Something to remember…

AP Government
Chapter 6
How can we determine if a public
opinion poll is valid?
How can we determine if a public
opinion poll is valid?
The size of the poll in relation to the
population helps provide validity,
and a +/- factor of about 4 percent
How does race and ethnicity affect
voting patterns?
How does race and ethnicity affect
voting patterns?
There are clear differences between whites &
blacks in the area of integration, affirmative
action. Most differences on economic issues
are the result of economic situations.
Well-educated whites less likely to support
programs for poor minority neighborhoods
than those who actually live there.
As in many areas, the $ affects people’s views.
What is public opinion?
What is public opinion?
Politically relevant opinions that are
held by ordinary citizens that they
express openly. Can be a protest,
voting, letters to candidates or
editorial pages of newspapers.
Schools and Education as an agent
of Political socialization
Schools and Education as an agent
of Political socialization
In elementary schools, students learn the
positive aspects of American history,
later, other aspects of a positive
American history is taught. A standard
positive ideal of American history is
taught through most of public education.
Not until college are other views usually
put forth
What do conservatives believe?
What do conservatives believe?
Government tries to do too many
things, support the free-market
solutions to problems rather than
government, more likely to support
prayer in school.
How do gender differences impact
voting patterns?
How do gender differences impact
voting patterns?
Most differences between m/f are small on most
issues. Women are a little more supportive of
Abortion rights & affirmative action than men
Women more supportive of spending on
welfare, economic issues, and education,
reflecting their economic vulnerability
On military action, in almost every case, women
were less supportive than men. All
contributing to the “gender gap”
What is “cross cutting cleavages”
and their effect on public opinion?
What is “cross cutting cleavages”
and their effect on public opinion?
When people belong to more than
one group. For example, wealthy
blacks would have different
opinions from poorer blacks. This
belonging to more than one group
tends moderate public opinion.
How does the Mass Media affect
one’s political socialization?
How does the Mass Media affect
one’s political socialization?
The images and ideas portrayed on TV
have an effect. Repeated exposure to
crime leads people to believe crime is
worse than it really is. Also, how the
media portrays political figures affects
people’s view of them.
ex. Bush is an illiterate buffoon
What is political socialization?
What is political socialization?
The learning process by which
people acquire their political
opinions, beliefs, and opinions.
Begins with family influence, and
continues through school and the
rest of our lives.
What do liberals believe?
What do liberals believe?
Government should do more to solve the
country’s problems and should not
support traditional values at the
expense of less conventional ones.
More likely to support increased
government health-care and same-sex
How does religion affect political
How does religion affect political
Faith/religion provides solidarity. The
stronger one’s faith, the more likely
it is to affect one’s political belief.
For example, the “Religious Right”,
predominantly fundamental
protestants and Catholics is the
most influential religious force in
What does a libertarian believe?
What does a libertarian believe?
That government tries to do many
things that should be left of firms or
individuals and oppose government
as an instrument of traditional
values. Government shouldn’t get
involved in economy and shouldn’t
ban drugs or give out needles.
How does one’s gender likely to
affect political socialization?
How does one’s gender likely to
affect political socialization?
To some extent, women are likely to
support reproductive rights, but
more likely to oppose military
intervention, for example
Afghanistan or Iraq.
How does the family affect one’s
political outlook & socialization?
How does the family affect one’s
political outlook & socialization?
The family has a near monopoly
status; many beliefs and values
learned at home will stay
throughout life, not just political
outlook, but a person’s
socialization. Loyalty is sown young
What do populists believe?
What do populists believe?
Those who would use government for
both the purpose of economic
redistribution and guarding of traditional
values. Likely to support health-care
spending and oppose civil unions.
How does a pollster get the people
who answer their questions?
How does a pollster get the people
who answer their questions?
Random dialing works best, as they
must take into account a random
sampling in the interview process to
collect the most accurate
information possible.
Why do elected officials tend to rely
more and more on polling data?
Why do elected officials tend to rely
more and more on polling data?
Because other possibilities, election
outcomes, meeting with a few
constituents, talk radio call ins, all
have restrictions in their ability to
accurately measure public opinion.
Why has voter turnout decreased
sharply over the past 30 to 40
Why has voter turnout decreased
sharply over the past 30 to 40
Things like Watergate, the Vietnam
War, Iran/Contra affair, Whitewater
Gate, and assorted corruption
within Washington leading to a
distrust of those in Washington.
Just what is IDEOLOGY?
Just what is IDEOLOGY?
It is a consistent pattern of opinion on
particular issues that stems from a
core belief or set of beliefs. Yet in
spite of this, people often depart
from their ideological beliefs.
• Example; Pro-life Democrats,
fiscally liberal Republicans, etc.
The Family as an agent of Political
The Family as an agent of Political
The most powerful agent of socialization
(political as well), near monopoly status,
while later in life (teen years) a child
may not listen much to their parents, but
the political effects (or lack thereof) is
likely to have a lasting impact. Political
loyalty comes 1st from childhood.
How has age affected voting
How has age affected voting
Elderly tend to oppose increases in public
school spending while supporting Social
Security & Medicare increases. Strong
political lobby in the AARP
Younger people concerned that Social Security
won’t be around when they retire, favor
changes, public school financing, etc.
Think of the different views between a 25 year
old father and a 70 year old grandfather.
Something to remember…
Something to remember…
People’s later viewpoints are strongly affected
by the almighty dollar
As we see more and more of our tax dollars
being used, people become somewhat
cautious of government spending programs.
That’s why a news segment on “$250
Hammers for the Pentagon” is such a popular
Family loyalty is deep seeded as well, but
remember the economic effects coupled with
the rest of the influences on our political
How does economic class affect
voting patterns?
How does economic class affect
voting patterns?
Less of an effect than in other part of the
world, but in general, lower-income
Americans are more supportive of social
welfare programs, business regulations,
progressive taxation than higher-income