ASU_Financial_Certif.. - Arizona State University

Senior Administrators
From: Morgan R. Olsen, Executive Vice President, Treasurer, and Chief Financial Officer
Date: June 1, 2014
ASU undergoes mandatory external audits by the State of Arizona Office of the Auditor General at the
end of each fiscal year, as well as periodic audits by the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) and
granting organizations. The audits are designed to assess the quality of the University’s annual
financial report, the adequacy of its internal control structure, and its compliance with University
policies and external regulations. As part of the annual financial audit process, key university
administrators are required to provide the auditors with certain assurances and representations
regarding the completeness of the University’s financial data and the effectiveness of the University’s
internal control structure.
The following form was developed to support the assurances made to the University’s external
auditors. Because aspects of the University’s decision-making and financial operations are
decentralized, the head of each school/college/vice president unit (college/unit) has been delegated
the authority to make certain strategic, operating, and business decisions necessary to effectively
operate their area. Business officers within each area are charged with carrying out these decisions
in accordance with University and ABOR policies, as well as applicable State and federal laws and
regulations. The financial integrity of ASU is dependent upon the financial reporting and controls
monitoring at the school, college, and vice president unit levels.
All employees must be knowledgeable about the policies and procedures related to their functional
responsibilities and must be provided with the appropriate training to be able to meet job
expectations. While this might serve as a useful refresher for employees who have been at ASU
several years, new employees are expected to be trained on all policies applicable to their duties.
The format of this certification is designed to evaluate each area’s success in providing these
resources to their employees as they relate to financial functions, and to provide feedback where
additional knowledge and training may be required. ASU implemented this certification process to
clarify each college/vp unit’s accountability for financial reporting and underlying internal controls.
The dean of each school or college and vice president within each administrative area should review
and sign this certification, along with the senior business officer of that area.
The certification is due to Financial Services by August 31, 2014.
Please return the completed certification to Financial Services
Mail Code 5812 or Fax: 480.965.2683
To the best of my knowledge, the information submitted in this document is representative of the
business practices of our area for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014.
Senior Business Officer (printed name & title and signature)
Dean of school or college/Vice president of administrative area
(Printed name & title and signature)
For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, please indicate whether the control and compliance
activities listed below were performed routinely in your area. Please provide a description of the
issues and how you are addressing them in the comments section as indicated.
By signing this statement we acknowledge A. we are responsible for the implementation of policies and procedures within the college/vp
unit in accordance with University policy, which includes providing the opportunity for
applicable employees to receive the appropriate training;
B. there are no known unreported instances of fraud; including misstatements of financial
information, omissions, or miscommunications with the intent to deceive; and/or
misstatements arising from misappropriation or misuse of assets.
C. there are no known unreported violations of State or federal laws or regulations; and
D. there are no known unreported internal controls deficiencies that unduly increase risk to ASU.
Yes, the above statements are true.
No, a variance from these statements exists. (explain in the comments section below)
Please return the completed certification to Financial Services
Mail Code 5812 or Fax: 480.965.2683
1. College/unit faculty and staff with fiscal responsibilities are made aware of FIN 129: Ensuring
Financial Integrity and the Code of Conduct for State of Arizona Employees Engaged in
Accounting, Financial and Budgeting Activities. ABOR Technical Bulletin 00-3
(State of AZ General Accounting Office Website:
No (in comments section below, describe the issues and how unit will address this gap).
2. All personnel/payroll actions initiated by the college/unit are fully documented and have
appropriate approval(s). All salaries and wages reflect payments for work performed at the
appropriate and approved salary.
Yes, all personnel/payroll actions are fully documented and have appropriate approval.
Payments to employees are for work performed.
No (in comments section below, describe the issues and how unit will address this gap).
3. A detailed (i.e. person by person) payroll reconciliation has been completed for all
accounts/HR department codes/employees paid during fiscal year 2014 within your college/vp
unit. This includes verifying pay rate or salary against supporting documentation and verifying
all hours worked (i.e. offer letters, timesheets, etc.).
Yes, the reconciliations were completed on a monthly (or more frequent) basis per policy.
Yes, detailed reconciliations were completed, but not always on a monthly basis.
No, detailed reconciliations are not complete per policy.
Please return the completed certification to Financial Services
Mail Code 5812 or Fax: 480.965.2683
4. All college/unit employees with fiscal responsibilities have attended, or are scheduled to
attend, relevant systems and processes training offered by Financial Services, Office of Human
Resources, Research Operations, etc. (These may include, but are not limited to, cash
handling, purchasing card (p-card), fire safety, Advantage, and workplace behavior training.)
Yes, all employees are receiving appropriate training for their job responsibilities.
No (in comments section below, describe the issues and how unit will address this gap).
