Automatische Differentiation zur Empfindlichkeitsanalyse und Gradientenberechnung Christian Bischof Institute for Scientific Computing RWTH Aachen University AD Sommerschule Bommerholz, 13. – 18. August 2006 Motivation Science needs Derivatives Numerical Methods: e.g. solutions of ODE, PDE Sensitivity Analysis: assess parameter impact, model validity, uncertainty, and robustness. Design Optimization: improve design parameter. Inverse Problems: adjust model parameters to fit observed data. Parameter Identification: e.g., reaction coeff’s Data Assimilation: e.g., initial states of PDE Local Model based on Taylor Series f ( x h) f ( x ) f 2 * h O ( ) h x Uncertainty Due to Experimental Variables Multi-Element High-Lift Airfoil: Y30P30N CL CL = M M ( M = M 0 M ) Uncertainty in Lift Due to Uncertainty in Mach Number = 0 CL = ( CL ) Uncertainty in Lift Due to Uncertainty in Angle of Attack Courtesy of Larry Green NASA Langley, MDOB Planform and Thickness Optimization M = 0.84, = 3.06 degrees 129x65x33 grid (32 zones, 21 wing sections), 9 optimization cycles coloring proportional to the surface pressure coefficient for 33x9x9 grid analysis of 129x65x33 grid design Baseline wing Courtesy of Larry Green Multidisciplinary Optimization Branch NASA Langley Research Center “Optimized” wing 10% - 1% move limits xle, crd, and thk active What is f ? A formula: e.g. y(1) = x(2); y(2) = -c/m*x(1) (right-hand side of the differential equation for a horizontal oscillator) A “higher-level” mathematical object: e.g. y = xT A x + b, y = g(u,t) dt A computer program: e.g. SEPRAN, a 3-D CFD solver, 400,000 lines of Fortran, or FCAP3, a chip simulator of Hewlett-Packard, 15,000 lines of ANSI-C, or a module of the TURBOMOLE system for molecular simulation. The problem: Fast and accurate computation of derivatives of computer programs with little effort Computing Derivatives of Computer Codes Work Oldfashioned Way: Accuracy and Speed required human effort Handcoding Divided Differences SymbolicAssisted Accuracy Speed ??? Automatic Automatic Differentiation: Divided Differentiation f f ( x h) f ( x ) / h x Fast & accurate Differences AD+Brains derivatives, fast Automatic Differentiation (AD) - Theoretical Underpinnings - Automatic Differentiaton (AD) Given a computer program, AD generates a new program, which applies the chain rule of differential calculus, e.g., d f ( w, v ) f d w f d v * * dx w dx v dx f f to elementary operations (i.e., are known). , w v • AD does not generate truncation- or cancellation errors. • AD generates a program for the computation of derivative values, not derivative formulae. Program ~ Computational Graph • A computer program can be viewed as the “generator” of a “computational graph.” • Each node in the graph corresponds to a value computed by the program executing with a specific set of data. subroutine f(x,y) real x(2), y(2) x(1)S0 do i = 1, 2 if ((x(i)) .ge. 0) then x(2)P0 y(i) = sqrt(x(i)) else y(i) = 2.0 * x(i) endif enddo y(2) = y(1) * y(2) * x(2) return end The code The computational graph (v(1), v(2)) == inputs (x(1), x(2)), and (v(3), v(6)) == outputs (y(1), y(2)). Linearized Computational Graph • The “linearized computational graph” extends the “computational graph” with partial derivatives for each arc (so-called elementary partial derivatives). • Partial derivatives may depend on input function values for nonlinear operations, but are constant for linear operations. subroutine f(x,y) real x(2), y(2) do i = 1, 2 if ((x(i)) .ge. 0) then y(i) = sqrt(x(i)) else y(i) = 2.0 * x(i) endif enddo y(2) = y(1) * y(2) * x(2) return end The code The linearized computational graph AD ~ Path Accumulation Let Pm,n be the set of all paths from node m to node n in the graph, and let i j indicate that node i is a direct predecessor of node j in the graph. Then... dv(n) v ( j ) dv(m) pPm,n i j v (i ) i,j p The derivative of v(n) with respect to v(m) is the sum over all paths of the product of the partials along that path. dy ( 2) dv( 6 ) v (6) v (3) * dx (1) dv( 1 ) v (3) v (1) dy ( 2) dv( 6 ) v (6) v (5) v ( 4) v (6) v (5) * * * dx ( 2) dv( 2 ) v (5) v ( 4) v ( 2) v (5) v ( 2) AD ~ Path Accumulation The derivative of v(n) with respect to v(m) is the sum over all paths of the product of the partials along a path from v(m) to v(n). The various AD techniques can be interpreted as exploiting different strategies for computing this sum over all paths. (possible because of associativity of chain rule). There is no known algorithm for computing derivatives of a program/computational graph with minimal complexity (conjectured to be NP-hard). The Forward Mode Associate a “gradient” with every program variable and apply derivative rules for elementary operations. t:=1.0 do i=1 to n step 1 if (t>0) then t := t*x(i); endif endif t:=1.0; t:=0.0; do i=1 to n step 1 if (t>0) then t:= x(i)*t+t*x(i); t := t*x(i); endif endif The computation of p (directional) derivatives requires gradients of length p many vector linear combinations, e.g., x(i) = (0,.,0,1,0,.,0) results in t == dt/dx(1:n). The Reverse Mode Associate an “adjoint” with every program variable and apply the following rules to the “inverted” program: s = f(v,w) _v += ds/dv* _s; _w += ds/dw* _s; tval(0):=1.0; tctr:=0; do i=1 to n step 1 if (tval(tctr)>0) then jump(i):=‘true’; tctr=tctr+1; tval(tctr):=tval(tctr-1)*x(i); 2. Step: Adjoint computation _tval(tctr)=1.0, all other _*=0. Upon exit, _x(i)==dt/dx(i) 1. Step: Reversible program (Single Assignment Form) do i=n downto 1 step -1 if (jump(i) == ‘true’) then _tval(tctr-1)+=x(i)*_tval(tctr); _x(i)+=tval(tctr-1)*_tval(tctr); _tval(tctr)=0; tctr=tctr-1; Remarks on AD (inputs x, outputs y) FM = Forward Mode computes dy/dx*S (S is called “seed matrix”) by propagating sensitivities of intermediate values with respect to input values. For p input values of interest, runtime and memory scale at most with p. May be much less e.g. for sparse Jacobians. RM = Reverse Mode computes WT *dy/dx by propagating sensitivities of output values with respect to intermediate values. For q output values of interest, RM runtime scales with q. Memory requirements are harder to predict, and greatly depend on structure of program. Great for computing „long gradients“. AD Tools ADIFOR 2.0 and ADIC n F77 or C code for f ADIFOR x(n) independent, y(m) dependent var’s ADIC w.r.t. differentiation Runtime “seed matrix” S allows computation of • whole Jacobian • chaining of derivatives • exploitation of sparsity • Jacobian-vector products • column selection F77 or C m code for y x p S ADIFOR 2.0 (Fortran 77): w/ Alan Carle and Mike Fagan, Rice University ADIC (ANSI-C): w/ Paul Hovland and Boyana Norris, MCS/ANL Recent versions of ADIFOR/ADIC also compute 2nd order derivatives. Sample ADIFOR 2.0 Scriptfile # subroutine to be differentiated AD_TOP = deba # number of derivatives to be computed AD_PMAX =5 # independent variables AD_IVARS = b,c,d,nu100,nu210 # dependent variables AD_OVARS = hmin,pmaxe,cfhp # Name of file listing names of files # containing deba and all subroutines called by it. AD_PROG = deba.cmp