The Reformation-0809

History of the Ancient and
Medieval World
The Reformation
Walsingham Academy
Mrs. McArthur
Room 111
The King Orders a Saltcellar
(Primary Source Activity)
The Salieri (Saltcellar)
of Francis I
by Benvenuto Cellini
1540-43, gold and
enamel with ebony
26 x 33,5 cm
Museum, Vienna
Assignment 1
• Re-read text, pp. 270-271, Upheaval in the
• Read text, pp. 423-424
• Identify all blue terms and answer Checkpoint
question, 424
• Map: Renaissance Europe, 1600 (due 4/27)
Don’t Forget Extra-Credit Opportunities
1. Erasmus Duck Explanation, due 4/24
2. Book Club: The Second Mrs. Giaconda, 4/28 or 4/30 per sign up
3. Elizabethan Dancing: 4/22 or 4/29 per sign up
The Reformation
The Renaissance
1. What were the challenges to the
Church’s power and prestige in the late
Middle Ages and early Renaissance?
2. Why was Northern Europe and not
Southern Europe the place where
Renaissance questioning led to religious
Beginnings in Late Middle Ages
effects of plague, scandal and spiritual crisis
• Divisions within the Church
– Babylonian Captivity
– How to deal with Corruption
• Heresy: Muted Calls for Reform
– Wycliffe and Jan Hus
The Bible not the Church is the source of
all Christian truth.
Northern Renaissance
Disillusionment and Anger
• Speaking out against the Church’s
extravagance and creative financing
(e.g. gross misuse of indulgences.)
• Using ancient learning to effect
moral and religious reform.
• 2 Protesters: 2 Approaches
• Erasmus
• Luther
Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam
1466/69 - 1536
Assignment 2
• Read text, pp. 424-426
• Identify all blue terms and answer Checkpoint question,
pp. 426
• Complete Analyzing Art, pp. 424
• Answer question: Chart Skills, pp 426
Martin Luther 1483-1546
A Monk Rebels
1. What kind of language does Luther use to
make his points?
2. What was his purpose?
Extra-Credit: due 4/24
In your own words, briefly explain the aphorism (a brief formulation of truth):
Erasmus laid the egg that Luther hatched.
Assignment 3
• Read text, pp. 427
• Identify all blue terms and
answer Checkpoint
question, 427
• Auto-Test
John Calvin 1509-1564
A King Speaks Out
What does Henry’s description of himself tell you about the importance
of Catholicism to Catholic Rulers?
Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!
The Dissenter in American History
• Identify some prominent dissenter movements in
our own history.
• How have these movements impacted our nation’s
• Do you agree with the video’s view that the
dissenter plays an important and positive role in
improving society? Justify your position.
Using your homework, copy and fill in the missing elements of this graphic
organizer emphasizing the main ideas of Section 3.
Denied priests and
Church authorities had
special powers.
Permitted clergy
to marry
Banned prayer to
Achieved only through
Boys and girls
should both receive
religious education.
Bible sole source of
religious truth.
Believed God had long
ago determined who
would gain salvation. Later
leaders talked about
“visible signs of invisible
World made up
of saints and
sinners: Only
those who were
saved could live
Christian lives.
Calvinist stressed
discipline, hard work, thrift
and honesty. Theocracy set
strict laws and harsh
punishments for God’s
“chosen people.” Model
state: Geneva.
Assignment 4
• Read text (incl. biography,) pp.428-430
• Identify all blue terms and answer biography and
2 Checkpoint questions.
Elizabeth I 1533-1603
I have no desire to make
windows into men's souls.
Assignment 5
• Read text, pp. 431-433.
• Identify all blue terms and
answer and 2 Checkpoint
• Complete Map Assignment
• Auto-Test
St. Ignatius of Loyola 1491 - 1556
Europe: late 16th Century
Reformation Ideas Spread
A tale of 3 countries
• England
• Break with Rome
• The Elizabethan Settlement
• France
• Civil War
• Edict of Nantes (1598)
• Holy Roman Empire
• The Thirty Years’ War
• The Peace of Westphalia (1648)
St. Bartholomew's Day
Massacre: 1572