
Corpora and Statistical Methods
Lecture 12
Albert Gatt
In this lecture
 Introduction to Natural Language Generation (NLG)
 the use of corpora & statistical models in NLG
 Summarisation
 Single-document
 Multi-document
 Evaluation using corpora: BLEU/NIST/ROUGE and related
Part 1
Natural Language Generation
What is NLG?
 NLG systems aim to produce understandable texts (in English or other
languages) typically from non-linguistic input.
 Automatic generation of weather reports.
 Input: data in the form of numbers (Numerical Weather Prediction models)
 Output: short text representing a weather forecast
 Many systems developed in this domain.
 generates smoking cessation letters based on a user-input questionnaire
Weather report example
S 8-13 increasing 18-23 by
morning, then easing 8-13
by midnight.
S 8-13 increasing 13-18 by early
morning, then backing NNE 1823 by morning, and veering S 1318 by midday, then easing 8-13
by midnight.
Other examples: story generation
 STORYBOOK (Callaway & Lester 2002):
 input = story plan: sequential list of operators specifying underlying
structure of a narrative
(actor-property exist-being woodman001)
(refinement and-along-with woodman001 wife001)
(refinement belonging-to wife001 woodman001)
(specification exist-being process-step-type once-upon-a-time)
 output:
 Once upon a time there was a woodman and his wife.
NLG in dialogue systems
Dialogue fragment:
 System1: Welcome.... What airport would
you like to fly out of?
 User2: I need to go to Dallas.
 System3: Flying to Dallas. What departure
airport was that?
 User4: from Newark on September the 1st.
What should the system say next?
Plan for next utterance
(after analysis of User4)
Output next uttterance:
 What time would you like to
travel on September the 1st to
Dallas from Newark?
Walker et al. (2001). SPoT: A trainable sentence planner. Proc. NAACL
Types of input to an NLG system
 Raw data (e.g. Weather report systems):
 Typical of data-to-text systems
 These systems need to pre-analyse the data
 Knowledge base:
 Symbolic information (e.g. database of available flights)
 Content plan:
 representation of what to communicate (usually in some canonical
 e.g.: complete story plan (STORYBOOK)
 Other sources:
 Discourse/dialogue history
 Keep track of what’s been said to inform planning
NLG tasks & architecture
The architecture of NLG systems
Communicative goal
Document Planner
(Content selection)
document plan
(text planner)
text specification
Surface Realiser
 A pipeline architecture
 represents a “consensus” of what NLG
systems actually do
 very modular
 not all implemented systems
conform 100% to this architecture
Concrete example
 BabyTalk systems (Portet et al 2009)
 summarise data about a patient in a Neonatal Intensive Care
 main purpose: generate a summary that can be used by a
doctor/nurse to make a clinical decision
F. Portet et al (2009). Automatic generation of textual summaries
from neonatal intensive care data. Artificfial Intelligence
A micro example
Input data: unstructured raw
numeric signal from patient’s
heart rate monitor (ECG)
There were 3 successive
bradycardias down to
A micro example: pre-NLG steps
(1) Signal Analysis (pre-NLG)
● Identify interesting patterns in the
● Remove noise.
(2) Data interpretation (pre-NLG)
● Estimate the importance of events
● Perform linking & abstraction
Document planning/Content Selection
 Main tasks
 Content selection
 Information ordering
 Typical output is a document plan
 tree whose leaves are messages
 nonterminals indicate rhetorical relations between messages (Mann &
Thompson 1988)
 e.g. justify, part-of, cause, sequence…
A micro example: Document planning
(1) Signal Analysis (pre-NLG)
● Identify interesting patterns in the
● Remove noise.
(2) Data interpretation (pre-NLG)
● Estimate the importance of events
● Perform linking & abstraction
(3) Document planning
● Select content based on
● Structure document using rhetorical
● Communicative goals (here: assert
A micro example: Microplanning
 Lexicalisation
 Many ways to express the same thing
 Many ways to express a relationship
 e.g. SEQUENCE(x,y,z)
 x happened, then y, then z
 x happened, followed by y and z
 x,y,z happened
 there was a sequence of x,y,z
 Many systems make use of a lexical database.
A micro example: Microplanning
 Aggregation:
 given 2 or more messages, identify ways in which they could be
merged into one, more concise message
 e.g. be(HR, stable) + be(HR, normal)
 (No aggregation) HR is currently stable. HR is within the normal range.
 (conjunction) HR is currently stable and HR is within the normal range.
 (adjunction) HR is currently stable within the normal range.