ADIFOR/ADIC Processing ANSI-C or Fortran Code Control Files After initial setup, usually only input code changes. ADIC or ADIFOR Code with Derivatives Libraries, e.g., • SparsLinC • ADIntrinsics Compile & Link User’s Derivative Driver Derivative Program ADIFOR 2.0-generated Code w = z(1)*z(2)*z(3)*z(4) r1_v=z(1)*z(2) r2_v=r1_v*z(3) r1_b=z(4)*z(3) r2_b=z(4)*r1_v r3_b=r1_b*z(2) r4_b=r1_b*z(1) do g_i = 1,g_p g_w(g_i) = + + + enddo w = r2_v * z(4) dw/dz(4) dw/dz(3) dw/dz(1) dw/dz(2) r3_b r4_b r2_b r2_v * * * * is transformed into reverse (or adjoint) mode of AD g_z(g_i,1) g_z(g_i,2) g_z(g_i,3) g_z(g_i,4) original value g_w(:), g_z(:,i) contain derivatives dw/dz(i) * S and d z(i)/dx * S. g_p is the no. of columns of S. forward mode of AD Typical Code Expansion ~ Factor 3 ADIC-generated Code w = z[1]*z[2]*z[3]*z[4] ad_loc_0 ad_loc_1 ad_loc_2 ad_adj_0 ad_adj_1 ad_adj_2 ad_adj_3 = = = = = = = is transformed into DERIV_VAL(z[1])*DERIV_VAL(z[2]); ad_loc_0 * DERIV_VAL(z[3]); ad_loc_1 * DERIV_VAL(z[4]); ad_loc_0 * DERIV_VAL(z[4]); DERIV_VAL(z[3])*DERIV_VAL(z[4]); DERIV_VAL(z[1])*ad_adj_1; DERIV_VAL(z[2])*ad_adj_1; dw/dz[4] w dw/dz[3] dw/dz[2] dw/dz[1] reverse (or adjoint) mode of AD ad_grad_axpy_4(DERIV_GRAD(w), ad_adj_3,DERIV_GRAD(z[1]), ad_adj_2,DERIV_GRAD(z[2]),ad_adj_0,DERIV_GRAD(z[3]), ad_loc_1,DERIV_GRAD(z[4])) DERIV_VAL(w) = ad_loc_2; original value DERIV_GRAD(x): Value of program variable x. DERIV_GRAD(x): Deriv. Object assoc. with x. forward mode of AD typedef struct { double value; double grad[ad_GRAD_MAX]; } DERIV_TYPE ADIFOR Example – ILTIS (1) Dynamic and kinetic behavior of an all-terrain vehicle. Mass matrix m, coriolis forces k, external forces qe, generalized position coordinates y, generalized velocity koordinates z. Integration with explicit Euler for simplicity, would like to obtain dm/dy, dm/dz, dk/dy, dk/dz, dqe/dy und dqe/dz. Program comprises 11,172 lines of code in 7 subroutines (some of them automatically generated by NEWEUL). ADIFOR Example – ILTIS (2) parameter (ly=10, lz=10, lm=55 ,lk=10) double precision y(ly),z(lz) double precision m(lm),k(lk), qe(lk) ... call integr(y,z,m,k,qe) ... Code is in files iltissub.f iltisuser.f cholesky.f variab.f subne6.f subne8.f subne10.f Call-Tree: Integr variab blatt shock rad tire ne6 ne8 ne10 cholesky lesolv ADIFOR Example – ILTIS (3) iltis.comp: iltis.adf: AD_TOP = integr top-level subroutine AD_PMAX = 20 number of derivatives AD_IVARS = y,z independent variables AD_OVARS = m,k,qe dependent variables AD_SEP = _ for naming variables AD_OUTPUT_DIR = ILTIS.AD output directory AD_EXCEPTION_FLAVOR = performance fastest code AD_PROG = iltis.comp where is source located Adifor AD_SCRIPT=iltis.adf iltissub.f iltisuser.f cholesky.f variab.f subne6.f subne8.f subne10.f ADIFOR Example – ILTIS (4) ADIFOR generates 71,887 lines of code, a factor 6,4 times the length of the source code. This is due to nature of NEWEUL code (no loops, long righthand sides). parameter (ly=10, lz=10 ,lp=6, lm=55 ,lk=10) double precision y(ly),z(lz),m(lm),k(lk), qe(lk) parameter (g_pmax_ = 20) integer g_p_, ldg_y, ldg_z, ldg_k, ldg_qe, ldg_m parameter (ldg_y = 20, ldg_z = 20, ldg_k = 20) Parameter (ldg_qe = 20, ldg_m = 20) double precision g_y(ldg_y, 10), g_z(ldg_z, 10), *g_k(ldg_k, 10), g_qe(ldg_qe, 10), g_m(ldg_m, 55) g_p_ = g_pmax_ c initialize seed matrices do 20 i=1,ldg_y do 10 j=1,ly g_y(i,j) = 0. if (i.eq.j) g_y(i,j) = 1. 10 continue 20 continue do 40 i=1,ldg_z do 30 j=1,lz g_z(i,j) = 0. if (i.eq.j+ly) g_z(i,j) = 1. 