Exam Review Sheet

HRT 3MI FINAL EXAM - January 2015
THINKING AND INQUIRY – Compare quotes to the 6 trait model. Will be given 6, must choose 4.
COMMUNICATION/APPLICATION – 5 Paragraph Essay; 2 options, choose 1; will be given essay
question to prep one day in advance.
Review Questions:
Unit 1: Encounters with the Sacred
1. Why study the world’s religions?
2. What are the components of the 6 trait model that make up a religion?
3. What are the different worldviews? Explain.
4. What are the attitudes some have towards others? (ex. Discrimination, etc.)
Unit 2: Aboriginal Spirituality
1. What is a Vision Quest
2. What are the Divine Myths in Aboriginal Spirituality?
3. What are the festivals celebrated in Aboriginal Spirituality?
4. What is a Medicine Wheel?
5. Who is the religious leader in Aboriginal Spirituality?
6. What is a residential school? What happened there? Why did they exist?
Unit 3: Judaism
1. What is the holiest day in Judaism?
2. How did Judaism begin? With whom did it begin?
3. What two foods cannot be mixed? What is this food law called?
4. What is a term used for hatred against Jews?
5. What is the name of the place where Jews gather to worship? When?
6. What Jewish festival is also known as the Festival of Lights?
7. What are the 3 branches of Judaism?
8. What festival recalls the freedom of the Jews from Egypt?
9. The first 5 books of the bible are called what in Judaism?
10. Which Jewish festival is also known as Day of Atonement?
11. What is the coming-of-age ceremony for 13 year old boys in Judaism?
12. What is the Mezuzah?
13. What is the Jewish day of rest called?
Unit 4: Christianity
1. Who established the Edict of Milan and what is it’s importance?
2. How did Christianity begin? With whom did it begin?
3. What is the connection between the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Reformation?
4. What is Ecumenism? Why would the Church be concerned about Christian unity?
5. Who is Martin Luther and what did he disagree with? What did he do to protest his dislike?
6. What is the place of worship and who leads the service?
7. What is the Great Schism? Who was involved? Why did it occur?
Unit 5: Islam
1. What is the Ka’aba?
2. How did Islam begin? With whom did it begin?
3. What is the most sacred book for Muslims? What is in this book?
4. What are the 5 Pillars of Islam?
5. Why is Muhammad called the “Seal of the Prophets”?
6. Which way do Muslims pray? How many times a day?
7. Where was Muhammad born? What did he do for Islam?
8. What is the veil called that some Muslim women wear?
9. Why is Ramadan celebrated?
10. Which Sect makes up 90% of the world’s Muslims?
11. What is the name of the Muslim leader/teacher? Where do they teach?
Unit 6: Hinduism/Buddhism
1. What are the 5 groups in the Caste System called? Put them in order.
2. What are the oldest Hindu Scriptures?
3. What name is given to the “Supreme Being”?
4. Who founded Hinduism?
5. What are the names of the 3 main Hindu deities, and what is their role?
6. Describe the cycle of rebirth? What is it called?
7. Who do Hindus want to be one with? How will they achieve this?
8. What is Moksha?
9. What are the Upanishads?
10. What is an avatar?
11. Define the meaning of “Om”.
1. What are the 4 noble truths? What is their purpose?
2. What is the purpose of meditation?
3. Who is Siddhartha Gautama? Explain his role in Buddhism.
4. What is the purpose of the eightfold path?
5. What are the 5 Precepts? What can we relate them to in Christianity?
6. What is the goal in Buddhism? How can one achieve this goal?