AGHAST BY: MARCUS MCDONALD/THE JOKER. DEFINITION AND SENTENCES ADJ: FILLED WITH AMAZEMENT, FEAR, TERROR OR DISGUST. Synonym: horrified, stupefied, shocked. Antonyms: delighted, unmoved, overjoyed. All the crime in NEW YORK city has left people AGHAST. DISDAIN DISDAINING someone is never the way to go. DEFINITIONS AND SENTENCES VERB: TO REFUSE SCORNFULLY, TO LOOK UPON WITH SCORN. NOUN: A FEELING OF CONTEMPT. THE CAPTAIN LOOKED UPON THE RUDE FIRST MATE WITH MUCH DISDAIN. COWER The real definition of what Richard does. DEFINITION AND SENTENCES VERB: to shrink or run away in fear or shame (in other words look at Richard) SYNONYM: to flinch or cringe When CHARLES BAILEY ran up to RICHARD MARIENE Richard ran back into his class room. APPARITION GHOSTS IN HAUNTED PLACES. (that aren’t really creepy.) DEFINITIONS AND SENTENCES. NOUN: an unexplained appearance, a ghost or ghostly figure. SYNONYMS: phantom, specter. After seeing the APPARITION of the ghostly figure I was shaking in fear. SCAPEGOAT I used to be a scapegoat. But no more man. DEFINITIONS AND SENTENCES NOUN: a person or thing carrying the blame for others. SYNONYMS: whipping boy, fall guy. Many people I know are sometimes the SCAPEGOAT for us when we do something bad. (which we almost never do) (yeah right) PURGE Without that some dead bodies from the old wars might still have been the same place they died. DEFINITIONS AND SENTENCES VERB: to wash away impurities, clean up. ANTONYMS: contaminate, pollute. When it rained after wars in the old times the bodies of victims where purged (purge). REHABILITATE MANY PEOPLE I KNOW NEED TO DO THIS. DEFINITIONS AND SENTENCES VERB: to make over in good form, restore to a former position or in good condition ANTONYMS: cause, source Britney spears and Lindsey Lohan need to do this RESOLUTE Not many people are resolute this time of year unless they are soldiers. Definitions and sentences ADJ: bold determined, firm SYNONYM: steadfast, unflinching To be resolute is a good thing in some cases. repercussion There is no such thing as a repercussion its an urban legend. Definitions and sentences. NOUN: a consequence or effect of some event or action. ANTONYMS: cause, source. The REPRECUSSION of shooting some one is a lot of time in jail EXOTIC Aliens are exotic well most of them. Definitions and sentences ADJ: striking unusual, foreign. ANTONYMS: native, indigenous, familiar, commonplace. The EXOTIC clothing wasn’t made for the country. DOCTRINE The Monroe doctrine was really long man. Definitions and sentences NOUN: a belief, principle, or teaching. A DOCTRINE in church is mostly going to be religious. PREMONITION IF YOU HAD A PREMONITION, IT WILL MOST LIKELY COME TRUE DEFINITIONS AND SENTENCES NOUN: foreboding or forewarning of a future event. synonym: presentiment The PREMONITION I had last night came true. The house is now ash. PARRY This is useful to know in a sword fight. Definitions and sentences VERB: to fend or ward off, deflect, avoid. NOUN: a defensive movement in fencing and other sports. When you PARRY you are saving your life. Sometimes. RAVAGE If I can do that then I must be a hurricane (when I’m mad) Definitions and sentences VERB: to lay waste, or destroy, ruin. ANTONYMS: to spare When Marcus got mad when we entered his room it looked like a hurricane hit it. ATTIRE On the first day of school ATTIRE is important. Definitions and sentences. NOUN: garb, apparel, clothes. VERB: to dress, adorn, or bedeck. The ATTIRE for an interview is usually a suit or a dress. CRONY Many bullies have at least two or more cronies. Definitions and sentences NOUN: a very close pal, friend, ANTONYMS: rival, enemy A CRONY is helpful to have when your being bullied. PLUMMET If I were to PLUMMET from the empire state building I would die Definitions and sentences VERB: to plunge strait down. ANTONYM: soar, skyrocket. When a penny PLUMMETS off the empire state building if someone was under it the penny can kill them. PROXY Stupid name for an agent DEFINITIONS AND SENTENCES NOUN: an agent, substitute, written permission allowing some one to act in someone else’s place. Synonym: deputy, representative. in a event where terrorists are the president’s PROXY may show up. NULLIFY I’m going to nullify homework DEFINITIONS AND SENTENCES. VERB: to make of no value or consequence. Cancel wipe out. ANTONYM: confirm, endorse, You must be very powerful to NULLIFY something CRYPTIC Police officers can be very CRYPTIC (when not eating donuts) DEFINITIONS AND SENTENCES ADJ: puzzling, mystifying, or enigmatic ANTONYMS: crystal clear, unambiguous When the CRYPTIC case came out it took two months to solve it FIN Hope you enjoyed this presentation. I know I did (n’t)