30 continue 40 continue call g_integr(g_p_, y, g_y, ldg_y, z, g_z, ldg_z, *m, g_m, ldg_m, k, g_k, ldg_k, qe, g_qe, ldg_qe) Driver For ADIFORgenerated code Some Other AD Tools ( Fortran 77, some Fortran 90: ADIFOR 3.0 (FM + RM): Mike Fagan & Alan Carle (Rice University) TAF (FM + RM, d f + d2f): Ralf Giering & Thomas Kaminski (Fastopt GmbH) TAPENADE (FM + RM): Laurent Hascoet (INRIA) ANSI-C/C++: ADOL-C: (FM/RM, dkf): Andreas Griewank & Andrea Walther (TU Dresden) TAC under development (see TAF above) Matlab: ADiMAT (Matlab, FM): C.B. and Andre Vehreschild (RWTH Aachen) MAD (Matlab, FM): S. Forth and R. Kharche (U Hertfordshire) ADMAT (Matlab, FM/RM+ d2f): Arun Verma (Cornell University) Programming Issues FLUENT.AD (joint work w/ M. Bücker, A. Rasch, J. Risch, E. Slusanschi) Collaborative research project SFB 540: “Model-based experimental analysis of kinetic phenomena in multiphase fluid systems” Simulation of wavy film running down a vertical wall using FLUENT ® V4.5.2 Inst. for Heat Transfer and Air Conditioning, Aachen University (Prof. Ulrich Renz) Two-phase flow (wavy film and gas or steam) k,eturbulence model with parameters ce1 , ce2 , cm , sk , se Microscopic Particle Image Velocimetry (MPIV) measurements of velocity profile in direction of wall at the bottom of the strip Goal: Adjust model parameters to match simulation and experiment Type Mismatches (Example A) Original code subroutine foo1(x) double x(...) subroutine foo2(x) complex x(...) double x(100000) if (x is double) call foo1(x) elseif (x is complex) call foo2(x) endif Type Mismatches (Example B) Original code subroutine foo1(x) real x(*) call foo2(x) Otherwise x is not used in foo1 subroutine foo2(x) integer x(*) Different Lengths in COMMON Original code main prog double x(10), y common /data/ x, y subroutine foo(...) double u(10) common /data/ u Different # of Parameters Original code subroutine foo(x,y,z) call foo(x,y) Fluent versus Fluent.AD Fluent Fluent.AD Ratio AD/Original Lines of Code (w/ comments) Lines of Code (w/o comments) Number of Files Number of subroutines and functions 1,592,188 1,620,430 1.02 673,774 ADIFOR´s 706,463interprocedural 1.05 dependence analysis realizes that many files are not on the path from 1474 1025 0.69 „independent“ to „dependent“ variables. 2411 1249 0.52 Overflows in Fluent.AD Dynamic range of derivative code often is larger than that of original code. This may lead to overflows in the derivative code, in particular in 32-bit arithmetic. Original Code: if (cendiv.eq.0.0) cendiv = zero endif axp = axp+ap/cendiv Note: The value of „zero“ is a small number, not 0.0 AD-generated code: r4_v = ap / cendiv r4_b = 1.0 / cendiv r5_b = (-r4_v) / cendiv do g_i_ = 1, g_pmax_ g_axp(g_i_) = g_axp(g_i_) + r4_b * g_ap(g_i_) + r5_b * g_cendiv(g_i_) enddo axp = axp + r4_v Intrinsics and Discontinuities Handling Intrinsics (see also ADIFOR exception handling, joint work w/ G. Corliss & A. Griewank) Some Language Intrinsics are not globally differentiable, e.g. max(x,y). An AD tool needs some value for d max(x,y)/ dx and d max(x,y)/ dy even when x == y! For example, rain = max(0.0,rain) suggests d max(x,y)/ dx = 0, d max(x,y)/ dy = 1 There is no choice that is always “right”. AD knows little about analysis AD of lapy2 of the LAPACK min(| x |, | y |) x y max(| x |, | y |) 1 max(| x |, | y |) 2 2 to prevent overflow. In AD-code of x y 2 2 an exception occurs, if | x || y | But only necessary, if x y0 2 Pitfalls AD of Iterative Solvers Iterative Evaluation of Implicit Function Application of AD to iterative Solver Results on Iterative Derivative