
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Veterans Crisis Line
Prepared Social Media Content for January – April 2016
Jan. 4, 2016
January 2016
Theme: A Healthy New Year
Turn to a mentor for advice and have a safety plan in place.
Observances and Current Events
 New Year’s Day (Jan. 1) #NewYears
Observances and Current Events
Start fresh this #NewYears. Know where to turn in times of crisis. Connect #Veterans w/
support: #ThePowerOf1
General Posts
Learn how simple actions can help #Veterans & their families stay safe, especially in times of
crisis: #ThePowerOf1
We all have a role to play in preventing suicide. 1 conversation can open the door to support. #ThePowerOf1
Waking up w/ nightmares / flashbacks is not uncommon for #Veterans. If you’re in crisis, make the call. #ThePowerOf1
Facebook Posts
Observances and Current Events
Start fresh this #NewYears by making a comprehensive list of emergency resources. Use the VA
resource locator to find mental health and suicide prevention resources near you: #ThePowerOf1
General Posts
For someone in crisis, a locked firearm can mean the difference between a tragic outcome and a
life saved. Watch this video to learn how simple actions can help families stay safe: #ThePowerOf1
We all have a role to play in preventing suicide. If you notice a #Veteran — a loved one,
neighbor, colleague, or even a stranger — showing signs of emotional distress, simply starting a
conversation with him or her could save that person’s life. You have the power to make a
difference. Just 1 conversation can open the door to support.
Waking up with nightmares and flashbacks is not uncommon for #Veterans. Share this video to
raise awareness about challenges that some Veterans face and support to help overcome them. If you or someone you know is in crisis, make the call.
February 2016
Theme (Continued): A Healthy New Year
Turn to a mentor for advice and have a safety plan in place.
Observances and Current Events
 Super Bowl Sunday (Feb. 7) #SuperBowlSunday
 Valentine’s Day (Feb. 14) #ValentinesDay
 Random Acts of Kindness Week (Feb. 14–20) #RAKWeek2016
 Presidents Day (Feb. 15) #PresidentsDay
Veterans and Military Holidays
 USO Birthday (Feb. 4) @the_USO
 U.S. Coast Guard Reserve Birthday (Feb. 19) @USCGReserve
Observances and Current Events
Support more than just a team this #SuperBowlSunday. Celebrate #Veterans & share a message
of hope: #ThePowerOf1
Spread #ValentinesDay love to our Nation’s #Veterans. 1 act of love makes a difference in a
Vet’s life. #ThePowerOf1
1 small act can change a #Vet’s life during #RAKWeek2016 & every week. RT this free, local
resource: #ThePowerOf1
#PresidentsDay reminds us to thank our Nation’s #Veterans. Find and share local resources: #VeteransCrisisLine
Veterans and Military Holidays
#HBD @the_USO! Its slogan: “Until Every One Comes Home.” When #Vets return, RT
resources like #VeteransCrisisLine:
Sending #birthday wishes @USCGReserve! Honor Coast Guard Reservists with a message of
hope: #ThePowerOf1
General Posts
Go behind the scenes at #VeteransCrisisLine and see its caring, qualified responders in action.
Watch & share today!
Talk to #Veterans about the real issues they’re dealing with. Start the conversation with this
video: #ThePowerOf1
Facebook Posts
Observances and Current Events
Support more than just your favorite team this #SuperBowlSunday: Celebrate #Veterans! Click
on this link to share a message of hope and show Veterans and Service members your support
today: #ThePowerOf1
Spread the #ValentinesDay love to our Nation’s #Veterans and Service members. Show
#ThePowerOf1: 1 act of love makes a difference in a life. Click here to find resources for
#Veterans near you:
1 small act of compassion can change the life of a #Veteran or Service member during Random
Acts of Kindness Week (#RAKWeek2016) — and every week. Share this post to spread the
word about #ThePowerOf1. 1 conversation can connect #Veterans and their loved ones to free
and confidential support.
#PresidentsDay reminds us to stand by our Nation’s patriots. #Veterans and Service members
have protected us at home and abroad; it’s our turn to protect them. Share VA’s many mental
health and suicide prevention resources by reposting this #VeteransCrisisLine resource locator
and finding sources of support near you.
