
Editing Your Workbook
Introduction to Excel 2002
Editing Your Workbook
This lesson will cover:
• How to…
• Change the Contents of a Cell
• Select a Range of Cells
• Copy and Move Cells
• Delete and Clear Cells
• Insert and Delete Columns and Rows
• Add, Delete, Rename and Arrange Worksheets
• Work with Multiple Workbooks
This lesson covers topics from Chapter 3 of the text...
Introduction to Excel 2002
Change the Contents of a Cell
To change the contents of a cell you can simply retype it, but there are
some other tricks you should know.
• If you click a cell and then press DELETE or BACKSPACE on the
keyboard, Excel removes the cell contents but does not remove comments
or cell formats.
• Pressing the ESCAPE key in the middle of editing a cell will return the
cell contents to the condition they were in before you started making
• If you highlight (or activate) a cell with a calculation in it and press F2,
all the cells involved in that calculation will become highlighted.
• The Options dialog provides numerous ways to customize the way you
edit cells. If something doesn’t seem to be acting as you think it should
with regards to editing your data, open this dialog box and look at the
“Edit” tab.
Introduction to Excel 2002
Pressing the F2 key when a cell
that contains a function is active,
such as cell F5 shown here,
highlights all the cells used in that
• C5
• D5
• E5
…and of course F5
Introduction to Excel 2002
Selecting More than One Cell
Selecting a range of cells can be done in many different
• Pressing the Crtl+A key sequence will select every cell in the current
• Pressing the Control key and clicking on individual cells will select all
the cells you click on.
• Click on a cell and drag over all the cells you want to select.
• Click on a Row heading to select the entire row.
• Click on a Column heading to select the entire column.
* The status bar shows the sum of all the cells that contain
numerical data as you make your selections.
Introduction to Excel 2002
The sum of column E is
655.42, notice that although
the column is summed in
cell E13, the value in the
status bar sums every cell
including the number
Clicking on a Column or Row heading will select
the entire column or row…
Introduction to Excel 2002
Copying and Moving Cells
Cells can be moved in several ways:
• Drag and Drop to Move or Copy cells
• Cut, Copy and Paste with a menu selection
•…and by using the Paste Special command you can Copy or
Move all the data, the cell formatting or just make a
reference to the parent cell
Introduction to Excel 2002
Cut, copying and pasting cell data
and formulas is just about as easy
as with any type of text in
Windows. There are some major
exceptions, but right clicking on a
cell and selecting the operation,
such as Copy, works. You could
also use the Edit menu’s version of
Cut or Copy, too.
Notice the other things you can do from
here…remember, when in doubt, right-click
your mouse…
Introduction to Excel 2002
Deleting Cells
To Delete a cell or Range of cells:
• Select the cell(s)
• Right click to show the pop-up menu
• Select the Delete command
• Then select how you want Excel to handle
the empty space…
…Shift cells left,
Shift cells up,
Delete the entire row, or
Delete the entire Column
Introduction to Excel 2002
Clearing Cells
To Clear a cell or Range of cells:
• Select the cell(s).
• Right click to show the pop-up
• Select the Clear Contents command.
• Be careful…clicking the command
proceeds with the clearing action
without further feedback.
• Remember…You can always Undo the
Introduction to Excel 2002
Clearing Cells
The other Clear method involves the
Edit menu:
• Select the cell(s).
• Open the Edit menu.
• Select the Clear command.
• Select the type of clearing you
want to do:
• Clear All, the cell’s Formatting, or
the Contents (and leave the cell
formatting as is).
• Notice the shortcut key to Clear
Contents is Delete.
Introduction to Excel 2002
Inserting Columns and Rows
To Insert a column:
• Select the columns(s) or Row(s).
• Open the Insert menu.
• Select the Columns or Rows
command (the options are limited by
whether a column or row was
• A new column(s), or row(s), will be
inserted before the selected ones.
• Selecting more than one column or
row will insert that number of
columns or rows to the worksheet.
Introduction to Excel 2002
Inserting Columns and Rows
You can do the same with the
pop-up menu that is displayed
by right-clicking on the
selected columns or rows.
Remember these pop-up
menus mimic the menu items
available from the main menu.
But, you could figure that out
by now that…
Introduction to Excel 2002
Deleting Columns and Rows
To Delete a column or row:
• Select the columns(s) or row(s).
• Open the Edit menu.
• Select the Delete command.
• The column(s) or row(s) are
deleted without any further
• Selecting more than one column
or row will delete that number of
columns or rows.
