Chap. 5 Study Guide Answers

Chap. 5 Study Guide Answers
Which Georgia County is the only county named in honor of a woman? Hart County
Who was Georgia’s first Royal Governor? John Reynolds
Who was Georgia’s second Royal Governor? Henry Ellis
Who was Georgia’s third Royal Governor? James Wright
Why were the Intolerable Acts passed? To punish the colonists of Massachusetts for the Boston Tea Party.
What day do we recognize/celebrate as Independence Day? July 4th, 1776
How did the rules concerning slavery change when Georgia became a royal colony? I became allowed.
What Georgia group was organized to oppose the Stamp Act? Liberty Boys
How many laws made up the Intolerable Acts? 4
Colonel __Elijah Clarke_____ and his troops defeated the British at the Battle of Kettle Creek.
Who wrote the Declaration to Independence? Thomas Jefferson
The Declaration of Independence was written for _the world (everyone) _.
Those people who desired for America to remain loyal to Great Britain were called Loyalists.
Who were the Georgians that signed the Declaration of Independence? George Walton, Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall
Which Georgian was the youngest person to sign the Declaration of Independence? George Walton
Which Revolutionary War hero fought at the Battle of Kettle Creek. He was a slave of mixed parentage. Being a
person of color it was controversial when he received property in Madison County as part of his pay for his service in
the Revolutionary War. Austin Dabney
Those people who supported America’s independence from Great Britain were called Patriots .
How many grievances did the Declaration of Independence have against the King? 27
What do you call a tax on imported goods? Tariff
What were the Unalienable Rights that are in the Preamble of the Declaration of Independence? Life, Liberty, and the
Pursuit of Happiness.
What did Elijah Clarke do that helped the colonies with the Revolutionary War? Led the Battle of Kettle Creek
Why did Nancy Hart do to merit getting a county named in her honor? She is credited with killing and capturing
loyalists who had killed a colonial military leader
How did the Proclamation of 1763 help cause the American Revolution? Restricted where colonists lived.
Why is Austin Dabney famous? Only black soldier to receive land for his war effort.
25. What were the three reasons listed in the Charter of 1732 for the settlement of the colony of Georgia? Charity,
Trade, and Defense.
26. Describe how the French and Indian War led to America’s Revolutionary War? Caused the British to levy
more taxes to pay for their debt.
27. Explain why anti-British sentiment was less in Georgia than in the other colonies during the Revolutionary
period? Georgia was a young colony that still relied on Great Britain.
28. Describe the similarities and differences between Trustee Georgia and Royal Georgia?
29. Describe the benefits Georgia’s royal governors. Self-government, set up a court system, improved the
economy, helped grow the population, completed the colonial defenses.
30. Describe why the Declaration of Independence was written. Separation from Great Britain & Support from
other countries.
31. Explain why was the Battle of Kettle Creek important to Georgia’s Militia? Took weapons and horses victory
& helped keep the British from recruiting more loyalist.
32. Explain the significance of the Siege of Savannah? First time France helped the colonists
33. Explain the importance of the Declaration of Independence? Who did it blame? It said we were no longer
British and blamed King George III for our separation.
34. Describe how the French and Indian War helped cause the American Revolution?
35. How did the Stamp Act help cause the American Revolution? First open rebellion against Britain
Chapter 5 Study Guide
Test will be Tuesday October 27th, 2015
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