Veterans and Military Holidays
Today, on the birthday of the @USO, remember its slogan: “Until Every One Comes Home.”
Let #Veterans and Service members in your life know we are here for them when they come
home. Tell them about the #VeteransCrisisLine and the many VA mental health and
#suicideprevention resources available:
Sending birthday wishes to the @U.S. Coast Guard Reserve! Today, we honor Coast Guard
Reservists and encourage folks to send a message of hope to our Nation’s #Veterans and Service
members. Click here to share an inspiring message:
General Posts
Go behind the scenes to see how responders at the #VeteransCrisisLine provide lifesaving
support to #Veterans nationwide from the call center at the VA Medical Center in Canandaigua,
New York. Click here to watch and share the video today:
Talking to #Veterans about the real issues they’re dealing with can be uncomfortable. But if their
behavior changes and they withdraw, increase substance use, or talk about hurting themselves,
it’s time to act. Start the conversation with this video:, and
learn more about the signs of crisis at #VeteransCrisisLine
March 2016
Theme: Recognizing the Signs of Crisis
#ThePowerOf1 small act can help a person in crisis.
Observances and Current Events
 National Brain Injury Awareness Month (March) #BrainInjuryAwareness
 Sleep Awareness Week (March 6–13) #SleepWeek
 International Women’s Day (March 8) #IWD2016 #WomensDay
 March Madness, NCAA Basketball (Men: March 15 – April 4; Women: March 18
– April 5) #MarchMadness
 National Brain Injury Awareness Day (March 16) #BrainInjuryAwareness
 St. Patrick’s Day (March 17) #StPatricksDay
Veterans and Military Holidays
 Navy Reserve Birthday (March 3) #NavyReserve @navy_reserve
Observances and Current Events
Show your support for our patriots during #BrainInjuryAwareness month! Share an encouraging
message: #ThePowerOf1
#SleepWeek reminds us how important sleep is for our mental and physical health. Share this
tidbit with a #Veteran:
Today we honor all the women #Veterans who have served our country. Share this video: #IWD2016 #ThePowerOf1
#ThePowerOf1 act can make all the difference, on and off the court. During #MarchMadness
show #ThePowerOf1.
Today’s #BrainInjuryAwareness day. Share a message of hope & let our Veterans know you
stand with them: #ThePowerOf1
Not #luck but #courage led our #Veterans to fight for our country. Stand by them on
#StPatricksDay with #ThePowerOf1
Feeling #lucky to have your #Veteran home? Show your support this #StPatricksDay by sharing
a message of hope: #ThePowerOf1
Veterans and Military Holidays
#HBD @navy_reserve! We salute your #honor, #courage, and #commitment with this important
reminder: #ThePowerOf1
General Posts
Recognize when emotions reach a crisis point, esp when there’s talk of #suicide. Know
a #Veteran in crisis? Visit
Mood swings, hopelessness & increasingly risky behavior can indicate crisis. #ThePowerOf1: 1
act can save a life.
Facebook Posts
Observances and Current Events
March is #BrainInjuryAwareness month. Show your support for our Nation’s patriots and those
who have endured invisible injuries. Share an encouraging message: #ThePowerOf1
We all know how important sleep is for our mental and physical health. Without it, we can feel
disoriented and lost. During #SleepWeek, reach out to the #Veterans in your life who may be
losing sleep. Share this video and be the 1 to start a conversation today:
Today, on International Women’s Day, we honor all the women #Veterans and Service members
who have served our country. Their commitment never wavers, and neither should ours. Share
this video to support those who have served and sacrificed for what matters most: #IWD2016 #ThePowerOf1
During #MarchMadness, show how #ThePowerOf1 act can make all the difference, on and off
the court. Share this resource with the #Veterans and Service members in your community today:
On #BrainInjuryAwareness day, let our Nation’s #Veterans and Service members know you
stand with them. Build your own message of hope on the #VeteransCrisisLine Graphic Generator,
and share it with people in your networks: #ThePowerOf1
Feeling #lucky to have your #Veteran home this #StPatricksDay? Reach out to your loved one
today. Show your support on your social networks by sharing a message of hope from the
Veterans and Military Holidays
Recognizing the #honor, #courage, and #commitment of the #Veterans and Service members of
the #NavyReserve today, on its 101st birthday. Their commitment to our Nation is inspiring.
