Chapter 19 Study Guide

U.S. History
Chapter 19 Topics to Know
-4 causes of WWI—be able to define and give an examples.
-What started WWI? Where did this event take place?
-What were the two main alliance systems?
-In what country did most of the fighting in WWI occur?
-What style of fighting was used?
-Describe all aspects of trench warfare?
-Why were there divided loyalties in the U.S. about who to support during the war effort?
-America had mobilized for war against the Central Powers for what 2 reasons?
-The British blockade caused what two 2 results?
-How did Germany respond to the British blockade?
-What occurred on May 7th 1915? How many Americans were lost?
-What was the 2nd ship that Germans attacked?
-In March, 1916, Germany broke its promise and torpedoed an unarmored French passenger
steamer named? How many Americans died?
-The U.S. threatened to cut off diplomatic relations unless Germany changed its tactics.
Germany agreed, but there was 1 condition, what was the condition?
-When Germany broke the agreement, how did President Wilson feel? What did he say?
-What was the Zimmerman Telegram?
-On April 2nd 1917, Wilson delivered his speech…what was the main point?
-How did American prepare for war?
-Describe the role of African Americans and Women in WWI.
-What was the training like for the men who were drafted?
-What were the 4 steps to “Mass Production”.
-What was the convoy system?
-Who were the “dough boys” led by? Why did they receive this name?
-What new weapons did the U.S. acquire during WWI?
-What new fighting tactic developed during WWI? What two countries helped to develop this?
-When and why did Russia pull out of the war?
-Who was Alvin York? What did he do?
- When did Austria-Hungary surrendered to the Allies?
-In, 1918 Germany agreed to a cease fire and signed an armistice that ended the war. What
day, month, hour?
-What was the direct economic costs of the war was about $338 Billion?
-Why did Congress give power to Wilson? What industries did the President now control?
-What were the goals of the WIB ?
-“Work or Fight” became the slogan for what issue?
-Food Administration was led by who? What was the “gospel of the clean plate?”
-Once the government had extended its control over the economy, it was faced with what two
major tasks? How did they accomplish these goals?
-Who were the main victims of immigrant hysteria?
-What were the Espionage and Sedition Acts?
-What was the Great Migration? Why did it occur?
-What type of new jobs did women take on? How were they treated? How did these new roles
help them gain more rights?
-What was Wilson’s Plan “14 Points”?
-What did the 14th point call for?
-Why did the allies reject Wilson’s plan?
-What were the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles?
-What were the Treaty’s weaknesses? Who opposed the treaty?
-What was the debate over the League of Nations?
-After WWI what was post war like in Europe (Germany*) and the U.S.?