5. The college/unit has processes and monitoring activities in place to ensure compliance with all
ASU cash handling, petty cash, and deposit policies. For example, no one individual has
complete responsibility for receiving cash, depositing cash, and reconciling related accounts.
Yes, we are monitoring compliance with these policies.
Yes, but needs improvement (in comments section below, describe planned improvements).
No (in comments section below, describe the issues and how unit will address this gap).
Not applicable, our unit does not handle/receive cash, checks, gifts, donations, petty cash, etc.
6. Employees within the college/unit are aware of the area’s procedures for reporting financial
issues, errors, or fraud to senior administrators within the area, and/or Financial Services, ASU
Police, Office of General Counsel, University Audit and Advisory Services, or the Campus
Safety and Compliance Hotline (1-877-SUN-DEVL – callers can remain anonymous).
Yes, we are effectively communicating the importance of understanding/following these
policies and/or procedures.
Yes, but needs improvement (in comments section below, describe planned improvements).
No (in comments section below, describe the issues and how unit will address this gap).
Please return the completed certification to Financial Services
Mail Code 5812 or Fax: 480.965.2683
7. All transactions (revenues and expenses) occurring on Advantage accounts within your area
have been reviewed, and were appropriate, allowable, and properly recorded. There are no
known misstatements/omissions related to unit accounts, which were all timely reconciled.
Yes, we are effectively accounting for and reporting applicable information and following these
policies and/or procedures.
Yes, but needs improvement (in comments section below, describe planned improvements).
No (in comments section below, describe the issues and how unit will address this gap).
8. The college/unit has processes in place to ensure effective custody over non-cash assets,
including maintenance of accurate capital equipment and technology (computers, ASU-issued
phones, iPads, etc.) inventory records, measures to prevent misuse or abuse, and compliance
with University surplus/disposal policies.
Yes, we are effectively accounting for and reporting applicable information and following these
policies and/or procedures and we maintain a current inventory of assets and locations.
Yes, but needs improvement (in comments section below, describe planned improvements).
No (in comments section below, describe the issues and how unit will address this gap).
9. The college/unit completes an annual review of system access profiles and signature
authority, and makes appropriate changes, deletions, and revisions. This review includes
PeopleSoft human resources and student systems, and the Advantage financial system.
Yes, but needs improvement (in comments section below, describe planned improvements).
No (in comments section below, describe the issues and how unit will address this gap).
Please return the completed certification to Financial Services
Mail Code 5812 or Fax: 480.965.2683
10. Gifts to ASU received directly by the college/unit are deposited through the ASU Foundation
(ASUF) into ASU (Advantage) accounts. The college/unit has processes in place to ensure
compliance with policies and restrictions imposed by donors.
Yes, we are effectively accounting for gifts, and following relevant policies/procedures.
Yes, but needs improvement (in comments section below, describe planned improvements).
No (in comments section below, describe the issues and how unit will address this gap).
Not applicable, our unit does not receive gifts.
11. The college/unit formally routes all externally sponsored applications, proposals, and awards
through the Office for Research and Sponsored Project Administration (ORSPA). The
college/unit has effective processes in place to ensure accurate disclosure and compliance
with University policies and grantor requirements.
Yes, we are effectively communicating the importance of understanding/following these
policies and/or procedures.
Yes, but needs improvement (in comments section below, describe planned improvements).
No (in comments section below, describe the issues and how unit will address this gap).
Not applicable, our unit does not utilize sponsored accounts, grants, or awards.
12. All commitments of University resources were made in compliance with PUR 201-02. No
contracts were signed by college/unit representatives outside of the contract authority
prescribed in PUR 201-02.
Please return the completed certification to Financial Services
Mail Code 5812 or Fax: 480.965.2683
13. The college/unit maintains supporting documentation, including a documented public
purpose when not obvious, for its financial transactions in accordance with ASU policies.
Yes, we are effectively accounting for and reporting applicable information and following these
policies and/or procedures.
Yes, but needs improvement (in comments section below, describe planned improvements).
No (in comments section below, describe the issues and how unit will address this gap).
14. Faculty and staff are aware of conflict of interest policies, and the related disclosure and
disqualification requirements.
15. All college/unit faculty and staff, as well as student workers, have been advised to acceptable
use of ASU computing and communication resources per ACD 125, and have completed the
annual ASU Information Security Training available on Blackboard. Personnel are complying
with applicable UTO standards, and security and credit card breaches have been reported.
(See for more information.)
Yes, but needs improvement (in comments section below, describe planned improvements).
No (in comments section below, describe the issues and how unit will address this gap).
Please return the completed certification to Financial Services
Mail Code 5812 or Fax: 480.965.2683