A micro example: Microplanning
 Referring expressions:
 Given an entity, identify the best way to refer to it
 bradycardia
 it
 the previous one
 Depends on discourse context! (Pronouns only make sense if
entity has been referred to before)
A micro example
 Event
THEME bradycardia  
(4) Microplanning
Map events to semantic representation
• lexicalise: bradycardia vs sudden
drop in HR
• aggregate multiple messages (3
bradycardias = one sequence)
• decide on how to refer (bradycardia
vs it)
A micro example: Realisation
 Subtasks:
 map the output of microplanning to a syntactic structure
 needs to identify the best form, given the input representation
 typically many alternatives
 which is the best one?
 apply inflectional morphology (plural, past tense etc)
 linearise as text string
A micro example
 Event
THEME bradycardia  
(4) Microplanning
Map events to semantic representation
• lexicalise: bradycardia vs sudden
drop in HR
• aggregate multiple messages (3
bradycardias = one sequence)
• decide on how to refer (bradycardia
vs it)
• choose sentence form (there
VP (+past)
NP (+pl)
three successive down to 69
(5) Realisation
● map semantic representations to
syntactic structures
● apply word formation rules
Rules vs statistics
 Many NLG systems are rule-based
 Growing trend to use statistical methods.
 Main aims:
 increase linguistic coverage (e.g. of a realiser) “cheaply”
 develop techniques for fast building of a complete system
Using statistical methods
Language models and realisation
Advantages of using statistics
 Construction of NLG systems is extremely laborious!
 e.g. BabyTalk system took ca. 4 years with 3-4 developers
 Many statistical approaches focus on specific modules
 best-studied: statistical realisation
 realisers that take input in some canonical form and rely on language
models to generate output
 advantage:
 easily ported to new domains/applications
 coverage can be increased (more data/training examples)
Overgeneration and ranking
The approaches we will consider rely on “overgenerateand-rank” approach:
Given: input specification (“semantics” or canonical form)
Use a simple rule-based generator to produce many
alternative realisations.
Rank them using a language model.
Output the best (= most probable) realisation.
Advantages of overgeneration + ranking
 There are usually many ways to say the same thing.
 e.g. ORDER(eat(you,chicken))
 Eat chicken!
 It is required that you eat chicken!
 It is required that you eat poulet!
 Poulet should be eaten by you.
 You should eat chicken/chickens.
 Chicken/Chickens should be eaten by you.
Where does the data come from?
 Some statistical NLG systems were built based on parallel
data/text corpora.
 allows direct learning of correspondences between content and
 rarely available
 Some work relies on Penn Treebank:
 Extract input: process the treebank to extract “canonical
specifications” from parsed sentences
 train a language model
 re-generate using a realiser and evaluate against original treebank
Extracting input from treebank
 Penn treebank input:
C. Callaway (2003). Evaluating coverage for large, symbolic NLG
grammars. Proc. IJCAI
Extracting input from treebank
 Converted into required input representation:
C. Callaway (2003). Evaluating coverage for large, symbolic NLG
grammars. Proc. IJCAI
A case study
The NITROGEN/HALogen statistical realiser
Nitrogen and HALogen
 Pioneering realisation systems with wide coverage (i.e.
handle many phenomena of English grammar)
 Based on overgeneration/ranking
 HALogen (Langkilde-Geary 2002) is a successor to Nitrogen
(Langkilde 1998)
 main differences:
 representation data structure for possible realisation alternatives
 HALogen handles more grammatical features
Structure of HALogen
Symbolic Generator
•Rules to map input
representation to
syntactic structures
multiple outputs
represented in a “forest”
Statistical ranker
best sentence
•n-gram model (from
Penn Treebank)
HALogen Input
 Labeled feature-value
Grammatical specification
(e1 / eat
:subject (d1 / dog)
:object (b1 / bone
:premod(m1 / meaty))
:adjunct(t1 / today))
Semantic specification
(e1 / eat
:agent (d1 / dog)
:patient (b1 / bone
:premod(m1 / meaty))
:temp-loc(t1 / today))
representation specifying
properties and relations of domain
objects (e1, d1, etc)
 Recursively structured
 Order-independent
 Can be either grammatical or
semantic (or mixture of both)
 recasting mechanism maps from one
to another
HALogen base generator
Consists of about 255 hand-written rules
Rules map an input representation into a packed set of
possible output expressions.
Each part of the input is recursively processed by the rules, until
only a string is left.
Types of rules:
 Map semantic input representation to one that is closer to
surface syntax.
Semantic specification
(e1 / eat
:patient (b1 / bone
:premod(m1 / meaty))
:temp-loc(t1 / today)
:agent (d1 / dog))
IF relation = :agent
AND sentence is not passive
THEN map relation to :subject
Grammatical specification
(e1 / eat
:object (b1 / bone
:premod(m1 / meaty))
:adjunct(t1 / today)
:subject (d1 / dog))
 Assign a linear order to the values in the input.
Grammatical specification
(e1 / eat
:object (b1 / bone
:premod(m1 / meaty))
:adjunct(t1 / today)
:subject (d1 / dog))
Put subject first unless
sentence is passive.
Put adjuncts sentence-finally.
