Chapter 4 Partition (1) Shifting Ding-Zhu Du Disk Covering • Given a set of n points in the Euclidean plane, find the minimum number of unit disks to cover the n given points. a (x,x) Partition P(x) Construct Minimum Unit Disk Cover in Each Cell 1/√2 Each square with edge length 1/√2 can be covered by a unit disk. Hence, each cell can be covered By at most a 2 2 disks. Suppose a cell contains ni points. Then there are ni(ni-1) possible positions for each disk. Minimum cover can be computed 2 ) In time nO(a i Solution S(x) associated with P(x) For each cell, construct minimum cover. S(x) is the union of those minimum covers. Suppose n points are distributed into k cells containing n1, …, nk points, respectively. Then computing S(x) takes time 2 O(a ) n1 2 + n2 O(a ) 2 O(a ) + ··· + nk 2 < n O(a ) Approximation Algorithm For x=0, -2, …, -(a-2), compute S(x). Choose minimum one from S(0), S(-2), …, S(-a+2). Analysis • Consider a minimum cover. • Modify it to satisfy the restriction, i.e., a union of disk covers each for a cell. • To do such a modification, we need to add some disks and estimate how many added disks. Added Disks Count twice Count four times 2 Shifting 2 Estimate # of added disks Shifting Estimate # of added disks Vertical strips Each disk appears once. Estimate # of added disks Horizontal strips Each disk appears once. Estimate # of added disks # of added disks for P(0) + # of added disks for P(-2) + ··· + # of added disks for P(-a+2) < 3 opt where opt is # of disk in a minimum cover. There is a x such that # of added disks for P(x) < (6/a) opt. Performance Ratio P.R. < 1 + 6/a < 1 + ε when we choose a = 6 ⌠1/ε . 2 Running time is n.O(1/ε ) Unit disk graph <1 Dominating set in unit disk graph • Given a unit disk graph, find a dominating set with the minimum cardinality. • Theorem This problem has PTAS. Connected Dominating Set in Unit Disk Graph • Given a unit disk graph G, find a minimum connected dominating set in G. Theorem There is a PTAS for connected dominating set in unit disk graph. central area h+1 h Boundary area Why overlapping? cds for G cds for each connected component 1 Construct PTAS For each partition P(a,a), construct C(a) as follows: 1. In each cell, construct MCDS for each connected component in the inner area. 2. Connect those minimum connected dominating sets with a part of 8-approximation lying in boundary area. Choose smallest C(a) for a = 0, h+1, 2(h+1), …. Existence of 8-approximation 1. There exists (1+ε)-approximation for minimum dominating set in unit disk graph. 2. We can reduce one connected component with two nodes. Therefore, there exists 3(1+ε)-approximation for mcds. 8-approximation 1. A maximal independent set has size at most 4 mcds +1. 2. There exists a maximal independent set, connecting it into cds need at most 4mcds nodes. MCDS (Time) 1. In a square of edge length 2 / 2 , any node can dominate every bode in the square. Therefore, minimum dominating set has size at most (a 2 ) 2 . a 2/2 MCDS (Time) 2. The total size of MCDSs for connected components in an inner square area is at most 3(a 2 )3 . a 2/2 Suppose a cell cotains ni nodes. Then finding all MCDSs in the cell for all connected components in the inner area takes time ni O ( a2 ) . Over all cells, the total time is n i i O(a2 ) O(a2 ) n MCDS (Size) • Modify a mcds for G into MCDSs in each cell. • mcds(G): mcds for G • mcdscell(inner): MCDS in a cell for connected components in inner area Connect & Charge charge Multiple Charge How many possible charges for each node? charge How many components can each node be adjacent to? 1. How many independent points can be packed by a disk with radius 1? 5! 1 >1 Each node can be charged at most 10 times!!! k nodes can connect to at most 5k components . Each component make a charge to 2 nodes. At most 10k changes will be mde on k nodes. Each node receives at most 10 charges. Shifting h=2 a/(2(h+1)) = integer 2 Time=n O(a ) 3 (1 ) - approximat ion in time n O (1/ 2 ) in any dimesion. Weighted Dominating Set • Given a unit disk graph with vertex weight, find a dominating set with minimum total weight. • Can the partition technique be used for the weighted dominating set problem? Dominating Set in Intersection Disk Graph • An intersection disk graph is given by a set of points (vertices) in the Euclidean plane, each associated with a disk and an edge exists between two points iff two disks associated with them intersects. • Can the partition technique be used for dominating set in intersection disk graph? Thanks, End