Seminar Subatomic Physics Chapter 3: New developments in hadronic particle production • Nucleon resonances TAPS+CrystalBarrel at ELSA • Baryon models • Partial-wave analysis • Coupled channels • Bethe-Salpeter equation • K-matrix approximation CLAS at Jlab HL-ch.3 Sept. 2002 Student Seminar Subatomic Physics 1 (1232) P33 pion nucleon scattering (1950) Isospin coupling, invariant mass (4-mom. sum) and phase-shift analysis yield energy (mass), I, L, J resonance assignment: L2I,2J (mass) and width (lifetime) N(1680) N(1520) HL-ch.3 Sept. 2002 Student Seminar Subatomic Physics 2 nucleon g.s. and excitations partly explained in the quark model radially excited spatial states (1710) Roper res. (1440) chromomagnetic (hyperfine) interaction HL-ch.3 Sept. 2002 Student Seminar Subatomic Physics 3 nucleon resonances Vconf bi li with string li and string tension b 1GeV / fm mass (MeV) confining potential in quark potential model: qualitative understanding well poorly known gluonic excitations HL-ch.3 Sept. 2002 Student Seminar Subatomic Physics 4 pion nucleon scattering - p X reaction channels: influence of channel opening cross section (mb) 20 10 unitary reaction model needs to include all important channels real part of S11 partial wave ampl. N width 2 N influence of neglecting channels w/o N final state HL-ch.3 Sept. 2002 Student Seminar Subatomic Physics 5 partial-wave analysis quantum scattering in 3 dimensions (halfplane =0) scatt in e ikz eikr f ( ) r scattering amplitude 1 f ( ) (2l 1)Pl (cos )Tl ( E ) k l 0 1 1 /2 2 i l E Ereson. Tl ( E ) l e 1 2i i Ereson. E i / 2 E ( / 2 ) cot l ( E ) E 0 reson. HL-ch.3 Sept. 2002 l Student Seminar Subatomic Physics 6 baryon resonances elastic: unitary circle inelastic cross section reaches unitary limit HL-ch.3 Sept. 2002 Student Seminar Subatomic Physics 7 actual D13 resonance analysis w/o D13(1900) state requires high quality cross sections, polarization observables HL-ch.3 Sept. 2002 coupled-channel K-matrix approach Student Seminar Subatomic Physics 8 calculations at tree-level K N N* N Y K Y Y neglect: hadronic final-state interaction violation of unitarity requires: coupled-channels method including rescattering e.g. N K using: hadronic form-factors K Y violates: gauge invariance repaired by contact term K example: K photoproduction K Y HL-ch.3 Sept. 2002 Student Seminar Subatomic Physics 9 ladder approximation solution to scattering problem: iterate interaction potential V Bethe-Salpeter equation: 4-dim. integral equation, (all allowed intermediate 2-particle states) Bethe-Salpeter propagator Gbs q, s GB q, s GM q, s K-matrix approximation: modify Re(Gbs) without violating unitarity HL-ch.3 Sept. 2002 Student Seminar Subatomic Physics 10 Summary: motivation: low-energy QCD in confinement regime not accessible by perturbation theory •QCD lattice theory: numerical solutions •effective quark models program to study hadronic and electromagnetic excitation of nucleon analysed by dynamical model description satisfying unitarity, analyticity, Lorentz- and gauge-invariance masses, decay widths of resonance states HL-ch.3 Sept. 2002 Student Seminar Subatomic Physics 11 Literature: 1. Scattering Theory: Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics, Addison-Wesley 1994 p.379-399 2. Compton scattering on the proton and light nuclei in the Delta resonance region (K Matrix approach) O. Scholten, Acta Physica Polonica 33 (2002) 847-871 3. Vector meson production with photons and nucleon resonance analysis in a coupled channel approach G. Penner, U. Mosel, nucl-th/0207069 4. Pseudoscalar and vector meson production in NN collisions K. Nakayama, nucl-th/0108032 HL-ch.3 Sept. 2002 Student Seminar Subatomic Physics 12 Seminar contributions semester calendar date week week topic 1 36 4 sept. 1.1 oscillations 3 38 18 sept. 1.2 solar neutrinos 4 39 25 sept. 1.3 mass limits 5 40 2 oct. 1.4 -less double decay 6 41 9 oct. 2.1 quantum Monte Carlo 7 42 16 oct. 2.2 ab initio shell model 8 43 23 oct. 2.3 supernova detection 9 44 30 oct. 3.1 scattering theory 10 45 6 nov. study week Münster 11 46 13 nov. 3.2 Compt. scatt. & K-matrix 12 47 20 nov. 3.3 coupl. ch. reson. analysis 13 48 27 nov. 3.4 meson prod. in NN coll. HL-ch.3 Sept. 2002 Student Seminar Subatomic Physics name 13