Review of Linear Algebra

Review of Linear Algebra
10-725 - Optimization
1/14/10 Recitation
Sivaraman Balakrishnan
 Matrix
 Linear
independence and bases
 Gaussian
 Eigen
values and Eigen vectors
 Definiteness
 Matlab
 Geoff’s LP sketcher
 linprog
 Debugging and using documentation
Basic concepts
Vector in Rn is an ordered
set of n real numbers.
 
 3
 
 4
 
e.g. v = (1,6,3,4) is in R4
A column vector:
A row vector:
m-by-n matrix is an object
with m rows and n columns,
each entry filled with a real
(typically) number:
6 3 4
1 2 8
 4 78 6 
 9 3 2
Basic concepts - II
 Vector
dot product: u  v  u1 u2   v1 v2   u1v1  u2v2
 Matrix
 a11 a12 
 b11 b12 
, B  
A  
 a21 a22 
 b21 b22 
 a11b11  a12b21 a11b12  a12b22 
AB  
 a21b11  a22b21 a21b12  a22b22 
Matrix subspaces
 What
is a matrix?
Geometric notion – a matrix is an object that “transforms” a
vector from its row space to its column space
 Vector
space – set of vectors closed under
scalar multiplication and addition
 Subspace
– subset of a vector space also
closed under these operations
Always contains the zero vector (trivial subspace)
Row space of a matrix
Vector space spanned by rows of matrix
Span – set of all linear combinations of a set of vectors
This isn’t always Rn – example !!
Dimension of the row space – number of linearly
independent rows (rank)
We’ll discuss how to calculate the rank in a couple of slides
Null space, column space
Null space – it is the orthogonal compliment of the row space
Every vector in this space is a solution to the equation
Ax = 0
Rank – nullity theorem
Column space
Compliment of rank-nullity
Linear independence
A set of vectors is linearly independent if none of them can
be written as a linear combination of the others
Given a vector space, we can find a set of linearly
independent vectors that spans this space
The cardinality of this set is the dimension of the vector
Gaussian elimination
Finding rank and row echelon form
Solving a linear system of equations (we saw this in class)
Finding inverse of a matrix
Basis of a vector space
What is a basis?
 A basis is a maximal set of linearly independent vectors and a
minimal set of spanning vectors of a vector space
Orthonormal basis
 Two vectors are orthonormal if their dot product is 0, and each
vector has length 1
 An orthonormal basis consists of orthonormal vectors.
What is special about orthonormal bases?
 Projection is easy
 Very useful length property
 Universal (Gram Schmidt) given any basis can find an
orthonormal basis that has the same span
Matrices as constraints
Geoff introduced writing an LP with a constraint matrix
We know how to write any LP in standard form
Why not just solve it to find “opt”?
A special basis for square matrices
The eigenvectors of a matrix are unit vectors that satisfy
 Ax = λx
Example calculation on next slide
Eigenvectors are orthonormal and eigenvalues are real for
symmetric matrices
This is the most useful orthonormal basis with many
interesting properties
 Optimal matrix approximation (PCA/SVD)
Other famous ones are the Fourier basis and wavelet basis
(A – λI)x = 0
λ is an eigenvalue iff det(A – λI) = 0
5 
A  0 3 / 4 6 
 0 0 1 / 2
5 
1  
det( A  I )   0
3/ 4  
6   (1   )(3 / 4   )(1 / 2   )
 0
1 / 2   
  1,   3 / 4,   1 / 2
Projections (vector)
b = (2,2)
 2   1 0 0  2 
  
 
 2    0 1 0  2 
 0   0 0 0  2 
  
 
a = (1,0)
 2
c  T a   
Matrix projection
Generalize formula from the previous slide
Special case of orthonormal matrix
Projected vector = (QTQ)-1 QTv
Projected vector = QTv
You’ve probably seen something very similar in least squares regression
Characterization based on eigen values
Positive definite matrices are a special sub-class of invertible
One way to test for positive definiteness is by showing
xTAx > 0 for all x
A very useful example that you’ll see a lot in this class
Covariance matrix
Matlab Tutorial - 1
Stability and condition number
Geoff’s sketching code – might be very useful for HW1 
Matlab Tutorial - 2
Linprog – Also, very useful for HW1 
Also, covered debugging basics and using Matlab help
Extra stuff
Vector and matrix norms
Matrix norms - operator norm, Frobenius norm
Vector norms - Lp norms