
A spreadsheet is made of columns
and rows.
The intersection of a
column and a row is a cell
This is the first sheet of a spreadsheet workbook.
The workbook begins initially with 3 work sheets.
The menus and tool bar have the actions needed to work with the spreadsheet.
Look through the menus and the tool bar.
You will see that the tool bars use little icons to represent items that
are located in the menus.
If you do not see an item on the tool bar, check the menus.
A spreadsheet can deal with three types of data.
Just entering
numbers to add
This one is not a good way to
find the sum.
Auto sum feature
Insert function
Writing a
formula by
• “A” – just by entering the numbers to sum
can be problem if one of the data points
change, the sum is not recalculated
• “B”, “C”, “D” – all of these are using
relative references, if one of the data
points change, the sum is automatically
Parts of a spreadsheet
Name Box
This shows
the current
cell you are
working in
Formula bar shows the
formula in the current cell
Cell value versus Cell appearance.
What you are seeing is the results of the formula not the formula itself.
You can change the appearance of the data in the cell (size, color, and font) and
not effect the formula.
To format, select the cell or range of cells you want to change
Select the Format menu
Then select cells
Click on the Alignment tab.
This is to position the contents of the cell
You can adjust the vertical and horizontal
placement as well as making the text
You can change the orientation of the
You can merge cells by selecting a group
(range) of cells then select Merge cells
Click on the Font tab
You change the look of the data in the
cell(s) and not effect the formulas
Select a font that you want to use
Select a size you want to use.
Click OK
You can do this one cell or a
range (group) of cells.
Use the Chart wizard to create a graph
to show your data in meaningful display.
Select from the tool bar or from the
Insert menu.
The wizard will take you through a 4step process.
Step 1 – select the chart type
Step 2 – select the range of data you
want to use.
This is the data range box
Step 2 -Highlight the data range.
This shows the area selected.
The data being used is an
absolute reference, note the
dollar ($) signs in front of the
column and row headings, and
the exclamation(!) point after the
sheet number.
When you have the data click on
the Data range box
This shows the chart type that
has been selected and how the
data looks in that chart
Click on Next
Step 3There are numerous option here to
further enhance your chart.
A title
Naming the X and Y axis
Selecting or de-selecting axis labels.
Adding or eliminating grid line in the
Moving the legend
Adding data label information
Showing in a table the data source
Click on Next
Step 4 When you are finished, you have the
option of placing the chart on a sheet
of its own or placing in the worksheet
with data.
When you know where to put the
chart, click Finish
Here is how the chart looks,
placed in the worksheet with
data source.
This chart has a title.
The X and Y axis have been
Data labels, Values, have been
added to the chart.
The Excel program starts with 3 worksheets.
You can add new worksheets.
Go to the Insert menu, select Worksheet
You will sheet the new worksheet, this one is Sheet 4
You will want to move this sheet so they are in logical order.
With the mouse, click and hold the left button on the sheet you are moving.
A small icon will appear (looks like a sheet of paper).
With the mouse move the small icon to the location you want to move the sheet.
A small arrow will show where the page will be placed.
Let go of the mouse button.
The sheet has been moved.
The work sheets are now in order.
You rename the worksheets.
Right click on the sheet you are renaming. A pop-up menu
will appear.
Click on Rename
There are several other options available.
Be careful with Delete. This will delete the worksheet
and it cannot be recovered.
The tab is now highlighted.
Write the name you want for the worksheet.
Your worksheet has a new name.