Convergence (joint work w/ A. Griewank, A. Carle, G. Corliss, K. Williamson) TAMRF Transonic Flow Code Delayed Derivative Convergence TFS CFD package developed at the Aerodynamics Institute of Aachen University 2D/3D simulation of compressible / incompressible flows – Navier-Stokes ~ 25,000 lines of (mostly) Fortran 77 ~ 227 subroutines TFS applications within SFB 401: simulation of the wake flow field (e.g. vortex / jet interaction) as part of an optimization framework for airfoil design shape optimization Convergence of Derivatives (joint work w/ M. Bücker, A. Rasch, E. Slusanschi) cL iterations - Derivative usually converges later than the original function (also with DD). cL AD AD start at 1001 iter. AD start at 2001 iter. - Converges faster, if AD starts later. Speeding up derivative computation by delaying the start of AD. iterations Delayed Velocity and Pressure Derivatives pressure cD pressure x1 cD x1 Performance of the Delayed Propagation k = TFS iterations l = TFS.AD iterations fact = 16.5 = Exec time TFS.AD Exec time TFS Performance = k + fact*l Impact of Strategic Use of Mathematics AD in Neutron Scattering (M. Bücker and J. Ette) Nonlinear least-squares formulation to determine value of one (!) parameter from 12,237 data sets. Theoretical scattering function consists of about 3,000 lines of Fortran code. Originally used: NAG E04FDF, quasi-Newton method with divided-difference gradient: 586 sec. on HP V-class, 13 evals of f(.), warning about dubious quality of result! AD enables use of modified Gauss-Newton Method NAG E04GEF: 498 sec., 6 evals of (f, f), no warnings. Eval. of f takes 38.7 sec., (f, f) takes 69.2 sec. A Closer Look at g_voigt(...) The subroutine „voigt“ is a leaf in the call graph and accounts for almost 40% of the runtime of the code. subroutine voigt(u,v,x,y) Adifor 2.0 subroutine g_voigt(n,u,g_u,ldg_u,v,x,y,g_y,ldg_y) From parameter list: (x,y) input (complex number). (u,v) output. v and x are passive (no gradients g_v, g_x) u and y are active (gradients g_u, g_y) ADIFOR‘s dependence analysis tells us that only du/dy is needed! Original Function voigt(..) Let i = sqrt(-1) and x, y, u, v real. Then for given z = x + i*y subroutine voigt(u,v,x,y) computes w = u + i*v defined by where This was not apparent from the 53 lines of code, which was rather convoluted (8 goto‘s!). The author told us. „Handcoded“ Derivative After some tedious, but elementary mathematics: Thus, derivatives can be computed by executing original function voigt(..) first, followed by Impact of Strategic Use of Mathematics Out of roughly 3000 lines of code, one subroutine comprising 53 lines of code was treated „special“, ADIFOR took care of the rest. Handcoded derivative for subroutine voigt() is 6.9 times faster due to exploitation of mathematical properties. Overall time to compute (f, f) is reduced to 41.5 seconds from 69.2 seconds. Overall execution time of parameter identification is reduced to 333 seconds from 498 seconds. Inspection and optimization is possible due to transparency of ADIFOR-generated output. An AD-enhanced library routine would have been even better! Going beyond Forward and Reverse Mode AD recap FM = Forward Mode computes dy/dx*S. Complexity ~ no. of columns of S. RM = Reverse Mode computes WT *dy/dx. Flop complexity ~ no. of rows of W, memory depends. Great for computing „long gradients“. The FM was discovered by Beda et al. In 1959, the RM 1970 by Linnainma. Thereafter, several rediscoveries and spirited discussions about superiority of either approach. AD & chain rule can be applied at arbitrary levels of abstraction. Chain rule is associative. Neither FM nor RM is optimal AD path accumulation can be effected by a node elimination game on the linearized graph. FM Minimal complexity AD schemes requires elimination of s as first node. RM Chaining vs. Preaccumulation Given: f:x(n) -> y(k) & g:y(k) -> z(m) as well as a FM tool. Would like to compute dz/dx. Implicit chaining: (Default für FM tools) Compute dy/dx with f.AD and use it as seed matrix for g.AD Derivative vectors of length n are used throughout. Preaccumulation: 1) Compute dy/dx with f.AD 2) Compute dz/dy with g.AD 3) Chain derivatives with matrix-matrix multiply. Derivative vectors of length n in f.AD, of length k in g.AD. Hierarchical AD Approaches View a program unit as elementary unit for AD (“tile”) and compute “its” derivatives with appropriate method. Apply chain rule. In ADIFOR/ADIC 2-level scheme: Stmt derivs with RM Overall chaining with FM Potential for much greater savings with larger tiles. Stencil Tiling Want to compute d fval(:,:) / dx(1: p) for i = 1 to nx do for j = 1 to ny do fval(i,j) = fct(13 x’s) Compute d fct / d (13 ivar) independently, then multiply with d (13 ivar)/d x(1:p). d fct / d (13 ivar) computed how? ADIFOR approach Speedup for 60 Factor 2.2 indep. variables Full Reverse Mode Factor 4.1 Level 1: Statement Level 2: Loop Body (Stencil) Level 3: FM overall Good choice of strategy depends on data- and control- flow information. AD at a matrix level dg/dx = 4(Mb)T*y*xT dg/dy = 2(Mb)T*A This derivative is free at the matrix level. Would cost O(n3) with FM, O(n2 + ?) with RM at scalar level. AD & Parallelism Collaborative Research Center SFB 401 Flow Modulation and FluidStructure Interaction at Airplane Wings TFS (“The Flow Solver”) CFD package developed at Aerodynamics Institute (AIA) of RWTH Aachen (Prof. Schröder) • 2D/3D simulation of compressible and incompressible flows • ~ 24,000 lines of (mostly) Fortran 77 • ~ 220 subroutines Joint work w/ M. Bücker, A. Rasch, E. Slusanschi, M. Meinke & F. Zurheide (AIA), A. Spiegel & C. Terboven (CCC) TFS.AD Need sensitivities of lift and drag coefficients w.r.t. and y-angle (2 derivatives) TFS 24,000 loc 230 subroutines TFS.AD ADIFOR 2 27,500 loc 102 subroutines + 128 routines from original code in total: ~ 38,000 loc Domain Decomposition P1 P2 Shared Memory Parallelization P1 Overlap (ghost cells) Solution of Helmholtz equation on a regular mesh, using an iterative Jacobi method with over-relaxation P2 Distributed Memory Parallelization Need to replicate and exchange data at domain boundaries AD of parallel TFS Existing parallel version of TFS Different processors operate on different blocks Exchange of values at boundaries via MPI (MessagePassing Interface - distr. mem. Progr. Standard) MPI-specific calls encapsulated in one single file Easy to insert additional MPI calls for TFS.AD (send/receive like write/read) call mpi_isend(a,isn, mpi_double_precision, (ipr - 1), 57, +mpi_comm_world, request, ierror) call mpi_isend(g_a, n*ldg_a, mpi_double_precision, +(ipr - 1), 57, mpi_comm_world, request, ierror) call mpi_recv(a, n, mpi_double_precision, (ipr - 1), 57, +mpi_comm_world, request, ierror) call mpi_recv(g_a, n*ldg_a, mpi_double_precision, +(ipr - 1), 57, mpi_comm_world, request, ierror) Performance of parallel TFS 3D Computation for BAC 3-11/RES/30/21 TFS (min:sec) TFS.AD (min:sec) (2 derivatives) factor serial 5:38 36:37 ~6.5 parallel (3 MPI tasks) 2:37 16:09 ~6.2 speedup 2.15 2.27 CPU time for computing 