Antigone Study guide

ENG II Honors
Mrs. Thaler
Antigone Study Questions
The play starts off with the daughters of Oedipus, Antigone and Ismene, discussing the new decree by
King Creon regarding their brothers, Polyneices and Eteocles. They lament over the fate of their father, which
Sophocles wrote an entire play about. In this play, which is meant to precede this one, it is prophesized that
Oedipus would kill his father and marry his mother. In order to prevent this outcome, Oedipus’ parents left him
to die in the mountains. Even though he is supposed to die, he is rescued and brought up in another city. While
being raised by his new parents, Oedipus is told of his fate, and in order to avoid it, he travelled to Thebes, the
town in which his real parents live, in order to prevent himself from fulfilling the prophesy. Unbeknownst to
him, his real parents lived in Thebes, and upon his arrival, he kills his father and marries his mother.
Eventually, he realizes what he has done, and as a result of his actions, his biological mother kills herself, and
he blinds himself and eventually ends up dying in the second play of the series.
After Oedipus left the city, his sons, Polyneices and Eteocles quarrel, and the outcome is Polyneices is
driven out of the city. This would not last for long, and he returned to carry out an assault on Thebes, the city
that expelled him. In this battle, the brothers end up killing each other. As a result, Creon issues the order over
which Antigone and Ismene are discussing.
1. What does Creon decree, which Antigone is greatly opposed to? Why is she so opposed to this decree?
What is the punishment for those who do not follow the decree?
2. What is Ismene’s immediate reaction to Antigone saying that she is going to bury her brother? What does
this suggest about Ismene’s character?
3. What reasons does Ismene give as to why they cannot oppose Creon’s decree?
4. Why would Ismene beg the Dead to forgive her?
5. What laws do Antigone claim mean nothing to Ismene? How does Ismene respond to this?
6. After Ismene says that she is afraid for Antigone, Antigone says, “You need not be:/ You have yourself to
consider, after all” (lines 66-67). What does she mean by this?
7. When Ismene says she will keep Antigone’s plot a secret, how does Antigone respond? Why would she want
ENG II Honors
Mrs. Thaler
8. According to Antigone, what is the worst kind of death?
9. Based on the reading of the prologue, how are the sisters fundamentally different?
Scene I
1. Creon claims that, as a leader, what is his priority?
2. What is Creon’s opinion of friends? Where does that show his values lie?
3. Why does Creon choose not to give Polyneices a proper burial?
4. How does the Sentry act when he enters? Why? What news does he bring?
5. When the Sentry gives Creon the news, even though he doesn’t specifically name a person, who does he
accuse of the crime?
6. Why is the Sentry unhappy to bring the news to Creon?
7. Who does Choragos claim could have buried the corpse? How does Creon react to this? What does Creon
think motivated the person who buried the corpse?
8. What does the Sentry say right before he leaves to carry out the orders of Creon? What does this show about
his character? How does this contrast with Antigone and Ismene?
Scene II
ENG II Honors
Mrs. Thaler
1. Why does the Sentry come back? What does he tell about Antigone’s actions?
2. According to the Sentry’s comments, what is the relationship between him and Antigone? Is he sad about
bringing her to Creon? Why?
3. Why does Antigone say that she dared to defy Creon’s law?
4. What does Creon mean when he says, “She has much to learn./ The inflexible heart breaks first, the toughest
iron/ Cracks first, and the wildest horses ben their necks/ at the pull of the smallest curb” (Lines 76-79)?
5. According to Creon, what are her two offenses that he claims are double insolences?
6. Why does Creon order Ismene to be brought in as well? Is this fair?
7. What does Antigone say about the people and their thoughts towards her actions?
8. What argument does Creon make as to why her actions are wrong? What is Antigone’s response?
9. Why does Ismene admit to a crime she didn’t want anything to do with?
10. What does Choragos ask in a criticizing manner? What is Creon’s response? What does this show about
Creon’s character?
11. What does the Chorus say about straying dreams?
12. How do the values of Antigone, Ismene, Creon, and the sentry compare and contrast?
ENG II Honors
Mrs. Thaler
Scene III
1. According to Creon, what is it that a man prays for regarding their sons?
2. Why does Creon say it is dangerous to let his own family members rebel?
3. According to Creon, the people should act how in the state?
4. What advice does Haimon give Creon regarding other people’s opinions?
5. What does Haimon mean when he says, “In flood time you can see how some trees bend,/ And because they
bend, even their twigs are safe,/ While stubborn trees are torn up, roots and all” (Lines 80-82)? How is this
advice ironic?
6. Why does Creon not want to listen to Haimon’s advice? What is Haimon’s response? Does that seem
7. How does Creon think the state is best defined, and how does Haimon think the state is best defined?
8. Haimon says that Antigone’s death will cause another. Who might be the second death?
9. How will Antigone be killed? Why would Creon do it this way?
Scene IV
1. According to the chorus, with what will Antigone enter the underworld?
ENG II Honors
Mrs. Thaler
2. Whose death does Antigone compare hers to? What does the chorus say about this?
3. What does Antigone claim causes the situation she is in? What is the chorus’ response to this?
4. What does Creon say when she interrupts Antigone?
5. According to Creon, who is responsible for if Antigone lives or dies in the vault?
6. What is Antigone’s reward for burying her brother?
7. According to Antigone, why will the people remember the things that she suffered?
Scene V
1. What omen has Tiresias seen? How does he interpret this omen?
2. What does Tiresias claim the only crime is? What advice does he give to Creon?
3. What does Creon accuse Tiresias of? How does Tiresias respond?
4. Upon reflection and talking to Choragos, what does Creon resolve that he needs to do? What laws does he
decide he must uphold?
1. In the messenger’s first lines (1-15), he comments on what it means to be alive. What is his notion of what it
means to be alive?
ENG II Honors
Mrs. Thaler
2. What news does the messenger bring? What has happened to Antigone and Haimon?
3. Who does Creon blame for the death of his son? Does this reflect a change in his character?
4. What is the second piece of news that the messenger brings? How did what he reports happen?
5. What is the last thing the Queen says before she dies? How does Creon respond to the situation?
6. What is Creon’s final resolution?
7. Choragos address the audience directly at the end of the play. What is his final message?