorkshire • Originally known as the English Large white • One of the most common breeds of pig world wide • Very good mothers • Produce large litters • Long, big framed, with erect ears Landrace • Very good mother • Produces large litters • Long bodied, floppy ears, heavy muscled • Highest average piglet wean rate of any breeds • Originally from the USA ge-gallery.aspx?id=7735&seq=1 Spot • White and black spots all over • Produce pigs with high growth rate • Big and long bodied, heavy muscled, ears are floppy • Developed in Indiana FS_CustomerAppreciation_2010.html Tamworth • First recorded Tamworth was in Ireland in 1812 • One of the oldest breeds in the world • Orange and red in color • Rare breed now • Long and lean made 1x8304115/tamworth_pig Hampshire • Known as the “The Belt” • Black with a white belt going across its shoulder and down the front legs • Popular show pig • Developed in Hampshire County in England Duroc • Originally called Jersey Reds • Red in color with floppy ears • Have fast growth rate and lot of muscle • Originally from New Jersey and New York Part 2 Pig Breeds For Part 2 answer the following questions about the pig breeds you just learned about. Click on the correct answer, and when you have answered the question correctly move on to the next question by clicking the next button. Question 1 Which pig breed was originally called the Jersey Reds? A. Duroc B. Spots C. Berkshire D. Tamworth Question 2 Which breed of pig was developed in Indiana? A. Yorkshire B. Berkshire C. Spot D. Chesterwhite Question 3 What happened in the swine industry on February 25, 1875? A. Yorkshire were first introduced to America. B. The breed Berkshires were the first breed of pig to have its own registry. C. Berkshires were banned from being butchered and sold for human consumption D. A new breed of pig called Tamworths were introduced the country of China. Question 4 What is one of the oldest breeds known to man? A. Tamworth B. Yorkshire C. Hampshire D. Landrace Question 5 Which pig has a nickname of “The Belt”? A. Duroc B. Landrace C. Tamworth D. Hampshire Good Job!!! Your done with activity 1! Click on the Home Button to move on to the next activity! Activity 2: Ear Notching Direction 1. 2. 3. Watch the video about ear notching Look at the example ear notches, and what each ear notch means Complete activity 2 by reading the notches and putting down the right identification number * If you need help click on the question mark and it will take you back to the ear notch diagram Ear Notching Video WbGqBs Example Ear Notches Question 1 A. 15-27 C. 11-12 B. 85-9 D. 51-47 al_Kids/Halfhead/Lesson_2/Halfhe ad%20plant%20master%20lesson%20 plan.html Question 2 A. 22-20 C. 26-30 B. 26-9 D. 29-37 fhead/Lesson_2/Halfhead%20plant%20master%2 0lesson%20plan.html Question 3 A. 84- 12 C. 66-33 B. 84-22 D. 78-99 /Lesson_2/Halfhead%20plant%20master%20lesson%20 plan.html Question 4 A. 102-20 B. 92-20 C. 23-95 D. 20-102 Kids/Halfhead/Lesson_2/Halfhead%2 ml Question 5 A. 46-11 C. 23-55 B. 102-99 D. 102-46 esson_2/Halfhead%20plant%20master%20lesson%20plan. html Awesome Job!!! Two down two more to go!!! Click the Home button to move on to the next activity ! Activity 3: Meat I.D. Direction: Look at the picture of meat cut and identify where which cut of meat is in the picture * If you need extra help click on the question mark Pork Meat Cut Diagram advocacy/tag/in-vitro-meat/ Question 1 This cut of meat is known as a pork chop. What part of the pig does this cut come from? A. Loin B. Shoulder C. Side D. Leg m Question 2 This cut of meat is ham. Which part of the pig did this come from? A. Shoulder C. Side B. Leg _freeze-ham-cold-cuts.html D. Loin Question 3 This is a cut of meat known as a blade roast. Which part of the pig does this cut of meat come from? A. Shoulder C. Side B. Loin houlder.html D. Leg Question 4 This cut of meat is bacon. Where does this cut of meat comes from on the pig? A. Side C. Loin B. Shoulder D. Leg Question 5 This is a cut of spare ribs. Identify which part of the pig that this cut of meat comes from. A. Loin C. Leg B. Shoulder D. Side Great Job! You’re finished with the Meat I.D. activity! Click on the Home button to move on to the next activity. Start to Finish Activity Directions Watch a couple of videos about the process that a pig will go through from the time it is born all the way up till when it is processed for meat. Videos Start to finish Processing of a piglet Click the home button when done! Quiz Direction: Answer all the questions on the quiz and submit it when your done Question 1 Which pig breed has a white belt that goes across the shoulders and down the front of two legs? A. Yorkshire B. Hereford C. Hampshire D. Chester White Question 2 What is a sow? A. A female pig that ‘s never had piglets. B. Male pigs that are used for breeding C. Female pigs that has had at least one litter of pigs D. Male pig that isn’t used for breeding Question 3 What is the pig below identification number? A. 92-97 B. 82-9 C. 84-89 D. 11-78 Question 4 What was originally known as the English Large White? A. Yorkshire B. Berkshire C. Tamworth D. Spot Question 5 Identify which cut of meat is in the picture below? A. Pork chop B. Rump Roast C. Sausage D. Loin Question 6 Where is the Landrace originally from? A. USA B. England C. Scotland D. Denmark Question 7 What is a gestation period of a sow? A. 9 ½ Month B. 180-200 Days C. 113-116 Days D. 90-100 Days Question 8 Which pig is red and has good mothering abilities? A. Tamworth B. Hampshire C. Landrace D. Chester White Question 9 What is the pig’s identification number below? A. 56-99 B. 89-62 C. 27-12 D. 25-6 Question 10 What is the shot given to a piglet when it is first born? A. Oxygen B. Potassium C. Iron D. Magnesium Question 11 What is the pig’s identification number? A. 2-9 B. 1-1 C. 74- 4 D. 88-99 Question 12 What part of the pig does the ham come from? A. Side B. Leg C. Shoulder D. Loin