100 iterations on Sun E2900 with 1200MHz US-IV Block 0: 35640 points Block 1: 17091 points Block 2: 24687 points Block-only parallelization has inherent work imbalance! TFS: Timeline 0:00 – 2:18 Block 0: 35640 points Process 0 Block 1: 17091 points Process 1 Block 2: 24687 points Process 2 TFS: Activity Charts 0:00 – 2:18 Process 0 Block 0: 35640 points Block 1: 17091 points Block 2: 24687 points 23.7 % of execution time is spent for MPI communication Process 1 Process 2 even with perfect load balance, possible speedup is limited by # blocks OpenMP De facto standard for shared memory programming language extensions for Fortran, C and C++ (compiler directives) Each parallel region generates a new team of threads private and shared variables Worksharing constructs ( omp do ) indicate parallel execution on different data c$omp parallel c$omp do private(k,tmp) shared(x,y,z) do k=1,L Different loop iterations tmp=sin(z(k)) can be executed x(k)= y(k)*tmp independently by different enddo threads c$omp end do c$omp end parallel OpenMP Parallelization of TFS Select most time- consuming routines in TFS for parallelization with OpenMP routine % cpu time (TFS) % cpu time (TFS.AD) Max. Speedup (Amdahl‘s Law) ausm 33.3 55.3 visc 12.5 12.1 viscsrc 9.9 8.3 funcq 5.7 1.7 vort 5.2 3.7 strain 3.6 3.7 70.2 84.8 TFS TFS.AD 3.36 6.58 AD code may benefit even more from OpenMPparallelizaion AD of OpenMP code c$omp parallel do private(k,tmp) c$omp+shared(x,y,z) OpenMP directives are treated as comments by do k=1,L ADIFOR (leaves them do i=1,n where they are) g_tmp(i)=cos(z(k))*g_z(i,k) enddo tmp=sin(z(k)) do i=1,n g_x(i,k)= g_y(i,k)*tmp + y(k)*g_tmp(i) enddo x(k)= y(k)*tmp enddo c$omp end parallel do AD of OpenMP code c$omp parallel do private(k,tmp,g_tmp,i) c$omp+shared(x,y,z,g_x,g_y,g_z) OpenMP directives are treated as comments by do k=1,L ADIFOR (leaves them do i=1,n where they are) g_tmp(i)=cos(z(k))*g_z(i,k) enddo tmp=sin(z(k)) • Classification of derivative do i=1,n variables into shared and private can g_x(i,k)= g_y(i,k)*tmp + y(k)*g_tmp(i) be done automatically by AD tools enddo • New potential for parallelism x(k)= y(k)*tmp through AD-generated derivative enddo loops. c$omp end parallel do Performance of OpenMPparallelized TFS and TFS.AD Speedup of TFS and TFS.AD for varying # threads 8 7 Speedup (TFS) Speedup (TFS.AD) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 4 8 12 16 20 E2900 1200MHz Ultra Sparc IV , 12 dual core CPU (24 PE), 48 GB Memory SUN Fortran 95 v 7.1 compiler with flags: –fast –dalign –openmp Speedup of hybrid MPI-OpenMP parallelized TFS and TFS.AD 3 MPI tasks and varying # OpenMP threads 8 7 Speedup(TFS) Speedup(TFS.AD) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3x1 3x2 3x3 3x4 3x5 3x6 3x7 E2900 1200MHz Ultra Sparc IV , 12 dual core CPU (24 PE), 48 GB Memory SUN Fortran 95 v 7.1 compiler with flags: –fast –dalign –openmp You cannot escape parallel programming in the future The Impact of Moore‘s Law The number of transistors on a chip is still doubling every 18 months Intel-Processors: … but the clock speed is no longer growing that fast. Instead we’ll see many more cores per chip! Clock Speed (MHz) Transistors (x1000) Source: Herb Sutter Design Considerations Power consumption (and heat generated) Scales linearly with #transistors but quadratically with clock rate There is no Moore‘s Law for memory latency Memory latency halves only every six years. Conclusion for commodity chips: Instead of striving for faster clock speed, tightly integrate multiple instances of slower processor cores on a chip. IBM Blue Gene is most radical example – 1024 CPUs/rack. Sun Fire T2000 (chip size 378 mm2, 72 W) Memory Memory Memory Memory 25.6 GB/sec. 4 DDR2 memory controllers on chip .75 MB L2 .75 MB L2 .75 MB L2 .75 MB L2 Internal Crossbar 134 GB/s FPU core core core core core core core core 8 KB L1 8 KB L1 8 KB L1 8 KB L1 8 KB L1 8 KB L1 8 KB L1 8 KB L1 One Floating-Point unit (FPU) shared among all processors. 