Introduction to Excel 2002
Deleting Columns and Rows
You can access a Delete
command from the pop-up
menu as shown on the right,
or just press the Delete key.
Introduction to Excel 2002
Adding a Worksheet
To Add a worksheet:
• Select the worksheet that will
come after the new one. That is, the
sheet you want to place behind the
new sheet.
• Open the Insert menu.
• Select the Worksheet command
• A new worksheet will be added
before the selected tab.
• Selecting more than one
worksheet insert that number of
Introduction to Excel 2002
Deleting a Worksheet
To Delete a worksheet:
• Select the worksheet to delete.
(activate it by clicking the
worksheet’s tab)
• Open the Edit menu.
• Select the Delete Sheet command
• The worksheet will be deleted
without any further warning.
• Selecting more than one
worksheet deletes that number of
Introduction to Excel 2002
Renaming Worksheets
To rename a worksheet:
• Double click on the worksheet tab.
• The worksheet name on the tab will become highlighted
as shown below.
• Type a new name and press the Enter key or otherwise
move off the tab.
• The worksheet will now be renamed to the text you typed.
Introduction to Excel 2002
Adding, Deleting and Renaming
Worksheets…another way
Adding (or Inserting), Deleting or Renaming a worksheet
can be accomplished by accessing the Shortcut (pop-up)
menu. Right-click on the selected tab to display the menu
as shown below…
Introduction to Excel 2002
Selecting Several Worksheets
Two or more adjacent sheets:
• Click the tab for the first sheet, and then hold down
SHIFT and click the tab for the last sheet.
Two or more nonadjacent sheets:
• Click the tab for the first sheet, and then hold down
CONTROL and click the tabs for the other sheets.
All sheets in a workbook:
• Right-click a sheet tab, and then click Select All Sheets
on the shortcut menu.
Introduction to Excel 2002
Arranging Worksheets
Arranging the order of your worksheets is simply a matter
of dragging the tab and dropping in into the new location.
• Grab a tab and move it to the new location, a small black
triangle (pointing down) will appear at the currently
selected location…
• Drop the tab in its new place...
Introduction to Excel 2002
Using Multiple Workbooks
There’s more to working with multiple workbooks then moving
back and forth between them. You can display data in one
workbook that resides in another, and even place a hyperlink that
refers to another file. Formulas can include data from other
worksheets and workbooks. For example, the following formula
gets and sums data from another Excel file whose path is
“C:\Excel\Budget.xls” and the worksheet is named “Annual”:
There are, however, some methods for activating and “toggling”
between the open workbooks that we need to look at first…
Introduction to Excel 2002
Displayed here is the first worksheet,
“Type”, of the Chapter2.xls workbook.
You can see by looking at the Taskbar
that there are two workbooks open…
Introduction to Excel 2002
Restore window control button
Recall that you can detach or reduce the size of the active workbook by
clicking the
Restore Down window control button. Doing this changes
the view from the previous slide to this…2 windowed workbooks.
Introduction to Excel 2002
You can also “toggle” back and forth between workbooks by using the
Window menu. Notice the lower section of the menu…it displays the
currently open files. Clicking on “Chapter3.XLS” would make that
workbook active…
Introduction to Excel 2002
To copy a range of cells from one open workbook to another…
First select the cells…
Introduction to Excel 2002
Then select the Copy command from the pop-up menu or from the File menu…
Introduction to Excel 2002
Then select a cell in the new location (at the beginning of the range). If
you select more than one cell it must be the exact number of cells as those
about to be pasted…so selecting one is easier and always works…select
the Paste command, from a menu…or Ctrl+V
Introduction to Excel 2002
Now the cells have been pasted, but the column looks a bit narrow…
Introduction to Excel 2002
Select Column from the Format menu to change the column width…use
AutoFit Selection
to Excel 2002to do it automatically…
Now the column matches the size of the contents (including the label “Price
Excel 2002
is complete…
To copy cells with formulas in them, and actually create a link between the
two workbook files…select a range of cells (or just one cell) that includes a
formula and Copy the range…
Introduction to Excel 2002
Next, select a single cell or the correct range of cells on the destination
workbook and right click to show the pop-up menu or use the Edit menu.
Then select the Paste Special command from one of the menus…
Introduction to Excel 2002
Then select the Paste Link command…
Introduction to Excel 2002
Selecting one of the newly
pasted cells…displays the
link in the Formula bar.
With the Paste complete…the workbook files are now linked.
Introduction to Excel 2002
Links for Excel
Excellent Excel online tutorial
…another good online tutorial
Excel tour from Microsoft
Tips and tricks from Microsoft
Introduction to Excel 2002