Grammatical specification + order
(e1 / eat
:subject (d1 / dog)
:object (b1 / bone
:premod(m1 / meaty))
:adjunct(t1 / today))
 If input is under-specified for some features, add all the possible values for
 NB: this allows for different degrees of specification, from minimally to
maximally specified input.
 Can create multiple “copies” of same input
Grammatical specification + order
(e1 / eat
:subject (d1 / dog)
:object (b1 / bone
:premod(m1 / meaty))
:adjunct(t1 / today))
+:TENSE (past)
+:TENSE (present)
 Given the properties of parts of the input, add the correct
inflectional features.
Grammatical specification +
(e1 / eat
:subject (d1 / dog)
:object (b1 / bone
:premod(m1 / meaty))
:adjunct(t1 / today))
Grammatical specification + order
(e1 / ate
:subject (d1 / dog)
:object (b1 / bone
:premod(m1 / meaty))
:adjunct(t1 / today))
The output of the base generator
 Problem:
 a single input may have literally hundreds of possible realisations
after base generation
 these need to be represented in an efficient way to facilitate
search for the best output
 Options:
 word lattice
 forest of trees
Option 1: lattice structure (Langkilde 2000)
“You may have to eat chicken”: 576 possibilities!
Properties of lattices
 In a lattice, a complete left-right path represents a possible
 Lots of duplication!
 e.g. the same word “chicken” occurs multiple times
 ranker will be scoring the same substring more than once
 In a lattice path, every word is dependent on all other words.
 can’t model local dependencies
Option 2: Forests (Langkilde ‘00,’02)
to be eaten by
the chicken
Properties of forests
 Efficient representation:
 each individual constituent represented only once, with pointers
 ranker will only compute a partial score for a subtree once
 several alternatives represented by disjunctive (“OR”) nodes
 Equivalent to a non-recursive context-free grammar
 S.469  S.328
 S.469  S.358
 …
Statistical ranking
 Uses n-gram language models to choose the best realisation r:
 arg max r forest
 P(w | w ...w
i 1 )
i 1
 arg max r forest
 P( w | w
i 1
i 1 ) [Markov
Performance of HALogen
Minimally specified input frame (bigram model):
 It would sell its fleet age of Boeing Co. 707s because of maintenance costs increase
the company announced earlier.
Minimally specified input frame (trigram model):
 The company earlier announced it would sell its fleet age of Boeing Co. 707s because
of the increase maintenance costs.
Almost fully specified input frame:
 Earlier the company announced it would sell its aging fleet of Boeing Co. 707s
because of increased maintenance costs.
 The usual issues with n-gram models apply:
 bigger n  better output, but more data sparseness
 Domain dependent
 relatively easy to train, assuming corpus in the right format
How should an NLG system/module be evaluated?
Evaluation in NLG
 Types of evaluation:
 Intrinsic: evaluate output in its own right (linguistic quality
 Extrinsic: evaluate output in the context of a task with target
 Intrinsic evaluation of realisation output often relies on
metrics like BLEU and NIST.
BLEU: Modified n-gram precision
 Let t be a translation/generated text
 Let {r1,…,rn} be a set of reference translations/texts
 Let n be the maximum ngram value (usually 4)
do for 1 to n:
For each ngram in t:
max_ref_count := max times it occurs in some r
clipped_count := min(count,max_ref_count)
score := total clipped counts/total unclipped counts
 Scores for different ngrams are combined using a geometric mean.
 A brevity penalty is added to the score to avoid favouring very short ngrams.
BLEU example (unigram)
t = the the the the the the
r1 = the dog ate the meat pie
r2 = the dog ate a meat pie
 only one unigram (“the”) in t
 max_ref_count = 2
 clipped_count = min(count, max_ref_count) = min(2,6) =
 score = clipped_count/count = 2/6
NIST: modified version of BLEU
 A version of BLEU developed by the US National Institute of
Standards and Technology.
 Instead of just counting matching ngrams, weights counts by
their informativeness
 for any matching ngram between t and reference corpus, the
rarer the ngram in the reference corpus the better
Alternative metrics
 Some version of edit (Levenshtein) distance is often used.
 score reflecting the no. of insertions (I), deletions (D) and
substitutions (S) required to transform a string into another
 NIST simple string accuracy (SSA): essentially average edit
 SSA = 1-(I+D+S)/(length of sentence)
 HALogen’s output compared to reference Treebank outputs using
 Fully specified input:
 output produced for ca. 83% of inputs
 SSA = 94.5
 BLEU = 0.92
 Minimally specified input:
 output produced for ca. 79.3%
 SSA = 55.3
 BLEU = 0.51
How adequate are these measures?
 An important question for NLG:
 Is matching a gold standard corpus all that matters?
 (As with MT, a complete mismatch is possible, but the output could
still be perfectly OK).
 Some recent work suggests that corpus-based metrics give
very different results from task-based experiments.
 Therefore, difficult to identify a relationship between a measure like
BLEU and results on system’s “adequacy in a task”.