1GHz Terminology Chip(-level) multiprocessing (CMP) : multiple processor "cores" are included in the same integrated circuit, executing independent instruction streams. Chip(-level) multithreading (CMT) Multiple threads are executed within one processor core at the same time. Only one is active at a given time (time-slicing). Chip Level Parallelism Chip-Level Multiprocessing = 1.11 ns UltraSPARC IV+, CMP superscalar, dual core 2 x 4 sparc v9 instr/cycle 1 active thread per core = 0.66 ns Opteron 875, CMP superscalar, dual core 2 x 3 x86Multithreading instr/cycle Chip-Level 1 active thread per core = 0.45 ns UltraSPARC T1, CMP+CMT Single issue, 8 cores 8 x 1 sparc v9 instr/cycle 4 active threads per core context switch comes for free = 1.0 ns context switch time Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication What, if the Niagara could really compute with floating point numbers … 900 800 700 MFLOPS / MOPS SF T2000 SF T2000 (1x Niagara 1 GHz) SF T2000 long long SF 2900 long long SF T2000 double SF 2900 double 600 500 SF 2900 (12x US IV 1,2 GHz) 400 19,6 Mio Enonzeros 300 233,334 matrix dimension 200 225 MB memory footprint 100 0 0 5 10 15 20 # threads 25 30 35 Assessment of AD Automatic Differentiation (AD) Tools: Efficient derivative programs with very little human effort. Tools are improving, both w.r.t. language coverage and performance. AD + Brains: Methodologies for exploiting high-level user knowledge about program structure and algorithmic underpinnings. Program-based sensitivity analysis with AD is a valuable tool for accelerating the program development cycle Sensitivities provide clues to inadequacies of the model. Sensitivities are inherently consistent with evaluation of the model. Other AD Projects at Aachen SHEMAT groundwater transport code Inst. for Applied Geoscience, RWTH Aachen SFB540: AD of DROPS (RWTH Aachen) incl. Grid sensitivities AD of Matlab and Java AD of CapeML, a domain-specific languages based on XML for chemical process control an example of a „little language“ Sensitivity of optimal solutions Exploitation of shared-memory parallelism in AD • Collaborators: • Martin Bücker, Monika Petera, Arno Rasch, Emil Slusanschi, Andre Vehreschild, Andreas Wolf, Inst. for Scientific Computing, RWTH Aachen • Dieter an Mey, Samuel Sarholz, Christian Terboven, Center for Computing and Communications, RWTH Aachen • ICCS06 Conference, • May 30, 2006, Redding, Minisymposium on Automatic Differentiation and Applications •Ressources: • Bücker, M.; Corliss, G.; Hovland, P.; Naumann, U.; Norris, B. (Eds.), Automatic Differentiation: Applications, Theory, and Implementations, Springer 2006. •G. Corliss, A. Griewank, C. Faure, L. Hascoet, and U. Naumann, editors, Automatic Differentiation: From Simulation to Optimization, Springer, 2001. • A. Griewank, Evaluating Derivatives: Principles and Techniques of Algorithmic Differentiation, SIAM, Philadelphia, 2000. • M. Berz, C. Bischof, G. Corliss, and A. Griewank, editors, Computational Differentiation: Techniques, Applications, and Tools, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1996.