technical skills - RP-Jobs

Mohammed Abd Elnasser Fawzy Kamel Barghash
Address: 23-Mohammed Basha Mohsen St, Janakleese, Alexandria, Egypt
Tel: +2-035757648
Mobile: +2-010-23365609
Status: Single
Military Status: Exempt
Nationality: Egyptian
Birth of Date: 12/08/1989
Mr. Ahmed Maher Abd El Aziz Ahmed – General Manager of
foreign affairs in the Central Bank of Egypt –Alexandria Branch
Graduate from ITI (Information and Technology Institute)
o Intake-33.
o Track Open Source Application Development.
Graduate from Communications and Electronics Department, Alexandria
University in 2011 with grade: Very Good.
Graduation year grade: Excellent.
Certified IT Essential PC Hardware and Software (Cisco).
VHDL Course.
Basic Electronic Design and ATMEL 8051 (IEEE Summer Course).
Advanced Programming Diploma Academy.
Matlab programming and GUI (self study).
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) in OGS (Oil & Gas Skills).
Programming Languages:
 Java Script, PHP, CodeIgniter Framework, Symfony2 framework, Java, JSP,
Ruby, HTML 5, CSS3,SQL .
 C, C under UNIX, Pro *C, C++, Java.
 Embedded C, MATLAB, Assembly Atmel 8051, Assembly Intel x88, HTML.
Computer skills:
 My SQL 5, XML, UML, Word Press, Joomla, Drupal.
Fundamentals of computer network.
Fundamentals of Operating System.
Searching using the Internet: Excellent.
Technical programs: Netbeans, Outlook, Matlab, Borland C++, Code vision,
Eagle, CCStudio.
Visual Basic 6.Net, Visual C++6
ORACLE 10G, Microsoft Access , Crystal Report, Front Page.
IC 's and Kits:
 PIC16, ATMEL 8051, Intel 8088/8086.
 DSP kit: very good.
Work Experience:
Title: Software Developer
From: 24/11/2013 Till: 28/02/2014
Company: Huawei
Title: Web Developer
From: 7/7/2013 Till: 14/11/2013
Company: ProfIT
After Graduation:
ITI Graduation project: Taxi Misr
The goals of the project:
Decreases the rate of kidnapping.
Improves the quality of the taxi service in Egypt .
Summary: It's a website -with its mobile version app- that
1. Helps any subscriber to save the last route they go through which
his/her friends-who the subscriber gives the permission - can
monitor at real time or offline.
2. Gives the subscriber the ability to rate the quality of the taxi and
the taxi driver.
Image matching using Phase Only Correlation “POC” method
by Matlab.
4rth year :
Alarm Clock using PIC16.
Mobile application connected to the cloud .
Graduation Project: LTE Femtocell Physical layer and
Interference Management using optical transmission supervised
by Dr.Essam Sourour.
Project phases:
Background about Downlink Base-band Physical Implementation
for the LTE SISO system.
Reading the LTE standard.
Designing transmitter and receiver architecture via optical channel
Developing Matlab model for the transmitter.
Developing Matlab model or the receiver.
Converting the transmitter and receiver models into embedded c
Integration of physical layer running on 2 DSP kits (one is TX and
the another is RX connected together via an optical transmission).
Participation in Graduation Project:
Software :
Developing the following blocks by Matlab and then
converting them into c codes: Modulation and
Demodulation–Pilot Insertion -Time Synchronization- Channel
Hardware :
Integration of the physical layer using 2 TMS320C6455 kits.
Detailed performance assessment and optimization.
Sponsors: NTRA and YIA.
3rd year:
Matrix analyzer using Matlab “Echelon form, reduced echelon form,
rank, row space,..etc”, using linear algebra .
1st year:
Door Lock using ATMEL 8051.
Telecom Egypt -2010.
ITI (Information and Technology Institute)
Professional Membership :
 IEEE Member at 2008-2009.
Participated in EED-2011 competition – “LTE Femtocell Physical layer and
Interference Management using optical transmission” project.
Extracurricular Activities:
 Joined Resala Charity Association as a volunteer at 2009-2010.
• Arabic: Native.
• English: Proficient (Academic IELTS test score 6.5) .
Reading, Playing Chess, Searching for new technologies.
Watching movies, playing the violin, playing table tennis, attending music