Let’s stay committed to them: #ThePowerOf1
General Posts
It’s important to recognize when emotions reach a crisis point — especially when they bring on
thoughts of suicide. If you know a #Veteran or Service member in crisis, reach out. 1 act of
compassion can save a life. #ThePowerOf1
Mood swings, feelings of hopelessness, and engaging in increasingly risky behavior can mean
someone is in crisis. Watch this important video, and know that 1 act can make all the difference. #ThePowerOf1
April 2016
Theme (Continued): Recognizing the Signs of Crisis
#ThePowerOf1 small act can help a person in crisis.
Observances and Current Events
 National Stress Awareness Month (April) #StressAwarenessMonth
 Men’s NCAA Basketball Final Four & Championship Games (April 2–4)
#FinalFour #FinalTwo
 GLSEN’s Day of Silence (April 15) #DayofSilence @DayOfSilence
 Boston Marathon (April 16) #BostonMarathon #BostonStrong
Veterans and Military Holidays
 Month of the Military Child #MilitaryKids #MonthoftheMilitaryChild
 Air Force Reserve Birthday (April 14) #AFReserve @AirForceReserve
 Army Reserve Birthday (April 23) @USArmyReserve #ArmyReserve
Observances and Current Events
Stress can push someone to a crisis point. Know your resources during
#StressAwarenessMonth: #ThePowerOf1
Shout out to everyone enjoying #FinalFour games in Houston! #ThePowerOf1 small act can
make a big difference.
Stand with student #Veterans everywhere during #DayofSilence. Share an encouraging message
today: #ThePowerOf1
#BostonMarathon participants know: #Veterans served and sacrificed for what matters most.
#commitment: #ThePowerOf1
Veterans and Military Holidays
Saluting our Nation’s #MilitaryKids all month long! Build a shareable message today: #ThePowerOf1
Today’s #AirForceReserve anniversary reminds us to say #TY for Reservists’ commitment to
our Nation. #ThePowerOf1
#HBD, the #Veterans & #Servicemembers of the @USArmyReserve! Build messages of hope to
show support: #ThePowerOf1
General Posts
Helping a Veteran you care about is simpler than you think. It starts with 1 caring conversation: #ThePowerOf1
There are 100s of success stories at from #Veterans & #milfam
members who’ve overcome their challenges. #ThePowerOf1
Facebook Posts
Observances and Current Events
Stress can be a dangerous ingredient for someone suffering from an invisible trauma. It can push
someone to reach a crisis point. Know your resources during
#StressAwarenessMonth: #ThePowerOf1
Here’s a shoutout to everyone enjoying #FinalFour games in Houston! You and everyone
watching know that #ThePowerOf1 small act can make a big difference. Watch and share this
important video with the #Veterans in your life today.
We stand with student #Veterans everywhere today during #DayofSilence. No matter their
gender or sexual orientation, we honor their commitment to our Nation. Use this unique graphic
generator to build an encouraging message today: #ThePowerOf1
Today our Nation’s #Veterans and Service members are running the #BostonMarathon. Their
commitment and service to the country remain strong. Share this message of commitment today: #ThePowerOf1
Veterans and Military Holidays
April is the Month of the Military Child. Show your support for the children of our Nation’s
#Veterans and Service members with the #VeteransCrisisLine:
Today’s anniversary of the #AirForceReserve founding reminds us to pay our respects and say
thank you for Reservists’ service to our Nation. Remember their commitment and share this
important video today: #ThePowerOf1
Happy birthday to the #Veterans and Service members of the @U.S. Army Reserve! Build a
message of hope to show your support for their service using this graphic generator: #ThePowerOf1
General Posts
Helping a Veteran you care about is simpler than you think. It starts with 1 conversation.
#ThePowerOf1 person or 1 connection can make a difference in the life of a #Veteran going
through a difficult time. Watch and share this video today: #ThePowerOf1
There are hundreds of success stories at from #Veterans and #milfam
members who have overcome their challenges. Start the conversation with 1 of those stories
today. #ThePowerOf1