
Spark NH Vision: All New Hampshire children and their
families are healthy, learning, and thriving now and in the
Spark NH Mission: Provide leadership that promotes a
comprehensive, coordinated, sustainable early childhood
system that achieves positive outcomes for young children
and families, investing in a solid future for the Granite State.
Communications and Public Awareness Committee Meeting Summary
Wednesday July 9, 2014 from 10:00 am-11:30 am
Committee Charge: Create and maintain a strong information loop between the Council and its state and local
constituents/stakeholders and build public awareness of and commitment to early childhood issues.
List of Materials sent out: Meeting Summary from July
1. Participants: Jessica Sugrue, Jackie Cowell, Katie Brisette, Ellen Edge, Linda Graham, Heather Rogers
and Emily Benson.
2. Meeting summary recorder – Jessica Sugrue
3. Review of action items from last meeting – Meeting Summary Accepted
4. Heard on the Street
 Ellen Edge shared:
o United Way has made Early Childhood a focus in the Mondanock Region
 Jessica Sugrue shared:
o 2015 Strengthening Families Summit focus on: relationships
o 2013 Zero to Three National Training Institute-Onesie for #paidfamilyleave was
shared in San Antonio and featured on the Zero to Three National Website
 Emily Benson shared:
o Coos Coalition Project Launch Sharing Session
o Collective Impact Methodology-back bone organization that will coordinate
agencies and stakeholders and developing a common agenda.
o FSG-published Markers that Matter: Success Indicators in Early Learning and
6. 2-1-1 Central Database of Services
 Spark Taskforce to do an environmental scan of 2-1-1 and figure out if there are additional
resources that need to be included, marketing strategies
i. CCR&R
ii. United Way Rep
iii. Other stakeholders who are not part of Spark
 Fall 2014 for Taskforce
7. Webinar/Video – Advice from Early Learning NH’s Board of Directors
 J Cowell updated group on grant work from Endowment for Health 3-5 minute video on the
Value of Early Childhood. Lynn Davey will be consulting on video, but a producer will be hired.
 Recommendations for the video: no politicians, well respected educators, business leaders,
philanthropic leaders, law enforcement
 30 Minute Recorded On Line Webinar (Video) posted with Power Point slides, with voice overs
as a tool for ambassadors to utilize in their presentation and other professionals to use in their
work in the field.
Target date for completion: January 2015
8. Pledge and Commitment Form – now online
 Auto-reply & sharing on Facebook-Pledge form is online and once you sign up, you will get an
automatic email. 36 Creative is developing a methodology to share this with friends. Pledge is now
part of the Bedrock messaging.
 Follow up with people who commit to taking action
9. Presenter Guide – K Brissette provided a brief overview of Lynn Davey’s draft. Katie will send out to the
10. Bedrock Messaging
a. Presentations
i. Spark NH Ambassador Trainings – May 14, Concord, May 27, Keene
ii. Bedrock – Lancaster Rotary – June 23
iii. Bedrock – NH Educator’s Summer Summit – July 31
iv. Spark NH Presentations – Endowment for Health, June 20; Project LAUNCH, June 18; Scott Hilliard,
Merrimack County Sherriff
Ideas for future: Youth Symposium in Oct 2014, Reach out to Real Estate Agencies, NH Dental Society, NH
Forum on the Future (breakfast meeting), DOE NH Educator’s Summit (3-Day Summit in Keene, NH),
Refugee Advisory Council, Evening Ambassador Trainings, Caring for Our Children Sessions, Auto dealers
Who will report at next Council meeting?
11. Meeting Evaluation – The meeting received positive reviews from participants.
12. Other:
Group discussion:
Raising of America: Early Childhood and the Future of Our Nation
 One hour documentary for PBS broadcast and national video schedule
 A nationwide Public Engagement Campaign
 An interactive companion website
 Sample Topics:
o Are We Crazy About Our Kids? The Cost/Benefit Equation
o DNA is Not Destiny
o Once Upon a Time: When Childcare for All Wasn’t Just a Fairytale
Robert Putnam’s-My kids, our kids, focus on early childhood development, publishing book within the
next 2 years.